The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 1109
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Butler, Samuel (1835-1902) (about) (items)
- To the Editor, (ar) Press June 13 1863, as by Cellarius
- Erewhon, or Over the Range, (ex) Trübner, 1872
- The Menace of the Machine, (ex) 1872
- Visioning the Radio—in 1877, (ex) 1877
- The Book of the Machine, (ss)
- Did Aeschylus Square the Critics?, (ar)
- Idyll, (ss)
- Maxims and Precepts, (ms)
- The Old Familiar Faces, (ms)
Butler, [Maj. Gen.] Smedley D(arlington) (1881-1940) (items)
- Dame Rumor—the Biggest Liar in the World, (ar) The American Magazine June 1931
- My Toughest Five Minutes, (ar) Liberty July 4 1931
- The “Fightingest” Man I Know: Sergeant Major Daniel Daly U.S.M.C., (ar) The American Magazine September 1931
- Opera-Bouffe Revolts, (ar) Liberty October 10 1931
- To Hell with Admirals! Why I Retired at Fifty, (ar) Liberty December 5 1931
- The Bonus—OR ELSE!, (ar) Liberty January 11 1936
- The Peace Racket, (ar) Liberty June 6 1936
- Amendment for Peace, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1936
- How Safe Is America?, (ss) Liberty November 21 1936
- The Marines Ride, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine May 1937
- The Umbrella of Honor, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine June 1937
- Bring Our Soldiers Home from China!, (ar) Liberty January 8 1938
- How Shall We Go to War?, (ar) Liberty March 12 1938
Butler, William Francis (1838-1910) (items)
- He’s a Windigo, (ex) The Great Lone Land by William Francis Butler, London, 1872
- A Trip to Cyprus, (ar) Good Words August 1880, etc.
- Red Cloud, The Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great Prairie, (sl) The Union Jack April 6 1882, etc.
- The Invasion of England, (n.) Sampson Low, 1882, uncredited.
Butlin, Ron (1949- ) (about) (items)
- [poem], (pm) Bananas #13, January/February 1979
- Moments in a Journey, (ss) Bananas #16, Summer 1979
- The Exquiaite Instrument, (pm) Bananas #17, Autumn 1979
- An Address to Li Shang Yin, (pm) Bananas #19, February 1980
- Italian Landscape, (pm) Bananas #19, February 1980
- The Kingdom Built on Water, (pm) Bananas #20, April 1980
- A Private Joke, (ss) Bananas #21, June 1980
- Scenes from an Opera, (ss) Bananas #25, February/March 1981
- Alice, (ss) Neonlit: Time Out Book of New Writing Vol. 1 ed. Nicholas Royle, Quartet, 1998
- The Convalescents, (ss) The Time Out Book of Paris Short Stories ed. Nicholas Royle, Penguin, 1999
- A Stranger’s House, (ss) The Third Alternative #18, 1999
- How the Angels Fly In, (ss) Something Wicked ed. Susie Maguire & Amanda Hargreaves, Polygon, 1999
- Five Fantastic Fictions, (ss) Nova Scotia ed. Neil Williamson & Andrew J. Wilson, Crescent, 2005
- Absolution on the Edinburgh City Bypass, (pm) NorthWords Now #18, Summer 2011
- The Magicians of Edinburgh, (pm) NorthWords Now #18, Summer 2011
- Ten Years On, (pm) NorthWords Now #18, Summer 2011
Butmann, Francis W. (fl. 1850s) (items)
- La Nina, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1856
- The Biter Bit, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1856
- Mrs. Stanhope’s Guest, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1856
- The “Foam of the Sea”, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1857
- The Greek Fisher Girl, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1857
- The Emperor’s Bride, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1857
- The Lovers’ Stratagem, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1858
- The Rival Italian Nobles, (na) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1858
- The Daughter of Von Tromp le Huys, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1859
- Auld Lindsay’s Lass, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1859
- The Girl of the Fields, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1859
Butner, Richard (fl. 1990s-2020s) (books) (items)
- Fun in the Burn Ward (with John Kessel & Mark L. Van Name), (in) Intersections ed. John Kessel, Mark L. Van Name & Richard Butner, Tor, 1996
- Horses Blow Up Dog City, (ss) Intersections ed. John Kessel, Mark L. Van Name & Richard Butner, Tor, 1996
- Other Agents, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet Winter 1999
- Six Lines, (ss) …is this a cat? ed. Christopher Rowe, Fortress of Words, 2002
- The Secret Identity, (ss) Say… #1, 2002
- How to Make a Martini, (ar) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #12, June 2003
- Ash City Stomp, (ss) Trampoline ed. Kelly Link, Small Beer Press, 2003
- Corrupting Dr. Kessel (with Gwenda Bond), (iv) Say… #2, 2003 [Ref. John Kessel]
- Floating, (ss) Say… #2, 2003
- House of the Future, (ss) Sci Fiction January 14 2004
- Horses Blow Up Dog City & Other Stories, (co) Small Beer Press, June 2004
- Lo-Fi, (ss) Horses Blow Up Dog City & Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2004
- Pete and Earl, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #14, June 2004
- The Rules of Gambling, (ss) Horses Blow Up Dog City & Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2004
- The Wounded, (ss) Crossroads: Tales of the Southern Literary Fantastic ed. Brett Cox & Andy Duncan, Tor, 2004
- Last Drink Bird Head, (ss) Last Drink Bird Head ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Ministry of Whimsy, 2009
- Holderhaven, (ss) Crimewave #11, 2010
- Through the Uprights, (nv) Electric Velocipede #23, Winter 2011
- Give Up, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2012
- Circa, (ss) Interfictions Online #3, May 2014
- Adventure, (ss) The Deadlands #11, March 2022
- Under Green, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #45, March/April 2022
Butt, Aune R.; pseudonym (fl. 1970s) (items)
- Eddie Jones, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #6, 1974 [Ref. Eddie Jones]
- Ian Miller, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #7, 1974 [Ref. Ian Miller]
- Josh Kirby, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #8, 1974 [Ref. Josh Kirby]
- David Pelham, (bg) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #9, 1974 [Ref. David Pelham]
- Fanzines in Focus: Peter Weston and Speculation, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #11, 1974 [Ref. Peter R. Weston]
Butt, Beatrice May (1853-1918) (about) (items)
- A War Story, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1879, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- Lois: A Sketch, (ss) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #780, October 1880, uncredited.
- Denis, (nv) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #792, October 1881, uncredited.
- Christine, (ss) Belgravia November 1883
- A Coward, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1884, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- One Christmas Eve, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1888, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- Ad Matrem, (pm) London Society February 1890, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- A Dream Within a Dream, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1890, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- Two Men and a Woman’s Heart, (nv) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1894, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- In Exchange, (ss) London Society Summer 1895
- Arabia Petræa, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1895, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- Between the Dream and Its Fulfillment, (pm) Belgravia November 1896
- An April Mood, (pm) The Ludgate April 1900, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- The Pioneer, (pm) Chambers’s Journal August 22 1908, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
- Resurgent, (pm) Chambers’s Journal Christmas 1908, as by The Author of “Miss Molly”
Butt, E. C.; pseudonym (fl. 1980s) (items)
- The Winds of Gosh [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #52, August 1982
- Raide [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #53, November 1982
- Joyman [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #55, May 1983
- Linka [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #56, August 1983
- Org of Asm [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #57, November 1983
- The Sterje Scar [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #59, May 1984
- Lialal [Neverest of Earth], (ss) Probe #60, November 1984
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