The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11656
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * It Doesn’t Pay, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 9 1925
- * Items of General Interest, (cl) Pluck and Luck #1315, August 15 1923
- * Items of Interest, (ar) The Clever Magazine August 23 1902
- * Items of Interest, (cl) Wild West Weekly #531 Dec 20 1912, #536 Jan 24, #539 Feb 14 1913, #1034 Aug 11 1922
- * Items of Interest, (cl) Pluck and Luck #1473, August 25 1926
- * Items of Interest, (ms) The Clever Magazine Aug 16, Sep 13, Sep 20 1902
- * Items of Interest, (ss) The Clever Magazine October 25 1902
- * Items of Interest All the World Over, (cl) Army and Navy Weekly November 20 1897
- * It Happened at Asbury, (hu) The Popular Magazine December 1907
- * It Happened at Christmas, (ss) Detective Casebook February 1948
- * It Happened In—, (ms) Liberty (Canada) April 4 1936
- * It Happened In—, (ms) Liberty May 22, May 29, Jun 5 1937
- * It Happened In—, (ms) This Week Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 27 1938
- * It happened in a Flash!, (ar) Collins Young Elizabethan September 1954
- * It Happened in a Good Home, (ts) Smart Set October 1924
- * It Happened in Paris, (ss) Gay Parisienne October 1931
- * It Happened on Christmas Eve, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1931, 1930
- * It Happened on New Year’s Eve, (ts) Candid Confessions February 1938
- * It Happened on the Pecos, (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1949
- * It Happened This Way, (ar) Five-Novels Magazine January/February 1946
- * It Happened This Week:
* ___ 53: Knights of the Scarlet Cross, (ia) Rover and Wizard #222, April 17 1965
* ___ 55: Marconi, (ia) Rover and Wizard #224, May 1 1965
* ___ 69: The Battle in the Rosefields, (ia) Rover and Wizard #238, August 7 1965
* ___ 70: The Winged Killer, (ia) Rover and Wizard #239, August 14 1965
* ___ 72: The Plane That Caught a U-Boat, (ia) Rover and Wizard #241, August 28 1965
* ___ 73: Maxim’s Deadly Gun, (ia) Rover and Wizard #242, September 4 1965
* ___ 75: King of the Sports Cars, (ia) Rover and Wizard #244, September 18 1965
* ___ 76: The Pig and Whistle Infantry, (ia) Rover and Wizard #245, September 25 1965
* ___ 77: The First Submarine, (ia) Rover and Wizard #246, October 2 1965
* ___ 78: Vision On!, (ia) Rover and Wizard #247, October 9 1965
* ___ 79: What’s in a Name?, (ia) Rover and Wizard #248, October 16 1965
* ___ 80: The Burma Road, (ia) Rover and Wizard #249, October 23 1965
* ___ 81: The Thin Red Line, (ia) Rover and Wizard #250, October 30 1965
* ___ 82: Men of Metal, (ia) Rover and Wizard #251, November 6 1965
* ___ 83: Sink the Tirpitz!, (ia) Rover and Wizard #252, November 13 1965
* ___ 84: Firsts on Four Wheels, (ia) Rover and Wizard #253, November 20 1965
* ___ 85: Weather Wise, (ia) Rover and Wizard #254, November 27 1965
- * It Happened to Captain Kidd, (ms) Mystery Magazine April 1 1926
- * It Has All Been Done Before, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1947
- * “I Think”, (cn) The American Magazine July 1936
- * I Think It’s Funny, (vi) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #6, 1947
* ___ The Diary of a Nobody, (ex) Arrowsmith, 1892
- * I Think of Thee, (pm) The Literary Emporium September 1845
- * I Think You Know, (pm) The Grand Magazine September 1909
- * I Thought It Was Love, (ts) Scarlet Confessions December 1937
- * I Thought I Was in the Way, (ts) True Story March 1932
- * I Threw Him to the Wolves, (ms) True Western Stories July 1926
- * Itinerant Thespians, (ar) (by John William Cole) Dublin University Magazine August 1868
- * Itinerary, (in) Fling v1 #1, v1 #4 1957, v1 #5, v1 #6, v1 #7 1958
- * “It Is Altogether Fitting and Proper”, (ms) Collier’s May 31 1952
- * It Is a Tough Job—Trying to Sit on a Pinnacle, (ms) The American Magazine March 1919
- * It Is Better to Make Things Than to Break Things, (ms) The American Magazine December 1920
- * It Is Charged to the Doctor, (ss)
- * It Is Finished, (pm) Grit Story Section April 13 1941
- * It Is Hard to Tell How Numb a Young Skull is, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine June 1916
