The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8821
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Rowland, Henry C(ottrell) (chron.) (continued)
- * Pep, (sl) The Popular Magazine Dec 20 1918, Jan 7 1919
- * Pepperpot, (sl) Munsey’s Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1923
- * The Pied Piper, (na) The Popular Magazine November 20 1926
- * The Pilot Fish, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22 1910
- * The Place, (na) The Popular Magazine January 1 1911
- * Playing Safe, (ss) The Chicago Tribune July 24 1921
- * Poor: a Christmas Story, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly December 1908
- * The Precipitancy of Van Vleck, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1906
- * Pride of Craft, (ss) Collier’s November 17 1906
- * A Princess of the Balkans, (na) The Popular Magazine January 7 1916
- * The Quickening of Galatea, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine February 1907
- * Quicksand, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1919
- * Racing for the Kaiser’s Cup, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine August 1905
- * The Rajah’s Tunic [Dominica Meduna], (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1914
- * The Resource of Randall, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine November 1903
- * The Return of Frank Clamart, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30 1922
- * The Romance Syndicate, (sl) Cosmopolitan Magazine Nov, Dec 1908, Jan, Feb 1909
- * Rosario, (ss) The Red Book June 1904
- * Rosenthal, (ss) American Illustrated Magazine November 1905
- * The Rubber Man [The Bum Club], (nv) The Popular Magazine May 1 1914
- * Ruth, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1917
- * Salvage Claims, (nv) Ainslee’s November 1921
- * Sanitation and Colon, (ar) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine April 1906
- * Sauce for the Gander, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 15 1913
- * Scare!, (na) The Popular Magazine May 26 1928
- * Seamy Side in the Philippines, (ss) The Century Magazine April 1902
- * Sea Snakes, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1919
- * Shamballah, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1910
- * The Shaming of Andy McGill, (na) The Popular Magazine May 20 1920
- * The Shears of Atropos, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1905
- * Shiraz, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1907
- * The Shirk, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1918
- * Silverside, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 24, Aug 31, Sep 7, Sep 14, Sep 21 1912
- * 677-X-7; a Motor-Car Tale, (ss) The Century Magazine August 1912
- * The Snake and the Dancer, (ss) Ainslee’s August 1917
- * Some Day, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19 1927
- * A Son of Israel, (ss) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine August 1904
- * The Store Leg, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 7 1917
- * The Storm, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine January 1922
- * The Strategy of Abbington, (ss) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine September 1904
- * The Stronger Will, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 19 1907
- * The Sultana, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22 1913
- * Thanks to Lucia, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1919
- * They Are Not Far, (nv) The Popular Magazine June 7 1920
- * The Thoroughbred Mongrel, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1919
- * Three Liars, (nv)
- * The Trader of Apavak, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1917
- * Traps, (ss) The Delineator September 1919
- * Trial by Water, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1923
- * True to Form, (na) Ainslee’s February 1922
- * Trust, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 6, Jun 13, Jun 20 1925
- * The Truth About Panama:
* ___ I. Sanitation and Colon, (ar) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine April 1906
* ___ II. The Canal, (ar) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine May 1906
* ___ III. Labor and Panama, (ar) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine June 1906
- * Twin Propellers, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28 1926
- * Two Pigs, (ss) The American Magazine September 1922
- * Undercurrents, (na) The Popular Magazine January 1 1914
- * Under the Rose, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Under-World: The Story of an Ex-Crook [Frank Clamart], (na) The Saturday Evening Post August 12 1911 (+4), as "Léontine and Co."
- * Undine Adrift, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine August 1908
- * Utopia, (na) The Popular Magazine July 20 1919
- * Villa Laurier, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 22, Jun 29, Jul 6, Jul 13, Jul 20 1929
- * Virginia Colfax, (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1916
- * Wait and See, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1925
- * War’s Man, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1919
- * Wayne’s Adventure, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1910
- * What Happened to Cécile, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 24, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 7 1914
- * The Wheelbarrow, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Feb 18, Feb 25, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24 1928
- * When All the World Rejoiced, (na) The Popular Magazine March 20 1919
- * The Whirligig, (sl) Ainslee’s May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1923
- * The Wind, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine March 1905
- * Wrath, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1916
- * Young Man from Texas, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine May, Jun 1937
_____, ed.
[]Rowland, James (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Arachne’s Web, (ss) Aurealis #132, July 2020
- * Born from the Drowning Forest, (ss) Strange Horizons October 17 2022
- * The Cauldron of Metamorphose, (ss) Wyldblood Magazine #7, Winter 2022
- * The Dark Matter of Recollections, (ss) Farstrider Magazine #2, 2016
- * The Glassblower’s Peace, (ss) Aurealis #114, September 2018
- * Inheritance, (ss) Aurealis #124, September 2019
- * Interview with the Sole Refugee of the A303 Incident, (ss) Wyldblood Magazine #2, April/May 2021
- * The Meeting of Two Riders, (ss) Aurealis #147, February 2022
- * Much Obliged, Stephen, (ss) Mythic #10, Spring 2019
- * A Parcel a Day, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #76, September 2019
- * The Planck Harvest, (ss) Aurealis #102, July 2017
- * Proof of Concept, (ss) New Myths #49, December 2019
- * Root & Branch (with Pete Crivellaro), (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #79, June 2020
- * Seven Minutes in Heaven, (ss) Aurealis #156, November 2022
- * Top of Show, (ss) Compelling Science Fiction #11, Summer 2018
- * The Turbine at the End of the World, (ss) Prairie Fire Fall 2020
[]Rowland, John (Herbert Shelley) (1907-1984) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Calamity in Kent [Inspector Shelley], (Herbert Jenkins, 1950, n.)
