The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11329
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Wood, Kenneth P(rice) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Feast of the Crabs, (ms) Argosy May 27 1933
- * Ferrymen of the Indus, (ms) Argosy February 6 1932
- * Fighting Peacemaker, (ss) Greater Western Action Novels Magazine October 1939
- * Fingerprint Traps Man After 15 Years, (ar) Crack Detective Stories May 1945
- * Fishermen of the Bosporus, (ms) Short Stories August 10 1937
- * Flies Made Independence Day, (ms) Argosy September 2 1933
- * Floating Treasure-Trove, (ms) Argosy January 27 1934
- * A Flower with Central Heating, (ms) Argosy February 4 1933
- * The Flying Snake of Asia, (ms) Argosy November 28 1931
- * Forerunner of the Taxicab, (ms) Argosy January 16 1932
- * Forty-Nine’s Trek to Death, (ts) New Western Magazine February/March 1937
- * The Four-Legged Pioneers, (ar) .44 Western Magazine June 1940
- * Freak European Newspapers, (ms) Argosy October 21 1933
- * Freak Showers, (ms) Argosy October 26 1935
- * Frisco Clean-Up, (ar) Crack Detective Stories July 1946
- * From the Western Press, (ar) Western Aces June 1937
- * Geronimo—Terror of the Southwest, (ss) Double Action Western November 1938
- * Ghost Gold Towns of the West, (ar) Western Yarns Summer 1943
- * Glamour of the Old West Lives, (ar) Double Action Western January 1945
- * Gold for Sale—Cheap!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1938
- * The Gold Goes Through, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1938
- * Golf at Tientsin, (ms) Short Stories October 25 1937
- * Guardians of the Gold, (ts) Real Western August 1942
- * Guarding New York’s Billions, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 28 1941
- * Guarding New York’s Millions, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 28 1941, as "Guarding New York’s Billions"
- * Harnessed Birds of the Orient, (??) Short Stories January 10 1933
- * Heroes, Back to Back!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1936
- * The Hombre from Hell, (ss) Western Action February 1944
- * The Horse from Hell, (ts) Blue Ribbon Western December 1944
- * Horses in Battle, (ms) Argosy December 16 1933
- * Hot Lead for the Apache Kid, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western July 1939
- * Hot Lead Loyalty, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories April 1943
- * How “Buffalo Bill” Earned His Name, (ts) Famous Western Fall 1945
- * How Forgery Is Detected, (ar) Detective Short Stories November 1942
- * How “Wild Bill Hickok” Earned His Name, (ar) Western Action March 1942
- * Idaho’s Golden Ghost, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1941
- * Interesting Facts About London, (ms) Argosy September 22 1934
- * Introduction to Judge Lynch, (vi) Star Western October 1937
- * The Kid and the Killers, (ts) Big-Book Western Magazine November 1939
- * Killers Die Hard [Slim Holt], (ss) Famous Western Summer 1945
- * Killing Scorpions in Venezuela, (ms) Argosy February 16 1935
- * Killing the Killer, (ts) Short Stories November 25 1934
- * The Korean Death Bell, (ms) Argosy December 17 1932
- * Lament of Arizona Al, (pm) Red Seal Western June 1936
- * Last of the Buckskin Treasure, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1937
- * The Last Roundup, (ar) Western Aces June 1937
- * Law Beyond Deadwood, (ts) Star Western November 1936
- * Law Comes to Idaho, (ss) Real Western June 1945
- * Lawless Valley, (vi) Real Western January 1935
- * Law West of the Pecos, (ar) Complete Cowboy October 1941 [Ref. Judge Roy Bean]
- * Let’s Hang the Tonopah Kid!, (ss) Real Western April 1945
- * Long-Tailed Roosters of Japan, (ms) Argosy January 21 1933
- * Lost: One Gold Mine, (ar) .44 Western Magazine May/June 1939
- * Lost Treasure, (ss) Adventure Yarns December 1938
- * Lure of Gold, (ar) Ace-High Magazine December 1934
- * Making a Man’s Word Count, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1947
