The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11022
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[]Willits, Terri (Ann) (1957- ) (chron.)
- * The Greatest Painter in the World, (ss) The Urbanite #8, Spring 1997
- * Hat Dance, (ss) The Urbanite #3, 1993
- * Nude Descending Reality, (ss) The Urbanite #2, 1992
- * Self Portrait: Chapter 10, (ex) The Urbanite #1, 1991
- * S.O.S., (ss) The Urbanite #6, 1995
- * What I Am Saying Now, (vi) The Urbanite #4, 1994
[]Willkie, Wendell L(ewis) (1892-1944) (about) (chron.)
- * Americans, Stop Being Afraid!, (ar) Collier’s May 10 1941
- * The Case for the Minorities, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 27 1942
- * Citizens of Negro Blood, (??) Collier’s October 7 1944
- * The Court Is Now His, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 9 1940
- * Cowardice at Chicago, (ar) Collier’s September 16 1944
- * Five Minutes to Midnight, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 22 1940
- * Idle Money—Idle Men, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 17 1939
- * Who Wants to Murder the Dollar?, (ms)
- * With Malice Toward None, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1939
[]Willman, Marianne (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * The Bridge of Sighs, (na) Once Upon a Dream, Jove, 2000
- * Dragonspell, (na) Once Upon a Castle, Jove, 1998
- * The Fairest Rose, (na) Once Upon a Rose, Jove, 2001
- * Kiss Me, Kate, (na) Once Upon a Kiss, Jove, 2002
- * The Midnight Country, (na) Once Upon a Midnight, Jove, 2003
- * Starry, Starry Night, (na) Once Upon a Star, Jove, 1999
- * West of the Moon, (na) Moon Shadows, Jove, 2004
- * Wildfire, (ss) New Trails ed. John Jakes & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday, 1994
[]Willner, Sis (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Alone-ness, (pm) All-Story Love Stories August 31 1935
- * Animal Reaction, (pm) All-Story Love Stories November 7 1936
- * Auction, (pm) All-Story Love Tales July 23 1938
- * Beauty Theories in Practice, (pm) All-Story Love Tales July 2 1938
- * Big City Life, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 2 1936
- * Blissful Resignation, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 15 1932
- * Bon Voyage, (pm) All-Story Love Stories January 16 1937
- * Caution, (pm) All-Story Love Stories June 8 1935
- * Curiosity, (pm) All-Story Love Stories July 4 1936
- * Definition, (pm) All-Story Love Stories February 22 1936
- * Either, Or—, (pm) All-Story Love Tales January 15 1938
- * Emotional Analyst, (pm) All-Story Love Stories July 11 1936
- * The End of Love, (pm) All-Story Love Stories July 27 1935
- * Explanation, (pm) All-Story Love Stories July 18 1936
- * The Farmer Takes a Wife, (pm) All-Story Love Tales September 10 1938
- * Food and Love, (pm) All-Story Love Stories February 29 1936
- * For a Busy Man, (pm) All-Story Love Stories November 2 1935
- * For the Lovelorn, (pm) All-Story Love Stories October 26 1935
- * A Girl’s Best Friend, (pm) All-Story Love Stories January 2 1937
- * Go Away from Here!, (pm) All-Story Love Stories March 16 1935
- * Headache, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 16 1936
- * The Heart of Finance, (pm) All-Story Love Tales July 30 1938
- * Human Parallel, (pm) All-Story Love Stories November 16 1935
- * I Built a House, (pm) All-Story Love Tales March 12 1938
- * I’m Afraid, (pm) All-Story Love Stories December 11 1937
- * Intentions Serious?, (pm) All-Story Love Stories June 6 1936
- * Inventory, (pm) All-Story Love Tales March 5 1938
- * It Takes Two, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 4 1935
- * Lines to a Successor, (pm) All-Story Love Stories April 4 1936
- * Long Distance Love, (pm) All-Story Love Tales February 5 1938
- * Love, (pm) All-Story Love Stories June 20 1936
- * Manifesto, (pm) All-Story Love Stories April 3 1937
- * Men Look Before They Listen, (pm) All-Story Love Stories November 20 1937
- * Modern Version, (pm) All-Story Love Stories April 11 1936
- * Observation, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 18 1935
- * Perhaps, (pm) All-Story Love Tales March 26 1938
- * Plaint, (pm) All-Story Love Stories November 13 1937
- * Plea for Economy, (pm) All-Story Love Stories December 5 1936
- * Pleasantry, (pm) All-Story Love Stories February 15 1936
- * Point of View, (pm) All-Story Love Tales August 13 1938
- * Proclamation, (pm) All-Story Love Stories April 18 1936
- * Reunion, (pm) All-Story Love Stories April 25 1936
- * Scene Backstage, (pm) All-Story Love Tales December 18 1937
- * Self-Dedication, (pm) All-Story Love Stories November 21 1936
- * Shops Are Aids to Cupid, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 15 1937
- * Short Story, (pm) All-Story Love Stories December 4 1937
- * Silver Lining, (pm) All-Story Love Stories December 19 1936
- * Substitutes, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 8 1937
- * Time Out, (pm) All-Story Love Tales August 6 1938
- * To a Quarrelsome Love, (pm) All-Story Love Stories June 29 1935
- * Trouble in Paradise, (pm) All-Story Love Tales July 16 1938
- * Two Selves, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 25 1935
- * Warning for Single Girls, (pm) All-Story Love Stories February 20 1937
- * What Is Heaven?, (pm) All-Story Love Stories May 22 1937
- * Why?, (pm) All-Story Love Tales January 29 1938
- * [letter], (pm) All-Story Love Stories September 12 1936
[]Willock, Colin (Dennistoun) (1919-2005) (chron.)
