The FictionMags Index
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Dunsany, Lord (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany, (The Cuala Press, October 1912, co)
- * Seven Modern Comedies, (G.P. Putnam's Sons, September 1928, oc)
- * The Seventh Symphony, (pl) Plays for Earth and Air, William Heinemann, 1937
- * The Shadow, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Shells, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * The Shield of Athene [Ripley], (ss) The Little Tales of Smethers, Jarrolds, 1952
- * The Shining Faces, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 11 1931
- * The Shooting of Constable Slugger [Mr. Linley], (ss) The Evening Standard December 19 1935
- * A Shop in Go-by Street, (ss) The Irish Review November 1912
- * The Shop That Exchanged Evils, (ss) The Smart Set January 1915, as "The Bureau d’Echange de Maux"
- * The Showman [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1930
- * The Sign [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Evening Standard February 25 1936
- Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey, Putnam, 1940
- The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1948
- Night’s Yawning Peal ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1952
- Night’s Yawning Peal (var. 1) ed. August Derleth, Consul Books, 1965
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- Night’s Yawning Peal (var. 2) ed. August Derleth, Signet, 1974
- The Collected Jorkens, Volume Two, Night Shade Books, 2004
- * Sime, (ar) The Fortnightly Review August 1942
- * A Simple Matter of Deduction [Mr. Linley], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #97, December 1951
- * The Sires Wake, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * Sisyphus Speaks, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1929
- * Sitting for Duck, (ar) Queen’s Quarterly Summer 1937
- * The Slave, (pm) Mirage Water, Putnam UK, 1938
- * Sleep, (pm) The Sunday Times April 21 1940
- * The Sleuthing of Lily Bostum, (ss) The Man Who Ate the Phoenix, Jarrolds, 1949; read over the radio by Arthur Calder Marshall on 20 April 1937.
- * The Slugly Beast [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Jorkens Remembers Africa, Longmans, Green, 1934
- * Smart Fellow, (ss) The Evening Standard February 25 1949
- * The Smile, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * A Snake Story [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Chambers’s Journal May 1955
- * Snow on the East Wind, (pm) Fifty Poems, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929
- * Snow Water [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1952
- * Some Irish Writers I Have Known, (ar) Irish Writing November 1952
- * The Song, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Song After Doorn, (pm) Punch January 10 1940
- * The Songless Country, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) March 26 1910
- * A Song of an L.D.V., (pm) The Evening Post (Wellington, New Zealand) March 24 1941
- * The Song of an L.D.V., (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Song of the Blackbird, (ss) Fifty-One Tales by Lord Dunsany, Elkin Mathews, 1915
- * Song of the Iris Marshes, (pm) The Double Dealer December 1921, as "An Interrupted Song of the Iris Marshes"
- * A Song of Wandering, (pm) New York Times Book Review March 12 1922
- * Songs from an Evil Wood, (gp)
- * Songs of Al Shaldomir, (gp) The Double Dealer December 1921
- * Songs of an Evil Wood, (gp)
- * Songs of an L.D.V. (No. 2), (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Songs to the Sphinx (I-VIII), (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Sorrow of Search, (ss) Time and the Gods, Heinemann, 1906
- * Soup, (pm) Punch June 18 1941
- * Sources of Information, (ss) Punch January 3 1945
- * The South Wind, (ss) Time and the Gods, Heinemann, 1906
- * A Spanish Castle [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Everybody’s February 3 1951
- * The Speech, (ss) Collier’s November 25 1950
- The Little Tales of Smethers, Jarrolds, 1952
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #111, February 1953
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #70, April 1953
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #50, March 1957
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #2, 1961
- The Hilton Bedside Book, Vol. 7, Hilton Hotels Corporation, 1968
- Ellery Queen’s Minimysteries ed. Ellery Queen, World, 1969
- * The Sphinx at Gizeh, (ss) Tripod May 1912
- * The Sphinx in Thebes (Massachusetts), (ss) Saturday Review (UK) November 23 1912
- * The Spirit of London, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Splendid Traveller, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * Splendours of Ruin, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Spring, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1935
- * Spring, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * Spring and the Kaiser, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * Spring in Athens, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * Spring in England and Flanders, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * Spring in Town, (vi) Saturday Review (UK) August 26 1911
