The FictionMags Index
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Pirandello, Luigi (1867-1936) (items)
- Back to the Spade, (ss) Transatlantic Tales November 1907; translated by Frederic Taber Cooper
- Other Son, (ss) World Fiction October 1922
- A Bat in Search of an Author, (ss) Our World July 1923; translated by Alice Rohe
- Fly, (ss) The Forum February 1924
- Shoes at the Door, (ss) The Living Age November 15 1924
- The Reserved Coffin, (ss) The Golden Book Magazine #13, January 1926; translated by J. E. Harry
- Right You Are—If You Think You Are, (sa) The Shrine Magazine September 1927; translated by Arthur Livingston
- Old Man God, (ss) Contempo July 25 1932
- The Jar, (ss) The Evening Standard November 1 1932; translated by Arthur Mayne & Henrie Mayne
- The Quick and the Dead, (ss) Better Think Twice About It by Luigi Pirandello, John Lane the Bodley Head, 1933; translated by Arthur Mayne & Henry Mayne
- Through the Other Wife’s Eyes, (ss) The Fortnightly Review 1933
- Bitter Waters, (ss) The Evening Standard March 27 1934
- Granella’s House, (nv) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine May 1934
- The Tiny Breeze, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1934; translated by Joan Redfern
- Why the Woman Always Wins, (ar) The Passing Show December 29 1934
- The New Suit, (ss) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine December 1934; translated by Joan Redfern
- The Wax Madonna, (ss) The Naked Truth and Eleven Other Stories by Luigi Pirandello, tr. Arthur & Henrie Mayne, Bodley Head, 1934; translated by Arthur Mayne & Henrie Mayne
- The Captive, (ss) Story #30, January 1935
- Tangerines for Teresina, (ss) The Passing Show March 23 1935
- The Crow’s Revenge, (ss) The Evening Standard October 4 1935
- The Wronged Husband, (ss) The Evening Standard October 14 1935
- The Haunted House, (ss) A Character in Distress, and Other Stories by Luigi Pirandello, Duckworth, 1938; translated by Michele Pettinati
- The Husband’s Revenge, (ss) Medals and Other Stories, Dutton, 1939; translated by Michael Pettinati
- Sicilian Honour, (ss) 1939
- First Night, (ss) Mandrake May 1946; translated by David Moore
- All Passion Spent, (ss) 1965; translated by Frederick May
- Cinci, (ss)
- A Dinner Guest, (ss)
- The Marvels of Science, (ss)
- A Mere Formality, (ss)
- Miss Holloway’s Goat, (ss)
- Mrs. Frola and Mr. Ponza, Her Son-in-Law, (ss)
- Nenè and Ninì, (ss) ; translated by Joan Redfern
- Night, (ss) ; translated by Joan Redfern
- Sicilian Limes, (ss)
- Tortoises…for Luck, (ss)
- War, (ss)
Pirie, Steven (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Colquitt’s High-Energy Trousers, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #7, June/July 2003
- Bob, Claire, and the Meaning of Life, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #6, Autumn 2004
- The Two Funeral Urns of Mrs Tate from Number Three, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #9, Summer 2005
- Mrs. Wilson and the Black Arts of Mrs. Beelzebub from Number Six, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy: Fourth All-New Collection ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2005
- Where Science and Magic Meet: Steven Pirie interviews Storm Constantine, (iv) Whispers of Wickedness #13, Summer 2006 [Ref. Storm Constantine]
- Harry, the Wife, and Mrs. Robson, Hell’s Temptress from Number Six, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #24, 2006
- Night Dreaming, (ss) The Future Fire #10, 2007
- Mary’s Gift, The Stars and Frank’s Pisser, (ss) Nemonymous #7, 2007, uncredited.
