The FictionMags Index
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[]Cormack, Donald G(raham) (1909-2002); used pseudonyms Donald Graham & Grant Stockbridge (chron.)
- * Promotion Director:
* ___ Rogue, 60/01 - 60/04, as by Donald Graham
- * Adopted for Death, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1944
- * Broadway Momma, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1929, as by Donald Graham
- * Butcher on the Waterfront, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1939
- * Call for Your Killer, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1943
- * Chorines for Death’s Ballet, (ss) Mystery Tales May 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * The Chorus Horror Trained, (nv) Horror Stories June/July 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Coming of the Rat Men, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * The Corpse of Sang Yat Sun, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1941
- * Corpse Wanted—Experience Unnecessary, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1943
- * Crooked Path to Glory, (ss) Detective Tales November 1944
- * Danger—Hearses Ahead!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1941
- * The Dead Do Care, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine December 1941
- * Death’s Delivery Boy, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1941
- * Debutantes’ Slaughter League [Tom Cardigan], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1940
- * The Fountain of Youth Murders [Schuyler Montgomery (The Parson)], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries July 1940
- * Four Little Steps to Murder, (nv) Detective Tales July 1944
- * The Girl and the Kidnaped Corpse, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1941
- * Half-Pint Galahad [Oliver Pettibone], (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1944
- * Hell’s Frozen Kingdom, (ss) Horror Stories June/July 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * Journey Into Terror, (ss) Super-Detective June 1944
- * Kill Before You Confess!, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1943, as by Donald Graham
- * Kill by Proxy, Hang by Proxy, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine June 1942
- * A Killer Prowls a Lonely Beat, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine July 1947
- * King of the Corpse Trade, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1939
- * The Late Justin Black, (ss) Detective Tales December 1944
- * The Little Dolls of Death [Robert Stone], (ss) The Octopus February/March 1939
- * Lovely Daughters of Madness, (nv) Mystery Tales September 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Lovely Maids of Murder, (nv) Terror Tales September/October 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Madam Satan’s Yellow Legion [Schuyler Montgomery (The Parson)], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries November 1940
- * Madman’s County Fair, (nv) Terror Tales November/December 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Madman’s Darling, (ss) Terror Tales March/April 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * The Man-Hunter, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1935, as by Donald Graham
- * Master of the Body Merchants, (na) Strange Detective Mysteries September/October 1939
- * Master of the Graveyard Ghouls, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1940
- * Mates for Hell’s Half-World Minion, (na) Real Mystery Magazine July 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * Meet a Body, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1950
- * Mr. Beedle Shoots It Out, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1948
- * Mr. Pettibone Shoots It Out [Oliver Pettibone], (ss) Detective Fiction September 3 1941
- * The Morgue That Madness Filled, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Mother Betsy’s Corpse Factory, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries September 1940
- * Murder at the Miracle Club, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1939
- * Murder—Do Not Disturb!, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction February 1944
- * Murder Holds a Seance, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries October 1941, as by Donald Graham
- * Murder Made to Order, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1943
- * Murder—with a Motherly Touch, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1948
- * New Brides for the Dying, (nv) Sinister Stories May 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * No Intent to Kill, (ss) Detective Tales August 1942
- * The Noose Hangs High, (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1942
- * Now I Lay Me Down to Die, (nv) 10 Story Mystery Magazine April 1942
- * Paper Treasure (with Albert Lane), (??) Collier’s December 7 1946
- * Paroled—to Death!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1942
- * Payment When Due, (ss) Detective Tales June 1941
- * Please Omit Flowers [Oliver Pettibone], (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction February 1943
- * Pleasure Cruise—to Hell, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * The Python Murders, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1939
- * Revelry in Hell, (nv) Uncanny Tales April/May 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Revolt of the Circus Freaks, (nv) Horror Stories October/November 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * Riddle of the Headless Horrors [Tom Cardigan], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1940
- * The Road That Ran Through Hell, (nv) Horror Stories December 1938/January 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Satan Lives for My Love, (nv) Uncanny Tales May 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * Satan’s Surgeon [Tom Cardigan], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1940
- * Save the Last Dance for Horror, (ss) Mystery Tales June 1940 (unpublished), as by Donald Graham
- * Scourge of the Corpse-Clan, (nv) Mystery Tales March 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * Slaughter, Incorporated [Richard Wentworth (The Spider)], (na) The Spider April 2018, as by Grant Stockbridge
- * Slaves of the Murder Clinic, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries November/December 1939
- * A Slight Case of Homicide, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1942
- * The Slugger’s Last Fight, (ss) Detective Tales July 1941
- * Sun Yat’s Slaughter League, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries September/October 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * There’s More Room in the Coffin!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1942
- * Things That Once Were Girls, (ss) Horror Stories August/September 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * The Uninvited Dead, (ss) Detective Tales September 1944
- * Wanted: Substitute for a Corpse!, (na) Strange Detective Mysteries October 1941
- * What Crocodile?, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1936, as by Donald Graham
- * When the Dead Return [Tom Cardigan], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1940
- * Where Beauty Dwelt with Terror, (nv) Uncanny Tales March 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * Yield, Lovely Maidens, to the Blood-Master!, (nv) Mystery Tales May 1940, as by Donald Graham
_____, [ref.]
[]Corman, Roger (William) (1926-2024) (about)
_____, [ref.]
- * Branded! by Stanley Wiater, (iv) Fear #17, May 1990
- * Cormanghast: The Poe Films of Roger Corman by Robert M. Price, (ar) Parts #14, 1997
- * Diplomatic Immunity by Jeremy Clarke & Philip Godfrey, (iv) Samhain #12, December 1988/January 1989
- * Give Me 15 Days and I’ll Make an Epic by Michael Goodwin, (iv) Coq February 1974
- * The Haunted Palace: A Meditation on the Roger Corman Classic by Lawrence J. Dopp, (ar) Dark Discoveries #18, Winter/Spring 2011
- * Popcorn Poe: Roger Corman’s Poe Films and Tie-In Books by Graham Andrews, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #291, November 2012
- * Roger Corman by Bill Warren, (ar) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- * Roger Corman: Cinema’s Pulp Genius Whose Talent to Shock Was Rocket Fuel by Peter Bradshaw, (ar) The Guardian May 12 2024
- * Roger Corman, Film-Maker Dubbed “King of B-movies”, (ob) The Sunday Times May 12 2024
- * Roger Corman, Master of Cheap and Cheesy Film-Making Who Promoted Gifted New Directors, (ob) The Sunday Telegraph May 12 2024
- * Roger Corman: Master of Manic Melodrama by Lawrence McCallum, (ar) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- * Roger Corman Obituary by Ronald Bergen, (ob) The Guardian May 12 2024
- * Tales of Terror by Jeremy Clarke & Philip Godfrey, (iv) Samhain #13, February/March 1989
- * “We Already Have Their Money”: The Roger Corman School of Motion Picture Economics by Ernest Farino, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume One ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019
[]Cormick, Craig (1961- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Lost Boys, (ss) In Your Face ed. Tehani Wessely, Fablecroft, 2016
- * Ned Kelly and the Zombies, (ss) Next ed. Robert Porteous & Simon Petrie, CSFG Publishing, 2013
- * One Rainy Sunday in a Circus Far Away, (ss) Elsewhere ed. Michael Barry, CSFG Publishing, 2003
- * The Seven Voyages of Captain Cook, (ss) Dimension6 #10, 2017
- * Unknown Soldier, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #63, March 2016
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