315 · About the Contributors · [uncredited] · bg (r)
The World’s Great Detective Stories ed. S. S. Van Dine (Blue Ribbon, 1931, LC:32-4641, 483pp, hc, an)
Reprint (Scribner’s 1928 as The Great Detective Stories by Willard Huntington Wright) anthology.
The Witch of Ramoth, and Other Tales by Mark Van Doren (Maple Press Co., July 1950, 95pp, hc, co)
Limited to 1700 copies.
Fourth Planet from the Sun: Tales of Mars from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Thunder’s Mouth Press, April 2005, 1-56025-666-4, $15.95, 306pp, tp, an, cover by Michael Carroll)
Anthology of 12 Mars stories, all but two originally published in F&SF. Authors include Roger Zelazny, Philip K. Dick, John Varley, and Alex Irvine.
In Lands That Never Were: Tales of Swords and Sorcery from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Thunder’s Mouth, September 2004, 1-56858-314-1, $15.95, xi+395pp, tp, an, cover by Dariusz Jasiczak)
Anthology of 12 sword & sorcery stories originally published in F&SF. Authors include Fritz Leiber, Pat Murphy, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Jeffrey Ford.
One Lamp: Alternate History Stories from The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Four Walls Eight Windows, August 2003, 1-56858-276-5, $15.95, 433pp, tp, an)
Anthology of 14 alternate history stories originally published in F&SF. Authors include C.M. Kornbluth, Alfred Bester, and Paul Di Filippo.
The Very Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Tachyon Publications, September 2009, 978-1-892391-91-9, $15.95, 475pp, tp, an, cover by David Hardy)
Anthology of 23 stories in celebration of the magazine’s 60th anniversary. Authors include Alfred Bester, Kurt Vonnegut, Harlan Ellison, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Peter S. Beagle.
451 · The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate · Ted Chiang · nv Subterranean Press, July 2007
The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume 2 ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Tachyon Publications, July 15, 2014, 978-1-61696-163-3, $15.95, 419pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
Anthology of 27 stories originally published in F&SF. Foreword by Van Gelder; introduction by MIchael Dirda. Austhors include Zenna Henderson, Harlan Ellison, Paolo Bacigalupi, and Stephen King. Details taken from online listing.
Welcome to Dystopia ed. Gordon Van Gelder (OR Books, December 2017, 978-1-68219-126-2, $22.00, 406pp, tp, oa)
Data from publisher’s website. Details taken from online listing.