The FictionMags Index
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[]Golding, Louis (1895-1958) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * After the Dark, (pm) Colour March 1921
- * All in a Split Second, (ar) Esquire December 1934
- * And He Had Many Scars, (pm) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v2 #2, 1921
- * Anything to Oblige a Gipsy, (ss) The Evening Standard September 4 1935
- * Arles, (ar) To-Day November 1918
- * Art and Adoration, (ss) The Evening Standard September 26 1934
- * The Assassin, (ss) The Evening Standard May 31 1934
- * At Last I Said “No” [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard June 25 1955
- * Autumn Hills, (pm) Colour April 1919
- * Babylon and Home Agan, (ss) The American Hebrew June 29 1923
- * Bare-Knuckle Lover, (ss) The Evening Standard March 7 1933
- * Battle of Cupid, (pm)
- * Bendigo and William Caunt, (ar) Esquire May 1934
- * Bishops and Poets, (ss) The Story-teller March 1933
- * Black Cat, (ss) Mystery July 1935
- * Black Frailty, (ss) The Doomington Wanderer, Gollancz, 1934
- * The Bondage of Jack, (ss) The Doomington Wanderer, Gollancz, 1934
- * The Brooch, (ss) Lilliput July 1947
- * But the Gods Will Not Have It, (ss)
- * Cabins of Innisfree, (pm)
- * The Call of the Hand, (nv) The English Review November 1919
- Twenty and Three Stories ed. C. A. Dawson Scott & Ernest Rhys, Thornton Butterworth, 1924
- The Argosy (UK) May 1932
- Many Mysteries ed. E. Phillips Oppenheim, Rich & Cowan, 1933
- The Doomington Wanderer, Gollancz, 1934
- A Century of Horror ed. Dennis Wheatley, Hutchinson, 1935
- Quiver of Horror ed. Dennis Wheatley, Arrow, 1964
- Some Things Strange and Sinister ed. Joan Kahn, Harper & Row, 1973
- Uncanny Tales 3 ed. Dennis Wheatley, Sphere, 1975
- * Camping Song, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1925
- * Colonnades in Padua, (ar) To-Day November 1923
- * Courage the Dreamers, (pm) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #4, 1920
- * Creed, (pm) The Argosy (UK) February 1938
- * Cry of the Swallows, (ss) The American Hebrew October 9 1925
- * Dancing Daffodil, (nv) Redbook Magazine April 1938
- * Deaf Burke Fights a Ghost, (ar) Esquire February 1934
- * Decide Like Lightning!, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1957
- * D.H. Lawrence, (ar) To-Day July 1919 [Ref. D. H. Lawrence]
- * Dinner with Uncle Matthew, (ss) Britannia and Eve September 1952
- * Divinity in Dauville, (ss)
- * Divinity in Deauville, (ss)
- * The Doomington Wanderer, (co) Gollancz, 1934
- * The Doomington Wanderer, (ss)
- * Edge of the Precipice, (ar) Mine December 1935
- * Epic of Tibbitt Street, (ss) The American Hebrew September 26 1923
- * Exile and Home Again, (ss) Colour November 1922
- * Fair Women Follow, (ar) Nash’s Magazine October 1928
- * Farewell, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1934
- * Feival in the Prairies, (ss) The American Hebrew September 7 1923
- * Five Silver Daughters, (sl)
- * Flower of the Sea, (ss) The Story-teller December 1934
- * Foolproof Murder, (ss) The Evening Standard June 1 1937
- * Front Seat in Heaven, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1945
- * Ghost at Mrs. Levine’s, (ss) The Jewish Forum March 1928
- * Give These Lads a Chance!, (ar) John Bull July 2 1938
- * Give Up Your Lovers, (sl) Colour Dec 1929, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1930
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1931
- * A Grand Night in Wallingford, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1954
- * A Great Poet, (ss) The American Hebrew December 26 1924
- * The Green Gloom, (ss) Colour November 1921
- * The Hand, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1932
- * The Haunted Cinema, (ss) The Doomington Wanderer, Gollancz, 1934
- * The Heart of Colour, (ss) Colour September 1919
- * Hearts Were Trumps, (ss) Missing from Their Homes, Hutchinson, 1936
- * He Fought a Ghost, (ss) The Evening Standard June 4 1934
- * The House of Six Maidens, (ss) Colour January 1922
