The FictionMags Index
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[]Dunphey, C. P. (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Autumn Rising, (ed) Hinnom Magazine #8, August 2018
- * Celebrating the Unknown, (ed) Hinnom Magazine #2, 2017
- * The Crimson Tome, (br) Hinnom Magazine #9, October 2018 [Ref. K. A. Opperman]
- * Dance of the Marionettes, (ss) Mannequin: Tales of Wood Made Flesh ed. Justin A. Burnett, Silent Motorist Media, 2019
- * Dancing with a Werewolf in the Pale Moonlight: An Exclusive Interview with Max Booth, III, (iv) Hinnom Magazine #10, Spring 2019 [Ref. Max Booth, III]
- * Enquiries by the Sea, (iv) Hinnom Magazine #8, August 2018 [Ref. Michelle Mellon]
- * The Exorcist (1973), (mr) Hinnom Magazine #9, October 2018
- * Festivities with the Pumpkin King, (iv) Hinnom Magazine #9, October 2018 [Ref. K. A. Opperman]
- * Greater Ventriloquism with Jon Padgett: A Gehenna Post Interview, (iv) 2018 [Ref. Jon Padgett]
- * Happy All Hallows’ Eve, (ar) Hinnom Magazine #3, 2017
- * Hereditary, (mr) Hinnom Magazine #7, June 2018
- * Introduction, (ed) Hinnom Magazine #1, 2017
- * I Wish I Was Like You, (br) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018 [Ref. S. P. Miskowski]
- * The Malaise, (br) Hinnom Magazine #7, June 2018 [Ref. David Turton]
- * New Year, New Horrors, (ed) Hinnom Magazine #5, February 2018
- * One-of-a-Kind: An Interview with S. P. Miskowski, (iv) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018 [Ref. S. P. Miskowski]
- * A Quiet Place, (mr) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018
- * Ready Player One, (mr) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018
- * Strange Is the Night, (br) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018 [Ref. S. P. Miskowski]
- * Summer Horrors, (in) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018
- * ’Tis the Season of the Weird, (ed) Hinnom Magazine #4, 2017
- * We’re Back, (in) Hinnom Magazine #10, Spring 2019
- * A Year of Horror and Bliss: A Year of Hinnom, (ed) Hinnom Magazine #7, June 2018
_____, ed.
[]Dunphy, John J. (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * A Quest for Knowledge, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #84, 2009
- * Three Haiku, (pm) RAW NerVZ Haiku v4 #4, 2001
- * untitled (“computer malfunction…”), (pm) Scifaikuest (online) November 2006
- * untitled haiku (“communion”), (pm) Scifaikuest May 2004
- * untitled (“Holocaust Museum…”), (pm) The Shantytown Anomaly March 2006
- * untitled (“museum of alien religions…”), (pm) The Shantytown Anomaly December 2007
- * untitled (“SFP 6,000,000…”), (pm) Scifaikuest November 2005
[]Dunsany, Lord; [i.e., Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany] (1878-1957) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * 1946, (pm)
- * 1947, (pm)
- * 1948, (pm)
- * 1949, (pm)
- * An Absentminded Professor [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey, Michael Joseph, 1954
- * Absurd, (ss) The Men of Baldfolk and Other Fanciful Tales, Pegana Press, 2016
- * The Abu Laheeb [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Atlantic Monthly July 1926
- Travel Tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens, Putnam's UK, 1931, as "The Tale of the Abu Laheeb"
- The Collected Jorkens, Volume One, Night Shade Books, 2004, as "The Tale of the Abu Laheeb"
- In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales, Penguin Classics US, 2004, as "The Tale of the Abu Laheeb"
- Anthropologica Incognita ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2009, as "The Tale of the Abu Laheeb"
- * Across the Colour Bar [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Last Book of Jorkens, Night Shade, 2003
- * Adieu to Hitler, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Advance, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Affairs, (pm) Fifty Poems, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929
- * The African Butterfly, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * African Magic [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Illustrated August 12 1939, as "Magic and Mr. Killet"
- * After Abdulhac Hamid, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * After a Night of It, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * After a While, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The After-Dinner Speech, (ss) The Man Who Ate the Phoenix, Jarrolds, 1949
- * After Hell, (ss) Unhappy Far Off Things, Elkin Mathews, 1919
- * After Many a Summer [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Collected Jorkens, Volume Two, Night Shade Books, 2004
- * After the Fire, (vi) Saturday Review (UK) August 26 1911
- * After the Shadow, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly January 1939
- * Again, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Agra, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 13 1930
- * Alexander, (pl) Alexander & Three Small Plays, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1925
- * Alexander and Three Small Plays, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * Alexander & Three Small Plays, (oc) G.P. Putnam's Sons, October 1925
- * Alhireth-Hotep the Prophet, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * All Clear, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * An Alleged Murder, (ss) The (London) Evening News September 12 1950
- * The Ally, (pm) The Sunday Times July 7 1940
- * Alone the Immortals, (ss) The Irish Review March 1911
- * Al Shaldomir, (pm) The Double Dealer December 1921, as "Omar’s Song"
- * The Altar, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Ambassadors, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Among the Bean Rows [Ripley], (ss) The Evening Standard November 12 1951
- * Among the Neutrals [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News November 28 1950, as "Behind a Screen"
- * The Amusements of Khan Kharuda, (pl) Alexander & Three Small Plays, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1925
- * The Ancient Glory, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Angelic Shepherd [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Fortnightly Review November 1936
- * Anglo-Saxon Tyranny, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * The Answer, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * The Answer, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Antique Craze, (vi) Lost Tales, Volume VI, Pegana Press, 2022
