The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7519
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Moses, Kingsley (chron.) (continued)
- * Over His Head, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 22 1926
- * Paid in Full, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1943
- * A Paragon at Polo, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1926
- * Peacemaker Paradise, (nv) Western Romances #86, July 1938
- * Pea-Green Freshman, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1927
- * The Pearl of Fire, (nv) Three Star Stories 2nd May 1929
- * Peeler Goes Progressive, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 12 1940
- * Peeler Henderson’s Lone Hand, (nv) Wild West Weekly January 11 1930, as by Kent Bennett
- * Percy, the Postman, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1928
- * Pestilence Pit, (nv) Wild West Weekly April 13 1929, as by Kent Bennett
- * “Piece—Forward!”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1929
- * Pieces of Silver, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1929, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * The Pin Buster, (ss) 12 Sports Aces May/June 1939
- * The Pinch Hitter, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1926
- * A Pinch in Monte Carlo, (ss) Top-Notch October 1933
- * Playtime Past, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st November 1917
- * A Pleasant Day with Derik, (ss) Complete Stories June 1927
- * The Poinsett Round-Up, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1930
- * Pony Express, (ss) Western Romances #22, January 1932
- * Potiphar Puts Out, (ss) The Popular Stories November 26 1927
- * Poverty Spread, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1946
- * Pretty, (ss) North American Review December 1932
- * Protectors of the Prince, (ss) Doc Savage Magazine October 1933
- * Queen o’ Spades, (ss) Wild West Weekly November 24 1928, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * Rabbit Rampant, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd October 1929
- * Raced in Texas, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine September 1931
- * The Rambling Racketeers, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 22 1928
- * The Ranch on Funeral Flat, (nv) Wild West Weekly February 16 1929, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * A Ranger’s Code, (ss) Ranch Romances 3rd December 1932
- * Red River Slim’s Pilgrim, (ss) Wild West Weekly March 10 1928, as by Frank Johnson Litchfield
- * Redskins and Thoroughbreds, (ss) Wild West Weekly September 15 1928, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * Red Slaughter, (ss) Wild West Weekly May 31 1930, as by Franklin B. Holt
- * Refuge, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1927
- * Robbie, the Red, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1926
- * The Rube Racket, (ar) All Star Detective Stories May 1931
- * Rub of the Green, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1930
- * Rules, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1926
- * Saddles, (ar) True Western Stories November 1925
- * Salute (with Curtis Kinney Thomas), (ss) Adventure October 1 1934
- * Sam Plays Safe, (ss) Adventure October 23 1926
- * Sara’s Culls, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1945
- * Satan’s Racing Silks, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1945
- * Savin’ the Two Star, (nv) Wild West Weekly June 29 1929, as by Nelse Anderson
- * Scaldaletto, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine April 1933, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * Scimitars of the Sea, (na) Ace-High Magazine 1st November 1922
- * Sea Gold, (ar) Adventure May 1 1931
- * Seeded, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 22 1927
- * Senor Liar, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1940
- * Shadow of the Gallows, (ss) Wild West Weekly September 29 1928, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * The Shamateur, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1928
- * Sheriffin’ at Quicksilver, (ss) Wild West Weekly August 4 1928, as by Philip F. Deere
- * The Sheriff’s Fat Friend, (ss) Wild West Weekly February 2 1929, as by Philip F. Deere
- * Shooting Irons Ain’t All, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1947, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * The Silver Filly, (ss) Wild West Weekly May 19 1928, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * Silver Navarre, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1942
- * Silver Sue, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st May 1929
- * The Silver Trail, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st June 1927
- * “Sin Cabeza”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1943
- * Sinister Brute, (nv) Wild West Weekly June 15 1929, as by Andrew A. Griffin
- * Six-Guns at Suicide Gate, (ss) Wild West Weekly January 18 1930, as by Nelse Anderson
- * Sixteen Sweaters, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 22 1927
- * Skeleton Swale, (ss) Complete Stories March 1927
- * The Skull in the Oak, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 3 1932, as by Frank Johnson Litchfield
- * Slacker, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 22 1926
- * The Slougher, (nv) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1927
- * “Snapper” Hardaway—Leg Man, (nv) Sport Story Magazine November 22 1925
- * Soaring Sod-Busters, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1931
- * Soldiers All, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1927
- * Somewhat Aloof, (ss) Saucy Stories December 1917
- * Son of a Soldier, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 22 1924
- * “Sooner” Jim, (ss) Wild West Weekly July 28 1928, as by Frank Johnson Litchfield
- * The Sophomore President, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st January 1929
- * Soupy Wears the “C”, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1929
- * South o’ Rome, (nv) Three Star Magazine 1st December 1928
- * The Southpaw, (ss) Sport Story Magazine October 22 1925
- * Spare, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 8 1926
- * Spats, (ss) People’s Story Magazine April 25 1922
- * The Specter of Death Valley, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1945
- * Spiked, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 22 1925
- * “Spur” Garrison Comes Shootin’, (ss) Wild West Weekly April 28 1928, as by Charles K. Haskell
- * The Spy Pilot, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1930
- * The Stage from Sweetwater, (ss) Wild West Weekly April 26 1930, as by Andrew A. Griffin
- * Stealin’ the Tumble T, (nv) Wild West Weekly November 22 1930, as by Andrew A. Griffin
- * Steamy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 25 1937
- * Stolen Horses, (ss) Far West Illustrated August 1928
- * Storm Country, (ss) Western Romances #21, December 1931
- * A Storm Is A-Brewin’, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1945, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * Stranger in Pinal Flats, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1946
- * Students of Psychology, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1929
