The FictionMags Index
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[]Roskolenko, Harry (1907-1980); used pseudonyms Ross K. Lynn & Colin Ross (about) (chron.)
- * All About Sybil, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #4, 1951
- * All’s Foul, (pl) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #2, 1951
- * Analogies in Darkness, (pm) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v4 #13, 1954
- * ’Aret ’N’ Art ’’N’ ’istory, (ss) Escapade July 1956
- * Around the World on Two Wheels, (nb)
- * The Author, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #2, 1951
- * Climbing Africa’s Tallest Mountain, (ar) Spree v1 #24, 1961
- * The Dancer, (ss) Carnival February 1963
- * Down the Ages, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v5 #17, 1955, as by Ross K. Lynn
- * Emily, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v3 #9, 1953
- * Episode, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v3 #12, 1953
- * The Famous Actress, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #3, 1951
- * Flight from Love, (ss) Escapade April 1956
- * The Frontier, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #4, 1951
- * Hello Towns, (ar) Story #92, September/October 1941 [Ref. Sherwood Anderson]
- * Houris for Hire, (ar) Caper December 1956, as by Ross K. Lynn
- * I’m Sure I’d Enjoy It Very Much, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v4 #14, 1954, as by Ross K. Lynn
- * I Really Believe, I Do, (ss) Swank January 1966
- * June, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #4, 1951
- * A Little Black Book, (vi) Ace September 1964
- * Married Misery, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v5 #19, 1955
- * Mink G-Strings, (ar) Escapade September 1956
- * The Neighbours, (ss) New-Story #2, April 1951
- * No Love for Hemmy, (ss) Escapade May 1957
- * Once Upon a Spanish Island, (ss) Dapper September 1966
- * Paris, City of Light, (ar) Escapade March 1956
- * Passage from the Self, (??) Neurotica #4, Spring 1949
- * A Proposition, (ss) Swank September 1966
- * PR, the Portable Review, (??) Circle #9, 1946
- * Purple Passages, (ar) Topper February 1962, as by Colin Ross
- * The Redhead from Cheapsville, (ss) Ace January 1963
- * Return, the Expert, (??) Circle #6, 1945
- * Take It Off! Take It Off!, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v3 #11, 1953, as by Ross K. Lynn
- * The Temporary Wives of Persia, (ss) High April 1958
- * Turkish Delights, (ar) Playtime v1 #1, 1958, as by Colin Ross
- * The Women Tell Everything!, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v4 #15, 1954, as by Colin Ross
[]Roslyn, Guy; pseudonym of Joshua Hatton (1850-1920) (chron.)
- * After Dark Days, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine June 29 1872
- * Aftermath, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine August 3 1872
- * By the Hearth, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1876
- * The Coming of the Snow, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1878
- * Dayspring, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine April 18 1874
- * Dusk, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1875
- * Enchanted Embers, (pm) The Dark Blue #11, January 1872
- * The First Snowfall, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1877
- * From Surrey Hills to the Strand, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1878
- * The Garden Seat, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1877
- * Health and Wealth, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1875
- * In a Meadow, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1876
- * In the Bay, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1876
- * The Last Days of Summer, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1876
- * My Trip to the Land’s End, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1877
- * The New-Year’s Snow, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1880
- * Sigh Not for Summer Weather, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1876
- * The Silent Thrush, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1876
- * A Star of Hope, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1877
- * Totter-Bells, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1878
- * When Will the Songs Be Old?, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1884
- * While the Sun Goes Down, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1877
- * With Hop-Pickers in Kent, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1877
[]Rosman, Alice Grant (1862-1961) (about) (chron.)
