The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1618
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[]Campbell, Helen (Stuart) (1839-1918) (chron.)
- * Ainslee’s Valentine, (ss)
- * Bread or a Stone, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine March 1882
- * Certain Forms of Woman’s Work for Woman, (??) The Century Magazine June 1889
- * The City of the Simple, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science December 1879
- * A Day Off Barnegat, (ss) St. Nicholas September 1880
- * Decoration Under Difficulties, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine January 1882
- * Diet and Its Doings, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science September 1880
- * The Ending of Barstow’s Novel, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1894
- * For Life, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine February 1882
- * The Hobart Treasure, (ss) St. Nicholas March 1888
- * The Household, (cl) Our Continent #1, February 15 1882
- * The Household: Women as Newspaper Correspondents, (ar) The Continent #61, April 11 1883
- * In the Turtle-Crawl, (ss) Wide Awake September 1886
- * Jack, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1880
- * Jan of the North, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science October 1880
- * Jerry, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1880
- * The Method of Britta, the Dane, (ss) New England Magazine November 1894
- * Nan; or, A Girl’s Life, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science July 1880
- * New Year’s with the Ojibways, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1882
- * The Rift in the Romance, (ss) The Black Cat September 1916
- * Ruy Diaz, El Campeador, (ss) The Continent Weekly Magazine #98, December 26 1883
- * The “SFBP” (with W. A. Rogers), (ss) St. Nicholas August 1884
- * Studies in the Slums:
* ___ I.—Water Street and Its Work, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science May 1880
* ___ II.—Jerry, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1880
* ___ III.—Nan; or, A Girl’s Life, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science July 1880
* ___ IV.—Jack, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1880
* ___ V.—Diet and Its Doings, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science September 1880
* ___ VI.—Jan of the North, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science October 1880
- * Under Green Apple Boughs, (sl) Our Continent #1, February 15 1882
- * Water Street and Its Work, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science May 1880
- * The What-to-Do Club, (sl) The Continent #83 Sep 5, Nov 14, #93 Nov 21, #94 Nov 28 1883
[]Campbell, Helen G. (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * Army Grub, New Style, (ar) Maclean’s January 15 1940
- * A Calorie Table for Boys and Girls, (ar) Maclean’s April 15 1940
- * Cherry Ripe, (ar) Maclean’s May 15 1940
- * Christmas Dinners, (ar) Maclean’s December 15 1940
- * The Creamy Way, (ar) Maclean’s August 15 1940
- * A Dozen Ways to Use Rice, (ar) Maclean’s May 15 1940
- * Dressing Up Simple Dishes, (ar) Maclean’s January 1 1940
- * Green Grow the Salads, (ar) Maclean’s September 15 1940
- * Happy Endings, (ar) Maclean’s April 15 1940
- * How About Lobster?, (ar) Maclean’s July 15 1940
- * Let Them Eat Cake, (ar) Maclean’s February 1 1940
- * Main Dishes for Lent, (ar) Maclean’s February 15 1940
- * Make Mine Beef, (ar) Maclean’s April 1 1940
- * October’s Fruit Basket, (ar) Maclean’s October 1 1940
- * Preserve to Serve, (ar) Maclean’s August 1 1940
- * Return Engagements, (ar) Maclean’s October 15 1940
- * Roll Out the Barrel, (ar) Maclean’s November 15 1940
- * Soup’s On!, (ar) Maclean’s March 15 1940
- * This Little Pig Went to Market, (ar) Maclean’s June 15 1940
- * Women and the Home:
* ___ Army Grub, New Style, (cl) Maclean’s January 15 1940
* ___ A Calorie Table for Boys and Girls, (cl) Maclean’s April 15 1940
* ___ Cherry Ripe, (cl) Maclean’s May 15 1940
* ___ Christmas Dinners, (cl) Maclean’s December 15 1940
* ___ The Creamy Way, (cl) Maclean’s August 15 1940
* ___ A Dozen Ways to Use Rice, (cl) Maclean’s May 15 1940
* ___ Dressing Up Simple Dishes, (cl) Maclean’s January 1 1940
* ___ Green Grow the Salads, (cl) Maclean’s September 15 1940
* ___ Happy Endings, (cl) Maclean’s April 15 1940
* ___ How About Lobster?, (cl) Maclean’s July 15 1940
* ___ Let Them Eat Cake, (cl) Maclean’s February 1 1940
* ___ Main Dishes for Lent, (cl) Maclean’s February 15 1940
* ___ Make Mine Beef, (cl) Maclean’s April 1 1940
* ___ October’s Fruit Basket, (cl) Maclean’s October 1 1940
* ___ Preserve to Serve, (cl) Maclean’s August 1 1940
* ___ Return Engagements, (cl) Maclean’s October 15 1940
* ___ Roll Out the Barrel, (cl) Maclean’s November 15 1940
* ___ Soup’s On!, (cl) Maclean’s March 15 1940
* ___ This Little Pig Went to Market, (cl) Maclean’s June 15 1940
* ___ You Asked About Kitchens, (cl) Maclean’s February 15 1940
- * You Asked About Kitchens, (ar) Maclean’s February 15 1940
[]Campbell, Henry (fl. 1880s) (chron.)
