The FictionMags Index
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Matthews, Gene (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Ethics, (ss) Witness to the Bizarre #3, 1989
- The Kiss, (ss) Dead of Night #4, Winter 1990
- Obscuritas, (ss) Haunts #19, Summer 1990
- Dr. Jack, (ss) Thin Ice #6, 1990
- Sela, (ss) Doppelgänger #14, February 1992
- What God Hath Joined Together, (ss) Haunts #26, Fall/Winter 1993
Matthews, Jack; [i.e., John Harold Matthews, Jr.] (1925-2013) (about) (books) (items)
- The Man Who Looked Like Hemingway, (ss) Dapper December 1966
- On a Bridge, Somewhere in February, (pm) The Kenyon Review #118, 1968
- Another Story, (ss) The Sewanee Review Summer 1969
- On the Shore of Chad Creek, (ss) The Virginia Quarterly Review Spring 1971
- The Amnesia Ballet, (ss) Mundus Artium Summer 1971
- The Burial, (ss) Georgia Review Winter 1974
- The Last Abandonment, (ss) Georgia Review Fall 1979
- Tableau with Three Ghostly Women, (ss) Chariton Review 1979
- The Tree Beyond, (ss) The Yale Review Spring 1981
- Novelist Loves His Nightmares, (iv) Detroit Free Press November 12 1982 [Ref. Stephen King]
- Dark, Dark, (ss) The Antioch Review Spring 1984
- Ghostly Populations, (co) Johns Hopkins University Press, January 1987
- The Betrayal of the Fives, (ss) Ghostly Populations, Johns Hopkins, 1987
- Ghostly Populations, (ss) Ghostly Populations, Johns Hopkins, 1987
- If Not Us, Then Who?, (ss) Ghostly Populations, Johns Hopkins, 1987
- Taking Stock, (ss) Ghostly Populations, Johns Hopkins, 1987
- Amos Bond, the Gunsmith, (ss) Michigan Quarterly Review
- The Ghost of First Crow, (ss) Niobe
- The Immortal Dog, (ss) Jeopardy
- Quest for an Unnamed Place, (ss) Kansas Quarterly
- Return to an Unknown City, (ss) Mississippi Review
- The Secret Hour, (ss) Premiere
- The Story Mac Told, (ss) Western Humanities Review
- The Tour of the Sleeping Steamboat, (ss) The Carleton Miscellany
- Toward a Distant Train, (ss) Southwest Review
- The Visionary Land, (ss) Michigan Quarterly Review
Matthews, John (1952- ) (books) (items)
- A Questionnaire for Rudolph Gordon, (ss) Malahat Review July 1976
- Threading the Maze: The Killing Ground, (ed) Labrys #7, November 1981
- Grisandole, (ss) Merlin and Woman by R. J. Stewart, Blandford, 1988
- The Tenth Muse, (ss) Tarot Tales ed. Rachel Pollack & Caitlín Matthews, Legend, 1989
- Ballads, Songs and Faery Lore (with Caitlín Matthews), (si) A Fairy Tale Reader ed. John & Caitlín Matthews, HarperAquarian, 1993
- The Faery Tradition (with Caitlín Matthews), (si) A Fairy Tale Reader ed. John & Caitlín Matthews, HarperAquarian, 1993
- The Ferly Court (with Caitlín Matthews), (si) A Fairy Tale Reader ed. John & Caitlín Matthews, HarperAquarian, 1993
- Introduction (with Caitlín Matthews), (in) A Fairy Tale Reader ed. John & Caitlín Matthews, HarperAquarian, 1993
- The Literary Heritage (with Caitlín Matthews), (si) A Fairy Tale Reader ed. John & Caitlín Matthews, HarperAquarian, 1993
- Companions of the Sidhe, (in) From the Isles of Dream ed. John Matthews, Floris Books, 1993
- Within the Brugh, (ss) Within the Hollow Hills ed. Josh Matthews, Lindisfarne Press, 1994
- The Song of Arthur, (oc) Theosophical Publishing House/Quest Books, October 2002
- The Abduction and Rescue of Gwenhwyfar the Queen, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Bride of the Spear, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Colleen and the Lord of the Mound, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Dream of Macsen Wleldig, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Drustan and Issylt, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Drustan’s Ghost, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Falling, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Galahad and the Holy Things, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Grail, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Hostel of the Quicken Trees, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- In the Prison of Arianrhod, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Island of Sorrow and Joy, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Joscelyn’s Tale, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The King and the Bard, (in) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Kingly Shadow, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Lady of the Lake, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Lugh of the Strong Arm and the Three Queens, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Maze, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Owein of the Ravens, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Salmon of Wisdom, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Seasons of the Land, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Singer, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Snow Wives, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Song of Pelles the Grail King, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Song of the Grail Lord, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Song of the Returning, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin and Raven, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin and the Song of Tradition, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin in Winter, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin Sings of His Knowledge, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin’s Madness, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin’s Quest, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin the Shaman, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Taliesin to the Crows, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Third Awakening, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Thomas and the Book, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- The Vision of the Mother of God, (ss) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
- Wasteland Healed, (pm) The Song of Arthur, Quest Books, 2002
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