The FictionMags Index
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[]Linaweaver, Brad(ford Swain) (1952-2019) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * And to the Republic for Which It Stands, (ss) Alternate Generals ed. Harry Turtledove, Roland Green & Martin Harry Greenberg, Baen, 1998
- * The Bison Riders, (ss) Tales from the Great Turtle ed. Piers Anthony & Richard Gilliam, Tor, 1994
- * Blind Sceptre, (ss) The Book of Kings ed. Richard Gilliam & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1995
- * Blood Orgy of the Swamp Butcher, (ss) Fred Olen Ray’s Weird Menace ed. Fred Olen Ray, American Independent Press, 1994
- * Brad Linaweaver, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #201, Spring 2013
- * Broaching The Number of the Beast: A Roundabout History of the Prometheus Meltdown (with Victor Koman), (is) New Libertarian #187, 1990
- * Broken Charm, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Chapter 3, Words of the Profits, (rr) New Libertarian #187, 1990
- * Chapter 8, Downwind from the Abyss, (rr) New Libertarian #187, 1990
- * Close Shave, (ss) The Ultimate Werewolf ed. Byron Preiss, David Keller, Megan Miller & John Gregory Betancourt, Dell, 1991
- * Clownface, (co) Pulpless.Com, September 1999
- * Clownface, (nv) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Clutter, (ss) Psycho-Paths ed. Robert Bloch, Tor, 1991
- * The Competitor, (ss) Fantastic Science Fiction July 1980
- * A Conversation with Michael Shaara (with William Alan Ritch), (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic September 1982 [Ref. Michael Shaara]
- * Critique of Pure Math, (ss) Science Fiction Randomly #5, 1988
- * The Darkest Doctrine, (nv) Tombs ed. Edward E. Kramer & Peter Crowther, White Wolf, 1995
- * Days of Wine and Rockets, (nv) Nova Science Fiction #10, 2002
- * Destination: Indies, (ss) Alternate Americas ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam Spectra, 1992
- * Eldritch [Cthulhu] (with Fred Olen Ray), (nv) The Disciples of Cthulhu II ed. Edward P. Berglund, Chaosium, 2003
- * …Every Dwarf Should Own a Dinosaur, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Executing a Pirouette for Belphegor, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Executing a Pirouette in Orange, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999, as "Executing a Pirouette for Belphegor"
- * Freezer Queen, (vi) Pandora #11, 1983
- * German Efficency, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #4, 2000
- * Her Morbid Desires, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * High Road of Lost Men [Horseclans], (nv) Friends of the Horseclans ed. Robert & Pamela Crippen Adams, Signet, 1987
- * Ice Daggers for Amberthorn, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Imagicide, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Indecision, (ss) GateWay S-F Magazine Fall 2002
- * …Just a Hunk of Burnin’ Love…, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * The Kong Company, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * The Last Short Story Writer at the End of Time, (ss) Pawn of Chaos ed. Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1996
- * The Lon Chaney Factory, (nv) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * Milk Is a Sauce, (ss) South from Midnight ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Thomas R. Hanlon, Southern Fried Press, 1994
- * Moon of Ice, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic March 1982
- * My First (But Hopefully Not Last) Novel, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #111, Spring 1991
- * My Wiccan, Wiccan Ways, (ss) Adventures in the Twilight Zone ed. Carol Serling & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- * The Other Scabbard, (ss) Excalibur ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Warner Aspect, 1995
- * Paranoia Doesn’t Pay, (ss) Nova Express Fall 1989
- * Pavlovia, (vi) Argosy 1994
- * Piecemeal, (ss) Evolutionary Rag v1 #2, 1993
- * Poisoned Dreams, (ss) Dark Destiny ed. Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1994
- * Press Conference, (ss) Superheroes ed. John Varley & Ricia Mainhardt, Ace, 1995
- * Professor Purr’s Guaranteed Allergy Cure (with Dana Fredsti), (ss) Catfantastic IV ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * The Prometheus Meltdown:
* ___ Chapter 3, Words of the Profits, (rr) New Libertarian #187, 1990
* ___ Chapter 8, Downwind from the Abyss, (rr) New Libertarian #187, 1990
- * The Proper Thing to Do (with William Alan Ritch), (ss) Galaxy Online February 1998
- * A Real Babe, (ss) Peter Straub’s Ghosts ed. Peter Straub, Pocket Star, 1995
- * Red Clay, Crimson Clay, (ss) Confederacy of the Dead ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Roc, 1993
- * Scavenger Hunt, (ss) Miskatonic University ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Robert Weinberg, DAW, 1996
- * School Prayer, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999
- * Shadow Quest [Ithkar], (nv) Magic in Ithkar 2 ed. Andre Norton & Robert Adams, Tor, 1985
- * A Tribute to Columbia (with Avery Davis), (ar) Nova Science Fiction #11, 2003
- * Tribute to Robert A. Heinlein, (ar) New Libertarian #187, 1990
- * Under an Appalling Sky, (ss) Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Unnameable Press, 1992
- * Unmerited Favor, (ss) Alternate Warriors ed. Mike Resnick, Tor, 1993
- * Vamway, (ss) Dark Destiny III: Children of Dracula ed. Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1996
- * Waking Dreams, (br) Galactic Citizen #7, Fall 1994
- * Wells of Wisdom, (ss) Galaxy May/June 1994
- * Yellow Imagicide, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com, 1999, as "Imagicide"
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #124 Dec, #118 Jun 1998
- * [letter from Apopka, FL, 32703], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1969
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA, 90069], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1995
- * [letter from Tallahassee, FL, 32306], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1974
_____, [ref.]
[]Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) (about) (chron.)
