The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11520
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[The Editor(s)] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Ten Thousand Tin-Stars, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1938
- * Ten Years of Speculative Non-Fiction, (ar) Strange Horizons September 6 2010
- * Ten Years of Woman, (ed) Collier’s May 17 1930
- * The Terrific Load of Taxation, (ed) Liberty February 27 1932
- * “Terror Inn”, (ed) The Thriller #166, April 9 1932
- * Terror’s Tolls, (ed) Live Stories 2nd June 1923
- * The Test of Love, (ed) Thrilling Love June 1934
- * The Test Tube, (cl) Marvel Science Stories February 1951
- * A Texan Translates, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1943
- * Texas Man, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1940
- * TFFO Editors’ Note, (si) Out of the Gutter #8, December 2012
- * Thanks, (ed) Fiction #9, 1976
- * Thanksgiving, 1926, (ed) Liberty November 27 1926
- * Thanksgiving Proclamation, (ed) Collier’s November 19 1938
- * Thanks, Mr. Stalin; Thanks, Mr. Hitler, (ed) Collier’s November 18 1939
- * Thank You!, (ed) Smart Set November 1924
- * Thank You!, (ms) Love Short Stories April 1940
- * Thank You, Again, Kickstarter Backers!, (ms) Uncanny Magazine #2, January/February 2015
- * “Thank You, Gentlemen”, (ed) Liberty December 24 1932
- * Thank You, Kickstarter Backers!, (ms) Uncanny Magazine #1, November/December 2014
- * That Firearms Question, (ed) Black Mask April 1934
- * That Maverick Man, (ms) Western Love Romances April 1950
- * That Multilateral Treaty, (ed) Liberty August 25 1928
- * That Postmaster’s Job, (ed) Maclean’s March 1 1940
- * That Reckless Spirit, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1944
- * That Reservoir of Labor, (ed) Liberty March 17 1928
- * That Sea-Food!, (ed) John Bull December 13 1952
- * That’s My Hunch Baby, (ed) East-Side Detective v1 #1, 1954
- * That Unwritten Story, (ed) Short Stories September 1919
- * “Their Finest Hour”, (ed) Collier’s March 15 1941
- * Their Glory Never Fades, (ed) Star Western December 1936
- * Them Words, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine May 1929
- * Then Civilian Defense Mess, (ed) Collier’s February 21 1942
- * There Are No 100% Americans, (ed) Collier’s July 26 1941
- * There Is Nothing New in Crime, (ed) Black Mask August 1936
- * There Ought to Be a Law, (ed) Collier’s August 2 1941
- * These Are Our Readers, (ms) Lilliput October 1938
- * These Be Harsh Words, (ed) Liberty December 4 1926
- * These Struggling Authors, (ed) Liberty March 23 1929
- * They Can’t Hurt Lincoln, (ed) Collier’s March 28 1931
- * They Can’t Live on Air!, (ed) Redbook June 1951
- * They Disengage Us from Ourselves, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine June 1928
- * They Hated Lincoln, (ed) Collier’s February 8 1930
- * They Made the West, (ed) Star Western April 1938
- * They Played Out Their String!, (ar) Dime Western Magazine June 1938
- * They Say This Is Inflation, But—, (ed) Liberty March 4 1933
- * They Stayed with the Herds, (ed) Dime Western Magazine November 1939
- * They Tell the Story, (cl) Dime Western Magazine December 1936
- * They Want to Live, (ed) Liberty May 30 1925
- * They Will Select the Typical American Girl, (ms) Smart Set January 1929
- * “The Thief of Time”, (ed) Liberty April 14 1928
- * Things as They Are, (ed) Pearson’s Magazine (US) Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1913, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Nov, Dec 1914
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Sep 1915
- * Things as They Are, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1914, May, Jun, Oct, Nov, Dec 1915, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1916
- * The Things Not Seen, (ms) My Magazine March 1915
- * Things to Come, (ms) Double Detective August 1938
- * Things We Get for Nothing, (ed) Liberty July 18 1925
- * The Thinker, (ed)
- * Thinking, (ed) Short Stories August 25 1926
- * Third Class to Freedom, (ed) Seven Magazine of People’s Writing October/November/December 1942
- * The Third Degree, (cl) Detective Action Stories Jan, Apr, Aug, Oct, Nov 1931, Feb, Mar 1932
- * The Third Degree, (cl) Thrilling Detective Dec 1931, Jan 1932
- * The Third Gate—The Air, (ed) Liberty May 23 1925
- * Third Time Lucky?, (ed) John Bull April 26 1952
- * Thirteen Years Ago, (ed) Liberty April 19 1930
- * The 32d Ally, (ed) Collier’s September 26 1942
