The FictionMags Index
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Archibald, Joe (chron.) (continued)
- * A Spree de Corpse [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds August 1933
- * Spree with Lemon [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces July 1937
- * Spy and Ice Cream [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces August 1942
- * Spy Crust [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds September 1934; not the same as the story of the same name in the Winter 1947 issue of Sky Fighters.
- * Spy Crust [Ambrose Hooley; Muley Spink], (ss) Sky Fighters Winter 1947; not the same as the story of the same name in the September 1934 issue of Sky Birds.
- * Spy Larking [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces January 1936
- * Stage Flight [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1933
- * Stalling All Cars! [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1935
- * Stalling All Cars [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective January 1948
- * Stars and Tripes [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds September 1935
- * State Penmanship [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective January 1949
- * Steal Trap [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective April 1942
- * Stick with Me, Elmer! [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds November 1932
- * Stopover at Landsburg, (ss) Ranch Romances February 1960
- * Stormy Leather, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1944
- * Stormy Petrol [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds August 1934
- * Strait Jackets for Two [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1942
- * Stray Belles, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1948
- * The Street Fighters, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 26 1955
- * String ’Em Back Alive! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1934
- * Stuck with the Evidence [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective September 1948
- * Stumblebum Street, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly September 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Sucker Puncher, (ss) Thrilling Sports January 1941
- * The Suicide Duo, (ss) Flying Aces July 1930
- * Swag Party [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1942
- * The Swamp Thing, (nv) Thrilling Mystery January 1939
- * Swashbuckling Socker, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly April 1938
- * Sweet Justice, (ss) Pete Rice Magazine September 1934
- * Sweet Murder, (ss) G-Men Detective November 1942
- * Swiss Wheeze [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces August 1937
- * Tackled by Gunnison, (nv) Exciting Football Winter 1945
- * Take It or Leaflet [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces March 1940
- * Taken for a Bride [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1940
- * Taken for a Slay Ride [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective April 1941
- * Take the Heir, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1942
- * Take the Heir! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces August 1933
- * Tallow Devil, (ss) The Phantom Detective October 1934
- * Tanks for the Memory [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces January 1942
- * Tarzan of the Tin Ears, (ss) Western Trails July 1929
- * Tattle Tailwinds [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1934
- * T-Bone Stakes, (ss) Western Trails August 1934
- * Tell It to the King [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces August 1931
- * Tell the Skipper Good-Bye, (ss) Thrilling Adventures January 1943
- * Tenderfoot Heaven [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1943
- * Ten Who Wanted to Die, (nv) Flying Aces December 1930
- * Thar’s Gold in Them Hills [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails September 1930
- * That Bird Hoodoo, (ss) Sky Riders #19, May 1930
- * These Guns Say Die!, (na) Fifteen Western Tales January 1950
- * They Had to Flee Paris [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The American Eagle April 1942
- * They Never Desert, (nv) Sky Fighters November 1942
- * The Thing That Flew at Night, (nv) Thrilling Adventures December 1934
- * The Third Matman, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly June 1938, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Thirteen Steps, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1940, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Three Aces Feast [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces July 1943
- * Three Flights Up [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds April 1934
- * Three Wise Matmen, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly October 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Thrown Out by McKirney, (nv) Thrilling Sports Spring 1946
- * Thunder on the Turf, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly April 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Tickets to the Gallows, (ss) Thrilling Detective August 1935
- * The Tide Brings Murder, (ss) G-Men Detective Fall 1946
- * Timekeeper for the Grim Reaper, (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1944, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Time Will Tell, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1934
- * A Tip for the Waitress, (ss) Black Book Detective March 1943
- * T.N.T. Party [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1936
- * Tokens for Tojo, (ss) Air War Winter 1943
- * The Tokyo Express, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1944
- * Tombstone Pact, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1938, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Too Big for Little Four, (nv) Thrilling Football Winter 1948
- * Too Good for Hanging [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces March 1932
- * Too Soft, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine October 1930
- * Tooth and Consequences [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective October 1945
- * The Tooth Will Out [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1937
- * Too Tough to Hold, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1939, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Top Turret Hellion, (ss) Sky Fighters Spring 1946
- * To the Highest Kidder! [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds March 1933
- * Touchdown Terror, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly November 1936
- * Touchdown Testimonial, (ss) Exciting Football Winter 1948
- * Tourist Scamps [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1941
- * “To Whom Are You Speaking?”, (ss) Navy Stories #8, September 1929
- * Trail of the Silver Bullet, (ss) Western Trails December 1947, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Trail’s End to Paradise, (ss) Popular Western July 1942
- * Trail to Yesterday, (ss) Texas Rangers August 1957
- * Training Scamps [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1939
- * Traitor Tracers, (ss) Sky Fighters August 1935
- * Trance Figured [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective February 1945
- * Trance Formation [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds October 1934
- * Treachery in “B” Flight, (ss) Flying Aces January 1930
- * Trigger Mortis [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1948
- * Trigger Tempter, (nv) Western Aces July 1936
