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Card, Orson Scott (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Plague of Butterflies, (cs) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #7, January 2008
- * The Planets, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986 [Ref. Byron Preiss]
- * A Poem for Erin’s First Christmas, (pm) Doorways, Hatrack River, 2002
- * Point Most West, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * The Polish Boy [Ender Wiggin], (na) First Meetings, Subterranean Press, 2002
- * The Porcelain Salamander, (ss) Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, Dial, 1981
- * Posing as People, (co) Subterranean Press, April 2005
- * Potion for Immortality, (pm) Four Poems by Orson Scott Card, Galographics Press, 1985
- * Prayer in the ICU, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Preface, (pr) Capitol, Ace, 1979
- * Preface, (pr) Future on Ice ed. Orson Scott Card, Tor, 1998
- * Preface, (pr) Keeper of Dreams, Tor, 2008
- * Prentice Alvin and the No-Good Plow, (pm) Sunstone August 1989
- * Pretty Boy [Ender Wiggin], (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #2, March 2006
- * The Princess and the Bear, (nv) The Berkley Showcase Vol. 1 ed. Victoria Schochet & John W. Silbersack, Berkley, 1980
- The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories: 7 ed. Arthur W. Saha, DAW, 1981
- Cardography, Hypatia Press, 1987
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume Two, Legend, 1992
- Monkey Sonatas, Tor, 1993
- * Prior Restraint, (ss) Aboriginal SF October 1986
- * The Problem of Evil in Fiction, (ar) A Storyteller in Zion, Bookcraft, 1993; adapted from a speech at BYU for the church sesquicentennial lecture series on Mormon arts, letters and sciences, Mar-1980.
- * The Profession of Science Fiction:
* ___ 39: Mountains Out of Molehills, (bg) Foundation #45, Spring 1989
- * Prophets and Assimilationists, (ar) Sunstone February 1989
- * Public Father, (pm) Doorways, Hatrack River, 2002
- * Quietus, (ss) Omni August 1979
- Omni (UK) August 1979
- Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, Dial, 1981
- The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 4 ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni, 1982
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- The Changed Man, Tor, 1992
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume One, Legend, 1992
- * Radio Free Albemuth, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Rapunzel Summons the Prince, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Redeemers, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * The Review of Short Fiction, (lr) Science Fiction Review #29, January/February 1979
- * The Roger Awards, (ar) Science Fiction Review #31, May 1979
- * Ruins, (ex) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #26, January 2012; forthcoming from Simon Pulse in October 2012.
- * Runaway [Alvin Maker], (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1987
- * St. Amy’s Tale, (nv) Omni December 1980
- Omni (UK) v3 #3, 1980
- A Spadeful of Spacetime ed. Fred Saberhagen, Ace, 1981
- The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 4 ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni, 1982
- The First Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra, 1983
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume Two, Legend, 1992
- Cruel Miracles, Tor, 1992
- * Saints, (n.) Berkley, 1984, as A Woman of Destiny
- * Salvage [Deaver Teague], (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1986
- * Sandmagic [Mithermages], (nv) Swords Against Darkness IV ed. Andrew J. Offutt, Zebra, 1979
- The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories: 6 ed. Lin Carter, DAW, 1980
- Cardography, Hypatia Press, 1987
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume Two, Legend, 1992
- Monkey Sonatas, Tor, 1993
- The Mammoth Book of Extreme Fantasy ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2008
- Fantasy Magazine (online) #50, May 2011
- Epic: Legends of Fantasy ed. John Joseph Adams, Tachyon, 2012
- Unreal Magazine v4, 2020
- * Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. Mike Resnick]
- * Saraband of Lost Time, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986 [Ref. Richard Grant]
- * Saving Grace, (ss) Night Cry Fall 1987
- * Science Fiction and “The Force”, (in) Future on Ice ed. Orson Scott Card, Tor, 1998
- * Science Fiction and the Mormon Religion, (ar) A Storyteller in Zion, Bookcraft, 1993
- * Science Fiction in the 1980s, (in) Future on Fire ed. Orson Scott Card, Tor, 1991
- * Second Chance [Abner Doon; Worthing], (nv) Destinies v1 #2, 1979
- * A Sepulcher of Songs, (nv) Omni June 1981
- Omni (UK) v3 #9, 1981
- The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 6 ed. Don Myrus, Omni, 1983
- The Second Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra, 1983
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- The Changed Man, Tor, 1992
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume One, Legend, 1992
- Posing as People, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * Sermons in Critical Form, (ar) A Storyteller in Zion, Bookcraft, 1993
- * Shadows in Flight [Chapter 1], (ex) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #24, August 2011; forthcoming from Tor in January 2012.