- * Making a Man’s Word Good, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 23 1940
- * The Man Who Couldn’t Be Hanged, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #63, October 1933
- * Mokelumne—Gateway to Hell, (ar) Western Action August 1942
- * The Moon Guillotine, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 28 1934
- * Museum in a Monument, (ms) Argosy September 19 1931
- * Mustangers, (ar) Sure-Fire Western November 1937
- * No Man’s Land, (ar) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #94, March 1933
- * No Quarter for a Sheepman, (ss) Famous Western Spring 1944
- * Notorious Crimes, (ms) World Wide Detective March 1945
- * Odd Facts About New York, (ms) Argosy January 19 1935
- * Oddities of Crime, (ms) Pocket Detective Magazine Jun, Aug 1937
- * Olson Runs a Whizzer, (ss) Real Western March 1938
- * The One-Man Kingdom of Trinidad, (ms)
- * Origins of the Third Degree, (ar) Crack Detective Stories July 1945
- * Owl-Hoot Heartache, (ar) Western Aces September 1936
- * Owl-Hoot Round Up, (ar) Blue Ribbon Western March 1938
- * Paid in Full, (ss) Famous Western Winter 1943/1944
- * Paid in Powdersmoke, (ss) Western Action Novels Magazine February 1938
- * The Pebble That Revolutionized Africa, (ms) Argosy June 16 1934
- * Pegleg of the Owlhoot, (ar) Double Action Western January 1944
- * The Phantom Lode, (pm) Red Seal Western June 1937
- * Portrait of a Frontiersman, (ar) Real Western April 1944
- * Power of Falling Water, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Prairie of Quick Death, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1939
- * Preserving the Texas Longhorn, (ar) Complete Cowboy Winter 1943/1944
- * President’s Election Due to a Pig, (ms) Argosy October 28 1933
- * Pride of the Seventh, (ms) Short Stories February 10 1940
- * Quaint Chinese Divorce Signature, (ms) Argosy January 2 1932
- * A Queer Funeral Dirge, (ms) Argosy March 18 1933
- * A Real Case of Ruby Lips, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Redheaded Bandit-Baiter, (ar) Western Action October 1942
- * Resourcefulness of the Secret Service, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Return of Orrin Mannering, (vi) Weird Tales September 1935
- * Riders of the Pony Express, (ar) Double Action Western January 1943
- * Robin Hood of the Gold Frontier, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1937
- * Ropes for Road Agents, (vi) Western Yarns October 1938
- * Roving Sailormen, (pm) Short Stories February 10 1936
- * Roy Bean—Powdersmoke Jurist, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1937
- * A Ruse for Road Agents, (ar) Blue Ribbon Western August 1942
- * Sailing Wheelbarrows to China, (ms) Argosy October 3 1931
- * The Salt Mines of Wieliczka, (ms) Argosy December 31 1932
- * Sanctuary for a Hangtree Fugitive, (ss) Western Action Novels Magazine March 1939
- * Sarah E. Howe, Swindler Extraordinary, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Sea Terms Ashore, (ms) Short Stories Apr 25, Jun 25 1939
- * Sentinels of the Solitudes, (ar) North•West Romances Fall 1945
- * Sheep to Man in Seven Hours, (ms) Argosy June 9 1934
- * Sikh Cannon the Largest Ever Made, (ms) Argosy December 12 1931
- * The Silent Spear of the Dyaks, (ms) Short Stories January 25 1936
- * Small Game Hunting in Borneo, (ms) Short Stories August 10 1935
- * Solving Typewriter Mysteries, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 12 1941
- * Spinning Cotton by Mouse-Power, (ms) Argosy March 24 1934
- * Strange Flotsam, (ms) Argosy April 1 1933
- * Sumatra’s Bamboo Bridge, (ms) Short Stories November 25 1937
- * Swallowed the Evidence, (ms) Argosy March 31 1934
- * The Table Rock War, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1937
- * A Tabloid Newspaper Glossary, (hu) 10 Story Book August 1938
- * Texan’s Honor, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western October 1938
- * Theft of Murillo’s St. Anthony, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Three Million Acre Ranch, (ar) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1939
