The FictionMags Index
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Elston, Allan Vaughan (items) (continued)
- The Red Diamonds, (nv) Short Stories January 25 1937
- Gunsmoke Justice, (nv) Two-Gun Western Novelets Magazine February 1937
- Calling All Ships, (nv) Complete Stories March 1937
- Copra, (nv) Argosy July 24 1937
- The Bishop’s Passport, (ss) Argosy September 18 1937
- The Mutineer, (nv) Cosmopolitan October 1937
- Pacific Passage, (sl) Argosy November 6 1937, etc.
- Coral Curtain, (ss) All-American Fiction December 1937
- The Glass Jar, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1938
- Trumpets and Drums, (nv) All-American Fiction January 1938
- Two and Two Is Four, (ss) Argosy February 5 1938
- The Lake of Silence, (ss) All-American Fiction February 1938
- Midnight to Dawn, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1938
- Beachcomber, (ss) Argosy March 5 1938
- One-Armed Sailor, (nv) Argosy March 19 1938
- Campaign Promise, (ss) Argosy June 4 1938
- Never Mind the Guard, (na) Adventure June 1938
- Trade Winds, (ss) Argosy July 23 1938
- International Settlement, (ss) Argosy October 22 1938
- Singapore Nights, (nv) Argosy November 12 1938
- Tiger Island, (ss) Argosy December 10 1938
- Live Bait, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1938
- Death Due North, (na) Argosy January 21 1939
- Lost Harbors, (sl) Argosy February 18 1939, etc.
- Island of Temptation, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1939
- The Other Unwritten Law, (ss) Adventure April 1939
- The Last Grain of Sand, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1939
- The Treasure Chest, (ss) Britannia and Eve June 1939
- East of Fiji, (nv) Argosy July 1 1939
- The Dark Trail, (ss) Adventure August 1939
- Singapore Smoke Screen, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1939
- Fiji Gold, (na) The Thriller Library #563, November 18 1939
- Diamond Dust, (na) Short Stories December 10 1939
- Passage Home, (ss) Argosy December 30 1939
- Joker Wild, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1940
- Dry Fly, (nv) Adventure January 1940
- Enough Rope, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1940
- Rear Row Rendezvous, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1940
- Gaff Game, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1940
- Ward of the North, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1940
- Mutiny on the Box Cross, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 22 1940
- Guilt, (vi) The American Magazine July 1940
- The Cross of Palms, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1940
- Forgotten Island, (ss) Argosy August 31 1940
- Stranded, (ss) Maclean’s October 1 1940
- Forbidden Message, (vi) This Week December 8 1940
- Murder at Banff, (nv) Short Stories January 25 1941
- A Ship Came Home, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1941
- Retreat, (vi) The American Magazine May 1941
- Shotgun Island, (ss) Adventure July 1941
- Thunder Island, (nv) Short Stories September 25 1941
- Forgotten Item, (vi) The American Magazine November 1941
- Delayed Verdict [Evan Keith], (ss) Collier’s December 20 1941
- The Vase of Death, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1942
- Sold for a Song, (ss) Liberty February 28 1942
- “The Temple Bells They Say—”, (ss) This Week July 26 1942
- Reprisal, (vi) Liberty August 8 1942
- The Unloaded Gun, (ss) Collier’s September 5 1942
- The Writing on the Wall, (nv) Short Stories September 25 1942
- The Caissons Go Rolling, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1942
- Murder by Mandate (with Maurice Beam), (sl) Short Stories January 10 1943, etc.
- Underground to Lisbon, (vi) Liberty February 20 1943
- The Blackout Murder, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1943
- Down to Brass Tacks, (ss) Adventure February 1943
- Sharp Shooter, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1943
- The Range Finders, (sl) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 17 1943, etc.
