The FictionMags Index
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Watt, Mike (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- A Tour of Hong Kong Horror, (ar) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #13, Summer 1999
- m.p.h., (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #2, January 2000
- In the Market for Souls, (ss) Dreams of Decadence #11, Summer 2000
- Videorama: To Kill a Mocking Bird, (mr) The Spook #8, March 2002
- Valentine, (vi) Tourniquet Heart ed. Christopher C. Teague, Prime Books, 2002
- Clive Barker Interviewed, (iv) Black October Magazine v1 #4, 2003 [Ref. Clive Barker]
- An Interview with Poppy Z. Brite, (iv) Black October Magazine v1 #5, 2004 [Ref. Poppy Z. Brite]
- The Dead Life, (ss) The Undead ed. D. L. Snell & Elija Hall, Permuted Press, 2005
- Old Temperanceville, (ss) A Shadow of Autumn ed. Gwendolyn Kiste, 2015
Watt, Millar (fl. 1930s-1950s) (items)
- The Sooth-sayer, (il) The Tribute ed. D. Mackenzie, John Horn Limited, 1930
- [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull November 27 1954
- Travelling with Mr. Pickwick, (ar) The Sphere #2909A, November 11 1955
- [front cover], (cv) The Sphere #2909A, November 11 1955
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sphere #3006A, November 8 1957
Watt, Sheryll (fl. 1980s) (items)
- Norma, (vi) Portents #1, September 1986
- Massacre, (vi) Portents #5, 1987
- The Teeth, (vi) Not One of Us #3, April 1988
- The Ritual, (vi) Eldritch Tales #19, 1989
- Shadow City, (vi) Witness to the Bizarre #3, 1989
Watt, W. W. (fl. 1930s-1950s) (items)
- Bassinet Ballad, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1938
- Soliloquy, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 26 1938
- Music (After Masefield), (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1938
- Once a Twelvemonth, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 31 1938
- Snow Train, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 7 1939
- Detective Story, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1939
- On the Court, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1939
- Lines on Signing a Lease, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 30 1939
- Dear Teacher, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1939
- Woman Sufferage, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1939
- Formal Note, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 2 1939
- The Giant Panda, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 9 1939
- A Short History of American Literature, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1940
- Primer for Expectant Fathers, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 27 1940
- Remote Control, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 17 1940
- The Sour Grapes of Wrath, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1940
- Lines for a Bathroom Wall, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 20 1940
- Perennial Plaint, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1941
- Gladly the Swallow, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1941
- Zoological Note, (pm) The Strand Magazine August 1942
- Baby, It’s Hot Inside!, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 8 1950
- Bed and Board, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1950
- Penny Wise and Found Poolish, (ss) The New Yorker September 12 1959
Watters, Paul (fl. 1960s-1970s) (items)
- Anatomy of a Limb, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v2 #6, 1964, etc.
- The Nyloned Mystique, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v4 #1, 1966, etc.
- The Great Nylon “Put On”, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v5 #3, 1967
- Nyloned Mystique—Lingerie Wrap-Up, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v6 #1, 1968
- New Life for the Living End, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v6 #2, 1968
- What’s Your Lingerie I.Q.?, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v6 #3, 1968
- A Backward Glance Up Women’s Skirts, (ar) Tip Top International (UK) v3 #3, 1979
Watterson, Henry (1840-1921) (about) (items)
- Oddities of Southern Life, (??) The Century Magazine April 1882
- The Tariff (“For Revenue Only”), (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1888
- Southern Problems: The South and Its Colored Citizens, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1890
- Should the United States Expand? Yes!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 28 1899
- Shall We Retain the Philippines?, (sy) National Magazine April 1900
- European Society Contrasted with Ours, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1905
- English and American Journalism, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine January 1906
- [“Introductory Word”], (is) The American Magazine October 1907
- Strange Prophecy About Roosevelt: A Midwinter Fantasy, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1908
- Abraham Lincoln, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1909
- Mark Twain—an Intimate Memory, (bg) The American Magazine July 1910 [Ref. Mark Twain]
- Looking Backward, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post March 1 1919, etc.
Watt-Evans, Lawrence (1954- ); used pseudonyms Nathan Archer & Walter Vance Awsten (about) (items)
- Paranoid Fantasy #1, (vi) The American Atheist 1975
- The Rune and the Dragon, (ss) Dragon November 1984
- On Gender, Genre, and Fannish Expectations, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #93, Fall 1986
- [letter], (lt) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #96, Summer 1987, etc.
