The FictionMags Index
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Walters, Cliff(ord Leroy) (chron.) (continued)
- * Prairie Pirates, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1934
- * Precious Powder, (ss) Popular Western June 1936
- * Proof of the Pudding, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1940
- * The Prospector’s Laugh, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 20 1937
- * Punchers in Peril, (ss) Thrilling Western August 1935
- * Puncher’s Pay-Off, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1939
- * Ranch Partner, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 7 1935
- * Range Peddler, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 11 1939
- * Range Raiders, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1935
- * Range Ringer, (ss) Exciting Western March 1948
- * Range Rockets, (ss) Western Round-Up August 1934
- * Range Rookers, (ss) Texas Rangers February 1951
- * Range Ruse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 11 1935
- * Rawhided, (ss) Pocket Western Magazine October 1937
- * Red Chips of Peril, (ss) Western Aces July 1944
- * Red Hands, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st April 1939
- * Red Rowels, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 17 1943
- * Relic Reaper, (ss) Texas Rangers July 1950
- * Revenge Rides Double, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 17 1942
- * Ride ’Em and Reap, (ss) Rodeo Romances Winter 1946
- * Riders of Rainbow Range, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories December 1933
- * Riders of the Sage, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1936
- * Riffles on the Range, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st May 1935
- * Rifle Roar, (ss) Popular Western August 1950
- * Rigadoon Ranch, (nv) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1940
- * Rimrocked, (ss) Pete Rice Magazine June 1935
- * Ringbone Bounty, (ss) Texas Rangers August 1948
- * Ring Rock Wrangler, (ss) Rodeo Romances August 1947
- * Ring Valley Rannyhan, (ss) Western Aces March 1938
- * Rita Rides, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1932
- * Road Ranch Rebel, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1934
- * Rock-Pile Justice, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 7 1939
- * Role for a Star, (ss) Popular Western May 1945
- * The Romance Brand, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1935
- * Roper’s Rainbow, (ss) Rodeo Romances February 1948
- * Rope Ruse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 9 1937
- * Roundup of Death, (nv)
- * Runaway’s Return, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 23 1935
- * Rusted Rifle, (ss) Real Western Stories February 1951
- * Rusty Takes a Job, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 21 1934
- * Saddle Savvy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 15 1937
- * Saddle Singer, (ss) Western Romances #33, February 1934
- * Sagebrush Sales Ring, (ss) Thrilling Western January 1946
- * Sagebrush Samaritan, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories November 1949
- * Sageland Cinderella, (ss) Western Romances #30, November 1933
- * Sageland Serenade, (ss) Western Romances #36, May 1934
- * Salt-Licked, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 2 1935
- * Satin-Covered Rawhide, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1948
- * Scars and Stars, (ss) Popular Western March 1936
- * Scars for a Schoolmaster, (nv) Range Riders Western September 1947
- * Schoolmarm’s Man, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1945
- * Settled with Six-Guns [Dan Netherton], (ss) Real Western October 1937
- * Shackle Shadows, (ss) Golden West Romances Fall 1950
- * Sharp Edges, (ss) The Rio Kid Western May 1946
- * Sheepherder, (ss) Argosy August 12 1939
- * Sheep Sharp, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 26 1936
- * Sheila’s Share, (ss) Western Romances #45, February 1935
- * Shifted Stakes, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 11 1936
- * Shorty Plays His Chips, (ss) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #95, April 1933
- * Side-Kicks for Satan, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 18 1942
- * Silver Creek Idyll, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1941
- * The Silver Stirrups, (nv) Romance Round-Up March 1937
- * Sixes on the Summit, (ss) Giant Western April 1950
- * Six-Gun Circle, (ss) Texas Rangers April 1944
- * Sixgun Salvage, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st August 1939
- * Six-Gun Saved, (ss) Popular Western October 1935
- * Six-Gun Sidetracked, (ss) 5 Western Novels Magazine March 1950
- * A Skunk for a Bear, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 19 1933
- * Soaring Saddles, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1950
- * Sock ’Em, Sarge!, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1943
- * Song of the Sandrocks, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st July 1940
- * Spurs for a Spartan, (ss) Fighting Western May 1950
- * Squirrel Bait, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 13 1937