- The Silver Spoon, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1943
- The Mystery of Monsieur Pliny, (nv) Liberty June 22 1946
- Conscience Money, (ss) Black Mask July 1946
- The Watched House, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1946
- Murder to the Dark Tower Came!, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1947
- Hit the Saddle, (na) West August 1947
- The Bookshop Mystery, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1947
- The Mirror, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1947
- The Perfect Secretary, (ss) 1947
- Wolf Dog, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1948
- The Water Is Mine, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1948
- Drop Coin Here, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1948
- Scene of the Crime, (vi) The American Magazine September 1948
- The Sheriff of San Miguel, (na) Star Weekly December 18 1948
- The Defense Rests, (ss) This Week 1948
- Say It with Pearls, (ss) Adventure February 1949
- Sealed Orders, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1949
- The Wedding Present, (vi) The American Magazine February 1949
- Death Wore a Rosebud, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine 2nd Spring 1949
- Eva? Caroline?, (nv) Woman’s Home Companion April 1949
- Blind Bequest, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1949
- Dead Man’s Brand, (ss) Star Weekly July 2 1949
- Do Not Disturb, (ss) The American Magazine August 1949
- These Are My People, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1949
- Blackmail, (ss) The American Magazine December 1949
- If Wishes Were Houses, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1949
- The Lost Arrow, (nv) Short Stories November 1950
- Midnight Bell, (ss) Farm Journal January 1951
- Tip-Off, (ss) The American Magazine January 1951
- The Last Day of My Life, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine March 1951
- Grass and Gold, (na) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine August 1951
- The Braggart, (vi) Collier’s September 22 1951
- Double Reprieve, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1951
- The Broken Seal, (ss) Collier’s February 23 1952
- Roundup on the Picketwire, (n.) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine March 1952
- Treasure Coach from Deadwood Gulch, (n.) Star Weekly February 10 1962
- Bund Bequest, (ss)
- Gun Law at Laramie, (nv)
- The Left Arm of the Law, (ss)
- Message Delayed, (ss)
Eltham, Dean (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- Geraniums, (ss) MacLean’s March 15 1929
- Caveat Emptor, (ss) Canadian Home Journal July 1929
- St, Bartholomew Passes On, (ss) The Canadian Magazine July 1929
- Crock Golf, (ss) MacLean’s August 1 1929
- Gethsemane, (ss) Canadian War Stories August 1929
- Pins, (ss) Canadian War Stories September 1 1929
- Saint Ann, (ss) Canadian War Stories September 15 1929
- Angel, (ss) MacLean’s October 1 1929
- “Of Course Not!”, (ss) Canadian War Stories October 15 1929
- Reviews: Journey’s End, (rv) Canadian War Stories November 1 1929
- The Sardonic Gesture, (sl) Canadian War Stories December 1 1929, etc.
- Back Number, (ss) MacLean’s February 1 1930
- Bureau of Montespan, (ss) The Canadian Magazine August 1930
- Fulminate of Pigskin, (ss) MacLean’s October 15 1931
- All Square, (ss) The Canadian Magazine July 1933
Elting, Mary Letha (1906-2005) (about) (items)
- George Sand: Sentimental Minerva, (bg) 1929
- Broadway Goes to Colorado, (ar) The Golden Book Magazine #91, July 1932
- Four Corners of the Earth, (cl) The Golden Book Magazine #98, February 1933, etc., as by M. L. E.
- Travel Notes, (cl) The Golden Book Magazine #104, August 1933, etc., as by M. L. E.
- Books for Christmas, (br) The Golden Book Magazine #108, December 1933, as by M. L. E.
- Authors and Books, (br) The Golden Book Magazine #109, January 1934, etc., as by M. L. E.
- Napoleon Bonaparte. Rejected Author (with J. P. Bowles), (ar) The Golden Book Magazine #112, April 1934
- Authors and Books: Books for Christmas, (br) The Golden Book Magazine #120, December 1934, as by M. L. E.
- Children’s Books, (br) The Golden Book Magazine #120, December 1934, as by M. L. E.
Elton, Rex (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- A Lesson in French, (vi) The Happy Mag. March 1927
- Number Engaged, (vi) The Happy Mag. April 1927
- Tickets for the Dance, (ss) The Happy Mag. September 1927
- Under the Clock, (ss) Jolly Magazine October 1927
- A Job for the Police, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1927
- A Christmas Call, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1927
- The Best Turn on the Programme, (ss) The Happy Mag. August 1928
- Who’s Who at the Seaside, (ms) The Happy Mag. September 1928
- Message for No. 9, (ss) The Happy Mag. Summer 1938
- Holiday Plans, (ss) The Happy Mag. September 1938
Elton, W. John (fl. 1930s) (items)
- Bill Benbow’s Gunboat, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1936
- Mere Child’s Play, (ss) The Passing Show October 31 1936
- A Pet and Publicity, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1936
- Angel’s Clothing, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1937
- Caption with Cause, (ss) The Passing Show November 20 1937
- Dead Man’s Tale, (vi) The Passing Show July 16 1938
- He Sharpened Knives, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1938
- Hikers Sometimes Drink, (ss) The Passing Show January 7 1939
- Mr. Ollifant Obliges, (ss) Illustrated August 5 1939
- The Tide Turns at Midnight, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1939
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