- * How Brown Went to the Races, (ss) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #28, 1946
- * Hyman’s Scarlet Lily, (ss) The American Hebrew July 23 1926
- * I Came Back to London, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar March 1932
- * I Eat Manna, (ar) Lilliput October 1937
- * The Impeccable Mr. Devereux, (ss) The Story-teller October 1935
- * In and Out of the Window, (ss) The Story-teller June 1934
- * In Ararat, (ss)
- * The Inn, (ss) Time and Tide February 4 1933
- * Introduction to “Five Silver Daughters”, (is) The Argosy (UK) December 1933
- * Island Revelries, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1958
- * It Happened in San Anton, (ss) Lilliput September 1947
- * It Was That Sort of a Party [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard March 11 1955
- * Jack and Mephistopheles, (ss) Colour January 1929
- * Jem Belcher’s Last Fight, (ar) Esquire March 1934
- * The Jolly God, (pm) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #2, 1920
- * Judæus Errans, (pm) To-Day February 1918
- * The Knight Errant, (pm) Colour January 1929
- * Lady and Shadow, (ss) The Story-teller November 1934
- * Lame Dogs Over Stiles, (ss) Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life January 11 1932
- * The Last Troubador, (ss)
- * The Letters of Jemima, (ss) The Evening Standard October 1 1935
- * Liquidation, (ss) Lilliput October 1938
- * Little Grocer with Yellow Hair, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) August 11 1923
- * Little Old Poet, (ss) The American Hebrew February 9 1923
- * Long Remorse, (ss) The Evening Standard February 27 1935
- * Luigi of Catanzaro, (ss) Full Score ed. T. I. Fytton Armstrong, Rich & Cowan, 1933
- * The Macbeth Dagger, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1951
- * Magnolia Street, (ss) John Bull January 15 1938
- * The Magnolia Street Wanderer, (ss) The Evening Standard March 29 1933
- * The Man in the Mirror, (ss) Mystery April 1934
- * The Man in the White Tie, (ss) The Story-teller August 1934
- * Mary and John, (ss) Colour June 1921
- * Men Like Demi-Gods, (ss) The Evening Standard September 1 1934
- * Mill, (ss) The Evening Standard April 25 1936
- * Million Dollar Lou, (ss) Pale Blue Nightgown by Louis Golding, Hutchinson, 1944
- * Miss Ginsberg and Miss Levine, (ss) The American Hebrew August 15 1924
- * Miss Pomfret and Miss Primrose, (ss) The English Review February 1922
- * Mr. Manchester, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1933
- * Mr. Vinnery Stayed Upstairs, (ss) John Bull May 29 1948
- * A Model for the Patient [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard February 1 1955
- * Murder in Fitzroy Towers, (ss) The Evening Standard January 27 1937
- * New Look for an Old School, (ar) Illustrated February 24 1951
- * No More Apple-Blossom, (ss)
- * Not to the Swift, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) November 1931
- * November Eleventh, (pm) To-Day January 1919
- * Numbers, (pm)
- * Of a Miraculous Mirror, (ar) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #1, 1920
- * Of Poetry and Vers-Libre, (ar) To-Day March 1921
- * On Trek in Brittany, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1955
- * Painted Love, (ss) The Evening Standard October 7 1936
- * Pale Blue Night-Gown, (ss) The Story-teller October 1936
- The Best British Short Stories 1937 and the Yearbook of the British, Irish and Colonial Short Story ed. Edward J. O'Brien, Houghton Mifflin, 1937
- Fiction Parade and Golden Book Magazine January 1937
- The Evening Standard January 16 1937
- The Argosy (UK) June 1939
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #30, 1947
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #76, March 1950
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #55, January 1952
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #1, 1960
- The Dream Adventure ed. Roger Caillois, Orion Press, 1963
- Ellery Queen’s Lethal Black Book ed. Ellery Queen, Dell, 1965