- The Love Ship Guide to Seduction in Zero Gravity, (vi) Murky Depths #3, March 2008
- The Book of Ruth, (ss) Black Static #8, December 2008/January 2009
- Leonard Rom, (ss) Premonitions #6, 2008
- Ruth’s Dying Breath in the Night, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #8, October 2009
- The Goodship Hyperdrive, (ss) Murky Depths #13, September 2010
- The Spring Heel, (ss) Haunted Legends ed. Ellen Datlow & Nick Mamatas, Tor, 2010
- To Pull a Child from a Woman, (ss) Side Show 2 ed. Cathy Buburuz & Tyree Campbell, Sam's Dot Publishing, 2010
- Ruth Across the Sea, (vi) Shock Totem #3, 2010
- This Is Mary’s Moon, (ss) Black Static #22, April/May 2011
- Does Laura Like Elephants?, (ss) The Gate 2: 13 Tales of Isolation and Despair ed. Robert J. Duperre, T.R.O. Publishing, 2012
- Traipsing Through the Dark: The Stories Behind the Stories (with Joel Arnold, J. L. Bryan, Michael Crane, David Dalglish, Robert J. Duperre, David McAfee, Dawn McCullough-White, D. P. Prior, Daniel Pyle, K. Allen Wood, Benjamin X. Wretlind & Mercedes M. Yardley), (ms) The Gate 2: 13 Tales of Isolation and Despair ed. Robert J. Duperre, T.R.O. Publishing, 2012
- The Perils of War According to the Common People of Hansom Street, (ss) Black Static #31, November/December 2012
- Mary on the Edge, (ss) Looking Landwards ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2013
- The Bedroom Ceiling, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #58, 2013
Pirkis, C(atherine) L(ouisa) (1839-1910) (items)
- Jack—A Mendicant, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1881
- The Black Bag Left on a Door-Step [Loveday Brooke], (ss) The Ludgate Monthly February 1893
- The Murder at Troyte’s Hill [Loveday Brooke], (nv) The Ludgate Monthly March 1893
- The Redhill Sisterhood [Loveday Brooke], (nv) The Ludgate Monthly April 1893
- A Princess’s Vengeance [Loveday Brooke], (ss) The Ludgate Monthly May 1893
- A Princess’s Vengence, (ss) The Ludgate Magazine May 1893
- Drawn Daggers [Loveday Brooke], (nv) The Ludgate Monthly June 1893
- The Ghost of Fountain Lane [Loveday Brooke], (ss) The Ludgate Monthly July 1893
- Rhea, a Woman of the World, (ss) The Ludgate Monthly November 1893
- Missing! [Loveday Brooke], (ss) The Ludgate Illustrated Magazine February 1894
- Drifting, (ss) The Ludgate Illustrated Magazine April 1894
Pisano, Chris (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Blue Line Star (with Brian Koscienski), (sl) Trail of Indiscretion #1, Spring 2006
- Ballad of the Seven Up Sprite (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Bad-Ass Faeries ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Marietta Publishing, 2007
- I Am God, God I Am Not (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Jupiter #17, July 2007
- Final Stand (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Bad-Ass Faeries 2: Just Plain Bad ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Marietta Publishing, 2008
- Brownies vs. Blondies (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Bad-Ass Faeries 3: In All Their Glory ed. Lee C. Hillman, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Jeffrey Lyman & Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Mundania Press, 2010
- Just the Good Ol’ Boys (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Encounters Magazine June/July 2010
- The Sky Above the Sky (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Galactic Creatures ed. Elektra Hammond, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- Hades Acres (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) TV Gods ed. Lee C. Hillman & Jeff Young, Fortress Publishing, 2014
- The Witch’s Apprentice (with Brian Koscienski), (ss) Space and Time #126, Fall 2016
Pisciotta, Sam W. (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Studies in Alchemy, (ss) Wyldblood Magazine #9, Summer 2022
- Blue Line on a Winter’s Night, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #13, July 2022
- The Settlement at Quelon Bay, (vi) Martian #5, Summer 2022
- Piano Lessons in the Dark, (ss) Etherea Magazine #14, September 2022
- Doves Fly in the Morning, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2022
- Tight Lines, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #18, December 2022
- The Sky Above Io, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine April/May 2023
- Morning Glory, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2023
- How to Say Goodbye, (ss) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #13, October 2023
- Los Pajaritos, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2023
- The Moonlight Eels, (vi) New Myths #65, Winter 2023
- Song of Nyx, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2024
- House of the Hidden Moon, (ss) Nightmare #144, September 2024
- Rocket Boy, (vi) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2024
Piserchia, Doris (Elaine) (1928-2021) (about) (items)
- Rocket to Gehenna, (ss) Fantastic September 1966
- Sheltering Dream, (nv) If January/February 1972
- Last Train from Earth, (ss) Worlds of If July/August 1972
- Empty Eden, (ss) Worlds of If November/December 1972
- Half the Kingdom, (ss) Orbit 12 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1973
- Quarantine, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1973
- Unbiased God, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1973
- Idio, (ss) Orbit 13 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1974
- Naked and Afraid I Go, (ss) Orbit 13 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1974
- A Typical Day, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1974
- Substance and Shadow, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1974
- Nature’s Children, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1974
- Limited Accommodations, (ss) Crisis ed. Roger Elwood, Thomas Nelson US, 1974
- Pale Hands, (ss) Orbit 15 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1974
- A Brilliant Curiosity, (nv) Orbit 16 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1975
- Deathrights Deferred, (ss) Science Fiction Discoveries ed. Carol & Frederik Pohl, Bantam, 1976
- The Residents of Kingston, (ss) Harlan Ellison’s Last Dangerous Visions (unpublished) ed. Harlan Ellison, 19??
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