The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 530
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[]Baring-Gould, S(abine) (1834-1924) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Alpine Root-Grubber, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1892, uncredited.
- * Among the Western Song-Men, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1892
- * Among the “Wiches”, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1892, uncredited.
- * Anthony Blight, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine July 1898
- * Archelaus Goalan, (ss) The Pocket Magazine October 1898
- * Arminell, (sl) Temple Bar March 1889
- * Aunt Joanna, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * Authors’ Counties, II: Devonshire: Mr. Blackmore, (ar) Atalanta #86, November 1894
- * The Baroness de Beausoleil, (ar) Once a Week April 13 1867
- * Black Ram, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * The Boggart of Hellen-Pot, (ss) Once a Week March 30 1867, as by S. B. G.
- * The Bohemian Forest, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1884, uncredited.
- * The “Bold Venture”, (ss) The Graphic Christmas 1902
- * A Book of Ghosts, (Methuen, 1904, co)
- * A Book of Ghosts (var. 1), (Ash-Tree Press, November 1996, co)
- * The Brunswick Ghost, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1887
- * Buried Alive, (ar) The Ludgate #58, August 1900
- * A Can of Whortles, (ss) The Lady’s Realm June 1897
- * “Captain Jope”, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #16, August 21 1909
- * Castles in the Air, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1894
- * The Changed Trunk, (ss) Short Stories February 1905
- * The Christmas Tree, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1886, uncredited.
- * Cicely Crowe, (ss) The Country House October 1895
- * Colonel Halifax’s Ghost Story, (nv) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1897
- A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- Twenty-Five Ghost Stories ed. W. Bob Holland, J.S. Ogilvie, 1904, uncredited.
- The Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins & 25 Other Ghost Stories, Avon, 1941
- Twenty-Five Great Ghost Stories, Avon Books, 1943
- 20 Great Ghost Stories, Avon Books, 1955
- BFS Booklet #21, 1995
- A Book of Ghosts (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 1996
- Great Ghost Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Barnes & Noble/Fall River, 2016
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 5 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2019
- * Colour in Composition, (ar) Atalanta #63, December 1892
- * Country Dances, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1888, uncredited.
- * Court Royal:
* ___ Chapter I. A Little Devil, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter II. Pawned, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter III. Lazarus, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter IV. Joanna’s School, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter V. Crudge, Solicitor, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter VI. The Ducal Family, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter VII. Beavis, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter VIII. The Marquess, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter IX. Lord Ronald, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter X. The Fifth of November, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XI. Who Was Rachel?, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XII. Charlie Cheek, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XIII. The Ems Water, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XIV. The Monokeratic Principle, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XV. Wanted, a Housemaid, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XVI. Venite, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XVII. Stock-Taking, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Lady Grace, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XIX. Sleepy Hollow, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XX. Dulcina, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXI. Home-Thrusts, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXII. A Family Council, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Reflorescence, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Caught Napping, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXV. Without Warning, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXVI. Unstable as Water, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXVII. Revolt, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. A Playbill, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXIX. Two Stage Boxes, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXX. Palma, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXI. A Spoke in the Wheel, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXII. A Drop of Comfort, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Broken Off, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. Incurables, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXV. A Card Castle, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. The Council of Court Royal, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. A Sister of Mercy, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. Reformation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Over a Snail, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XL. Cheek Senior, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLI. An Entanglement, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLII. Nibbling, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLIII. “Shares?”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLIV. A Startling Proposal, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLV. Retribution, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLVI. E Tenebris Lux, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Leigh, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. The Fall of a Pillar, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLIX. An April Fool, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter L. To the Rescue, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LI. The Flying-Fish, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LII. On the Pier, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LIII. Another Disappointment, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LIV. A New Leaf, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LV. In Vain, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LVI. Preparatory, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LVII. Release, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LVIII. The Last of the Ems Water, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LIX. Without a Watch-Dog, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LX. Two Pictures, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1886, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
- * Crowdy Marsh, (ss) The Story-teller January 1910
- * Crying a Neck, (ar) The Cornish Magazine August 1898
- * Daniel Jacobs, (ss) The Woman at Home January 1894
- * A Dead Finger, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * The Deadleigh Sweep, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine March 1886, uncredited.
