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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3185

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    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVI, No. 94, October 1867] (Smith, Elder and Co., 385-512pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 385 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XVII. At Castello · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 391 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XVIII. A Dull Dinner · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 402 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XIX. A Departure · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 409 · Witch-Murders in India · Oswald Mosley Bradshaw, uncredited · ar
    • 418 · The Beautiful Miss Gunnings · M. O’Shaughnessy, uncredited · ar
    • 432 · The Marriage Law of the Three Kingdoms · W. H. Faloon, uncredited · ar
    • 440 · Little Red Riding Hood · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · nv
    • 474 · A Gossip on our Rosalinds · John Doran, uncredited · ar
    • 482 · Saint and Sinner · [uncredited] · pm
    • 485 · Jottings from the Note-Book of an Undeveloped Collector [Part 2 of 4] · Henry H. Wood, uncredited · ar
    • 500 · For the Wall of a Friend’s Study · A. M. · pm
    • 501 · The Abkhasian Insurrection of August 8, 1866 · William Gifford Palgrave, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVI, No. 95, November 1867] (Smith, Elder and Co., 513-640pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 513 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XX. A Morning of Perplexities · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 522 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXI. George and Julia · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 528 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXII. In the Library at Castello · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 534 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXIII. The Curate Cross-Examined · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 539 · The Regrets of a Mountaineer · Leslie Stephen, uncredited · ar
    • 556 · Shooting Stars, Meteors and Aërolites · Richard Anthony Proctor, uncredited · ar
    • 570 · Jottings from the Note-Book of an Undeveloped Collector [Part 3 of 4] · Henry H. Wood, uncredited · ar
    • 584 · Joan of Arc · G. A. Simcox · pm
    • 589 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter I. On Monsters, etc · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 592 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter II. Cormoran · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 600 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter III. An Ogress · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 609 · The Satirists of the Reformation · James Hannay, uncredited · ar
    • 629 · By the Sea-Side in South-East Africa · John Robinson, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVI, No. 96, December 1867] (Smith, Elder and Co., 641-768pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 641 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXIV. Doubts and Fears · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 653 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXV. Marion’s Ambitions · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 657 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXVI. Mr. Cutbill Arrives at Castello · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 662 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXVII. The Villa Altieri · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 667 · Haberfeld Treiben in Upper Bavaria · Francis Doyne Dwyer, uncredited · ar
    • 677 · Jottings from the Note-Book of an Undeveloped Collector [Part 4 of 4] · Henry H. Wood, uncredited · ar
    • 693 · Dumb Men’s Speech. A Belgian Experiment · H. T. Armfield, uncredited · ar
    • 704 · Country Life · Thomas E. Kebbel, uncredited · ar
    • 719 · Some Chapters on Talk: I.—Of the Descriptive Talker · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 723 · Some Chapters on Talk: II.—Of the Talker Who Retails Gossip · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 726 · Some Chapters on Talk: III.—Of the Talker Who Relates Anecdotes · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 730 · Some Chapters on Talk: IV.—Of the Talker Who Discusses Topics · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 734 · Some Chapters on Talk: V.—Of Various Minor Talkers · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 739 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter IV. Jack Goes to Sleep in the Wood · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 746 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter V. Blunderbore and His Two Heads · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 755 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter VI. The Parcæ Cut a Thread of Mrs. Trevithic’s Knitting · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVII, No. 97, January 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 128pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 1 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter VII. In Blunderbore’s Castle · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 7 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter VIII. Hasty Pudding and Blows from a Club · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 16 · Jack the Giant-Killer: Chapter IX. Jack Helps to Disenchant the Beautiful Lady · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · sl
    • 30 · Anarchy and Authority [Part 1 of 5] · Matthew Arnold · ar
    • 48 · Richardson’s Novels · Leslie Stephen, uncredited · ar [Ref. Samuel Richardson]
    • 70 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXVIII. Castello · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 77 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXIX. The Hôtel Bristol · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 82 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXX. On the Road · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 90 · Some Chapters on Talk: VI.—Of Times for Talking · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 94 · Some Chapters on Talk: VII.—Of the Recipients of Talk · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 98 · Some Chapters on Talk: VIII.—On Silence · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 102 · Some Chapters on Talk: IX.—Of Silence · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 107 · Some Chapters on Talk: X.—Of Talk Between Persons Who Are Strangers to Each Other · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 111 · Garibaldi’s Last Campaign · Jessie White Mario, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVII, No. 98, February 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 129-256pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 129 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXI. On the Road to Italy · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 133 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXII. The Church Patrons at Albano · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 141 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXIII. A Small Lodging at Louvaine · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 147 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXIV. At Louvaine · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 150 · The Three Lyrists: Horace, Burns, and Béranger · James Hannay, uncredited · ar