- * Pan in a Railway Siding, (pm) Colour July 1921
- * Paradox at Llodaeth Towers, (ss) The Evening Standard March 16 1935
- * The Party, (ss) The American Hebrew October 4 1929
- * “Le Petit Rabbin”, (ss) Bermondsey Book September/November 1927
- * The Photograph, (ss) The Evening Standard May 14 1936
- * Poems, (pm) Colour December 1921
- * Pompeii in Massachusetts, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) October 1928
- * Pontimar, (pm) Colour May 1922
- * Port on the Sheraton Table, (ss) John Bull January 8 1949
- * Portrait of Bella, (ss) The American Hebrew May 2 1930
- * Punctual Murderer, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine May 1958
- * The Pyrenean Adventure, (ar) The St. Nicholas Magazine August 1928
- * Question No. 3, (ss) The Evening Standard August 13 1937
- * Rings for Her Fingers [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard May 13 1955
- * Route-Marching Song, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1924
- * The Runner in the Night, (ss) The Story-teller January 1935
- * Sad Star, (ss) The Evening Standard March 30 1938
- * Salt Water, (ss) Storyteller November 1936
- * Sequels to Great Novels by Famous Authors:
* ___ Magnolia Street, (ss) John Bull January 15 1938
- * The Shadow-Boxer, (ss) Lilliput November 1947
- * Shmul and Mephistopheles, (ss) The American Hebrew April 27 1923
- * Songs from an Old Singer, (pm)
- * The Splendid Ones [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard September 20 1957
- * Stained Glass Windows, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine March 1957
- * Stars Against Him, (ss) The Evening Standard September 11 1934
- * Suggia at the ’Cello, (pm) Colour July 1920
- * Sunset of Boyhood, (ss) Colour January 1929
- * Tale of Jean Pinchas, (ss) The American Hebrew September 30 1927
- * The Tattooed Bird, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) March 1928
- * The Terrible Cavalcade, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1936
- * To Be a Prince, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1938
- * Tom Breaks Free, (ss) Colour January 1924
- * Tough Lover’s Lady, (ss) The Evening Standard June 16 1933
- * Towers of Zion, (ss) The American Hebrew September 12 1924
- * Tread on It, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1935
- * Two Men in a Train, (ss) Mario on the Beach, and other tales by Louis Golding, Hutchinson, 1956
- * Two Poems, (gp) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #4, 1920
- * The Vandyck Beard, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1957
- * The Veiled Picture, (ss) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v2 #1, 1921
- * The Vicar of Dunkerly Briggs, (nv) Harper’s Bazaar September 1933
- * Wandering Home Again, (ss) The Evening Standard September 12 1936
- * Wandering Pearls, (ss) The Evening Standard January 8 1935
- * War’s Quick Fire, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1949
- * Westmoreland, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1919
- * The Wheel and the Woe, (ar) The Passing Show November 5 1932
- * Wimpole’s Woe, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) September 1929
- * Wind on the Heath, Brother [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard July 22 1957
- * The Window of Broken Magic, (ss) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #2, 1920
- * Winds and Grasses, (pm) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #4, 1920
- * With Captain Tim, (ar) Blue Peter #134, May 1933
- * Wizard Waters, (pm) The Story-teller July 1934
- * Women Are Such Strange Creatures [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard November 24 1955
- * Woods of Lammas, (ss) The Evening Standard September 20 1935
- * The Young Coachman and the Lady, (ar) Esquire April 1934
- * Youth Flaunts a Feather, (ss) The American Hebrew April 10 1925
- * Yussuf of Olive-Town, (ss) The American Hebrew June 16 1926
_____, [ref.]
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