- * A Dead Man’s Teeth, (ss) Monsieur Pichelmère, and Other Stories by Sabine Baring-Gould, Digby, Long, 1905
- * The Devil’s Mill, (ss) The Story-teller October 1908
- * The Disappearance of Bathurst, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1887, uncredited.
- * Dolly, (ss) Liverpool Weekly Mercury 1910
- * Dolly Carthew, (ss) The London Magazine October 1907
- * The Dolomites of the Pegnitz, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887, uncredited.
- * Down an Oubliette, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1894, as by The Author of “Mehalah” and “John Herring”
- * The Dream of Edmund Norway, (ar) Chambers’s Journal August 8 1908
- * The Duchess of Kingston, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1887, uncredited.
- * “The Elixir of Youth”, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1889
- * The End of Joe Leaman, (ss) The Woman at Home March 1894
- * English Cave-Dwellers of To-day, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1896
- * Ephraim’s Pinch, (ss) The Woman at Home December 1894
- * An Error Righted, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine December 1900
- * Eve, (sl) Longman’s Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1887, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug 1888
, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
- * A False Step, (na) The Cornhill Magazine Aug, Sep 1887, uncredited.
- * The Fatal Bottle, (ss) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine April 1900
- * Fireworks at Home and Abroad, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine September 1885, uncredited.
- * Five Voices from an Old Music Book, (nv) The Cornhill Magazine May, Jun 1892, uncredited.
- * “Flagellum Salutis”, (ar) Once a Week April 6 1867
- * The Franconian Jura, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1885, uncredited.
- * From Death to Life, (ss) The Temple Magazine October 1896
- * The Fruited Myrtle, (ss) The Lady’s Realm April 1898
- * Gavarni, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1885
- * The Gaverocks:
* ___ Chapter I. The Brothers, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter II. Rose Trewhella, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter III. Porth-Ierne, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter IV. Brother and Sister, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter V. Mother and Son, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter VI. Red Featherstone, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter VII. A Race for Life, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter VIII. The Shadow of Death, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter IX. The Unspoken Tongue, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter X. A Woman’s Soul, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XI. A Study in Drawing, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XII. Nantsillan, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XIII. A Quiet Evening, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XIV. The Goose Fair, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XV. The Pedlar’s Pack, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XVI. “Pas de Chance”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XVII. The Featherstones, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Marsland, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XIX. Stanbury, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XX. A Temptation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXI. Springtime, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXII. Return, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Five-and-Twenty Pounds, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXIV. A Four-Leaved Shamrock, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXV. A Loveys’ Visitation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXVI. In the Dusk, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXVII. The Moss-Rose, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. Broken Resolutions, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXIX. A Sentence of Exile, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXX. Samphire, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXI. The Deer’s Well, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXII. Anthony’s Wooing, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Farewell, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. “P.F.”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXV. Engaged, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. The Threshold of a Sorrow, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. In the Hayfield, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. At the Gate, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. The Woof, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XL. The Warp, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLI. Another Notice to Quit, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLII. On a Bench, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Between Two Heavens, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLIV. Fled, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLV. Featherstone’s Kitchen, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLVI. Richard Carwithen, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Discovered, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. A Stroke, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter XLIX. The Last Cord, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter L. An Apparition, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LI. Wanted: Money!, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LII. On the Turf, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LIII. A Thousand Pounds, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LIV. The Spotted Dog, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LV. Away!, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LVI. A Shot, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LVII. Another Shot, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LVIII. On Four Oars, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LIX. Reconciliation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
* ___ Chapter LX. A Bed of Violets, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1887, as by The Author of “John Herring”, “Mehalah”, etc.
- * Genefer, (ss) The Graphic Christmas 1897
- * Glámr, (ss) Iceland: Its Scenes and Sagas by Sabine Baring-Gould, Smith Elder and Co., 1863
- A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- The Twelve Frights of Christmas ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh, Avon, 1986
- Back from the Dead ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, DAW, 1991
- A Book of Ghosts (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 1996
- Meddling with Ghosts ed. Ramsey Campbell, The British Library, 2001
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 7 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2020
- Dragon Warriors ed. Jeffrey A. Linscott, Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
- * The Grocer’s War, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1889, uncredited.
