The FictionMags Index
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[]Smith, C. W. (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * 1870-1920, (ed) The Tryout September 1920
- * The Adams Memorial, (ed) The Tryout March 1928
- * Ads in the National Amateur, (ed) The Tryout November 1931
- * Advertising, (ar) The Tryout December 1932
- * All Outdoors, (ed) The Tryout July 1931
- * Amateur Journalism, (ed) The Tryout Dec 1918, Jan, Mar 1919
- * Anent poetry, (ar) The Tryout April 1918
- * Anent the Morals of the National, (ar) The Tryout August 1920
- * Another Poet, (ar) The Tryout December 1927
- * Another “Swiped” Review, (lt) The Tryout July 1918
- * At Rest. Susan Boynton Britton. Died June 14, 1920, (ar) The Tryout June 1920
- * Aunta’s Quaint Little Dolly, (pm) The Tryout December 1919
- * A Bit of History, (ed) The Tryout June 1932
- * A Boiling Caldron of Amateur Enthusiasm—Immersed Caught and Held at the Cleveland Convention July 5th 6th and 7th 1920, (ar) The Tryout July 1920
- * The Boston Meet, (ar) The Tryout July 1930
- * Bury It Deep, (ed) The Tryout April 1928
- * Chicago ’17, (ar) The Tryout June 1918
- * The Chicago Convention, (ar) The Tryout August 1918
- * Chicago in ’33, (ed) The Tryout December 1932
- * A Come Back, (ar) The Tryout July 1930
- * Comment, (ed) The Tryout Aug, Sep 1920
- * Consolation, (pm) The Tryout July 1930
- * Consolidation, (ed) The Tryout Nov 1918, Mar 1925
- * A Correct Diagnosis, (ar) The Tryout June 1931
- * Dear Little Feet, (pm) The Tryout October 1919
- * Don’t, (ar) The Tryout April 1918
- * Don’t Forget That, (ed) The Tryout February 1916
- * Early Dramatic Writings, (ar) The Tryout November 1919
- * An Early Fall, (ar) The Tryout August 1930
- * Edith Miniter, (ar) The Tryout August 1934
- * Editorial, (ed) The Tryout Dec 1926, Mar 1927
- * Edna Hyde, (ar) The Tryout July 1921
- * Exchanges, (ar) The Tryout February 1916
- * Exit politics, (ed) The Tryout July 1921
- * Former Contributors, (pm) The Tryout February 1938
- * From the Silence, (br) The Tryout June 1931
- * A Get Together, (ed) The Tryout November 1932
- * Giving the Devil His Dues, (ed) The Tryout July 1931
- * Helene Hoffman Cole, (ar) The Tryout March 1919
- * A Holiday, (ar) The Tryout July 1934
- * Howard P. Lovecraft, (ob) The Tryout June 1937
- * In Accord, (ar) The Tryout June 1931
- * An International Official, (ed) The Tryout November 1929
- * In the Breakers, (ss) The Tryout June 1932
- * I Wonder, (ed) The Tryout Nov 1918, Dec 1927
- * I Wonder if the, (ed) The Tryout April 1919
- * I Would Say That The, (ed) The Tryout July 1921
- * Jacob Moidel, (ar) The Tryout May 1927
- * Jonathan E. Hoag Obituary, (ob) The Tryout December 1927
- * June, (ar) The Tryout August 1934
- * June, (pm) The Tryout June 1931
- * Just Live Thy Life, (pm) The Tryout December 1932
- * Lamech Holden, (ar) The Tryout November 1931
- * Largely Attended?—Nix, (ed) The Tryout April 1920
- * Let’s, (ed) The Tryout June 1931
- * The Lone Scouts, (ed) The Tryout November 1918
- * Lucie Dowdell, (ar) The Tryout July 1920
- * Massachusetts Activity, (ed) The Tryout August 1918
- * A Misfortune, (ar) The Tryout May 1927
- * N.A.P.A. Presidency, (ed) The Tryout August 1933
- * The National, (ed) The Tryout September 1932
- * The National Amateur, (ed) The Tryout Sep 1923, Jan, Dec 1927
- * “Never Touched Me”, (ar) The Tryout December 1927
- * The New Sketch Book, (br) The Tryout August 1933
- * November, (pm) The Tryout November 1929
- * Obituary, (ob) The Tryout Apr 1927, Mar 1928
- * Observations, (ed) The Tryout June 1918
- * The Official Board, (ed) The Tryout Aug 1923, Jul 1930
- * The Official Editor, (ed) The Tryout January 1927
- * On the Re-election of Our Presidents, (ar) The Tryout March 1926
- * Our Alumni, (ed) The Tryout August 1920
- * Our Conventions, (ed) The Tryout July 1918
- * Our Laureates, (ed) The Tryout November 1931
- * Our Library, (ar) The Tryout August 1933
- * Our President’s in Politics, (ar) The Tryout February 1916
- * The Outlook, (ar) The Tryout August 1930
- * Pass It Along, (ed) The Tryout April 1928
- * “The Path of Glory”, (ar) The Tryout June 1931
- * Pessimistically Considered, (ar) The Tryout July 1934
- * Plaistow N.H., (ar) The Tryout December 1926
- * Poem commentary, (ar) The Tryout April 1919
- * The Poetry of George Edward Day, (ar) The Tryout December 1919
- * The Prodigals, (ar) The Tryout August 1930
- * Recent events, (ed) The Tryout March 1928
- * Recruiting, (ed) The Tryout August 1923
- * Ripples, (br) The Tryout February 1932
- * Sandusky White, (ar) The Tryout August 1930
- * Scared? No-o-o, (ss) The Tryout December 1919
- * Some Benefits of Amateur Journalism, (ed) The Tryout December 1917
- * Some Don’ts, (ed) The Tryout May 1927
- * Some Historical Facts, (ar) The Tryout January 1927
- * Somewhat Personal, (ed) The Tryout February 1932
- * The Split, (ed) The Tryout May 1927
- * A Suggestion, (ed) The Tryout November 1920
- * Suggestions, (ed) The Tryout June 1918
- * A ’Swiped’ Criticism, (ed) The Tryout December 1917
- * Tabooed Subjects, (ar) The Tryout June 1918
- * Taboo Subjects, (ed) The Tryout January 1927
- * That Missing P.O.M.O., (ed) The Tryout March 1928
- * Thomas Crammer, (ar) The Tryout December 1919
- * Today, (pm) The Tryout November 1932
- * Trouble, (ed) The Tryout March 1925
- * True Amateur Journalism, (ed) The Tryout April 1919
- * Truth, (pm) The Tryout September 1932
- * The Tryout, (ed) The Tryout January 1919
- * Tryouts, (ed) The Tryout Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Sep, Dec 1918, Jan, Mar, Nov, Dec 1919, Jan,
Apr, May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov 1920
Sep 1923, Mar, Nov 1925, Jan, Mar, Dec 1926, Jan, Mar, Apr, May 1927, Mar,
Apr 1928
Nov 1929, Nov 1931, Jun, Nov, Dec 1932, Aug 1933, Jul, Aug 1934, Jul 1935, Jun 1937,
Feb 1938
- * The ’28 Meet, (ed) The Tryout April 1928
- * The Westerner, (br) The Tryout July 1931
- * What’s the Matter with A.J.?, (ed) The Tryout May 1927
- * When the Piping Blackbird Whistles, (pm) The Tryout November 1931
- * White Fire, (rv) The Tryout March 1928
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