- * An Amateur Siren, (ss) Lover’s Lane 1st July 1923
- * Australian Legends, (ss) The British Girl’s Annual 1912, 1912
- * Bread Upon the Waters, (ss) The Red Magazine September 2 1921
- * A Cat About Town, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1922
- * Change at Piccadilly, (ss) The Red Magazine May 4 1928
- * The Chorus Girl in Berkeley Square, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #24, June 1924
- * A Cupboard to Let, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine December 1922
- * The Dangerous Season, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine December 1921
- * The Dark Lady, (ss) The Red Magazine August 4 1922
- * Diplomatic Relations, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1922
- * The Early Bird, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1926
- * The Gay Dog, (ss) The Red Magazine October 26 1923
- * The Genius, (ss) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly July 1907
- * The Golden Silence, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1924
- * The Griffin on the Gates, (ss) The Corner Magazine February 1929
- * Incapable of Subterfuge, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1935
- * The Inner Circle, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1919
- * The Jilted Lady, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1924
- * The King’s Gloves, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1920
- * A Kiss at Victoria, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1930
- * A Little Saint in Scarlet, (ss) The Happy Mag. August 1922
- * Lock, Stock and Barrel, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1926
- * Look in the Glass, (ss) Home Magazine and the Ladies Field #245, January 1930
- * The Lost Lelys, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1923
- * A Man’s Firm Hand, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #7, January 1923
- * The Man Who Came Back, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine August 1921
- * A Marriage Has Been Disarranged, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 20 1925
- * Married to a Mermaid, (ss) Romance September 1923
- * The Matchmakers, (ss) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly October 1907
- * The Misleading Lady, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1922
- * The Old Order, (ss) The Red Magazine December 7 1923
- * Playing to the Gallery, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1921
- * A Poor but Honest Duke, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine March 1922
- * Poor Relations, (ss) The All-Story July 1912
- * Protecting Margot, (sl) The Delineator Mar, Apr, May, Jul 1933
- * The Rest Is Silence, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1930
- * Somebody Must, (sl) The Delineator Apr, May, Jul 1934
- * A Strong, Silent Woman, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #10, April 1923
- * A Talent for Embroidery, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #97, May 29 1925
- * The Unresting Night, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1922
- * The Villain Wins, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1923
- * What of the Living?, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1925
- * What’s in a Name, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 16 1921
- * The Witch Lady, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1921
- * A Young Man’s Fancy, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine July 1921
- * Zoo-logic, (pm) The Yellow Magazine October 21 1921
[]Rosman, Eric Lyth (1901-1993); used pseudonyms Elizabeth Chester, Evelyn Day, Ida Melbourne, Frank Richards, Hilda Richards, Marjorie Stanton & Stella Stirling (chron.)
- * Against the Law! [Greyfriars], (na) The Magnet Library December 31 1921, as by Frank Richards
- * At School in the South Seas, (n.) School Girl 1937, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * Babs and Cousin Bill, (n.) School Friend 1950 - 1952, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Babs’ Skating Masquerade, (n.) School Friend 1950 - 1952, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Bette’s Spooky Brainwave, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Bogus Film-makers, (ss) Girls’ Crystal #75, March 27 1937, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Castle School, (n.) School Friend 1923, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Clue Collectors, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1938, 1937, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Co-Eds at Mystery Cove, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Co-Eds in Conflict, (n.) School Friend 1956, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Co-Eds’ Magazine Mystery, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Co-Eds’ Old-Time Christmas, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Co-Eds on Trial, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * Cousin Bill’s Birthday, (n.) School Friend 1950 - 1952, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Cousin Bill Takes the Stage, (n.) School Friend 1950 - 1952, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Cruise That Made Them Castaways, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Stella Stirling
- * The Cruising Co-Eds, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Curious Case of the Caskets, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1925, 1924, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Delia in Mystery House, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * Faithful to the Missing Celia, (n.) , as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Feud on Castaway Island, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * The Flying Sisters, (n.) School Girl 1933, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Freda’s Daring Double Role, (n.) Girls’ Crystal 1950, as by Stella Stirling
- * Friendship Forbidden, (n.) School Friend 1922, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Friends of the Kennels, (n.) School Friend 1956, as by Stella Stirling
- * The Girls of Mystery Mansion, (n.) School Friend 1923, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Girl Who Dodged Expulsion, (n.) School Girl 1930, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Girl Who Puzzled Cliff House [Cliff House], (n.) School Friend 1926, as by Hilda Richards
- * The Girl Who Stood Alone, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1926, 1925, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Guardian to the Reckless Michael, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * Guests of the Shareen, (n.) School Girl 1937, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Haunted Bungalow, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1937, 1936, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Haunted Mansion, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * Her Quest in Smugglers’ Cove, (n.) School Friend 1950 - 1952, as by Stella Stirling
- * Her “Royal Highness”, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1930, 1929, as by Ida Melbourne
- * High Jinks with Hilda!, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1937, 1936, as by Ida Melbourne
- * His Folly Her Handicap, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Own 1931, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The House of Bygone Days, (n.) School Girl 1936, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Impostor Sports Mistress, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * In the Swim, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Jungle Hikers, (n.) School Girl 1938, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * Just a Modern Schoolgirl, (n.) School Girl 1931, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * Keeping Up with Jones, (sl) Boys’ World May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30, Jun 6, Jun 13, Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 4,
Jul 11, Jul 18, Jul 25, Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22, Aug 29, Sep 5, Sep 12,
Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3 1964
, uncredited.