    • 168 · Some Chapters on Talk: XI.—Of Promoting Talk · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 173 · Some Chapters on Talk: XII.—How to Talk [Part 1 of 3] · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 178 · Some Chapters on Talk: XIII.—How to Talk [Part 2 of 3] · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 183 · Some Chapters on Talk: XIV.—How to Talk [Part 3 of 3] · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 189 · On Iron Forts and Shields · Vivian Dering Majendie, uncredited · ar
    • 210 · My Neighbour Nelly · Margaret Oliphant, uncredited · nv
    • 239 · Anarchy and Authority [Part 2 of 5] · Matthew Arnold · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVII, No. 99, March 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 257-384pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 257 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXV. Mr. Cutbill’s Visit · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 262 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXVI. An Evening with Cutbill · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 266 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXVII. The Appointment · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 271 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXVIII. With Lord Culduff · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 274 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XXXIX. At Albano · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 282 · Vesuvius · Richard A. Proctor, uncredited · ar
    • 293 · De Foe’s Novels · Leslie Stephen, uncredited · ar [Ref. Daniel Defoe]
    • 317 · Roe-Shooting in the Black Forest · William Black, uncredited · ts
    • 330 · “I Do Not Love You” · Emily Jolly, uncredited · ss
    • 349 · Hindu Festival of the Pongol · Charles E. Gover, uncredited · ar
    • 357 · A Sad Hour · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · ss
    • 370 · Some Chapters on Talk: XV.—Antagonistic Talk · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 375 · Some Chapters on Talk: XVI.—Ladies’ Talk · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 378 · Some Chapters on Talk: XVII.—Some Other Varieties of Talk · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar
    • 382 · Some Chapters on Talk: XVIII.—Too Much Talk · Charles Allston Collins, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVII, No. 100, April 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 385-512pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 385 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XL. “A Reception” at Rome · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 390 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLI. Some “Salon Diplomacies” · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 395 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLII. A Long Tête-à-Tête · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 405 · Surnames in England and Wales · Edward Whitaker, uncredited · ar
    • 421 · The North Frisian Outlands · Adolphus William Ward, uncredited · ar
    • 429 · Lady Denzil · Margaret Oliphant, uncredited · nv
    • 462 · A Holiday Among Some Old Friends · G. O. Trevelyan, uncredited · ar
    • 476 · “Don Ricardo” · G. H. B. Young, uncredited · ss
    • 487 · The Old Loves of our Loves · Coke Richardson, uncredited · ar
    • 493 · Two Great Cities, by an American · Charles W. Elliott, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVII, No. 101, May 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 513-640pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 513 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLIII. A Special Mission · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 519 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLIV. The Church Patrons · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 524 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLV. A Pleasant Dinner · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 529 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLVI. A Stroll and a Gossip · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 535 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLVII. A Proposal in Form · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 540 · Recollections of Gibson the Sculptor · Isa Blagden, uncredited · ar
    • 547 · Notes on the National Characteristics in the Scottish Lowlands · Coke Richardson, uncredited · ar
    • 557 · Contented · M. B. · pm
    • 558 · Punishment in the Days of Old · John Rutherford, uncredited · ar
    • 573 · Out of the Silence · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · ar
    • 578 · Charles Dibdin and His Songs · James Hannay, uncredited · ar
    • 592 · Avonhoe: Chapter I. Avonhoe · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 596 · Avonhoe: Chapter II. The Good Old Times · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 602 · Avonhoe: Chapter III. A Pair of Friends · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 604 · Avonhoe: Chapter IV. A Hunting Morning · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 610 · The MS. Journal of Captain E. Thompson, R. N., 1783 to 1785 · Edward Thompson · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVII, No. 102, June 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 641-768pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 641 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLVIII. “A Telegram” · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 650 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter XLIX. A Long Tête-à-Tête · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 654 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter L. Cattaro · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 658 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LI. Some News from Without · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 664 · Under the Sea · H. Simpson, uncredited · ar
    • 681 · A Group of Vagabonds · John Rutherford, uncredited · ar
    • 696 · Camp Life in Abyssinia · G. A. Henty, uncredited · ts
