The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3849
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Galton, Lawrence N. (chron.) (continued)
* ___ Against the Chronic Cough, (cl) Cosmopolitan March 1955
* ___ Allergy Alleviation, (cl) Cosmopolitan June 1956
* ___ Answer to a Teenager’s Prayer, (cl) Cosmopolitan April 1958
* ___ “Bread and Tears” Disease, (cl) Cosmopolitan March 1957
* ___ If You Are “Tried All the Time”, (cl) Cosmopolitan January 1958
* ___ The Latest Word on Skin Troubles, (cl) Cosmopolitan January 1954
* ___ Latest Word on Ulcers, (cl) Cosmopolitan April 1953
* ___ New Aids for the Allergic, (cl) Cosmopolitan July 1953
* ___ A New Drug Brings Relief for the Tense and Anxious, (cl) Cosmopolitan August 1955
* ___ New Drug Relieves Anxiety and Tension, (cl) Cosmopolitan September 1954
* ___ New Fight Against Polio, (cl) Cosmopolitan August 1952
* ___ New Help for Rheumatics, (cl) Cosmopolitan December 1953
* ___ New Relief for Palsy Victims, (cl) Cosmopolitan April 1955
* ___ Oral Relief for Acute Asthma, (cl) Cosmopolitan December 1957
* ___ Sinus Irrigation, (cl) Cosmopolitan February 1959
* ___ What to Do About Family Infections, (cl) Cosmopolitan September 1953
- * What to Do About Family Infections, (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1953
- * When an Ulcer Is a Killer, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1960
- * Whodunit?, (ms) The American Magazine November 1951
- * Why VD Is on the Increase, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1963
- * Your World and Mine!, (cl) Argosy Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1945, May, Jun, Jul 1946
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Galtrey, (Albert) Sidney (1878-1935); used pseudonym Sir Galahad (chron.)
- * Captain Dewhurst at Bedford Lodge, Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine January 1910
- * The Derby Horses of 1911, (ar) The New Fry’s Magazine May 1911
- * George Blackwell at Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine March 1910
- * Goodwood, (ar) The New Badminton Magazine of Sport August 1927, as by Sir Galahad
- * The Grand National, (ar) Fry’s Magazine April 1909
- * Great Personalities of the Turf, (ar) Racing Special 1934
- * The Hon. George Lambton, at Stanley House, Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine October 1909 [Ref. George Lambton]
- * Influences of International Polo, (ar) Fry’s Magazine August 1911
- * Mr. P. Purcell Gilpin at Clarehaven, (ar) Fry’s Magazine December 1909
- * The Palace Stables, (ar) Fry’s Magazine April 1910
- * Percy Peck at Exning, Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine February 1910
- * Racehorse and Trainer at Home:
* ___ Captain Dewhurst at Bedford Lodge, Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine January 1910
* ___ George Blackwell at Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine March 1910
* ___ Mr. P. Purcell Gilpin at Clarehaven, (ar) Fry’s Magazine December 1909
* ___ Percy Peck at Exning, Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine February 1910
* ___ Willie Waugh at Kingsclere, (ar) Fry’s Magazine November 1909
* ___ V.—The Hon. George Lambton, at Stanley House, Newmarket, (ar) Fry’s Magazine October 1909 [Ref. George Lambton]
- * A Reverie of Indian Sport, (ar) Fry’s Magazine November 1910
- * Willie Waugh at Kingsclere, (ar) Fry’s Magazine November 1909
[]Galus, Henry S. (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Bargain Cancer—Only $15 a Plate, (ar) Exposed #14, April 1957
- * Can Female Looks Kill?, (ar) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #6, November 1954
- * Crowds Spell D-a-n-g-e-r, (ar) Exposed #6, May 1956
- * Hike Through Hell, (ar) Man’s Adventure May 1957
- * Japan’s Shocking Abortion Craze, (ar) Exotic Adventures v1 #1, 1958
- * Live Like a Millionaire, (ar) Rugged Men April 1961
- * Mail on the Main, (ar) Man’s Adventure September 1957
- * Never Marry a Cannibal!, (ts) Epic October 1958
- * Our Doctors’ Cruelest Mistake, (ar) Exposed #3, January 1956
- * Playing with Hypnosis Is Dangerous, (ar) Exposed #10, November 1956
- * Risks You Take Eating Out, (ar) Exposed #5, April 1956
- * They’re Going to Blackmail You, (ts) All Man May 1963
- * The Vicious Girl Gangs of Boston, (ts) Man to Man August 1954
- * Will You Be Buried Alive?, (ar) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #3, April 1955
- * Women Make the Best Shoplifters, (ar) Exposed #13, March 1957
_____, as told to
[]Galusha, Tom (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Burns revisited, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2008
