The FictionMags Index
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Franklin, George Cory (items) (continued)
- Grizzly Sagacity, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 3 1943
- “Right Now”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 13 1943
- Early Laws, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 17 1943
- Jacknifing a Team, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 17 1943
- Making a Bobsled Run, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 31 1943
- Peculiar Pets, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West July 31 1943
- Maverick Mule, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 7 1943
- Passenger Protection, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West August 14 1943
- The All-Purpose Horse, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 21 1943
- Owlhoot Chase, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story September 18 1943
- Miss Meeks of the Flying M, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1943
- Indian Horse Training, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 16 1943
- Hoofbeats in the Canyon, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1943
- Grizzly Gamble, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 13 1943
- Training the Nigh Leader, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 27 1943
- Pete on the Warpath, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story December 25 1943
- Four Weeks’ Furlough, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 11 1944
- White Man’s Hunting Horse, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story January 22 1944
- Training the Burro, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story February 19 1944
- Against the Rail, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1944
- Horse Savvy, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 1944
- Wolf Peters’ Heir, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May 1944
- A Cowboy Has Important Business, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1944
- Outlaws, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1944
- Button Buckaroo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story December 1944
- Longhorn Retribution, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story January 1945
- The Devils Ride at Night, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1945
- The Pink Crystal, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1945
- Cattle Country Ways, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1945
- The Rope Trick, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1945
- Dumb—Like a Fox, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 1945
- The Devil’s Slide, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1946
- Pete’s Tough Luck, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 1946
- Red of San Luis Valley, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1946
- Straw Boss to a Mule, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 1946
- Button-Sized Buckaroo, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 1946
- Tell the Coroner, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1946
- Why the Hook on a Lash Cinch?, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story December 1946
- Vein of Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1947
- The Neverslip Knot, (nv)
Franklin, H(oward) Bruce (1934-2024) (about) (books) (items)
- Ambrose Bierce and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Automata, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Beyond the Past, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Dimensional Speculation as Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Edgar Allan Poe and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- Edward Bellamy and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Edward Bellamy]
- Fitz-James O’Brien and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Fitz-James O’Brien]
- Herman Melville and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Herman Melville]
- Into the Psyche, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Introduction, (in) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Man as Machine, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Mark Twain and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Mark Twain]
- Marvelous Inventions, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Medicine Men, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Nathaniel Hawthorne and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Nathaniel Hawthorne]
- The Perfect Future, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Space Travel, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson and His Dreamer, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966 [Ref. Thomas W. Higginson]
- Time Travel, (ar) Future Perfect ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1966