- * It Is No Fiction, (ss) (by Sarah Agnes Dicken) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine September 1844
- * It Isn’t Easy, (pm) Grit Story Section July 27 1941
- * It Isn’t the Cough, (pm)
- * It isn’t the job we intend to do, (pm) The Tryout September 1923
- * It Isn’t Whether You Win or Lose, It’s How You Play the Game, (iv) The Leading Edge #24, September 1991 [Ref. Tracy Hickman]
- * It Isn’t Your Age That Counts—It’s What You Can Do, (ms) The American Magazine February 1920
- * It Is So, (pm) Pan #28, May 15 1920
- * It Is Sometimes Better to Remain a Bore than to Make Yourself Too Intersting, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine March 1917
- * It Is the Hour…, (ex) Hebrew Melodies by Lord Byron, John Murray, 1815, as by Lord George Gordon Byron
- * “It is to Laff”, (hu) Spicy Stories July 1937
- * It Is to Laugh, (hu) Pep Stories Jan, Apr, Jul 1929, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov 1930
- * It Is to Laugh, (hu) Spicy Stories Apr, Jun 1929, Mar, May 1930, Feb 1931, Feb, Mar 1934
- * It Is Very Comfortin’, (pm) Grit Story Section #1621, February 7 1926
- * “It Is You That Gnaws the Plants, Is It?”, (il) Wide Awake October 1877
- * It Just Occurred to Us, (ms) Best Stories of All Time January 1926
- * It’ll Be All Write on the Night, (ar) Parade #1635, April 24 1971
- * It Looks Real but Its a Model, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1936, 1935
- * It Made a Difference, (ms) People’s June 1907
- * It Made America Laugh, (ed) The Strand Magazine March 1946
- * It Marked the Spot, (ms) Manhunt September 1956
- * It Matters Much, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 16 1884
- * It May Be Your Turn Next, (pm) The Golden Argosy April 5 1884
- * “It Might Have Been”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1858
- * It Might Have Happened, (vi) Sky Raiders December 1942
- * It Must Be Love, (ms) Collier’s August 18 1928
- * It Mustn’t Be Murder, (ts) The Passing Show February 20 1937
- * It Never Hurts to Try, (pi) Salty v1 #6, 1969
- * It Never Pays, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 15 1883
- * It Never Pays, (ss) Live Stories September 1924
- * It Never Rains but It Pours, (il) St. Nicholas June 1876
- * I Told the Other Woman, (vi) Lucky Star #10, November 9 1935
- * I Took in an Unwanted Baby, (ts) Home Notes August 29 1957
- * “I Took My Own Sex Survey!”, (hu) Valor for Men June 1958
- * I Took the Drug Cure, (ts) Man to Man April 1952
- * I Took the Law Into My Own Hands, (ts) True Detective Mysteries July 1924
- * “I Took the Terror Cure”, (ar) Argosy May 1950
- * I Tore Down His Idol, (ts) Red Star Secret Confessions July 1940
- * It Pays to Advertise, (ms) Manhunt September 1956
- * I Traded in Human Souls, (ts) Scarlet Confessions June 1936
- * I Traded My Honor, (ts) Candid Confessions December 1937
- * I Trained ’Em All, (ar) Argosy May 1956
- * It Rests with You, (ed) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #1, June 10 1899
- * “I Tried Suicide”, (ar) This Week June 21 1953; as told to Lester David
- * I Tried to Cheat Life!, (ts) True Marriage Stories February 1927
- * It Runs on Road or Rail, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1934, 1933
- * I Try to Be Sexy, (pi) Sultry v1 #1, 1964
- * It’s a Boa!, (ms) This Week February 21 1954
- * It’s a Clean-Up, (ms) Collier’s January 12 1929
- * It’s a Crystal World, (ar) Look and Learn #22, June 16 1962
- * It’s a Date!, (ms) The American Girl October 1954
- * It’s a Fact…, (ar) Daktari Annual 1967, World Distributors, 1967
- * It’s a Fact That—, (cl) Bill Barnes Air Trails May, Jun 1936
- * It’s a Gay Old World, (pm) Heart Throbs Volume Two ed. Joe Michell Chapple, Grosset & Dunlap, 1911
- * It’s a Gift, (qz) Argosy (UK) January 1952
- * It’s a Glide-O-Bike, (ar) The Open Road for Boys July 1931
- * It’s a Great Life, (ar) Dare-Devil Aces February 1939
- * It’s a Hard World, (ms) Collier’s May 26 1928
- * It’s a Living, (pi) Man to Man December 1949/January 1950
- * It’s All a Matter of a Microchip, (ar) Parsec Fall 2000
- * It’s All an Art, (pi) Adam (Australia) June 1970
- * It’s All Down from Here, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2021