- * James G. Blaine, (bg) The Argosy April 13 1889
- * Joseph E. McDonald (includes portait), (bg) The Argosy March 9 1889
- * Matthew C. Butler, (bg) The Argosy June 15 1889
- * President Harrison’s Cabinet:
* ___ Paper No. 1—James G. Blaine, (bg) The Argosy April 13 1889
- * Prominent American Lawyers:
* ___ Paper No. 15: Joseph E. McDonald (includes portait), (bg) The Argosy March 9 1889
* ___ Paper No. 16: Samuel Blatchford (includes portait), (bg) The Argosy March 16 1889
* ___ Paper No. 18: William B. Allison (includes portait), (bg) The Argosy March 30 1889
* ___ Paper No. 21: Matthew C. Butler, (bg) The Argosy June 15 1889
- * Samuel Blatchford (includes portait), (bg) The Argosy March 16 1889
- * William B. Allison (includes portait), (bg) The Argosy March 30 1889
[]Campbell, Hope; pseudonym of G. McDonald Wallis (1925- ) (chron.)
- * Alias Miss Trouble, (ss) Love Short Stories August 1944
- * Always Throw a Party, (ss) Ideal Love January 1944
- * The Animals and Mr. Crackers, (ss) Gay Love Stories September 1948
- * As Pretty Does, (nv) 1949
- * AWOL Bride, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine August 1944
- * Back from Beyond, (nv) New Love Magazine November 1944
- * A Beau for Betty, (ss) Romance October 1946
- * Be Reasonable, Baby!, (ss) Gay Love Stories February 1946
- * Big Enough for Two, (ss) Love Book Magazine September 1950
- * Blame It on the Moon, (ss) Thrilling Love May 1953
- * Blonde Hangover, (ss) Love Book Magazine September 1943
- * Blondes or Nothing, (ss) Gay Love Stories August 1943
- * Blues for a Knight, (ss) Love Short Stories February 1950
- * The Bond That Breaks, (ss) Exciting Love Fall 1952
- * The Bride Regrets, (ss) Love Short Stories September 1950
- * Budget Blues, (ss) All-Story Love December 1950
- * Call Me Darling, (ss) Love Book Magazine March 1950
- * Candidly Yours, (ss) All-Story Love July 1946
- * Celebration for Celia, (ss) Romance December 1948
- * Celebrity-Crazy, (ss) Complete Love Magazine November 1949
- * Crossroads to Paradise, (ss) Love Novels Magazine March 1946
- * Cupid in the Chimney, (ss) Love Short Stories April 1948
- * Cynthia and the Doppleganger, (ss) Ideal Love Stories November 1954
- * Danger—Love at Work, (nv) Romance October 1948
- * A Dash of Paprika, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1947
- * Date Bait, (ss) Love Short Stories June 1944
- * Deadline on Love, (ss) Thrilling Love Summer 1954
- * Demitasse for Two, (ss) Today’s Love Stories December 1953
- * Design for Dating, (nv) 1946
- * Designing Woman, (ss) Winning Love August 1945
- * Disappearing Lady, (nv) All-Star Love Magazine January 1942
- * The Domestic Type, (ss) Ideal Love November 1943
- * Don’t Step on April, (??) Miniature Girls Magazine April 1950
- * Double-Crossed Heart, (ss) All-Story Love August 1948
- * Dream for Tomorrow, (nv) All-Story Love April 1948
- * Dream Proof, (nv) Love Novels Magazine March 1949
- * Elopement for Three, (ss) Love Book Magazine February 1950
- * Enchanted Hour, (ss) Love Novels Magazine November 1946
- * Escape to Love, (nv) New Love Magazine August 1946
- * Feast for a Stranger, (ss) All-Story Love January 1950
- * Feather Your Nest, (ss) Popular Love July 1944
- * Fiance for a Day, (ss) Love Short Stories July 1947
- * Flame and Dust, (nv) Today’s Love Stories February 1951