- * Shadows in Flight: Chapter 2, (ex) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #25, November 2011; forthcoming from Tor in January 2012.
- * Short-Lived Creatures, (pm) Doorways, Hatrack River, 2002
- * Skipping Stones [Worthing], (nv) Capitol, Ace, 1979
- * A Sleep and a Forgetting [Worthing], (nv) Capitol, Ace, 1979
- * Slight Bread, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Songhouse [Ansset], (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1979
- * The Song of the Man Who Killed Beauty, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1980
- * The Sorcery Within, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986 [Ref. Dave Smeds]
- * Space Boy, (na) Escape from Earth ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, SFBC, 2006
- * The Stars That Blink [Worthing], (ss) Capitol, Ace, 1979
- * The State of Amazing, Astounding, Fantastic Fiction in the Twenty-First Century, (ar) Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 ed. Ben Bova, Roc, 2008
- * Stonefather, (na) Wizards ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Berkley, 2007
- * A Storyteller in Zion, (co) Bookcraft, 1993
- * Sunday Meetings: A Preparation for Work, (ar) The Ensign January 1978
- * The Sword Smith, (br) Science Fiction Review #29, January/February 1979 [Ref. Eleanor Arnason]
- * Tain, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. Gregory Frost]
- * Teacher’s Pest [Ender Wiggin], (nv) First Meetings (var. 1), Tor Teen, 2003
- * Tectonic Apocalypse [Apocalypse Poems], (pm) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #4 ed. Robert A. Frazier, Robert Frazier, 1980
- * Theme, (ar) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume 34 ed. David Farland, Galaxy Press, 2018
- * This Is the Poem I Made Then, (pm) Doorways, Hatrack River, 2002
- * A Thousand Deaths [Worthing], (nv) Omni December 1978
- Omni (UK) December 1978
- Capitol, Ace, 1979
- The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 2 ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni, 1981
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume One, Legend, 1992
- Flux, Tor, 1992
- * Thou Whose Hand Is Ever Light, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Tinker [Worthing], (nv) Eternity Science Fiction v1 #2, 1980
- * Tin Men [Apocalypse Poems], (pm) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #4 ed. Robert A. Frazier, Robert Frazier, 1980
- * To Alice, Recently of Wonderland, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1980
- * To Make a Short Story Long, (ar) Writer’s Digest September 1980
- * To One Not Poisoned Yet, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * To Stand Beneath the Sun, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. Brad Strickland]
- * Tuf Voyaging, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Unaccompanied Sonata, (ss) Omni March 1979
- Omni (UK) March 1979
- The Best of Omni Science Fiction ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni, 1980
- The 1980 Annual World’s Best SF ed. Donald A. Wollheim & Arthur W. Saha, DAW, 1980
- Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, Dial, 1981
- Nebula Winners Fifteen ed. Frank Herbert, Harper & Row, 1981
- The Fourth Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra, 1985
- Maps in a Mirror, Tor, 1990
- Maps in a Mirror: Volume Two, Legend, 1992
- Monkey Sonatas, Tor, 1993
- * Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, (co) Dial Press, January 1981
- * Uncle Orson’s Idea Box:
* ___ 1 “Will There Be History After the Cold War?”, (ar) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
* ___ 2 Anti-Democratic Art and the NEA, (ar) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990
- * Unities in Digression, (ar) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980
- * Unremarkable They Grow, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Using Criticism, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #74, Winter 1980
- * Vessel, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1999; originally published in 1998 in Spanish in BEM, and in Catalan in Nexus.
