Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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SCANLON, C. K. M. (chron.) (continued)
- * City of Deception [by Norman A. Daniels; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Sum 1950
- * Clear as Crystal, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine May 1947
- * Close to a Corpse [by Donald Bayne Hobart], (ss) Thrilling Mystery Jun 1943; see also under Donald Bayne Hobart.
- * The Coast Guard Murders [by Jean Francis Webb; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Dec 1939
- * Code of the Bat [by Johnston McCulley, [?]; Dawson Clade (The Bat)], (nv) Popular Detective Feb 1935
- * Coercion Snatch, (ss) Popular Detective Aug 1938
- * Coffins for Six [by Henry Kuttner], (ss) Thrilling Mystery Dec 1936
- * The Columnist Murder Case, (nv) Thrilling Detective Feb 1935
- * Compliments of the Season, (ss) The Phantom Detective Nov 1935
- * Corpse Candles, (ss) The Phantom Detective Apr 1934
- * Crimes Blackboard [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Oct 1937
- * Crimes Last Stand [by Ray Cummings, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jul 1938
- * The Crimes of Stilicho [by Sam Merwin, Jr., [?]; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Spr 1942
- * The Crimson Crusade [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Apr 1939
- * Crimson Tomorrows [by Norman A. Daniels; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Sum 1949
- * Crossroads of Crime [by Jean Francis Webb; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Mar 1939
- * Crown Prince of Doom [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jan 1939
- * Curse of the Living Corpse [by Robert Sidney Bowen, [?]; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Win 1943
- * A Date with Death, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jul 1934
- * Dead Mans Tale, (ss) The Phantom Detective Mar 1935
- * Death at Bat, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jun 1936
- * Death by Dagger, (nv) Thrilling Detective Apr 1935
- * Death Disguise, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine Aug 1938
- * The Death Invisible, (nv) Thrilling Detective Mar 1934
- * Death Is a Passenger, (ss) G-Men Detective Sum 1944
- * Death Island [by Sam Merwin, Jr., [?]; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Dec 1941
- * Death of a Chi Torpedo, (ss) The Phantom Detective Apr 1936
- * Death on the Wire, (ss) Thrilling Detective Oct 1934
- * Death Over His Shoulder, (vi) Popular Detective Apr 1936
- * Death Plays Dolls, (nv) Thrilling Mystery Sep 1937
- * Death Rampant [by Edward Churchill; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Mar 1938
- * Death Steps Down, (ss) The Phantom Detective Apr 1946
- * Death Sword, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jun 1935
- * Death Wears Shoes, (ss) Exciting Detective Mar 1942
- * Death, Adulterated, (ss) G-Men Detective Nov 1942
- * The Devils Playground [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Apr 1938
- * Electric Silk, (ss) The Phantom Detective Oct 1935
- * The Emperor of America [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Oct 1938
- * Eyes of Death, (ss) The Phantom Detective Dec 1935
- * F.B.I. Justice [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Sep 1938
- * Fatal Music, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Sum 1944
- * The Fifth Column Murders [by W. T. Ballard; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Win 1942
- * Filed in Person, (vi) Popular Detective Feb 1939
- * Footprints, (vi) Popular Detective Sep 1935
- * For Valor, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jul 1939
- * Gems of Jeopardy [by George A. McDonald; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jun 1938
- * The Gentleman Next Door, (ss) Popular Detective Feb 1946
- * Ghost Killer [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Sep 1936
- * Give Em Hell [by Edward Churchill; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jan 1937
- * Golden Harvest [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jul 1939
- * Grave of Ghastly Desire, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Apr 1937
- * Greed! [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jan 1938
- * Half a Grand, (vi) Popular Detective Jul 1936
- * Heart Disease, (ss) The Phantom Detective Oct 1934
- * Here Comes McBride! [Pete McBride], (nv) Thrilling Detective Jun 1934
- * Hissing Death, (ss) Popular Detective Dec 1936
- * Hollywood Czar [by Robert Sidney Bowen; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jun 1936
- * Hot Ice, (nv) Thrilling Detective Mar 1935
- * Hot Money [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Dec 1935
- * The Insurance Murders [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Feb 1939
- * The Iron Box Murder, (nv) Thrilling Detective Mar 1943
- * It Pays to Be a Druggist, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine Mar 1947
- * Killer Comeback, (ss) The Phantom Detective Nov 1936
- * Killer Instinct, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jan 1948
- * Killers Loot, (ss) Popular Detective Apr 1941
- * Killing the Evidence, (ss) Thrilling Detective Dec 1937
- * King Crime! [by D. L. Champion; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Mar 1936
- * A Lady Dies, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jan 1934
- * Lady with a Corpse, (ss) The Phantom Detective Aug 1944
- * The League of Beggars [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Sep 1937
- * The League of the Iron Cross [by Norman A. Daniels; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Sum 1941
- * Lincoln Letter, (vi) Popular Detective May 1936
- * The Lonely Dead, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Nov 1936
- * The Man on the Corner, (ss) Black Book Detective Win 1952
- * A Mans Word, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jan 1936