- Why I Left Harry’s All-Night Hamburgers [Harry’s], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1987
- Cyber Yes, Punk No, (ar) Thrust #28, Fall 1987
- About His Story “Why I Left Harry’s All-Night Hamburgers”, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #99, Spring 1988
- Bulletin Symposium, (sy) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #99, Spring 1988
- An Infinity of Karen, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1988
- In League with the Freeway, (ss) Other Worlds #2, December 1988
- Dead Things Don’t Move, (ss) Late Knocking v4 #1, 1988
- Real Time, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1989
- Windwagon Smith and the Martians, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1989
- So You Want to Be a Writer, (ar) Low Orbit July/August 1989
- The Palace of al-Tir al-Abtan, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Autumn 1989
- When I See Rigel’s Light Sleeting Through the Side of Heinlein Station, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1989
- Frontiers, (ss) Open Space #1, 1989
- After the Dragon Is Dead, (vi) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine #9, Summer 1990
- Windwagon Smith and the Martians, (cs) Orbit: The Best of Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine #2, 1990; adapted by Fred Burke
- One-Shot, (vi) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1991
- Playing for Keeps, (ss) Weird Tales Spring 1991
- Science Fiction, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 1991
- The Ghost Taker, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1991
- Targets, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991
- Keep the Faith, (ss) Phases in Chaos ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1991
- A Flying Saucer with Minnesota Plates, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1991
- Richie, (ss) Vampires ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperCollins, 1991
- The Drifter, (ss) Amazing Stories October 1991
- The Name of Fear, (ss) The Ultimate Dracula ed. Byron Preiss, David Keller & Megan Miller, Dell, 1991
- Paradise, (nv) Dead End: City Limits ed. Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva, St. Martin's, 1991
- Portrait of a Hero [Ethshar], (nv) Once Upon a Time ed. Lester del Rey & Risa Kessler, Del Rey, 1991
- New Worlds, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1991
- Natural Selection, (ss) Amazing Stories January 1992
- Storm Trooper, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1992
- Pickman’s Modem, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1992
- Truth, Justice, and the American Way, (ss) Alternate Presidents ed. Mike Resnick, Tor, 1992
- Efficiency, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- Foxy Lady, (ss) Zoomorphica Summer 1992
- Fragments, (vi) Interzone #61, July 1992
- One Man’s Meat, (nv) Unnatural Diplomacy ed. Martin H. Greenberg, AvoNova, 1992
- Stab, (vi) MetaHorror ed. Dennis Etchison, Dell Abyss, 1992
- Tulki’s Revenge, (nv) Tales of Talislanta ed. Stephan Michael Sechi, Wizards of the Coast, 1992
- When Hell Froze Over, (vi) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine August 1992
- Spirit Dump, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1992
- Visions, (ss) Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Unnameable Press, 1992
- Monster Kidnaps Girl at Mad Scientist’s Command!, (ss) Crosstime Traffic by Lawrence Watt-Evans, Del Rey, 1992
- Unicornucopia, (ss) Unicorns II ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Ace, 1992
- Why You Shouldn’t Sell to Fanzines, (ar) Fresh Ink #2, 1992
- The Frog Wizard [Ethshar], (ss) Science Fiction Age January 1993
- Blood Feud, (ss) Cemetery Dance #16, Spring 1993
- Mastermind of Oz (with Brenda W. Clough), (ss) Amazing Stories April 1993
- The Murderer, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1993
- Old Soldiers [Riverworld], (ss) Quest to Riverworld ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar, 1993
- Beneath the Tarmac, (ss) Deathport ed. Ramsey Campbell, Pocket, 1993
- A Public Hanging, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #12, 1993
- Larger than Life, (ss) The Ultimate Zombie ed. Byron Preiss & John Betancourt, Dell, 1993
- Just Perfect, (vi) Swashbuckling Editor Stories ed. John Gregory Betancourt, Wildside Press, 1993
- The Worst Part, (ss) Phobias ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket, 1994
- How I Maybe Saved the World Last Tuesday Before Breakfast, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1994
- The Art of Dying [World of Darkness], (ss) The Beast Within ed. Stewart Wieck, White Wolf, 1994
- The Bride of Bigfoot, (ss) Alien Pregnant by Elvis ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- Ghost Stories, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1994
- Dead Babies, (ss) South from Midnight ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Thomas R. Hanlon, Southern Fried Press, 1994
- For Value Received, (ss) Deals with the Devil ed. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg & Loren D. Estleman, DAW, 1994
- Dread Vengeance, (ss) Science Fiction Age January 1995
- The Great Ritual, (ss) After Hours Winter 1995
- The Cat Came Back, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1995
- Essay, (ar) Science Fiction Age March 1995
- Teaching Machines, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1995
- Eye of the Beholder [World of Darkness], (ss) City of Darkness: Unseen ed. Erin Kelly & Stewart Wieck, White Wolf, 1995