    • 707 · Avonhoe: Chapter V. Up Hill · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 711 · Avonhoe: Chapter VI. Fire in the Rick-yard · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 716 · Avonhoe: Chapter VII. Fowling in the Church Tower · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 723 · Avonhoe: Chapter VIII. A Wolf’s Cub · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 727 · The Earth a Magnet · Richard A. Proctor, uncredited · ar
    • 735 · A City of Refuge · Anne Thackeray, uncredited · ar
    • 745 · Anarchy and Authority [Part 3 of 5] · Matthew Arnold · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVIII, No. 103, July 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 128pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 1 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LII. Ischia · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 10 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LIII. A Rainy Night at Sea · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 16 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LIV. The Letter Bag · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 22 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LV. The Prisoner at Cattaro · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 27 · Two Mediæval Travellers · William Edward Hall, uncredited · ar
    • 38 · L’Inferno of Dante: Canto I · Dante Alighieri; translated by J. F. W. Herschel · pm
    • 43 · Earthquakes · Richard A. Proctor, uncredited · ar
    • 54 · Witches and their Craft · John Rutherford, uncredited · ar
    • 73 · Avonhoe: Chapter IX. Past and Present · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 78 · Avonhoe: Chapter X. Breakfast at Hartley Grange · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 81 · Avonhoe: Chapter XI. A Summer’s Night · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 85 · Avonhoe: Chapter XII. The Keeper’s House · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 91 · Anarchy and Authority [Part 4 of 5] · Matthew Arnold · ar
    • 108 · Why Have I Three Tails? · John Abbott, uncredited · ss
    • 118 · Time Defied · M. B. · pm
    • 119 · Early English Newspapers · Charles Isaac Elton, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVIII, No. 104, August 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 129-256pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 129 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LVI. At Lady Augusta’s · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 133 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LVII. At the Inn at Cattaro · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 140 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LVIII. The Villa Life · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 144 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LIX. A Very Brief Dream · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 149 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LX. A Return Home · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 155 · Great Solar Eclipses · Richard Anthony Proctor, uncredited · ar
    • 170 · How to Form a Good Taste in Art · F. T. Palgrave · ar; delivered as a lecture at the Royal Institution, Albemarle Street.
    • 181 · Coast Defence · Vivian Dering Majendie, uncredited · ar
    • 199 · Avonhoe: Chapter XIII. Search · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 205 · Avonhoe: Chapter XIV. Out Into the World · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 209 · Avonhoe: Chapter XV. The “Hell Hole” in the Great Pool · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 216 · Avonhoe: Chapter XVI. Man Proposes · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 221 · A Prussian Soldier’s Notes on the Prussian Army · J. Karuth, uncredited · ar
    • 231 · The Santals · James Hutton, uncredited · ar
    • 239 · Anarchy and Authority [Part 5 of 5] · Matthew Arnold · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVIII, No. 105, September 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 257-384pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 257 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXI. Lady Culduff’s Letter · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 262 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXII. Dealing with Cutbill · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 266 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXIII. The Client and His Lawyer · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 269 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXIV. A First Gleam of Light · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 276 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXV. The Light Stronger · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 281 · Thoughtfulness in Dress · Caroline E. Stephen, uncredited · ar
    • 299 · Pocket Boroughs · Thomas E. Kebbel, uncredited · ar
    • 311 · The Stockbroker at Dinglewood · Margaret Oliphant, uncredited · nv
    • 344 · “The English Are Not a Musical People” · G. A. Macfarren · ar
    • 364 · Theology in Extremis · A. C. L. (by Alfred C. Lyall) · pm
    • 368 · The Victorial: a Story of an Old Spanish Rover · William Stigand, uncredited · ar

    The Cornhill Magazine [Vol. XVIII, No. 106, October 1868] (Smith, Elder and Co., 385-512pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from an online copy at HathiTrust.
    • 385 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXVI. Sedley’s Notes · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 390 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXVII. A Wayfarer · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 394 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXVIII. A Meeting and a Parting · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 398 · The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly: Chapter LXIX. The Last of All · Charles Lever, uncredited · sl
    • 404 · Glimpses of Mauritius · John Robinson, uncredited · ar
    • 419 · Some Notes on Othello · John James Elmes, uncredited · ar
    • 441 · Summer in the Hardanger Province · Charles Isaac Elton, uncredited · ar
    • 450 · Lettice Lisle: Chapter I. A Yeoman’s Estate · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 454 · Lettice Lisle: Chapter II. Amyas Wynyate and His Home · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 460 · Lettice Lisle: Chapter III. Fishing in the Heron’s Pool · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 468 · Lettice Lisle: Chapter IV. Lettie’s Schoolmasters · Lady Verney, uncredited · sl
    • 473 · A Dialogue on Finality · Louisa A. Merivale, uncredited · ss
    • 484 · Colonial Parliaments · John Robinson, uncredited · ar
    • 496 · Ajaccio · John Addington Symonds, uncredited · ar
    • 507 · Jacob Omnium · Frederick Greenwood, uncredited · ob [Ref. Matthew James Higgins]

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