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Book Contents Lists: Page 2030

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    Night’s Edge (Harlequin/HQN, October 2004, 0-373-77010-3, $6.99, 377pp, pb, oa)
        Original anthology of three stories by Barbara Hambly, Maggie Shayne, and Charlaine Harris with a story set in the world of Sookie Stackhouse.

    Night’s Edge (Harlequin/HQN, August 2009, 978-0-373-77428-9, $7.99, 362pp, pb, oa)
        Reissue (HQN 2004) anthology of three stories by Charlaine Harris, Maggie Shayne, and Barbara Hambly.

    Night Shift (Berkley, December 2014, 978-0-425-27392-0, $7.99, 6+378pp, pb, oa, cover by Tony Mauro)
        Original anthology of four urban fantasy/paranormal romance stories. Authors are Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin, and Milla Vane.
    Details taken from online listing.

    Night Visions 4 ed. Paul J. Mikol, uncredited (Dark Harvest, October 1987, 0-913165-21-2, $18.95, 275pp, hc, oa)
        Trade edition of the above.

    Night Visions 6 ed. Paul J. Mikol, uncredited (Dark Harvest, December 1988, 0-913165-35-2, $19.95, 312pp, hc, oa)
        Original horror anthology showcasing three authors: F. Paul Wilson (three stories), and Sheri S. Tepper and Roy Garton with longer works. There is a long introduction by Dean R. Koontz. A limited edition (-36-0) was announced but not seen. Issued in pb as The Bone Yard (Berkley 1991).

    Night Visions: Hardshell ed. Paul J. Mikol, uncredited (Berkley, August 1988, 0-425-10975-5, $3.95, 279pp, pb, oa)
        Reprint (Dark Harvest 1987 as Night Visions 4) original anthology of 12 stories, by Koontz (3), Bryant (6), and McCammon (3), plus an introduction by Barker which makes it look as if he edited the book. It’s actually put together by the Dark Harvest publishers.

    No Rest for the Witches (St. Martin’s, October 2007, 978-0-312-94921-1, $7.99, 330pp, pb, oa)
        Original anthology of four paranormal romance novellas by MaryJanice Davidson, Cheyenne McCray, Christin Warren, and Lori Handeland.

    Not Long for This World ed. Cecil Madden, uncredited (Telegraph Press, 1936, $2.00, 224pp, hc, an)
        Reprint (George Allen & Unwin 1935 as My Grimmest Nightmare) anthology.

    Novacon 50 ed. Carol Goodwin, uncredited (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 2021, £8.00, 60pp, ph, oa, cover by Fangorn) [Novacon Booklets]
        Original anthology of two stories and an extract, issued in a limited edition of 250 numbered copies, to coincide with authors’ Guest of Honour appearances at Novacon 50.

    The Odyssey 2010 61st British National Convention Souvenir Book (, 2010, tp, an)
        fiction only.

    Of Pigs and Spiders (Bereshith/ShadowLands Press, 1999, 0-9665662-6-2, $8.00, 63pp, ph, oa, cover by H. Ed Cox)
        Chapbook anthology of two grisly horror stories involving spiders and pigs, apparently inspired by Charlotte’s Web. Authors are Edward Lee & John Pelan and David Niall Wilson & Brett Savory. Introduction by Frater A.B. This is a signed, limited edition of 333.

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