- * An Antique Figure?, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * An Arab at Evening, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * An Archive of the Older Mysteries, (vi) Tales of Three Hemispheres, John W. Luce, 1919
- * Ardor Canis, (ss) The Daily Mail October 28 1944, as "The Dull Dog"
- * Armistice Day in London, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Art and Life, (pm) The Daily Express January 5 1929
- * Artist and Tradesman, (ar) The Dial May 23 1918
- * As It Seems to the Blackbird, (ss) The (London) Evening News June 13 1949
- * The Assignation, (vi) The Smart Set March 1915
- * Atalanta in Wimbledon, (pl) Seven Modern Comedies, Putnam, 1928
- * At a Memorial Service, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * At an Exhibition of Caged Birds, (pm) Punch April 16 1947
- * At Dawn, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * At Eleusis, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * At Evening, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 7 1933
- * At Haifa, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * At Midnight, (ss) Lost Tales, Volume V, Pegana Press, 2022
- * Atmospherics, (pl) Plays for Earth and Air, William Heinemann, 1937
- * At Peace, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * At Sunset, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * At the Edge of the Shadow, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * At the Edge of the World, (co) Ballantine Adult Fantasy, March 1970 ; edited by Lin Carter
- * At the End of an Era, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly August 1949
- * At the End of the Universe [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Time and Tide October 6 1934
- * At the Exhibition, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * At the Inn of the Two Adventurers, (ss) Maclean’s March 2 1957, as "The Inn of the Two Adventurers"
- * At the Time of the Full Moon, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 8 1928
- * Auguries, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * An August in the Red Sea [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Spectator March 12 1932, as "One August in the Red Sea"
- * The Authorship of Barrack Room Ballads, (fa) Punch January 11 1956
- * Autumn Cricket, (ss) John Bull April 29 1950
- The Second Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith, James Barrie, 1952
- Argosy (UK) October 1953, as "Last Boundary"
- Tales to Make the Flesh Creep ed. Herbert van Thal, John Constable, 1977
- The Irish Masters of Fantasy ed. Peter Tremayne, Wolfhound, 1979
- The Ghosts of the Heaviside Layer and Other Fantasms, Owlswick Press, 1980
- Great Ghost Stories, Reader's Digest, 1997
- * The Avenger of Perdóndaris, (ss) The Irish Review December 1912
- * The Awakening, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * Away, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * The Awful Dream, (ss) The Man Who Ate the Phoenix, Jarrolds, 1949
- * Bad News…, (pm) The Sunday Times May 12 1940
- * The Bad Old Woman in Black, (vi) The Sketch May 13 1914
- * A Ballade of the Last Night, (pm) The Spectator October 29 1921
- * The Banker and the Broker, (pm) Time and Tide December 10 1932
- * The Banshee, (ss) The (London) Evening News March 26 1946
- * Bardia, (pm) Nottingham Evening Post January 17 1941, as "Winged Victory of Bardia: Lord Dunsany’s Poem"
- * The Bare Truth [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Evening Standard June 22 1934
- * The Bat, (pm) Britannia November 30 1928
- * Beacons, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Bear, (pm) To Awaken Pegasus, George Ronald, 1949
- * Beethoven, (pm) To Awaken Pegasus, George Ronald, 1949
- * Before the Storm, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Before Victory Came, (pm) To Awaken Pegasus, George Ronald, 1949
- * Before Warsaw Fell, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Beggars, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) June 26 1909
- * Behind a Screen [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News November 28 1950
- * Behind Closed Doors, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Bermondsey Versus Wurtemburg, (ss) Unhappy Far Off Things, Elkin Mathews, 1919
- * Beside the Acropolis, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Bethmoora, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) October 24 1908
- A Dreamer’s Tales, George Allen, 1910
- The Night Side ed. August Derleth, Rinehart, 1947
- The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales of Enchantment, Devin-Adair, 1954
- At the Edge of the World, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1970
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- The Hashish Man and Other Stories, Manic D Press, 1996
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000
- * Betting on a Certainty, (pm) Punch August 21 1940
- * Between the Armies, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Beware!, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Beyond Aegina, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Beyond the Drakensberg, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Beyond the Fields We Know, (co) Ballantine Adult Fantasy, May 1972 ; edited by Lin Carter
- * Beyond the Fields We Know, (si) Tales of Three Hemispheres, John W. Luce, 1919
- * Beyond the Map, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * A Big Bang [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Last Book of Jorkens, Night Shade, 2003
- * A Bird at Peace, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Bird of Doom and the End, (vi) The Gods of Pegāna, Elkins Matthews, 1905
- * The Bird of the Difficult Eye, (ss) The Sketch May 20 1914
- * Birds of a Feather, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * A Bit of Counter-Espionage [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Last Book of Jorkens, Night Shade, 2003
- * The Black Mamba [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Vanity Fair (US) July 1932
- * The Black Sheep of Greystones, (pm) Punch June 12 1940
- * Blagdaross, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) May 16 1908
- * The Blessings of Pan, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * Bombs on St. Paul’s, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Bones, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * The Book of Flowery Tales, (ss) The Men of Baldfolk and Other Fanciful Tales, Pegana Press, 2016
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