- * Stardust Trail, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st October 1946
- * Star Shine, (ss) Ranch Romances 3rd June 1938
- * Stars in the Dust, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1945
- * Star Stung, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 1949
- * Stay with ’em, Stomper!, (ss) Rodeo Romances Summer 1950
- * Steer Strategy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 17 1937
- * The Stolen Cavvy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 4 1934
- * Stone Maid, (ss) The American Magazine February 1942
- * Stopover at Starville, (nv) Ranch Romances 1st September 1946
- * Storm-Driven, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 6 1935
- * Storm on the Mesa, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 25 1939
- * Storm Stakes, (ss) Double Action Western March 1951
- * Storm-Straightened, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 30 1936
- * A Stray Comes Home, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1933
- * Swale Bird, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1943
- * Swindler Celebration, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 4 1942
- * Tall, Dark and Ransom, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1945
- * Taming of the Shrewd, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1941
- * Teacher’s Pet, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st May 1937
- * The Tempest Trail, (ss) Romance Round-Up August 1938
- * Ten-Mule Prospector, (ss) Western Aces November 1945
- * Tepee Trick, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 14 1936
- * Test for the Tough Breed, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 31 1942
- * Thad Horne’s Chance, (ss) Double Action Western Magazine February 1935
- * Thanks to a Scavenger, (ss) Western Aces March 1937
- * That Certain Something, (pm) Pep Stories November 1930
- * Thayne Returns, (ss) Western Romances #34, March 1934
- * They Came to Scoff, (ss) Grit Story Section #1981, January 8 1933
- * Thicker Than Water, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st July 1939
- * Thin Boots, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 25 1936
- * The Third Pard, (vi) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1934
- * Tight Boots, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 12 1935
- * Tip to a Sparrow, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1939
- * Too Many Stars, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 7 1938
- * Too Tough to Hang, (na) Western Trails May 1941
- * Treacherous Trails, (ss) Thrilling Western October 1935
- * Treachery in the Big Horns, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 21 1939
- * Triangled Triggers, (ss) Thrilling Western September 1935
- * Tricky Targets, (ss) Popular Western April 1936
- * Tricky Triggers, (ss) Popular Western September 1939
- * Trigger Stain, (ss) Six-Gun Western December 1948
- * Triggertary Creek, (nv) Thrilling Western January 1947
- * Trio True, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st June 1939
- * Trouble Maker, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 18 1936
- * Two-Legged Wolf, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 7 1934
- * Two Share Alike, (ss) Masked Rider Western November 1945
- * Uneasy Acres, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st December 1937
- * Uneasy Dynamite, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 28 1933
- * Untamed, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories April 1933
- * Valley Call, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 8 1936
- * Vulture Bait, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West November 1943
- * Wagon Wise, (ss)
- * Wagon Won, (ss) Cowboy Stories August 1936
- * Weather Profit, (ss) Thrilling Western July 1946
- * Welcome for a Wolf, (ss) West July 1940
- * Where Loyalty Rode, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1934
- * Where Rancor Rode, (ss) Popular Western December 1936
- * Where There’s Smoke, (ss) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1940
- * Wild-Horse Lure, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 21 1935
- * Wild Rose, (ss) Western Romances #35, April 1934
- * Wild Rose Ranch, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1938
- * Wind River Breeze, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1943
- * Wind Whipped, (ss) Popular Western May 1937
- * Win, Lose or Draw Fast, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st March 1941
- * Winter Range, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 23 1936
- * Wire Wise, (ss) Cowboy Stories January 1936
- * With Guns Clashing, (ss) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1939
- * With Hearts at Stake, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1940
- * Wobble-Tongued Waddy, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st April 1944
- * Worth His Salt, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 4 1936
- * Yellow Lightning, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1935
- * [unknown story], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1937
[]Walters, Damien Angelica; maiden name of Damien Walters Grintalis (1968- ) (chron.)
