The FictionMags Index
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[]Conkling, Grace Hazard (1878-1958) (chron.)
- * America, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1919
- * Andante Con Moto, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1907
- * April, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1908
- * At the Cross Roads, (pm) Good Housekeeping June 1918
- * August Morning, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1921
- * Bells, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1917
- * Candor, (pm) The American Girl September 1933
- * The Caribbean from the Northern Garden, (pm) The Smart Set February 1919
- * The Casualty List, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1919
- * A Child in a Mexican Garden:
* ___ Bells, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1917
* ___ The Garden, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1917
* ___ Pablo, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1917
* ___ The Peacock, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1917
* ___ Rain, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1917
- * Connecticut River—Early March, (pm) Harper’s Magazine September 1947
- * Cretonne Tropics, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1919
- * The Daffodil, (pm)
- * Daffodils, (pm) Smith’s Magazine July 1921
- * The Door-Harp, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1916
- * Envoy, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1908
- * Eurydice to Orpheus, (pm) The Smart Set August 1909
- * The Exile, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1908
- * First Crocus, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1922
- * Flanders Bells, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1918
- * Foreign Professor, (pm) Harper’s Magazine July 1946
- * Freckles, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1908
- * The Garden, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1917
- * Hemlock Trees, (pm) Ainslee’s September 1921
- * Honorably Discharged, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1919
- * Illusion, (pm) Ainslee’s February 1923
- * Late Spring in New England, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1913
- * The Letter, (pm) The Smart Set March 1921
- * Little Flakes of Sunshine, (pm) The Smart Set December 1914
- * Love Song, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1920
- * Mocking Birds, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine November 1909
- * A Modern Love Song, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1922
- * Moods, (pm) The Smart Set January 1921
- * The Mountain Mother, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine January 1919
- * The Nightingales of Flanders, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1917
- * Nocturne, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1921
- * Orchids, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1925
- * Pablo, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1917
- * The Peacock, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1917
- * A Perplexed Child, (pm)
- * The Philosophy of Pablo, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine September 1914
- * The Pine Tree of Dusk, (pm) The Smart Set November 1917
- * A Place Forgotten, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1921
- * Plans, (pm) Smith’s Magazine August 1921
- * Poppies, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1919
- * Protest, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1921
- * Rain, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine March 1917
- * Rose-Dulce, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1908
- * Rose-Elves, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1908
- * The Rose-Jar, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1908
- * The Rose-Trees, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1908
- * Seven Days, (pm) The Double Dealer July 1921
- * Sing As You Go, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1923
- * A Song About Love, (pm) Everybody’s December 1924
- * A Song Afterward, (pm) The Smart Set November 1921
- * Song of a Shepherd, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1908
- * The Song Unmade, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1919
- * Sunset, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1919
- * A Sunset Moment, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine January 1909
- * “Tell Me a Story”, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1921
- * To Stevenson—of Some Critics, (pm) Putnam’s Monthly & The Reader September 1908
- * Traveler’s Tale, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1921
- * Trees, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1923
- * Trees in Starlight, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1921
- * Victory Bells, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1919
- * War, (pm) Good Housekeeping April 1918
- * A War-Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1917
- * Weariness, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1921
- * White Birches, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1918
- * The White Corral, (pm) The Delineator (UK) December 1914
- * Wilderness Song, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine February 1920
- * Winter Weekend, (pm) The Delineator February 1932
[]Conkling, Hilda (1910-1986) (about) (chron.)
- * The Apple-Jellyfish Tree, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * Bluebird, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * Blue Grass, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * Dandelion, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * The Field of Wonder, (pm) The Delineator June 1920
- * The Green Palm-Tree, (pm) The Delineator June 1920
- * A Little Girl’s Prayer, (pm) Good Housekeeping May 1920
- * Pegasus, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * The Poppy, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * Rambler Rose, (pm) The Delineator June 1920
- * Song (“A ship would be a comfort…”), (pm) The Delineator January 1929
- * Today, (pm) The Delineator January 1931
[]Conley, Jen (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Angels, (ss) Needle Spring 2014
- * Eleanor, (ss) Crime Factory v2 #17, 2015
- * Finn’s Missing Sister, (ss) Needle Winter 2012
- * God’s Gonna Cut You Down, (ss) Just to Watch Them Die ed. Joe Clifford, Gutter Books, 2017
- * Good for Gone, (ss) Murder-a-Go-Go’s ed. Holly West, Down & Out Books, 2019
- * He Will Kill You, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #3, Spring/Summer 2020
- * It’s Hard to Be a Saint in the City, (ss) Trouble in the Heartland ed. Joe Clifford, Gutter Books, 2014
- * June, (ss) Out of the Gutter #8, December 2012
- * Melanie, (ss) Blood Work ed. Rick Ollerman, Down & Out Books, 2018
- * Milk, (ss) All Due Respect #3, May 2014
- * Pipe, (ss) Thuglit #2, November/December 2012
- * Seven Ways to Get of Harry, (ss) Protectors ed. Thomas Pluck, Goombah Gumbo Press, 2012
- * Skulls, (ss) Ghoulish Tales #2, Winter 2024
- * The Summer Mr. H Drove Alex Santillanas Around, (ss) Big Pulp Summer 2012
- * Trash, (ss) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #1, 2017
- * Visitor at Copenhagen Street, (ss) Thuglit #9, January/February 2014
- * Woods, (ss) Pulp Modern Summer 2015
[]Conley, Ralan (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Blossoming Under Sable Skies, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6, April 2003
- * Child of Luna, Child of Earth, (ss) Oceans of the Mind #4, Summer 2002
- * A Damsel in This Dress, (ss) Fantasy Readers Wanted—Apply Within ed. Nick Aires & James Richey, Silver Lake Publishing, 2003
- * Galactic Exchange, (ss) Under the Rose ed. Dave Hutchinson, Norilana Books, 2009
- * Nothing Succeeds Like Suks-X, (ss) Abandoned Towers #1, November 2008
- * Ratang, (pm) Bull Spec #1, Spring 2010
- * Running the Slash, (ss) Hub Magazine #37, December 15 2007
- * The Walking Man, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #2, 2000
- * What’s the Buzz?, (ss) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #27, Fall 2002
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