- * Anglers’ Delight, or, The Maggotorium Story, (ar) Men Only #286, December 1959
- * Average Type, Keen, (ss) Lilliput June/July 1952
- * Battle on the Bank, (ar) Lilliput July 1954
- * Christmas Dinner up the Creek, (ar) Lilliput December 1954
- * Claret and Blackpowder, (ar) Lilliput November/December 1952
- * The Crowther Manuscripts, (ss) Courier January 1951
- * Front Seat at the Abbey, (ss) Lilliput May/June 1953
- * “Gathering Winter Few-ooo-ell”, (ss) Lilliput December 1951/January 1952
- * The Good Old Motors, (ar) Lilliput September/October 1951
- * Happy in His Work, (ar) Lilliput October/November 1952
- * How Good Was Robin Hood?, (ar) Lilliput May 1954
- * Letter to a Tourist, (ar) Courier June 1949
- * Living Off the Country #2: As Good Fish in the River, (ar) Lilliput April 1957
- * Rodeo Round-up, (ar) Lilliput May/June 1951
- * The Snare of the Fowler, (ar) Lilliput February 1955
- * Travel by Numbers, (ar) Lilliput February 1951
- * What Does It Cost to Catch a Trout?, (ar) Lilliput April 1954
[]Willock, Mrs. G. W. (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Croquet, (ar) The Lady’s Realm August 1900
- * Flower Decoration, (ar) The Lady’s Realm December 1900
- * The Home Beautiful, (cl) The Lady’s Realm June 1900
- * In My Lady’s Garden, (cl) The Lady’s Realm January 1901, as by “L. M. W.”
- * In My Lady’s Garden: March, (cl) The Lady’s Realm March 1901, as by “L. M. W.”
- * My Lady’s Garden, (cl) The Lady’s Realm May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1899, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1900
Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1901, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1902
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec 1903, Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Sep 1904
, as by “L. M. W.”
- * Needlecraft, (ar) The Lady’s Realm December 1901
- * Otter-Hunting, (ar) The Lady’s Realm June 1904
- * Some Ladies’ Golf Clubs (with Mrs. H. C. Willock), (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1900
[]Willoughby, Barrett (1900-1959) (chron.)
- * The Captive Bride, (sl) The American Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar 1936
- * Challenge of the Sweepstakes Trail, (??) The American Magazine July 1926
- * Champion White Water Pilot of the North, (ss) The American Magazine October 1928
- * The Devil-Drum, (nv) The Century Magazine January 1925
- * Evans Record Is Hidden in the Heart of Alaska’s Hills, (??) The American Magazine September 1926
- * Father of Pictures, (??) The American Magazine January 1926
- * The Greatest Dog Race in the World, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine October 1925
- * Half White, (ss) Everybody’s July 1923
- * I’m a Cream-Puff Pioneer (with Mrs. Victor Johnson), (ar) The American Magazine June 1937
- * I Went to the Klondyke on My Father’s Shoulders, (??) The American Magazine June 1925
- * King of the Arctic Trails, (??) The American Magazine August 1925
- * The Law of the Trap Line, (ss) The American Magazine November 1923
- * Lighthouse Keeper at the End of West, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 26 1935
- * A Little Alaska Schooner Was My Childhood Home, (??) The American Magazine October 1924
- * Log of the New Pioneers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1935
- * Lover Come Back, (sl) The American Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1939
- * The Moon Craters of Alaska, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 13 1930
- * One Alaska Night, (ar) The American Magazine June 1935
- * The Passing Alaskan, (ar) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly May 1926
- * Rocking Moon, (sl) The American Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1925
- * Spawn of the North, (sl) Cosmopolitan Dec 1931, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1932
- * Thrilling Days in Dawson When the Klondyke Rush Was On, (??) The American Magazine July 1925
- * A Trail Blazer’s Adventures at the Top of the World, (??) The American Magazine November 1925
- * The Trail Eater, (sl) The American Magazine Dec 1928, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1929
- * Treasure Islands of the Mists, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 7 1936
_____, as told to
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