- * A Spring Morning, (pm) Bannered Spears, Runa Press, 1943
- * Spring Reaches England, (ar) Queen’s Quarterly Winter 1938
- * Standing To, (ss) Tales of War, Little, Brown, 1918
- * Starlight in Kent, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Statue, (pm) Fifty Poems, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929
- * Still at Peace, (pm) To Awaken Pegasus, George Ronald, 1949
- * The Storm, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) August 26 1911
- * The Story of Jorkens’ Watch [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey, Michael Joseph, 1954
- * A Story of Land and Sea, (nv) The Irish Review September/November 1914
- The Forum February 1915
- Tales of Wonder, Elkin Mathews, 1916
- The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales of Enchantment, Devin-Adair, 1954
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- Beyond the Fields We Know, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1972
- The Hashish Man and Other Stories, Manic D Press, 1996
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000
- * The Story of Mona Sheehy, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * The Story of Tse Gah, (ss) Tomorrow December 1947
- * Strange, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Strange Drug of Dr. Caber [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Fourth Book of Jorkens, Jarrolds, 1947
- The Other Side of the Moon ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1949
- The Other Side of the Moon (var. 4) ed. August Derleth, Mayflower-Dell, 1966
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Sinister Spies ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1966
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Sinister Spies (var. 1) ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1982
- The Prentice Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Garyn G. Roberts, Prentice-Hall, 2001
- The Collected Jorkens, Volume Two, Night Shade Books, 2004
- * Stranger Than Fiction [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Manchester Guardian January 18 1933
- * Strategy at the Billiards Club [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News June 25 1946, as "Strategy at the Club"
- * Strategy at the Club [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The (London) Evening News June 25 1946
- * Strayed, (pm) To Awaken Pegasus, George Ronald, 1949
- * Stray Memories, (ar) The Strait Times (Singapore) November 10 1930
- * The Street of the Knaves, (vi) Lost Tales, Volume V, Pegana Press, 2022
- * The Sultan’s Pet, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar November 1930
- * The Sultan, the Monkey and the Banana [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Lilliput May 1939
- * Summary by a Neutral, (pm) Punch January 6 1943
- * A Sunday Morning, (pm) War Poems, Hutchinson, 1941
- * The Surprise, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Swan That Was Once a Prince, (ss) The (London) Evening News May 14 1946
- * A Sweet for Two Minutes, (ss) The (London) Evening News January 18 1958
- * The Sword and the Idol, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) February 13 1909
- * The Sword of Orion, (pm) Wandering Songs, Hutchinson, 1943
- * The Sword of Welleran, (ss) The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories, George Allen & Sons, 1908
- The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales of Enchantment, Devin-Adair, 1954
- The Young Magicians ed. Lin Carter, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1969
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- Beyond the Fields We Know, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1972
- The Fantastic Imagination ed. Robert H. Boyer & Kenneth J. Zahorski, Avon, 1977
- Fantastic Worlds ed. Eric S. Rabkin, Oxford University Press US, 1979
- The Barbarian Swordsmen ed. Sean Richards, Star, 1981
- The Fantasy Hall of Fame ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1983
- Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment ed. David G. Hartwell, SFBC, 1988
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000
- In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales, Penguin Classics US, 2004
- * The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories, (George Allen & Sons, October 1908, co)
- * The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales of Enchantment, (Devin-Adair, 1954, co)
- * The Sword of Welleran [“The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories”], (co) G. Allen, 1908
- * Taking Up Piccadilly, (vi) Saturday Review (UK) August 30 1913
- * A Tale of London, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) May 11 1912
- * A Tale of Revenge [Ripley], (ss) The Evening Standard Detective Book, 2nd Series, Gollancz, 1951
- * A Tale of Roscommon, (ss) Lost Tales, Volume III, Pegana Press, 2014
- * The Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweler, (ss) The Sketch January 11 1911