- * It’s All for Thee, (pm) The Violet Magazine #37, January 25 1924
- * It’s All in Knowing When to Go to the Mat, (ms) The American Magazine November 1920
- * It’s All in the Planning, (vi) Murderous Intent Winter 1998
- * It’s All in the Reading!, (pz) Spectra Pulse #2, Fall 2008/Winter 2009
- * It’s All in the Way You Look at It!, (ms) Spaceways #2, January 1939
- * “It’s All Water Over the Dame”, (pi) Fury December 1957
- * “It’s All Wrong”, (th) The London Magazine April 1921
- * It’s All Yours!, (ms) Detective Tales December 1939
- * It’s Always the Man’s Fault, (ts) True Marriage Stories October 1927
- * It’s Always Time [Sherlock Holmes], (pm) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XII ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2018
- * It’s a Man’s World, (ms) True #298 Mar 1962, #308 Jan 1963, #337 Jun 1965
- * It’s a Mans World Below, (ar) Man January 1972
- * It’s Amazing—What a martini can do, (pi) Escapade August 1963
- * It’s a Mighty Awful Life, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1948
- * It’s a Modern Medical Miracle, (ms) Adam (Australia) August 1955
- * It’s an Art, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical May 1964
- * It’s an Ill Wind, (ss) Household Finance
- * It’s Anlab Time Again, (ms) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Jan/Feb 2008, Jan/Feb 2009, Jan/Feb 2020, Jan/Feb 2021, Jan/Feb 2022
- * It’s an Old African Custom, (ar) Daktari Annual 1969, World Distributors, 1969
- * It’s an Old Christmas Custom, (pi) The Royal Pictorial December 1932
- * It’s an Old English Custom!, (ar) The Passing Show March 23 1935
- * It’s a Point of View, (ms) Debonair December 1960
- * It’s a Puzzle for You, (ms) Mystery July 1933
- * It’s a Raid, (ms) Stag March 1955
- * It’s a Record!, (pi) The Royal Pictorial November 1932
- * It’s a Rubberoid World, (ar) Back Brain Recluse #13, 1989
- * It’s a Shriek!, (ar) Rex #25, 1971
- * It’s Ask Mister Fanac Time!, (cl) Spicy Armadillo Stories Jul 1990, Oct 1991
* ___ Smart Love Stories and North West Romances, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * It’s a Small World, (ar) Modern Wonder November 4 1939
- * It’s a Small World, (cl) Pictorial Review Oct, Dec 1935
- * It’s a Strange World, (cl) Male December 1960
- * It’s a Wonderful World, (ar) Daktari Annual 1969, World Distributors, 1969
- * It Says Here, (ms)
- * It’s Bad for Business! [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) Green Lantern (comic) Summer 1944
- * It’s Been a Long Time…, (ss) Detective Casebook February 1948
- * It’s Bright to Wear White, (pi) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1933
- * It’s Christmas, (ms) Collier’s December 27 1952
- * It’s Colour Television Now, (ar) Modern Wonder January 29 1938
- * It’s Cowslip Time, (ms) Mabs Weekly April 1 1933
- * It Seems There Were Two Irishmen, (ms) The Popular Stories October 8 1927
- * It’s for You!, (ms) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1953
- * “It’s Fun to Be…”, (pi) Escapade April 1961
- * It’s Fun to Fall Out of an Aeroplane!, (pi) The Modern Boy June 30 1934
- * It’s Fun to Give a Hawaiian Party, (ms) Child Life August 1940
- * It’s Fun to Sew: Chapter X—How to Make a Dress, (cs) Calling All Girls July/August 1944
- * It’s Fun to Travel—Child Life Picture Pages, (pi) Child Life June 1939
- * It’s Good to Be Alone, (ts) Smart Set August 1925
- * It’s Good to Be Familiar with the Basic Broads, (hu) Tomkat v1 #2, 1963
- * It’s Good with Tweed!, (ms) The Modern Weekly #133, August 29 1936
- * It’s Harder for Troubled Girls, (ar) Man July 1945
- * It’s Hard to Be Wise, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd July 1930
- * The Its Have It, (ar) College Stories August 1931
- * It’s Here—The Indoor Model Railway Season!, (ar) The Modern Boy November 11 1933
- * It’s Holiday Time!, (ms) The Happy Mag. Summer 1938
- * It Shouldn’t Happen to Our Photographer, (ar) The American Magazine July 1948
- * “It’s interesting how often people actually live up to their star signs”, (iv) The Guardian March 9 2016 [Ref. L. A. Weatherly]
- * It’s in the Air, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #1002, February 25 1939; adapted from the movie (George Formby).