- * Forbidden Female, (na) 1948
- * Forbidden Flame, (ss) Ideal Love Stories November 1952
- * Fugitive Heart, (ss) Love Novels Magazine September 1948
- * A Game of Hearts, (ss) Love Book Magazine August 1952
- * The Gentle Savage, (nv) Exciting Love Winter 1953
- * The Golden Vanity, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1949
- * Guiding Star, (nv) Popular Love Winter 1953/1954
- * Harvest of Hearts, (na) Popular Love August 1948
- * Haunted Angel, (ss) Love Book Magazine September 1948
- * Heart Auction, (ss) All-Story Love July 1949
- * Heart Barter, (ss) All-Story Love August 1951
- * Heartbreak Specialist, (ss) Love Book Magazine January 1951
- * Heart Collector, (ss) Love Book Magazine June 1944
- * The Heart Crasher, (ss) All-Story Love January 1947
- * Help Me, Georgie, (vi) Redbook September 1951
- * Heritage of Hate, (sl) All-Story Love Aug, Sep, Oct 1949
- * Her Name Was Folly, (ss) Thrilling Love October 1952
- * Her Secret Romance, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly July 1943
- * Her Turn to Laugh, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly April 1943
- * His Line with Girls, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine August 1949
- * I’ll Do My Own Proposing, (ss) Romantic Love Stories August 1947
- * Indiscreet Lady, (nv) Gay Love Stories November 1950
- * Invitation to Love, (ss) Thrilling Love December 1949
- * Jasimine and Jade, (ss) Thrilling Love January 1953
- * Julie Goes to Town, (ss) Thrilling Love Winter 1954
- * Just Because, (ss) All-Story Love October 1952
- * Just Enough Married—, (ss) All-Story Love November 1942
- * Kept from Her Wedding, (ss) Variety Love Stories October 1946
- * A Kiss in Time, (nv) Love Novels Magazine May 1947
- * Lady on a Prowl, (nv)
- * Lady with a Pearl, (ss) Thrilling Love Spring 1954
- * Lady with a Torch, (ss) Love Short Stories December 1947
- * “L” as in Love, (nv) New Love Magazine November 1945
- * Last Summer’s Flame, (ss) Love Novels Magazine October 1950
- * The Latin Rival, (ss) All-Story Love April 1950
- * Leftie and the Right Man, (nv) Love Book Magazine January 1944
- * Lesson for Lovers, (ss) Popular Love Spring 1954
- * The Little Demon, (ss) Love Short Stories November 1949
- * Lonely Lips, (na) Love Novels Magazine June 1947
- * Lost Saturday, (ss) All-Story Love December 1951
- * Love at First Sight-Seeing, (ss) Thrilling Love March 1946
- * Love for a Quarter, (ss) All-Story Love March 1950
- * Love, Honor, and Collect, (nv) Love Short Stories December 1949
- * Love, Honor and O’Brien, (ss) All-Story Love June 1946
- * Love in B-Flat, (ss) Love Book Magazine August 1951
- * Love in Jeopardy, (nv) New Love Magazine September 1952
- * Love Is a Challenge, (ss) Love Short Stories February 1949
- * The Lovely Literate, (ss) Love Short Stories June 1948
- * Lovely Little Scandal Monger, (ss) Ideal Love July 1943
- * Love Me Not, (ss) All-Story Love November 1949
- * Love Will Out, (ss) Popular Love July 1945
- * Madcap Honeymoon, (ss)
- * Make-Believe Temptress, (nv) Love Novels Magazine July 1951
- * Marriage of Inconvenience, (ss) All-Story Love January 1943
- * Matrimony on the Mind, (nv) Romance September 1945
- * Men Wanted, (ss) All-Story Love October 1950
- * The Missing Bridegroom, (ss) Love Short Stories October 1945