- * A Comedy of Scarers, (pm) Hungur Magazine November 2009
- * Dos and Don’ts for Aliens Visiting Earth, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #79, 2008
- * Echo, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2007
- * 11 Things Time Travelers Should Never Do, (pm) Mythic Delirium #16, Winter/Spring 2007
- * Emissary, (ss) Beyond Centauri July 2006
- * Geneticist’s Prayer, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2008
- * Hindsight Is 20/20, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2006
- * Marley’s Eyes, (ss) Aberrations #28, April 1995
- * One Thousand Years to Reach the Stars, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2006
- * Real Trouble, (vi) Beyond Centauri April 2010
- * Regin and Sigurd, (pm) Wyrd #8, 1980
- * Stranded, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #76, 2007
- * Surefire Signs of Big Trouble, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2010
- * Tarantula Stampede, (pm) Grue #14, Summer 1992
- * Till Stars Turn Strange, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #76, 2007
- * Under Bison on Wall, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2008
- * untitled (“New Galaxy…”), (pm) Scifaikuest August 2007
- * What Happy Ending?, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2006
- * [scifaiku], (pm) Star*Line May/June 2006
- * [scifaiku], (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2006
- * [two haiku], (pm) Star*Line September/October 2006
- * [untitled scifaiku], (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2010
[]Galvin, Cathy (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * Aural Sex, (ar) Penthouse (UK) November 1984
- * Business with Pleasure, (ar) Penthouse (UK) December 1984
- * The Hoods, (ar) Penthouse (UK) July 1984
- * Kelly Girls, (pi) Penthouse (UK) November 1984
- * Partners in Paradise, (qa) Penthouse (UK) October 1984
- * Ralph Steadman: It’s All in the Scrawl, (bg) Penthouse (UK) October 1984 [Ref. Ralph Steadman]
- * The Survival Game, (ar) Penthouse (UK) August 1984
- * Words, (cl) Penthouse (UK) Jul, Aug, Sep 1984
[]Gálvölgyi, Judit
_____, trans.
- * Dadus by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“Nanny”, Startling Stories, Spring 1955).
- * Háborúsdi by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“Shell Game”, Galaxy, September 1954).
- * Helyreigazító Csoport by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“Adjustment Team”, Orbit, v1 #4, 1954).
- * Pat ajándéka by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“A Present for Pat”, Startling Stories, January 1954).
- * A Pszi by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“Psi-Man Heal My Child!”, Imaginative Tales, November 1955).
- * Reggeli Szürkületkor by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“Breakfast at Twilight”, Amazing, July 1954).
- * A Sors Kereke by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“The Turning Wheel”, Science Fiction Stories #2, 1954).
- * A Védők by Philip K. Dick, (ss) Galaktika #52, 1983; translated from the English (“The Defenders”, Galaxy, January 1953).
[]Gam, Doungjai (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Crossroads of Opportunity (with Ed Kurtz), (ss) Lost Highways ed. D. Alexander Ward, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
- * We’re All Haunted Here, (ss) Wicked Haunted ed. Scott T. Goudsward, Daniel G. Keohane & David Price, NEHW Press, 2017
- * When We Were Trespassers, (ss) Nox Pareidolia ed. Robert S. Wilson, Nightscape Press, 2019
[]Gamalinda, Eric (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Buzz, (ss) People Are Strange, Dzanc Books/Black Lawrence Press, 2012
- * Darling, You Can Count on Me, (ss) Manila Noir ed. Jessica Hagedorn, Akashic Books, 2013
- * Elvis of Manila, (ss) Flippin’: Filipinos on America ed. Luis H. Francia & Eric Gamalinda, Asian American Writers Workshop, 1996
- * Famous Literary Frauds, (ss) The Asian American Literary Review Winter/Spring 2011
- * Fear of Heights, (ss) Harper’s Magazine June 1995
- * Formerly Known as Bionic Boy, (ss) Charlie Chan Is Dead 2: At Home in the World ed. J. Hagedorn, Penguin US, 2004
- * I Alone and the Hours, (ss) Juncture ed. L. Stapleton & V. Gonzales, Soft Skull Press, 2003
- * People Are Strange, (co) Black Lawrence Press, June 2012
- * People Are Strange, (ss) The Thirdest World ed. Lara Stapleton, Factory School, 2007
- * Yes, Jesus Loves Me, (ss) People Are Strange, Dzanc Books/Black Lawrence Press, 2012
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