- * Thirty-Three Years’ Difference, (ed) Short Stories October 25 1930
- * $32,000,000 for the USO, (ed) Collier’s June 13 1942
- * This and That, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine May 15 1933, May 1 1934
- * This Government of Yours, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1916
- * This Is a Time to Get Mad, (ed) Liberty March 14 1942
- * This Is a War of Survival, (ed) Liberty January 10 1942
- * This Issue 200,000, (ed) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #2, July 1924
- * This Is True, (ed) True #400, September 1970
- * This Is WAR!, (ed) Collier’s April 18 1942
- * “This Is War,” Says General Pershing, (ed) Liberty June 25 1932
- * This Month in the Open Air, (ms) Fresh Fields August 1946
- * This Policy Business, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine January 15 1934
- * This Reign of Terror, (ed) Real Detective May 1934
- * This Series Business, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine May 1937
- * This Show Must End, (ed) John Bull April 12 1952
- * This Threat to Our Food Must Be Conquered, (ed) John Bull March 3 1951
- * This Town Is Big Enough for All of Us!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine April 2008
- * This War Is No Joke, (ed) Collier’s June 21 1941
- * This Week’s Authors, (ed) Liberty April 6 1929
- * This World of Change, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine October 1932
- * Thngs Worth Reading, (ed) Smith’s Magazine July 1921
- * Thomas A. Tenney, (in) Salarius—N.F.W.O.T. #2, October 1986
- * The Thomas Wolfe Society, (ed) The South Carolina Review Spring 1991
- * Thorough-But Fast, (ed) Collier’s April 25 1942
- * Those Blamed Red Gods, (ed) Short Stories November 10 1932
- * Those Defense Commissions, (ed) Collier’s October 11 1941
- * Those Roads!, (ed) John Bull March 28 1953
- * Thought-Reading, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1905
- * Thoughts While Reeling, (ed) Astroneer Summer 1953
- * Three Generations of Morgans, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1916
- * £359 in Prizes, (cn) Colour February 1919
- * Three Months Have Flown By, (ed) Constellary Tales #2, February 2019
- * Three Poetry Awards, (ed) This Quarter July/August/September 1931
- * Three Rs, (ed) John Bull July 25 1953
- * Three Voices, (ed) Collier’s May 10 1941
- * Three Ways to Gamble, (ed) Short Stories February 25 1930
- * Three Yankee Boys in Ireland, (sl) The American Boy March 1904
- * Three Years of War, (ed) Collier’s September 5 1942
- * Thrift, (ed) Short Stories April 10 1927
- * Thrift Begins at Home…, (ed) The American Magazine November 1951
- * The Thrill Docket, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine June 1 1934
- * Thrilling Experiences, (cl) The Thrill Book September 1 1919
- * Thrilling Football’s All-Americans, (ms) Thrilling Football Fall 1952
- * The Thrill-Makers Ride Again!, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine February/March 1939
- * The Thrill-Packed February Issue, (ms) Western Trails January 1934
- * Thrill Rations, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine Nov 1 1933, Jan 1943
- * Thrills Ahead, (ed) Clues July 1931
- * Through the Editor’s Eyes, (ed) Pearson’s Magazine (US) Nov 1916, Oct 1920
- * Thuds, (ed) Amra v2 #24 1963, v2 #28, v2 #31 1964, v2 #37 1966, v2 #48, v2 #49 1968, v2 #50 1969, v2 #56 1972, v2 #61,
v2 #62 1974, v2 #63, v2 #64 1975
v2 #65, v2 #66 1976, v2 #67 1977, v2 #68 1978, v2 #69, v2 #70 1981
* ___ Amra’s Lateness, (ed) Amra v2 #60, 1973
* ___ Artwork, (ed) Amra v2 #15, 1961
* ___ Bored of the Rings, etc, (ed) Amra v2 #52, 1970
* ___ Hobbits, (ed) Amra v2 #11, 1960
* ___ Key to illo “Howard’s Heroes”, (ed) Amra v2 #17, 1961
* ___ Legion Muster, (ed) Amra v2 #14, 1961
* ___ Man of Two Worlds & Lorelei of the Red Mist, (ed) Amra v2 #13, 1960
* ___ Next Ish, (ed) Amra v2 #29, 1964
* ___ On Mjölnirs, (ed) Amra v2 #35, 1965
* ___ On Publishing Amra, (ed) Amra v2 #27, 1963
* ___ On Swords, Shields & Girls, (ed) Amra v2 #34, 1965
* ___ On the Ring War, (ed) Amra v2 #39, 1966
* ___ On Various Books, (ed) Amra v2 #33, 1965
- * Tie-Rail Talk, (cl) Pocket Western Magazine Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1937
- * Time for Action, (ed) Real Detective September 1933
- * Time for a New Declaration, (ed) Collier’s July 4 1953
- * Times Change, (ed) Short Stories December 10 1928
- * Times That Just Grind You Down to the Hubs, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine November 2010