- Foreword to “The Subliminal Man”, (is) The Mirror of Infinity ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1970
- Science Fiction Before Gernsback, (ar) Turning Points ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1977
- Humans as Machines, (ar) Future Perfect, Revised Edition ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1978
- Jack London and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect, Revised Edition ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1978 [Ref. Jack London]
- Washington Irving and Science Fiction, (ar) Future Perfect, Revised Edition ed. H. Bruce Franklin, Oxford University Press US, 1978 [Ref. Washington Irving]
- Invasion of Space, (ar) Beyond Winter 1982
- Don’t Worry, It’s Only Science Fiction, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1984
- Nuclear War and Science Fiction, (in) Countdown to Midnight ed. H. Bruce Franklin, DAW, 1984
- Az Atomháború és a Science Fiction, (ar) Galaktika #68, May 1986; translated by András Békés
- Editorial Introduction, (ed) Science-Fiction Studies July 1986
- Strange Scenarios: Science Fiction, the Theory of Alienation, and the Nuclear Gods, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1986
- Secrets of the Pulp Canon, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1990 [Ref. John Huntington]
- The Vietnam War as American Science Fiction and Fantasy, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1990
- Voices Prophesying War, (br) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993 [Ref. I. F. Clarke]
- Star Trek in the Vietnam Era, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1994
Franklin, Jay; pseudonym of John Franklin Carter (1897-1967) (about) (items)
- Are Americans Fools?, (ar) Liberty August 22 1931
- Did Prohibition Increase Crime?, (ar) Liberty October 31 1931
- Do We Dare Cancel Our War Debts?, (ar) Liberty January 16 1932
- Drink and the Devil, (ar) Liberty March 5 1932
- Forty Million Tax Dodgers, (ar) Liberty March 19 1932
- Peace at a Price, (ar) Liberty April 9 1932
- Can Mr. Hoover Be Re-elected?, (ar) Liberty April 23 1932
- Another Roosevelt in the White House?, (ar) Liberty April 30 1932
- Does Al Smith Hold the Winning Cards?, (ar) Liberty May 7 1932
- Have Women Made a Mess of Politics? Absolutely!, (ar) Liberty September 3 1932
- Are We Ripe for a “Revolution”?, (ar) Liberty October 8 1932
- Europe Thinks We’ve Hit the Skids, (ar) Liberty December 31 1932
- A New Deal in War Debts, (ar) Liberty January 7 1933
- Technocracy—Racket or Religion?, (ar) Liberty January 21 1933
- Our Lawless Lawmakers, (ar) Liberty February 11 1933
- America Gets Its Back Up at Last, (ar) Liberty March 11 1933
- How to Make Out Your Income Tax, (ar) Liberty March 18 1933
- A New Deal for Veterans, (ar) Liberty April 1 1933
- Breaking the World Blockade, (ar) Liberty July 8 1933
- The Red Light Nuisance, (ar) Liberty July 15 1933
- The Fight on the Farm Front, (ar) Liberty July 22 1933, etc.
- Roosevelt Keeps His Word, (ar) Liberty August 12 1933
- Back Up the New Deal!, (ar) Liberty August 26 1933
- Why the Economic Conference Adjourned, (ar) Liberty September 2 1933
- What Is the NRA?, (ar) Liberty September 9 1933
- Americanize the State Department, (ar) Liberty October 14 1933
- Clear Decks for American Diplomacy!, (ar) Liberty October 21 1933
- What Roosevelt Did to Hoover’s Predictions, (ar) Liberty November 11 1933
- Will Congress Raise Hell?, (ar) Liberty December 30 1933
- Is Roosevelt Going Socialist?, (ar) Liberty March 10 1934
- And Once More—The Income Tax, (ar) Liberty March 17 1934
- Can We Head Off Another War?, (ar) Liberty June 30 1934
- Trouble Begins at 40, (ar) Liberty September 8 1934
- A NEW Party—Not a Third Party!, (ar) Liberty December 29 1934
- Will Congress Run Wild?, (ar) Liberty January 5 1935
- Are We Headed for a General Strike?, (ar) Liberty January 12 1935
- What Mussolini’s Adventures in Abyssinia May Mean to Americans, (ar) Liberty April 27 1935
- Is Roosevelt Losing His Grip?, (ar) Liberty May 11 1935
- Look at Canada!, (ar) Liberty June 8 1935
- Is Machinery Killing the White Race?, (ar) Liberty October 5 1935
- Is Mussolini’s Power Crumbling?, (ar) Liberty March 7 1936
- Your Income Tax, (ar) Liberty March 14 1936
- Behind the Scenes in the Republical Convention, (ar) Liberty June 20 1936
- Will This Be the Last Democratic Convention?, (ar) Liberty July 4 1936
- The Menace of Maternalism, (ar) Liberty August 20 1938
- Taxes on the Half Shell, (ar) Liberty January 7 1939
- Minority Report on the “White Peril”, (ar) Liberty March 4 1939
- Government by a Handful, (ar) Liberty March 13 1943
- The Rat Race, (sl) Collier’s March 8 1947, etc.
- F.D.R. and the Glastonbury Parable, (ss) ’47—The Magazine of the Year March 1947
- Iron Law, (ar) ’47—The Magazine of the Year March 1947
- Madam President, (sl) Collier’s March 13 1948, etc.
- The Rat Race, (n.) FPCI, 1950
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