- * Kitty and the Carnival Co-Eds, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Looking After Uncle, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Loyal to the Mysterious Sinbad, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * Marooned on Mystery Isle, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * Mauleverer’s Peril [Greyfriars], (na) The Magnet Library May 14 1921, as by Frank Richards
- * The Minstrel Girl, (n.) School Friend 1921, uncredited.
- * Miss Mystery of Carnival Land, (n.) Girls’ Crystal 1936, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Mystery at the Co-Ed School, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Weekly 1929, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Mystery Girl of Morcove [Morcove], (n.) , as by Marjorie Stanton
- * The Odd Girl of the Fourth, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Weekly 1928, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * On Trial at School [Cliff House], (n.) Schoolgirls’ Own 1923, as by Hilda Richards
- * Outcasts in the Jungle, (n.) School Girl 1932, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Paddy and the Expelled Boy, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * The Pagoda of Peril, (n.) School Girl 1936, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * Paris Comes to Queenscourt, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * Patsy Takes a Hand, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Phillida and the Secret Captive, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Own 1934, as by Ida Melbourne
- * A Piano Problem!, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1927, 1926, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Pop-Singing Schoolmaster, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Queenscourt Bridesmaids, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Queenscourt Snapshot Hunters, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Rory - Wonder Dog of the Circus, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Runaway Schoolgirl, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Scamp & Co, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Own 1932, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Schoolgirl Carnival Queen, (n.) School Friend 1950 - 1952, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Schoolgirl Fashion Model, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Schoolgirl in Command, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Schoolgirl in Mink, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * The Schoolgirl Pilot, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1936, 1935, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Schoolgirl Queen, (n.) School Friend 1922, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The School of Sunshine, (n.) School Friend 1924, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Secret Friend of the Highwayman, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * The Secret of the Sea Shore, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Weekly 1930, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * She Wanted to Leave Morcove [Morcove], (n.) School Friend 1928, as by Marjorie Stanton
- * The Sister She Had Never Known, (n.) School Girl 1931, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * The Sports Coach who Amazed the Co-Eds, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Evelyn Day
- * Susan Against the School, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Weekly 1930, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Susan at Mystery Castle, (n.) School-Days Weekly 1931, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Susan Takes Charge, (n.) School Girl 1934, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Susan Takes the Lead, (n.) School-Days Weekly 1930, as by Ida Melbourne
- * The Terror of the Third Form, (n.) School Friend 1957, as by Evelyn Day
- * That Priceless Picnic, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1931, 1930, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Their Christmas of Surprises, (n.) , as by Evelyn Day
- * Their Feud at School [Cliff House], (n.) School Girl 1929, as by Hilda Richards
- * Their Secret Quarrel at School [Cliff House], (n.) School Girl 1929, as by Hilda Richards
- * They Called Her the Savage, (n.) Schoolgirls’ Weekly 1937, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * Three on the Lonesome Trail, (n.) School Girl 1937, as by Elizabeth Chester
- * Tommy, the Twins and Tessa, (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Stella Stirling
- * Trixie’s Diary, (sl) Girls’ Crystal and “The Schoolgirl” November 12 1960, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Cousin Drusilla and the School Carnival [Trixie], (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Her Enemy at the Island Camp [Trixie], (n.) School Girl 1939, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Jennifer’s Hidden Enemy, (n.) School Friend 1956, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Loyal to the Misjudged Mistress [Trixie], (n.) School Friend 1953, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Mystery Girl from Paris, (n.) School Friend 1956, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Rival Schools Under Canvas [Trixie], (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: Rivals for the School Theatre [Trixie], (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: That Startling New Headmistress [Trixie], (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Ida Melbourne
- * Trixie’s Diary: The Christmas Tree Mystery [Trixie], (n.) School Friend 1954, as by Ida Melbourne
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