- * Calamity in Kent [Inspector Shelley], (The British Library, April 2016, n.)
- * Murder in the Museum [Inspector Shelley], (Herbert Jenkins, 1938, n.)
- * Murder in the Museum [Inspector Shelley], (The British Library, April 2016, n.)
- * Murder Revisited, (ex) 1961
- * Murder Under the Microscope, (ar) The Literary Digest October 1946
- * The Mysticism of Arthur Machen, (ar) The New Church Herald July 17 1943 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- * The Pay-Off, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #18, January 1966
- * A Perfect Crime, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1959
- * The Rattlesnake, (ss) Crimes, Creeps and Thrills, E.H. Samuel, 1936
- * The Small-Time Murder, (tc) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #12, July 1965
- * The Strange Mr. Shiel, (ms) Thinker’s Weekly May 2 1947 [Ref. M. P. Shiel]
- * [letter from Canoga Park, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1983
_____, [ref.]
[]Rowland, John T(ilghman) (1888-?) (chron.)
- * Abandoned Under Sail, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine September 1924
- * Accident, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine August 1926
- * The Blood of His Ancestors, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine September 5 1923
- * The Boatswain Bird, (ar) Sea Stories Magazine April 5 1923
- * Bred in the Bone, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine November 20 1923
- * Bull of the Sea, (ar) Excitement August 1930
- * Captain Simcoe Crashes Through, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine December 5 1923
- * Captain Smith of the Bark “Pelican”, (bg) The Outing Magazine August 1912 [Ref. Captain Arthur C. Smith]
- * Coincidence, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine July 20 1923
- * The Cruise of the Golden Calf, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine December 5 1922
- * Dakaree, (ss) Sea Stories April 1929
- * Derelict, (ss) Sea Story Annual 1944
- * Elijah and the Kangaroo Wallop, (ss) Adventure March 10 1924
- * Flotsam, (ss) Sea Stories March 1929
- * Fore—and Aft, (ss) Sea Stories November 1928
- * Full Speed Ahead, (ss) Liberty May 2 1925
- * Guidance, (ss) Sea Stories October 1928
- * The Gun-Runner, (ss) Adventure July 20 1923
- * Heroes of the Outdoor World:
* ___ Captain Smith of the Bark “Pelican”, (bg) The Outing Magazine August 1912 [Ref. Captain Arthur C. Smith]
- * Homeward Passage, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine October 5 1922
- * How the “Artemis” Came Back, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 14 1928
- * An Incident of the Passage, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine January 5 1924
- * In the Interest of the Owners, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine June 20 1923
- * In the Scotia Ice, (ss) Sea Stories May 1929
- * Jack Howell—Failure, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine July 1924
- * Jorgensen, A.B., (ss) Sea Stories Magazine October 1925
- * Labrador Gold, (sl) The Kansas City Star Magazine December 6 1925
- * Labrador Luck, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine October 5 1923
- * A Light in the Night, (ss) Liberty May 15 1926
- * The Missing Thirty-Footer, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine March 1924
- * The Missing Torp, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine July 1925
- * The Mutinous Mate, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 25 1952
- * Near Mona Passage, (nv) Sea Stories May 1930
- * Northward, Ho!, (sl) Boys’ Life Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1932
- * Old Sun Dog, (ss) Sea Stories December 1928
- * One Man’s Meat, (ss) Sea Stories June 1930
- * Red Pete’s Treasure, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 7 1923
- * The Seagoing of Jerry Smith, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine August 20 1923
- * Sea Law, (ss) Sea Stories December 1929
- * The Single-Hander, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine January 20 1924
- * A Smart Passage, (ss) Sea Stories August 1928
- * Star of Hope, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine November 1926
- * Storm Wraith, (ss) Sea Stories February 1929
- * Straits of Peril, (na) Short Stories October 10 1924
- * Strife, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd March 1930
- * Tale of Rorie McLeish, (ss) The Outlook January 14 1925
- * Torngat’s Pursuit, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine April 5 1923
- * Toward Stirrup Key, (ss) Sea Stories October 1929
- * The Turquoise Canoe, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1937
- * Two Hundred a Month, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 13 1924
- * U-Boat Bait, (na) Adventure December 1953
- * What They Are Paid For, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly November 28 1914
- * When Fate Grinned, (ss) Adventure May 10 1923
- * Where Trade Winds Blow, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine February 20 1923
- * White Whales, (ar) Excitement July 1930
- * Why the Auxiliary Cruiser Is Here to Stay, (ar) The Outing Magazine March 1913
- * Without Orders, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine November 5 1923
- * Y-7’s Big Day, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1925
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