- * Moggs and the Mastodon, (ss) Thrilling Love March 1947
- * Never Been Kissed, (ss) Thrilling Love November 1953
- * Never Lend Your Heart, (ss) All-Story Love December 1946
- * No Home for Her Heart, (ss) Love Short Stories August 1950
- * No Questions Asked, (ss) Love Short Stories March 1951
- * Not Quite Forever, (ss) Love Novels Magazine July 1948
- * Now That You’ve Gone, (ss) The American Magazine December 1948
- * Part of Being in Love, (nv) Today’s Love Stories October 1951
- * Pawn Ticket to Paradise, (ss) Romance April 1949
- * People Can Say We’re in Love, (na) Romance June 1944
- * Pink Champagne, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #317, September 1942
- * Portrait of a Rebel, (nv) Love Book Magazine October 1951
- * The Price of Paradise, (sl) All-Story Love Dec 1948, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1949
- * Purely Ornamental, (nv) New Love Magazine December 1942
- * Quiet Sunday, (ss) Thrilling Love February 1947
- * The Red Stove, (ss) Love Book Magazine December 1950
- * Rendezvous in Reno, (nv) Popular Love Fall 1953
- * Retraction in Print, (ss) Gay Love Stories August 1945
- * Reunion in Algiers, (nv) Romance November 1943
- * Rings on Her Fingers, (ss) Love Short Stories October 1943
- * Runaway Kisses, (ss) Love Novels Magazine June 1946
- * Scandalous Honeymoon, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine February 1948
- * Seeds of Romance, (ss) Popular Love May 1945
- * Self-Sufficient Fraud, (ss) Gay Love Stories April 1943
- * She Had to Have Glamor, (nv) Ideal Love Stories March 1955
- * A Shiv for Chivalry, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine July 1948
- * Shop Early for Love, (ss) Love Book Magazine January 1948
- * Showdown on Love, (nv) New Love Magazine September 1944
- * Some Girls Pretend, (ss) Today’s Love Stories August 1951
- * Spare-Time Heel, (ss) New Love Magazine October 1942
- * Stay Away from Him, (ss) Romantic Love Stories September 1948
- * Sunday Blues, (ss) Love Short Stories January 1952
- * Symptoms of the Disease, (ss) Thrilling Love March 1953
- * Take Home My Dreams!, (na) Love Novels Magazine August 1948
- * Talent for Trouble, (ss) All-Story Love August 1950
- * Target for Cupid, (ss)
- * Tax-Free Romance, (ss) All-Story Love May 1950
- * Tell Me No Lies, (ss) Love Short Stories June 1950
- * That Fateful Party, (ss) Love Fiction Magazine September 1946
- * Three Promises, (na) Thrilling Love February 1948
- * Tom, Dick and Heartbreak, (ss) All-Story Love June 1948
- * Too Late to Dream, (ss) Love Novels Magazine August 1953
- * Too Many Engagements, (nv) Ideal Love March 1943
- * Too Many Loves, (ss) Popular Love September 1945
- * Too Nice to Marry, (ss) All-Story Love August 1942
- * Too Young to Love, (ss) Love Short Stories October 1950
- * Toss for Love, (ss) Exciting Love Fall 1954
- * The Wandering Heart, (ss) Popular Love Summer 1952
- * Watchful Lady, (ss) Love Short Stories April 1949
- * When a Girl Sells Out, (nv) All-Story Love Magazine July 1942
- * White Satin Slippers, (ss)
- * Woman in White, (ss) Love Short Stories August 1943
- * The Wrong Wife, (ss) Love Book Magazine April 1950
- * Yesterday’s Love Song, (nv) Love Novels Magazine March 1950
- * Your Kisses Deny It!, (ss) Variety Love Stories January 1946
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