- * Visitors [Pathfinder], (ex) Simon Pulse, 2014
- * Vulgar Art: A Speech to the Indiana Humanities Council, (ar) The Green Pages February 1990; speech delivered October 1989.
- * Walking on Water, (pm) Doorways, Hatrack River, 2002
- * Walking the Tightrope, (ar) Sunstone April 1989
- * Walk the Moons Road, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986 [Ref. Jim Aikin]
- * Warning to a Long-Haired Woman, (pm) Four Poems by Orson Scott Card, Galographics Press, 1985
- * The War of Gifts [Ender Wiggin], (nv) Decision Points ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, WordFire Press, 2016
- * Waterbaby, (ss) Galaxy Online 2000
- * The Well-Ground Axe:
* ___ The Illusion of Truth, (cl) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #75, Winter 1981
* ___ On Themes, (cl) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #73, Spring 1980
* ___ Using Criticism, (cl) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #74, Winter 1980
- * West [Carpenter], (na) Free Lancers ed. Elizabeth Mitchell, Baen, 1987
- * When, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * When No One Remembers His Name, Does God Retire? [Worthing], (nv) Capitol, Ace, 1979
- * Where Is the Cutting Edge of Science Fiction?, (ar) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * Who Is Snape?, (ar) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #5, July 2007
- * “Will There Be History After the Cold War?”, (ar) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Windows [Apocalypse Poems], (pm) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #4 ed. Robert A. Frazier, Robert Frazier, 1980
- * Winter of Wishes, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry
- * Wise Men, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #20, December 2010
- * Witch Blood, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. Will Shetterly]
- * Wizard of the Pigeons, (br) Worlds of If September/November 1986 [Ref. Megan Lindholm]
- * Worlds Might Stumble, (pm) An Open Book, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * The Worthing Chronicle, (n.) Ace, 1983
- * Worthing Farm, (ss) The Worthing Saga, Tor, 1990
- * Worthing Inn, (ss) The Worthing Saga, Tor, 1990
- * The Worthing Saga [Worthing], (co) Tor, December 1990
- * Worthy to Be One of Us, (nv) Turning Hearts: Short Stories on Family Life by Orson Scott Card & David Dollahite, Bookcraft, 1994
- * The Yazoo Queen [Alvin Maker], (nv) Legends II ed. Robert Silverberg, Voyager, 2003
- * You Got No Friends in This World, (cl) Science Fiction Review #55 Sum, #56 Fll, #57 Win 1985, #58 Spr, #59 Sum, #60 Fll 1986
- * You Got No Friends in This World: A Review of Short Fiction, (rc) Science Fiction Review #30 Mar/Apr, #31 May, #32 Aug, #33 Nov 1979, #34 Feb 1980
- * A Young Man with Prospects [Ender Wiggin], (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #4, February 2007
- * You’ve Got No Friends in This World: A Review of Short Fiction, (lr) Science Fiction Review #36, August 1980
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #23 Nov 1977, #24 Feb, #26 Jul, #28 Nov/Dec 1978, #30 Mar/Apr, #31 May 1979, #37 Win 1980, #42 Spr 1982, #49 Nov 1983,
#56 Fll 1985, #58 Spr, #61 Win 1986
- * [letter], (lt) Algol Sum/Fll 1978, #36 Fll 1979
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #16 Fll 1980, #34 Sum 1989
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #7, August 1990
- * [two letters], (lt) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985
_____, ed.
- * Black Mist and Other Japanese Futures (with Keith Ferrell), (oa) DAW, December 1997
- * Dragons of Darkness, (oa) Ace, October 1981
- * Dragons of Light, (oa) Ace, October 1980
- * Empire of Dreams and Miracles (with Keith J. Olexa), (oa) Phobos Books, September 2002
- * Future on Fire, (an) Tor, February 1991
- * Future on Ice, (an) Tor, October 1998
- * Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown (with Christian O’Toole & Keith J. Olexa), (oa) Phobos Books, September 2003
- * Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century, (an) Ace, November 2001
- * Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show (with Edmund R. Schubert), (an) Tor, August 2008