- The Book of Wonder, Heinemann, 1912, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales of Enchantment, Devin-Adair, 1954, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- Swords & Sorcery ed. L. Sprague de Camp, Pyramid, 1963, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- At the Edge of the World, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1970, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- Dreams and Wonders ed. Mike Ashley, Dover Publications, Inc., 2010, as "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller"
- * The Tale of the Abu Laheeb [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Atlantic Monthly July 1926, as "The Abu Laheeb"
- * The Tale of the Diamond [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) Britannia and Eve March 1931, as "A Large Diamond"
- * A Tale of the Equator, (vi) Saturday Review (UK) June 27 1914
- * The Tale of the Men of Baldfolk, (vi) The Men of Baldfolk and Other Fanciful Tales, Pegana Press, 2016
- * Tales of Three Hemispheres, (John W. Luce, November 1919, co)
- * Tales of Three Hemispheres, (pm) Verses Dedicatory, Charnel House, 1985
- * Tales of Two Thieves, (gp)
- * Tales of War, (Little Brown, October 1918, co)
- * Tales of Wonder, (Elkin Mathews, October 1916, co)
- * A Talk in the Dark, (ss) Tomorrow July 1951
- * A Talk in the Dusk, (ss) Tomorrow July 1951, as "A Talk in the Dark"
- * A Talk with a Spirit, (vi) Lost Tales, Volume V, Pegana Press, 2022
- * A Taste for Strategy, (ss) Weekend Magazine October 1 1955
- * The Tents of the Arabs, (pl) The Smart Set March 1915
- * The Terrible Dream, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) May 2 1908
- A Dreamer’s Tales, George Allen, 1910, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- And the Darkness Falls ed. Boris Karloff, World, 1946, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- Eros February 1949, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- Over the Hills and Far Away, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1974, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- The Hashish Man and Other Stories, Manic D Press, 1996, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales, Penguin Classics US, 2004, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- Bedtime Stories ed. Diana Secker Tesdell, Everyman's Library, 2011, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- Our Haunted Shores ed. Emily Alder, Jimmy Packham & Joan Passey, The British Library, 2022, as "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow"
- * Tests, (pm) The Sunday Times June 2 1940
- * “There’s Power in Latin”, (ss) The (London) Evening News April 16 1946
- * They Call It Revenge, (ss) The Evening Standard August 28 1950
- * Thirteen at Table, (ss) Tamworth Herald January 4 1913
- Tales of Wonder, Elkin Mathews, 1916
- The Supernatural Reader ed. Groff & Lucy Conklin, Lippincott, 1953
- The Supernatural Reader (var. 1) ed. Groff & Lucy Conklin, WDL Books, 1958
- Monster Festival ed. Eric Protter, Vanguard, 1965
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- The Fourteenth Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Fontana, 1978
- Christmas Ghosts ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Doubleday, 1978
- The Hashish Man and Other Stories, Manic D Press, 1996
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000
- In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales, Penguin Classics US, 2004
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume One: 1901-1950 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012
- Great Supernatural Stories: 101 Horrifying Tales ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Fall River Press, 2017
- * The Thlobbon of Sappanal, (pl) Rhythm December 1912
- * The Thought, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 1 1930
- * The Three Infernal Jokes, (ss) The Smart Set July 1915
- Tales of Wonder, Elkin Mathews, 1916
- The Evening Standard November 15 1932
- Strange and Fantastic Stories ed. Joseph A. Margolies, Whittlesey House, 1946
- Avon Fantasy Reader 1 ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Book Co., 1947
- The Smart Set: A History and Anthology ed. Carl R. Dolmetsch, Dial Press, 1966
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- Fiends and Creatures ed. Marvin Kaye, Popular Library, 1975
- The Hashish Man and Other Stories, Manic D Press, 1996
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000
- * Three Little Fables, (ss) The Smart Set March 1915
- * Three Men in a Garden, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1959
- * Three Micro-Stories, (gp)
- * Three Prose Poems, (pm)
- * The Three Sailors’ Gambit, (ss) The Smart Set August 1916
- Tales of Wonder, Elkin Mathews, 1916
- The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales of Enchantment, Devin-Adair, 1954
- Gods, Men and Ghosts, Dover Publications, 1972
- Sinister Gambits ed. Richard Peyton, Souvenir Press, 1991
- The Hashish Man and Other Stories, Manic D Press, 1996
- Time and the Gods (var. 1), Millennium, 2000
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