- * Time the Healer, (ed) Short Stories August 10 1926
- * Time to Broaden Social Security, (ed) Collier’s May 25 1946
- * A Time to Build Up, (ed) Pulp Literature #27 Sum, #28 Aut 2020
- * Time to Buy, (ed) Collier’s September 13 1930
- * Time to Talk, (ed) Ace-High Magazine November 1939
- * Time to Think, (ed) Collier’s December 26 1936
- * Tin Cans, (ed) Short Stories September 25 1932
- * Tinhorn Pioneers, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1937
- * Tin Peddlers, (ed) Smart Set April 1926
- * Tipperary, (ed)
- * Tips to the 52-20s, (ed) Collier’s June 22 1946
- * Tip to Graduates, (ed) Collier’s June 28 1941
- * The TNT Trolley, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine December 1945
- * TNT/Trouble/Threat/Terror, (ed)
- * To All Lovers!, (ed) Popular Love September 1936
- * To All My Readers, (ed) Yes or No September 28 1912
- * To America—from Douglas MacArthur, (ed) Liberty May 2 1942
- * To a Prophet without Honor in His Own Country, (ed) Liberty June 28 1941
- * A Toast, (ed) Maclean’s January 1 1940
- * To a Sweetheart, (cl) Sweetheart Love Stories Jun, Aug 1952
- * To Be Continued?, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine April 15 1933
- * To Coin a Phrase, (ed) Blackwood’s Magazine October 1976
- * To Correct Some Mistakes, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) April 1915
- * To-day, (ed) Short Stories May 1920
- * Today and Tomorrow, (cl) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov 1950, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1951, Jan,
Mar 1952
- * The “To-Day” Dinner, (ms) To-Day June 1922
- * To-Day’s First Year, (ed) To-Day February 1918
- * Today’s Frontierswomen, (ed) Rangeland Romances February 1943
- * To France—A Friendly Hint, (ed) Liberty August 14 1926
- * To Glass-House Dwellers, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st November 1930
- * To Greece and Return, (ed) Collier’s January 18 1941
- * To Have and to Hold, (ed) Collier’s April 12 1930
- * Tolerance, (ed) Liberty Apr 25 1925, Feb 2 1929
- * Tolerance in California, (ed) Collier’s May 11 1946
- * To Lovers Everywhere, (ed) Thrilling Love November 1931
- * Tom Browne and His Pictures, (ar) The Captain #3, June 1899 [Ref. Tom Browne]
- * To Meet the “Royal” Family, (bg) The Royal Magazine December 1913
- * To My Pals, (ed) Pals #16, November 12 1923
- * To My Readers, (ed) The Novel Magazine August 1911
- * To My Readers, (ed) The Story-teller September 1912
- * Tongue Twisters, (hu) Pearson’s Magazine May 1915
- * Too Busy?, (ed) Short Stories February 25 1922
- * To Offset the Aftermath, (ed) Maclean’s January 1 1940
- * Too Good for the Irish, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine January 1947 [Ref. Cornell Woolrich]
- * Too Good to Be True, (ed) Short Stories March 10 1926
- * Too Much Knocking!, (ed) John Bull November 29 1941
- * Too Much Monkey Business, (ed) Liberty February 28 1942
- * Too Much Time, (ed) Short Stories September 10 1924
- * Too Rough for Boats, (ed) Short Stories July 25 1932
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Fiction and Fashion September 27 1890
- * To Our Readers, (ed) The Ludgate December 1897
- * To Our Readers, (ed) The London Magazine October 1910
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine June 1917
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Mystery Magazine #97, November 15 1921
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Daring Confessions v1 #1, 1937
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Double Detective November 1937
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Cavalier Classics July 1940
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Bluebook July 1953
- * To Our Readers, (ed) Mystery Monthly Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1976, Jan 1977
- * To Our Readers, (lt) St. Nicholas December 1883
- * To Our Readers, (ms) The Science Fiction Collector October 1936
- * To Our Readers!, (ed) Exciting Love Winter 1941
- * Top Hand, (ed)
- * Top-Hand, (ed) Ace-High Magazine January 1939
- * The Top-Hands Like It, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine June 1941
- * Topics of the Time, (cl) The Century Magazine Nov 1884, May 1894, Nov, Dec 1899
- * Top of the Tree, (ed) John Bull February 9 1952
- * To Put It Vulgarly—, (ed) Liberty July 28 1928
- * To the Ladies—A Word of Warning, (ed) Liberty August 23 1941
- * To the Old Year, (ed) The Busy Man’s Magazine January 1911
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