- * Abraham Lincoln’s Speech, (ar) The New York Times November 20 1863, as "President Lincoln’s Address"
- * Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley, (lt)
- * Fundamental Facts, (ms)
- * Lincoln as a Poet (“My childhood’s home I see again…”), (pm)
- * Lincoln’s Autobiography at Fifty, (bg)
- * Lincoln’s Immortal Gettysburg Address, (ar) The New York Times November 20 1863, as "President Lincoln’s Address"
- * Lincoln’s Speech at Gettysburg, (ar) The New York Times November 20 1863, as "President Lincoln’s Address"
- * My Childhood Home I See Again, (pm)
- * On the Honor of Lawyers, (ms)
- * The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions, (ar)
- * President Lincoln’s Address, (ar) The New York Times November 20 1863
- * President Lincoln’s Speech at Gettysburg, (ar) The New York Times November 20 1863, as "President Lincoln’s Address"
- * A Remarkable Case of Arrest for Murder, (ts) Quincy, Illinois Whig April 15 1846
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #100, March 1952, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #13, 1967, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- Masterpieces of Mystery: Choice Cuts ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1979, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- Greasepaint and Ghosts ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1982, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- The Black Cabinet ed. Peter Lovesey, Xanadu, 1989, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- Great Tales of Crime & Detection ed. Charles Ardai, Galahad, 1991, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- 100 Dastardly Little Detective Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993, as "The Trailor Murder Mystery"
- The Best American Mystery Stories of the Nineteenth Century ed. Otto Penzler, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014
- * The St. Nicholas Treasure Box of Literature:
* ___ President Lincoln’s Speech at Gettysburg, (ar) The New York Times November 20 1863, as "President Lincoln’s Address"
- * The Second Inagural Address of Abraham Lincoln, (ar)
- * The Trailor Murder Mystery, (ts) Quincy, Illinois Whig April 15 1846, as "A Remarkable Case of Arrest for Murder"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #100, March 1952
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #13, 1967
- Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- Masterpieces of Mystery: Choice Cuts ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1979
- Greasepaint and Ghosts ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1982
- The Black Cabinet ed. Peter Lovesey, Xanadu, 1989
- Great Tales of Crime & Detection ed. Charles Ardai, Galahad, 1991
- 100 Dastardly Little Detective Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- * A Treasury of Lincoln Anecdotes, (ms)
- * An Unpublished Letter by Lincoln. Regarding His Defeat by Douglas in 1858, (lt) McClure’s Magazine February 1897
- * Veteran’s Day Message, (ms)
- * Who Should Be a Slave?, (ar)
_____, [ref.]
- * Abraham Lincoln, Advocate by Edward Abbott Parry, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1917
- * Abraham Lincoln: A History by John Hay & John G. Nicolay, (bg) The Century Magazine Nov, Dec 1886, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1887
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1888
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1889
Jan, Feb 1890
- * Abraham Lincoln in 1854 by Horace White, (bg) Putnam’s Magazine March 1909; from an address delivered before the Illinois State Historical Association…January 30, 1908.
- * Back There in ’58 by Ida M. Tarbell, (ss) The American Magazine November 1907
- * The Bugging of Honest Abe by Harold Hyman, (ar) Argosy February 1974
- * A French Tribute to Lincoln by J. B. G., (ar) Putnam’s Magazine March 1910
- * The Later Life of Lincoln by Ida M. Tarbell, (ar) McClure’s Magazine Mar, Jul 1899
- * Lincoln by Arthur Huntington Gleason, (ms) The American Magazine February 1911
- * Lincoln and Darwin, Emancipators, (ed) Appleton’s Magazine February 1909
- * Lincoln as an Antagonist: Personal Reminiscences by Charles Pomeroy Button, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine February 1901
- * Lincoln—As You Never Saw Him Before by Robert S. Harper, (ar) Collier’s February 14 1953
- * Lincoln of the People by Emil Ludwig, (bg) Cosmopolitan December 1929
- * Lincoln; or, The Story of a Pioneer Boy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1 1882
- * Lincoln’s Boyhood by Eleanor Atkinson, (iv) The American Magazine February 1908
- * Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address by John G. Nicolay, (ar) The Century Magazine February 1894
- * Lincoln’s Literary Experiments by John G. Nicolay, (ar) The Century Magazine April 1894
- * A Medallic History of Lincoln by Montgomery Schuyler, (ar) Putnam’s Magazine March 1909
- * The Mystery of Abraham Lincoln by S. Parkes Cadman, D.D., LL.D., (ar) McCall’s Magazine July 1925
- * Nancy Hanks’ Boy by George Creel, (ar) Collier’s September 18 1926
- * The Personal Appearance of Lincoln by John G. Nicolay, (ar) The Century Magazine October 1891
- * Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by James M. Scovell, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine August 1889
- * Recollections of Lincoln by James Grant Wilson, (bg) Putnam’s Magazine Feb, Mar 1909
- * What I Saw of Lincoln by Grenville M. Dodge, (ar) Appleton’s Magazine February 1909
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