- * Stumble-Bum, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1935
- * Submarine Assistance, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1930
- * Suicide Cliff, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 8 1926
- * Sullivan, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1946, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * Tales of the Gridiron, (ss) Collier’s November 8 1913
- * Tallow Pot, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1929
- * Ted Thorne—Tackle, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1927
- * The Terrible Turk, (nv) Over the Top August 1929
- * Terror in Deadfall, (nv) Wild West Weekly December 8 1928, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * Terror Ridge, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories May/June 1933
- * Tess of the B Bar, (sl) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May, Jun, Jul 1946
- * A Thanksgiving Throwback, (nv) Sport Story Magazine November 22 1927
- * Thanks to Master McGrath, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 8 1927
- * Thanks to the Pooch, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1929, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * There Ain’t No Justice, (ss) Far West Illustrated Magazine October 1926
- * “There Is a Tide—”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 1946
- * They Don’t Answer, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 20 1924
- * Thing, (vi) The Quill June 30 1917
- * Thirteen Feet, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 22 1926
- * This Damned Africa, (ss) Excitement July 1930
- * The Three-Hundred-Mile Signal, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 22 1924
- * Three Knaves and a Queen, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1943
- * Three Men from Nowhere, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range March 1945
- * Three Sisters at the Walking K, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May 1945
- * Three Thousand Fathoms Deep, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1925
- * The Thumb, (nv) Adventure March 20 1924
- * Too Smart to Live!, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Summer 1938
- * To Please Penelope, (ss) The Smart Set November 1917, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * Torpedo Tompkins, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1930
- * Tough Bulldoggin’, (ss) Wild West Weekly March 31 1928, as by Ward M. Stevens
- * Tough Hombre, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st December 1931
- * Trail of the Cayuse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1943
- * True to Type, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 8 1927
- * Tuft Luck, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st March 1930
- * Tug of War, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 22 1927
- * The Twelfth Strike, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 22 1928
- * The 12:32, (ss) The Black Mask January 1923
- * Uncle Bell Gets Him a Belt, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 4 1940
- * Unlucky Star, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1930
- * Useless, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1926
- * Valiant Bride, (ss) Western Romances #75, August 1937
- * Veiled Eyes, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine April 1918
- * Wedding Present, Western Style, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1943, as by Garrison K. Rumford
- * Well Roped, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 16 1926
- * When Is a Man Too Old to Begin Again?, (ar) National Brain Power February 1924
- * Where the Shadow Falls, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1944
- * Whipped, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1939
- * Wholesale Stamp Stealing, (ar) Clues 2nd January 1929
- * Whose Man?, (nv) Saucy Stories November 15 1922
- * Wide Waters, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 8 1928
- * Wildcat Kate, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1944
- * The Wild One, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1930
- * Wingless Gerfalcons, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd March 1929
- * Winner Take All, (ss) Western Romances #27, June 1932
- * With Rod, Bow, Bat and Mashie, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * With the North Wind, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1929
[]Moses, Montrose J(onas) (1878-1934) (about) (chron.)
- * The Advance Guard of British Dramatists, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine December 1912
- * The American Playwrights of To-day, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine May 1921
- * The Argumentative George Bernard Shaw, (ar) The Bellman #588, October 20 1917 [Ref. George Bernard Shaw]
- * Barrie’s Love of Writing, (ar) The Bellman #572, June 30 1917 [Ref. James M. Barrie]
- * The Best of Them Get Stage Fright, (ar) Everybody’s May 1926
- * The Birth of a New Art, (ar) McClure’s Magazine October 1920
- * Children’s Books in War Time, (ar) Good Housekeeping December 1917
- * Chips from Maeterlinck’s Work-Bench, (bg) The Bellman #650, December 28 1918 [Ref. Maurice Maeterlinck]
- * Clyde Fitch at Quiet Corner, (ar) McClure’s Magazine April 1921
- * Clyde Fitch’s Bric-a-Brac Days, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1920
- * Clyde Fitch’s Fat Years, (ar) McClure’s Magazine February 1921
- * Clyde Fitch’s Last Days, (ar) McClure’s Magazine August 1921
- * Clyde Fitch’s Lean Years, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1921
- * Have Mercy, (ms) Good Housekeeping May 1918
- * History as Told in Pictures, (cl) The Shrine Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1927, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep 1928
- * Home Life in Camp, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine March 1918
- * How the Passion Play Has Been Preserved, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine June 1910
- * John Masefield, (ar) The Bellman #500, February 12 1916 [Ref. John Masefield]
- * The Life Story of Clyde Fitch, (ar) McClure’s Magazine November 1920
- * Lord Dunsany’s Peculiar Genius, (ar) The Bellman #561, April 14 1917 [Ref. Lord Dunsany]
- * Love’s Decree, (pm) The Smart Set August 1900
- * Mary Roberts Rinehart—Author, Wife, and Mother, (ar) Good Housekeeping April 1917
- * Richard Mansfield, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1905
- * Slot Machine Education, (ar) The Shrine Magazine May 1927
- * So You Are Not Superstitious?, (ar) Everybody’s July 1926
- * Tagore—The Poet of India and His Messsage, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine December 1916
- * Unreconstructed, (ss) The Bellman #307, June 1 1912
- * W.B. Yeats and the Irish Players, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine January 1912
- * What Do Children Read?, (ar) Good Housekeeping January 1914
- * Where the Breezes Blow, (ss) The Bellman #266, August 19 1911
- * The Wife of Maurice Maeterlinck, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine March 1912
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