- * It’s in the Blood!, (ts) “I Confess” February 6 1925
- * It’s in the Cards:
* ___ Canasta: No More Arguments, (cl) Argosy August 1962
* ___ Gin Rummy: The First Thing to Know, (cl) Argosy July 1962
* ___ Michigan: Fun for the Family…But Be Careful!, (cl) Argosy June 1958
- * It’s in the Stars, (cl) Wild Cherries Sum, Oct 1933
- * It’s Jazz for Art’s Sake, (ms) Collier’s August 11 1951
- * It’s Like That in Hollywood, (hu) Hollywood Nights September 1931
- * It’s Lonely Without a Girl, (ms) The Happy Mag. September 1935
- * It’s My Profession, (qz) Argosy (UK) May 1951
- * It’s Nature’s Way of Doing Things, (pi) Parade #1627, February 27 1971
- * It’s Never too Early, (ms) Collier’s June 23 1928
- * It’s Never Too Late, (n.) The Wonder Library #6, November 1915
- * It’s News to Men, (cl) Argosy Sep, Oct 1953, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov 1954
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1955, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr 1956
- * It’s Nice Clean Work, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 28 1936
- * It’s No Act, (pi) Blaze v1 #5, 1962
- * “It’s Nobbut Me”, (pm) (by John Richardson)
- * It’s Not Life—It’s Life’s Little Worries, (pl) Pan #13, January 31 1920
- * It’s Not Only What’s Up Front That Counts!, (pi) Diamond Stud v4 #5, 1964
- * It’s Not So Quiet in the Country, (ar) Lilliput November 1944
- * It’s Not Too Late!, (cn) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy July 1936
- * It’s Not Wayward Pines, It’s “Dark Matter”, (iv) Suspense Magazine September/October 2016 [Ref. Blake Crouch]
- * “It’s Off to Camp We Go”, (pi) This Week June 26 1938
- * It Sometimes Happens, (pm) Photoplay June 1920
- * It’s Only a Bird, (ms) Collier’s March 9 1929
- * It’s Personal in “Seeing Red”, (iv) Suspense Magazine July/August 2017 [Ref. Sandra Brown]
- * It’s “Rhysling” Time Again, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1994
- * It’s Roosevelt, (ms) BIM December 1942
- * Its Shoulder Line Is News, (cl) Home Chat #3344, April 25 1959
- * It’s Smart! (New Fashions), (ms) Variety Love Stories December 1941
- * It’s St. Jim’s Again [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - Catching Out a Cad [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - Fagging for Parker [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - Gussy Goes Goofy [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - Nazi Spy and Housemaster [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - Parker Meets His Match [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - The Burning Barn [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - The ’Mop-You-Up’ New Boy [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - The Rival Schoolmasters [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem #365, 1915, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - The Secret of the Towers [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s St Jim’s Again! - Well Played, Talbot [St. Jim’s], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Gem, uncredited.
- * It’s Strawberry Time, (ar) The Farmer’s Wife June 1936
- * It’s Streamlined!, (ar) Five-Novels Monthly August 1939
- * It’s Tanglewood Time Again, (ms) Collier’s August 12 1950
- * It’s That Season Again, (pi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1984
- * It’s the Big, Big Bath-Tub Scene, (pi) Parade #1626, February 20 1971
- * It’s the Custom…at Eton, (ms) John Bull November 26 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Abingdon, (ms) John Bull June 18 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Bampton, (ms) John Bull October 15 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Bourne, (ms) John Bull March 26 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Chipping Campden, (ms) John Bull June 4 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Cripplegate, (ms) John Bull January 22 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Egremont, (cl) John Bull September 17 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Fenny Stratford, (cl) John Bull November 12 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Fisherrow, (ms) John Bull September 3 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Grove, (ms) John Bull July 9 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Hallaton, (ms) John Bull April 9 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Hampstead, (ms) John Bull March 5 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Hawick, (ms) John Bull June 11 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Hinton St. George, (cl) John Bull October 22 1955
- * It’s the Custom…in Hungerford, (ms) John Bull April 16 1955
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