- * Trinity from Hades, (ss) Sky Birds September 1931, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Tripe of Peace [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces August 1938
- * Triple Threat Man, (nv) Thrilling Sports March 1937
- * Triumphant Triggers, (nv) Western Aces November 1936
- * The Trombone Harrier, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly March 1936, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Trouble Bruin, (ss) Western Trails May 1944
- * Trouble or Nothin’!, (ss) Western Aces November 1944
- * The Tusk Patrol [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds June 1934
- * Two Birds Get a Stone [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1934
- * Two Grand Finale! [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective May 1947
- * Two Kinds of Baskets, (nv) Popular Sports Spring 1949
- * Two Kinds of Ships, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1942
- * Two-Timing Willie [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective December 1944
- * Uneasy Aces [Ambrose Hooley; Muley Spink], (ss) Sky Fighters Fall 1944
- * Uneasy Marks [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds March 1934
- * Up Pops the Deputy [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails October 1931
- * Up Where the Angels Sing, (ss) Adventure April 1945
- * The Vagabond Prints [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine May 1947
- * The Varnishing Americans [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds February 1934
- * Voodoo in the Air, (ss) Sky Birds March 1930
- * The Walking Corpse, (nv) Thrilling Mystery June 1937
- * War and Football, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1946, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * War Blondes and Scamps [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1942
- * War Paint [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails December 1930
- * Warwhoops, My Dear! [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1943
- * Watch That Play, Little Man, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Winter 1947
- * Watch Your Steppes [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1936
- * A Way of Dying, (nv) Texas Rangers January 1958
- * Way of the Gunborn, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales May 1953
- * The Weasel Quits, (ss) Gang World October 1930
- * Weed ’Em an’ Weep! [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails January 1933
- * The Weigh of a Killer [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1946
- * A Weigh Out West [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1940
- * Welcome Home, Sucker, (ss) Black Book Detective Fall 1945
- * “Welcome Homicide, Louie!” [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine April 1946
- * What a Shamus! [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective November 1948
- * When a Body Meets a Body [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective September 1947
- * When Hell Rides High, (ss) Sky Birds March 1929
- * Where There’s a Willie There’s a Way [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective June 1946
- * Where There’s a Will, There’s a Wake [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1949
- * White Death, (nv) Detective-Dragnet Magazine December 1930
- * Who Killed Caught Robbin’? [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1946
- * Who Killed Cocky Robbins? [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1934
- * Who’s Wooin’ Who [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1945
- * Who Woos in Milldew? [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1945
- * Why the Bombers Got Home, (ss) Sky Fighters Winter 1948, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * The Widow Might, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1941
- * The Widow’s Bite [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1939
- * Wild Bunch Payoff, (ss) Masked Rider Western January 1946
- * William Klump, Nursemaid [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective February 1944
- * The Winged Fortress, (nv) Flying Aces February 1930
- * Wings of the Hell Patrol, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1946
- * Wishbone’s Goat [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails October 1930
- * Wishbone Watters—Lawman [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails December 1931
- * Without Crime or Reason [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1941
- * With Sound and Effects, (ss) Navy Stories #5, June 1929
- * The Witness Share [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective June 1945
- * Words and Gun Music [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1938
- * World’s Heavyweight Chump, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1938
- * Worst-Aid Class [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1942
- * Write this Way for Murder! [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1948
- * Wrong About Face! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces May 1937
- * Yankee Boodle [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds December 1934
- * Yankee Doodling [Phineas Pinkham], (nv) Flying Aces December 1937
- * Yank Paratrooper, (ss) Air War Winter 1945, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * The Yegg and I [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1947
- * Yegg Plant [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1935
- * Yegg Stains [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective October 1938
- * Yellow Bluecoat, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1939, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Yesterday’s Badman, (ss) Western Aces March 1949
- * Yesterday’s Pilot, (nv) Sky Fighters Fall 1946, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Yesterday’s Touchdowns, (nv) Thrilling Football Winter 1949
- * You and Your Big Mouthpiece! [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1948
- * You Can’t Mince Homicide, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1938, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Your Honey or Your Life! [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1945
- * Zooming Zombies [Phineas Pinkham], (nv) Flying Aces April 1941
- * Zoom Like It Hot! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1941
- * Zoom with Bath [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds August 1935
- * Zoot Shoot [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1943
- * Zuyder Zee Zooming [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces July 1938
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Western Trails February 1931
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Western Trails November 1931
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Flying Aces Aug 1938, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Nov, Dec 1939, Apr, May, Aug,
Sep 1940
Mar, Apr 1941
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Eagle Winter 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Popular Detective Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1943, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1945
Aug 1946, Jan, Mar 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Eagle (UK) June 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Popular Detective (Canada) Sep 1943, Mar 1944
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Popular Western (Canada) April 1948
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Popular Western April 1948
- * [unknown story], (ss) Western Trails Feb, Aug 1933
_____, [?]
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