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The Ugly Cygnet by Hans Realist Andersen [1]

The Seventh Seal #4, April 2001
The Innsmouth Heritage and Other Sequels, Borgo Press, January 2009

The Unkindness of Ravens [2]

Interzone #90, December 1994
The Best of Interzone ed. David Pringle, Voyager, 1997
The Great Chain of Being and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution, Borgo Press, August 2009

Review by Ian Braidwood

There are references to Edgar Allan Poe here. Indeed the raven featured in this story is called Edgar; a product of genetic engineering, who along with his unkindness, have escaped from captivity.

The scientist who created them has only to wait however, because he has a hold over them and knows they must return. However, the reconciliation isn't sweet.

A dark and ironic tale, which is a very good example of Brian's sardonic humour.

The Unluckiest Thief [2]

Interzone #60, June 1992
Salome & Other Decadent Fantasies, Cosmos, 2004

Review by Ian Braidwood

The story of a thief who steals into a marsh to steal the polished amber eye from the statue of an evil god and then gets away with it scot free...

...I think not.

Glug, glug, glug...

Upon the Gallows Tree [5]

Narrow Houses ed. Peter Crowther, Little Brown, 1992; Warner (UK), 1993; Warner (US), 1994
An Oasis of Horror: Decadent Tales and Contes Cruels, Borgo Press, January 2008

Review by Ian Braidwood

The story of a dead witch dangling on a gallows and waiting for her soul to sink to the depths of hell. Her body is to be quartered and her heart buried at the crossroads, except that poor Ned Teach has other ideas…

The Brian Stableford Website