- * Thunder Bolt, (ss) Golden Fleece February 1939
- * Time Out for a War-Party, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine February/March 1939
- * Tincup Elects a Sheriff, (ss)
- * A Tinhorn Rides to War, (ss) Western Yarns March 1939
- * The Trading Post:
* ___ The Devil Is a Mule, (ts) Western Yarns June 1939
- * Trail and Saddle:
* ___ The Arizona Diamond Swindle, (cl) Real Western April 1943
* ___ Glamour of the Old West Lives, (cl) Double Action Western January 1945
* ___ Pegleg of the Owlhoot, (cl) Double Action Western January 1944
* ___ Portrait of a Frontiersman, (cl) Real Western April 1944
- * A Transatlantic Venture, (ms) Argosy October 22 1932
- * Treasure of Windsor, (ms) Argosy October 13 1934
- * Trek of the Forty-Niners, (ar) Real Western October 1944
- * Uncle Sam’s X-Ray Eye, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 7 1934
- * The Vagabond Bandit, (ts) Golden West Magazine April 1937
- * Vigilante Retribution, (ts) Romance Round-Up May 1937
- * Watchdogs of the Wastelands, (ar) Real Northwest Adventures June 1937
- * Weird Titles for Pious Books, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine #124, April 1935
- * Well-Divers of the Sahara, (ms) Short Stories January 10 1936
- * West of the Platte!, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1941
- * The West’s No Man’s Land, (ar) Western Aces April 1937
- * What Clock-Ticks Mean in a Big City, (ms) Argosy November 11 1933
- * When a Bronc-Buster Turns Manbreaker, (ss) Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine March 1943
- * When Animals Were Tried and Sentenced, (ar) New Detective Magazine September 1935
- * When Prairie Graves Beckoned, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine June/July 1938
- * Where Monday Is Tuesday, (ms) Short Stories October 10 1939
- * William Comstock—Injun Fighter, (ar) Real Western December 1944
- * The Will of Jesse Burright, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * The World’s Oldest Tree, (ms) Argosy December 3 1932
- * The World’s Smallest Republic, (ms) Argosy March 9 1935
- * You Can’t Spend Gold in Hell, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1937
- * [unknown story], (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1938
[]Wood, Kerry; [i.e., Edgar Allardyce “Kerry” Wood] (1907-1998) (about) (chron.)
- * The Arrow Maker, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1973
- * The Cat and the Bugle, (ss) The Open Road for Boys July 1937
- * The Chastisement of Horsey, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1956
- * A Dance at Muhlberg’s, (ss) Penguin Parade #8, 1941
- * Ex-Outlaws, (ss) West February 1937
- * Finger Nails, (ss) Top-Notch January 1936
- * Food for Gods, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #166, April 1936
- * Grocery-Store Deputy, (ss) Cowboy Stories October 1934
- * The Guest, (ss) The Evening Standard December 4 1952
- * The Indian Sign, (ss) Top-Notch January 1937
- * Johnnie and the Jail, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st May 1938
- * A Little Bill for Groceries, (ss) Cowboy Stories December 1934
- * Long Night of Fire, (ss) Canadian Home Journal March 1933
- * The Man of Song, (pm) Chambers’s Journal December 1939
- * Mombu’s Magic, (ss) Jungle Stories Fall 1943
- * Northland Nurse, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1946
- * Prediction of Murder, (ss) Mr. September 1953
- * The Sheriff’s Flannel Underwear, (ss) Double Action Western April 1936
- * The Shotgun Shock, (ss) The Open Road for Boys August 1936
- * Speaking of Coyotes, (ss) Cowboy Stories December 1936
- * Standing White on a Hilltop, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1945
- * The Strong Henchman, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1932
- * Two in a Trap, (ss) Cavalcade (Australia) December 1948
- * Wild Bronc, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1953
- * Workaday Cowboy, (ss)
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