- * The Hammetts, (ss) The Woman at Home May 1895
- * A Happy Release, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * Honor Luxmore and Larry Nanspian, (ex) 1887
- * Horvath, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine March 1888, uncredited.
- * H. P., (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * Humours of Rustic Psalmody, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1893, uncredited.
- * The Hymns You Love:
* ___ “Onward Christian Soldiers”, (ar) The People’s Home Journal February 1921
- * An Idyll of Dartmoor:
* ___ Daniel Jacobs, (ss) The Woman at Home January 1894
* ___ The End of Joe Leaman, (ss) The Woman at Home March 1894
* ___ Ephraim’s Pinch, (ss) The Woman at Home December 1894
* ___ The Hammetts, (ss) The Woman at Home May 1895
* ___ Jonas Coaker, (ss) The Woman at Home May 1894
* ___ Little Dixie, (ss) The Woman at Home April 1894
* ___ Snaily House, (ss) The Woman at Home February 1894
- * In the Lion’s Den, (sl) The English Illustrated Magazine Jun, Jul 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”
- * Isa Manacles, (ss) The Lady’s Realm December 1904
- * Jack Hannaford, (ss) The Pocket Magazine January 1898
- * Jacquetta, (sl) The English Illustrated Magazine Dec 1886, Jan, Feb, Mar 1887, as by The Author of “Mehalah”, “John Herring”, etc.
- * Janie, (ss) The Lady’s Realm December 1899
- * Jean Bouchon, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * Jolly Lane Cot, (ss) The Woman at Home November 1895
- * Jonas Coaker, (ss) The Woman at Home May 1894
- * Keziah, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1910
- * The Last of the Smugglers, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1895
- * The Leaden Ring, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- Magazine of Horror Summer 1967
- Tales of the Uncanny ed. Kurt Singer, W.H. Allen, 1968
- The Oblong Box ed. Kurt Singer, Sphere, 1970
- Supernatural ed. Kurt Singer, Eclipse Books, 1974
- The Twelfth Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Fontana, 1976
- 65 Great Tales of the Supernatural ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1979
- Great Vampires & Other Horrors, Chancellor Press, 1992
- A Book of Ghosts (var. 1), Ash-Tree Press, 1996
- Great Ghost Stories ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes & Stephen Jones, Carroll & Graf, 2004
- * The Little Blue Flame, (pm) 1900
- * Little Dixie, (ss) The Woman at Home April 1894
- * Little Joe Gander, (nv) Longman’s Magazine March 1885, as by The Author of “John Herring”
- * Little Matthew, (ss) The Graphic Christmas 1900
- * London Sixty Years Ago, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1893
- * Major Cornelius, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine November 1884, uncredited.
- * The Man in the Iron Cage, (ts) The Cornhill Magazine November 1907
- * Margery Coade, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1902
- * Margery of Quether, (nv) The Cornhill Magazine Apr, May 1884, as by The Author of “John Herring”
- * Master Sacristan Eberhart, (ss) Hurst Johnian December 1858
- * McAlister, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * The Merewigs, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * The Montafun, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1886, uncredited.
- * The Mother of Pansies, (ss) A Book of Ghosts, Methuen, 1904
- * Moth-Mullein, (nv) The Cornhill Magazine April 1889, as by The Author of “Mehalah”, “Court Royal”, etc.
- * Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven:
* ___ Chapter I. On the Terrace, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1892
* ___ Chapter II. A Strange Face, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1892
* ___ Chapter III. A Race, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1892
* ___ Chapter IV. In the Trap, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1892
* ___ Chapter V. Naples and Malta, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1892
* ___ Chapter VI. In the Pill-Box, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1892
* ___ Chapter VII. At the Milliner’s, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1892
* ___ Chapter VIII. Mrs. Curgenven Number Two, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1892
* ___ Chapter IX. Mrs. Curgenven Number One, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1892
* ___ Chapter X. The Reverend James Pamphlet, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1892
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