_____, read by.
- * Aim for the Stars by Tom Pendergrass, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #15, November 2009
- * At the Old Folks’ Home at the End of the World by John P. Murphy, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #36, November 2013
- * Cheater by Orson Scott Card, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #3, October 2006
- * Expendables by Orson Scott Card, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #19, October 2010
- * The Man in the Tree by Orson Scott Card, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #11, March 2009
- * Somewhere My Love by Stephen Mark Rainey, (au) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #12, May 2009
_____, [ref.]
- * The Abyss by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1989
- * The Abyss by Anthony Trull, (br) Thrust #35, Winter 1990
- * Activists Call for Ender’s Game Boycott Over Author’s Anti-Gay Views by Ben Child, (ar) The Guardian July 9 2013
- * Alvin Journeyman by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #102, December 1995
- * Alvin Maker: Orson Scott Card by Robert Silverberg, (is) Legends ed. Robert Silverberg, Tor, 1998, as "Tales of Alvin Maker by Orson Scott Card"
- * Amblick and After: Aspects of Orson Scott Card by Norman Beswick, (ar) Foundation #45, Spring 1989
- * Angles and Other Stories by Paul Beardsley, (rv) Interzone #181, August 2002
- * The Call of Earth by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #73, July 1993
- * Capitol by Stephen P. Brown, (br) Thrust #12, Summer 1979
- * Capitol: The Worthing Chronicle by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #31, May 1979
- * Children of the Mind by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #112, October 1996
- * The Cold Ships by Roger L. Dutcher, (pm) Amazing Stories May 1989
- * “Doing No Harm”: An Interview with Orson Scott Card by Gregg Fackler, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- * Earthborn by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #98, August 1995
- * Earthfall by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #98, August 1995
- * Enchantment by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #144, June 1999
- * Enchantment by D. Michael Martindale, (br) Irreantum Spring 2000/2001
- * Ender Offers Card Many Streams to Follow, (iv) Parsec Winter 2001, uncredited.
- * Ender’s Evolution: A Textual History of Ender’s Game by Leah Krippner, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #338, October 2016
- * Ender’s Game by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * Ender’s Shadow by Greg L. Johnson, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #143, July 2000
- * EYEditorial: Who Is Orson Scott Card Anyway? by Stephen P. Brown, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #7, August 1990
- * First Meetings in the Enderverse by Matthew Appleton, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #184, December 2003
- * The Folk of the Fringe by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990
- * Future on Fire by Anthony Trull, (br) Quantum #40, Fall 1991
- * Future on Ice by Joseph Sanders, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #130, June 1999
- * Gay Sex and Death in the Science Fiction of Orson Scott Card by Kate Bonin, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #172, December 2002
- * Harrison Ford Defends Ender’s Game as “impressive act of imagination” by Andrew Pulver, (ar) The Guardian October 8 2013
- * Hart’s Hope by Ornoth D. A. Liscomb, (br) FSFnet v11 #1, 1988
- * Heartfire by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone #134, August 1998
- * Heartfire by Russell Blackford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #127, March 1999
- * Hidden Empire by Thomas E. Jackson, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #269, January 2011
- * Hot Sleep: The Worthing Chronicle by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #31, May 1979
- * How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Beatrice Gemignani, (br) Science Fiction Review #6, January 1992
- * In Conference with Orson Scott Card, (iv) Low Orbit July/August 1989, uncredited.
- * An Interview with Orson Scott Card by Cliff Moser, (iv) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979
- * An Interview with Orson Scott Card by Vicki Brinkmeier, (iv) The Leading Edge #5, Winter 1983
- * An Interview with Orson Scott Card by Justin Wescoat Sanders, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #185, January 2004
- * Interview with Orson Scott Card 19-10-88 by Howard Mittelmark, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #23, July 1990
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