- * 1750 khz, (ss) Shadows Over Main Street: Volume 2 ed. Doug Murano & D. Alexander Ward, Cutting Block, 2017
- * After the End, (vi) Daily Science Fiction June 10 2016
- * All That We Carry, All That We Hold, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #227, April 2015
- * All the Pretty Cages, (ss) Not Our Kind ed. Nayad Monroe, Alliteration Ink, 2015
- * All the Windows and All the Doors, (ss) Chopping Block Party ed. David G. Barnett & Brendan Deneen, Necro Publications, 2017
- * Black Stars on Canvas, a Reproduction in Acrylic, (ss) Cassilda’s Song ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Chaosium, 2015
- * Broken Beneath the Paperweight of Your Ghosts, (ss) Shock Totem #8.5, February 2014
- * The Curse of Being Pretty, (ss) Liquid Imagination #5, February 2010
- * Deep Within the Marrow, Hidden in My Smile, (ss) Black Static #52, May/June 2016
- * Falling Under, Through the Dark, (ss) Black Static #46, May/June 2015
- * Fear of Failure 2.0, (ar) Apex Magazine #104, January 2018
- * Filigree, Minotaur, Cyanide, Bloom, (ss) Adam’s Ladder ed. Michael Bailey & Darren Speegle, Written Backwards, 2017
- * The Floating Girls: A Documentary, (ss) Jamais Vu #3, Summer/Autumn 2014
- * Girl, With Coin, (ss) Shimmer #17, 2013
- * Golden Sun (with Kristi DeMeester, Richard Thomas & Michael Wehunt), (nv) Chiral Mad 4 ed. Michael Bailey & Lucy A. Snyder, Written Backwards, 2018
- * Green Is for Silence, Blue Is for Voice, Red Is for Whole, Black Is for Choice, (nv) Daily Science Fiction February 28 2014
- * Grey in the Gauge of His Storm, (ss) Apex Magazine #53, October 2013
- * The Hands That Hold, the Lies That Bind, (ss) Cemetery Dance Online January 1 2016
- * Her Beginning Is Her End Is Her Beginning (with E. Catherine Tobler), (nv) Cassilda’s Song ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Chaosium, 2015
- * Here, Only Sorrow, (ss) Black Static #59, July/August 2017
- * In the Spaces Where You Once Lived, (ss) Autumn Cthulhu ed. Mike Davis, Lovecraft eZine Press, 2016
- * In the Water, Underneath, (ss) Genius Loci ed. Jaym Gates, Ragnarok Publications, 2016
- * It Never Looks Like Drowning, (ss) For Those in Peril ed. Steve J. Shaw, Black Shuck Books, 2018
- * The Judas Child, (ss) Nightmare #39, December 2015
- * Kai Monstrai Ateik (When the Monsters Come), (ss) Through a Mythos Darkly ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, PS Publishing, 2017
- * A Lie You Give, and Thus I Take, (ss) Lightspeed #55, December 2014
- * Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys: The Elephant’s Tale, (ss) Apex Magazine #75, August 2015
- * On Grief and the Language of Flowers: Selected Arrangements, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2017
- * Paper Tigers, (ex) Dark Horse Books, 2016
- * Paskutinis Iliuzija (The Last Illusion), (ss) Apex Magazine #87, August 2016
- * A Pathway for the Broken [Cthulhu], (ss) Tomorrow’s Cthulhu ed. C. Dombrowski & Scott Gable, Broken Eye Books, 2016
- * A Perfect Replica, (ss) Darker Companions ed. Scott David Aniolowski & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., PS Publishing, 2017
- * Requiem, for Solo Cello, (ss) Apex Magazine #69, February 2015
- * The Serial Killer’s Astronaut Daughter, (ss) Strange Horizons January 6 2014
- * Shall I Whisper to You of Moonlight, of Sorrow, of Pieces of Us, (ss) Shock Totem #7, August 2013, as by Damien Walters Grintalis
- * Sing Me Your Scars, (ss) Sing Me Your Scars by Damien Angelica Walters, Apex Book Company, 2015
- * S Is for Soliloquy, (ss) B Is for Broken ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2015
- * The Sons of the Father, (ss) LampLight March 2015
- * Such Face We Wear, Such Masks We Hide, (ss) Streets of Shadows ed. Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon, Alliteration Ink, 2014
- * Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice, (ss) Eternal Frankenstein ed. Ross E. Lockhart, Word Horde, 2016
- * The Sundowners, (ss) Suspended in Dusk II ed. Simon Dewar, Grey Matter Press, 2018
- * Take a Walk in the Night, My Love, (ss) The Madness of Dr. Caligari ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Fedogan & Bremer, 2016
- * That Pilgims’ Hands Do Touch, (ss) Lost Highways ed. D. Alexander Ward, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
- * These Things, They Linger Still, (ss) Dark Discoveries #32, Summer 2015
- * This Is the Way I Die, (ss) Nightmare #20, May 2014
- * This Unquiet Space, (ss) Looming Low: Volume I ed. Justin Steele & Sam Cowan, Dim Shores, 2017
- * Tooth, Tongue, and Claw, (ss) Nightscript: Volume One ed. C. M. Muller, CreateSpace, 2015
- * Twenty Pieces of Documentation Presented to the Emergency Committee on the Study and Understanding of the M3D1154 Contagion, (ss) Apex Magazine #141, 2023
- * U, (ss) A is for Apocalypse ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2014
- * What Finds Its Way Back, (ss) Ashes and Entropy ed. Robert S. Wilson, Nightscape Press, 2018
- * What They Lost in the Storm, (ss) Gamut Magazine #8, August 2017
- * When the Lady Speaks, (ss) What Fates Impose ed. Nayad A. Monroe, Alliteration Ink, 2013
- * When We Taste of Death, (ss) Exigencies ed. Richard Thomas, Dark House Press, 2015
- * The Whipping Girls, (ss) Chiral Mad 3 ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2016
_____, [ref.]
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