- * The Masked Detectives Manhunt [by Norman A. Daniels; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Spr 1941
- * The Masked Detectives Warning [by Norman A. Daniels; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Win 1941
- * Men of Treason [by Norman A. Daniels; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Fll 1943
- * Merchants of Blood [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Apr 1937
- * Mistress of Murder [by Norman A. Daniels; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Win 1951
- * The Mob Busters [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jun 1937
- * Monarchs of Murder [by Sam Merwin, Jr.; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) Thrilling Mystery Fll 1944
- * Monument to Murder [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Aug 1939
- * Mud Money [by Lester Dent], (ss) The Phantom Detective Aug 1934
- * Murder Across the Years, (nv) Detective Novels Magazine Apr 1939
- * Murder at Horror Mansion, (na) Thrilling Detective Feb 1934
- * The Murder Chain [by Tom Curry; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jul 1937
- * Murder for Cash [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Nov 1939
- * Murder in Alaska [by Jean Francis Webb; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jun 1939
- * Murder in the Death Cell, (ss) Thrilling Detective Sep 1934
- * The Murder Master, (na) Thrilling Detective Apr 1934
- * Murder on Broadway [Pete McBride], (ss) Thrilling Detective Oct 1935
- * Murder Over London [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Feb 1940
- * Murder Preferred, (ss) The Phantom Detective Mar 1939
- * Murder with Mice, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine Mar 1946
- * Murders Are So Messy, (ss) Thrilling Detective Feb 1943
- * The Navy Spy Murders [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Feb 1937
- * The Nazi Spy Ring [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jan 1940
- * Night Riders [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Mar 1937
- * Old Enough to Fight, (ss) The Phantom Detective Feb 1937
- * On the Lam, (ss) The Phantom Detective Mar 1934
- * Page the Murderer, (vi) Popular Detective Apr 1937
- * The Parole Racket [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Dec 1936
- * Plain Clothes, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jun 1935
- * The Poison of Power [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Feb 1938
- * The Poison Puzzle [by G. T. Fleming-Roberts; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Fll 1942
- * Power [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Aug 1938
- * The Purple Shirts [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men May 1936
- * Radio City Murders, (nv) Thrilling Detective Jul 1935
- * The Radium Case, (nv) The Phantom Detective Jun 1934
- * The Red Owl [by Lester Dent], (ss) The Phantom Detective Dec 1934
- * Rubies of Blood, (ss) The Phantom Detective Aug 1935
- * Salute to Death [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men May 1939
- * School for Murder [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Apr 1936
- * Sealed in Scarlet [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Nov 1937
- * Seasoned Crime [by Donald Bayne Hobart], (ss) Popular Detective Aug 1941; see also under Donald Bayne Hobart.
- * Sentinels of Slaughter [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Dec 1937
- * Shadow of the Bat [by Johnston McCulley, [?]; Dawson Clade (The Bat)], (nv) Popular Detective Jan 1935
- * Shadow on the Door, (ss) Black Book Detective Fll 1950
- * The Shock, (vi) Popular Detective Oct 1936
- * The Silent Killer, (ss) The Phantom Detective Mar 1947
- * Six Keys to Death, (nv) Thrilling Detective Feb 1938
- * Skeleton House, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jan 1934
- * The Skull and the Cross, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Oct 1935
- * The Snatch King [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Nov 1938
- * Snatch! [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Oct 1935
- * Spiders Lair, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Mar 1936
- * The Spy-Ring Murders, (na) Black Book Detective Magazine Sep 1938
- * Station D-E-A-T-H [by George A. McDonald, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Dec 1938
- * Stolen Diamonds, (ss) The Phantom Detective Sep 1934
- * Suicide Detail, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine May 1939
- * Suspicious, (ss) Thrilling Detective Nov 1938
- * A Switch in Time, (vi) Popular Detective Mar 1937
- * T.N.T. [by Whitney Ellsworth, [?]; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men May 1938
- * The Threat of the Violent Men [by Sam Merwin, Jr.; Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Fll 1941; see also under Sam Merwin, Jr..
- * Three Clues to a Murder, (ss) The Phantom Detective Mar 1949
- * Thump of Fate, (vi) Popular Detective Feb 1937
- * Tong War [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Jan 1936
- * Too Dumb to Kill, (ss) Black Book Detective Win 1950
- * Too Suspicious, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine Jan/Feb 1938
- * Trail to Death, (ss) The Phantom Detective Feb 1936
- * The Tropic Terror [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Oct 1936
- * Two by Twice, (ss) Thrilling Detective Nov 1935
- * Violations, (ss) The Phantom Detective May 1935
- * The Wall of Silence [by George Fielding Eliot; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Aug 1937
- * War Cry of Death [by Manly Wade Wellman; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Oct 1939
- * Web of Murder [by Norman A. Daniels; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Mar 1948
- * The White Raven Murders [by Norman A. Daniels; Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Fll 1950
- * Who Lives by the Sword, (ss) Thrilling Detective Mar 1936
- * The Wrong Dope, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jul 1934
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