- Back to the Land, (ss) Deathrealm #24, Summer 1995
- The Final Challenge, (ss) The Book of Kings ed. Richard Gilliam & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1995
- Impostor Syndrome, (ss) More Phobias ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket, 1995
- Science (with Charles Sheffield), (cl) Science Fiction Age July 1995
- Hearts and Flowers, (ss) Full Spectrum 5 ed. Jennifer Hershey, Tom Dupree & Janna Silverstein, Bantam Spectra, 1995
- Choice, (ss) How to Save the World ed. Charles Sheffield, Tor, 1995
- The Guardswoman [Ethshar], (ss) Chicks in Chainmail ed. Esther Friesner, Baen, 1995
- Worthy of His Hire, (ss) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- Sirinita’s Dragon [Ethshar], (ss) The Ultimate Dragon ed. Byron Preiss, John Betancourt & Keith R. A. DeCandido, Dell, 1995
- Out of the Woods, (ss) Enchanted Forests ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- Predator: Book 1: Concrete Jungle (“Predator: Concrete Jungle”) [Predator], (n.) Bantam Spectra, 1995, as by Nathan Archer
- The Garrison, (nv) Castle Fantastic ed. John DeChancie & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- Horsing Around, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996
- Beth’s Unicorn, (ss) Realms of Fantasy June 1996
- The Bloodstone [Ethshar], (ss) The Shimmering Door ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1996
- George Pinkerton and the Space Waffles, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens II ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996
- George Pinkerton and the Bloodsucking Fiend of Brokentree Swamp, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Monsters II ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996
- George Pinkerton and the Bedtime Ghost (with Julie Evans), (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Ghosts II ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1997
- Ninety Six of the Best, (ms) The Alien Has Landed #4, Spring 1997
- My Haunted Home, (bg) Dancing with the Dark ed. Stephen Jones, Vista, 1997
- Grandpa’s Head, (ss) Robert Bloch’s Psychos ed. Robert Bloch, Cemetery Dance, 1997
- Predator: Book 2: Cold War (“Predator: Cold War”) [Predator], (n.) Bantam Spectra, 1997, as by Nathan Archer
- Keeping Up Appearances, (ss) Did You Say Chicks? ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1998
- Oh, Sweet Goodnight! (with Christina Briley), (ss) Did You Say Chicks? ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1998, as by Walter Vance Awsten & Christina Briley
- In Re: Nephelegeretes, (ss) Olympus ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Bruce D. Arthurs, DAW, 1998
- Ingredients [Ethshar], (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Worlds ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley & Rachel E. Holmen, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust, 1998
- The Sidekick, (ss) Between the Darkness and the Fire ed. Jeffry Dwight, Wildside Press/SFF Net, 1998
- Upstairs, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- The Pimp, (ss) Weird Tales Spring 1999
- Remembrance of Things to Come, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1999
- In for a Pound, (ss) Chicks ’n Chained Males ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1999
- Weaving Spells [Ethshar], (ss) Sword and Sorceress XVI ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1999
- Trixie, (ss) Catfantastic V ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1999
- He’s Only Human, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1999
- Mr. Know-It-All Tells It Like It Is, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #143, Fall 1999
- I Was a Bestselling Teenage Werewolf, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Shapeshifters ed. Bruce Coville, Avon Camelot, 1999
- Throwback, (ss) Alien Abductions ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 1999
- The Note Beside the Body, (ss) Dreams of Decadence #11, Summer 2000
- The Last Bastion, (ss) Far Frontiers ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 2000
- Heart of Stone, (nv) Graven Images ed. Nancy Kilpatrick & Thomas S. Roche, Ace, 2000
- That Doggone Vnorpt, (ss) Guardsmen of Tomorrow ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 2000, as by Nathan Archer
- The Man for the Job, (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2000
- Arms and the Woman, (ss) Sword and Sorceress XVIII ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley & Lisa Waters, DAW, 2001
- Volunteers, (ss) 3SF #1, October 2002
- Dropping Hints, (ss) Murder by Magic ed. Rosemary Edghill, Warner Aspect, 2004
- Just Who Were Those Martians, Anyway? [War of the Worlds], (ar) War of the Worlds: Fresh Perspectives on the H.G. Wells Classic ed. Glenn Yeffeth, BenBella Books, 2005
- Bad Prince Charlie, (br) Helix #1, Summer 2006
- Editorial, (ed) Helix #1, Summer 2006, etc.
- I’m in Love with My Car: Automotive Symbolism on Veronica Mars, (ar) Neptune Noir ed. Rob Thomas, BenBella Books, 2007
- Jim Tuckerman’s Angel, (ss) Helix #10, Fall 2008
- The Nature of the Discworld Series, (ar) Dark Horizons #53, 2008
- An Evil Opportunity Employer, (ss) Unidentified Funny Objects 6 ed. Alex Shvartsman, UFO Publishing, 2017
- Harry’s Toaster, (ss) Amazing Stories Fall 2018
- How I Found Harry’s All-Night Hamburgers [Harry’s], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- The Night People, (ss) Amazing Stories Fall 2019
- Personal Space, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2019
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