Fiction Magazines

Magazines 47  
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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
Woomera Aug-1950 - Feb-1953 FicMags Missing: Aug-1950
Worcester Review 1972 - present    
Wordplay in 1990s    
Words [1970s] in 1970s - in 2010s    
Words [1985]
» Words International
Jun-1985? - Oct-1985
Nov-1987 - Apr/May-1988
sample issue only
Words of Wisdom in 2000s    
Words Worth 1996 - ?    
Wordworks - see under Corridor
WordWrights Magazine Spring 1995? - Apr-2006?    
Works #1, 1988 - #10, 1995 SFI Issue Checklist
The World 8-Jul-1874 - 25-Mar-1922    
The World Adventurer Jan-1934 - Mar-1934 AFI Issue Checklist
World Fiction
» merges with Our World
Aug-1922 - Feb-1923
sample issue only
World Horizons Jan-1938 - Jan-1940    
Books Abroad
» World Literature Today
Jan-1927 - Dec-1976
Jan-1977 - present
sample issues only
World Man Hunters Jan-1934 - Mar-1934 AFI; PMI2 Issue Checklist
World of Horror Aug-1974 - Jul-1975 SFI Issue Checklist
The World of H.P. Lovecraft in 1990s FicMags sample issues only
The World of Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Dec-1977 CFI Issue Checklist
World Review Mar-1936 - May-1953 FicMags sample issue only
Worlds Apart Jul-2006 - Jul-2007 SFI Issue Checklist
Worlds Beyond Dec-1950 - Feb-1951 SFI Issue Checklist
World's Greatest Love Stories Jun-1983 - ? FicMags sample issues only
The World's Greatest Stories Feb-1929 - Sep-1929 GFI Missing: May-1929; Jun-1929; Jul-1929
Issue Checklist
Worlds Lost...Time Forgotten #1, 1980 - #3, 1981 SFI Missing: #1
Issue Checklist
World's News 21-Dec-1901 - 31-Dec-1955    
Worlds of Fantasy [1950] #1, 1950 - #14, 1954 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Worlds of Fantasy [1968] v1 #1, 1968 - v1 #4, 1971 SFI Issue Checklist
Worlds of Fantasy & Horror - see under Weird Tales
Worlds of If - see under If
Worlds of Possibility Aug-2022 - present    
Worlds of Strangeness #1, 2016 - Spring/Summer 2021 SFI Issue Checklist
Worlds of the Universe #1, 1953 SFI Issue Checklist
Worlds of the Unknown 2015 - present SFI Missing: #4, 2016; #5, 2017
Issue Checklist
Worlds of Tomorrow
» merges with If
» Worlds of Tomorrow
Apr-1963 - May-1967
Summer 1970 - Spring 1971
Issue Checklist
Worlds of Tomorrow (UK) Spring 1967 - Winter 1967 SFI Issue Checklist
World Stories Apr-1928 - May-1935 AFI Missing: Jun-1928; Dec-1930
Issue Checklist
World's Work 1900 - 1932 Poole to 1906 only; absorbed by Review of Reviews
World's Work (UK) 1902 - ?    
World Tales 1985    
World War Stories Mar-1929 - Aug-1929 AFI Missing: all after May-1929
Issue Checklist
World Wide Adventure Winter 1967/1968 - Summer 1969 AFI Issue Checklist
World Wide Detective Stories Jul-1941 - Apr-1942? CFI Issue Checklist
World Youth 1942? - ?    
Wotta World 1969 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Would That It Were Apr/Jun-2000 - Oct/Dec-2004    
Woven Worlds Dec-1999 - 2000? FicMags sample issues only
Wow! Oct-1930 - Spring 1931 FicMags Issue Checklist
Wow Bedtime Stories c. 1950 FicMags  
Wright's Shakespeare Library #1, 1935 FicMags  
Write Ahead the Future Looms Jan/Feb-2019 - Jul/Aug-2021 SFI Issue Checklist
The Writer's Forum [1940s] ?    
Writers' Forum [1974] Spring 1974 - 1995    
Writers of To-morrow in 1940s    
Writer's Voice 1998 - 2000?    
Writing Today [1943] Oct-1943 - Dec-1946    
Writing Today [1957] Jul-1957 - Mar-1962    
Written Tales #1, 2020 to present    
WRR ? - 1969?    
WSFA Journal 1965 - present FicMags sample issues only
Wu Fang - see under The Mysterious Wu Fang
Wuff! c. 1950    
Wyldblood Magazine #1, Feb/Mar-2021 - present SFI Missing: any after #15, Spring 2024
Issue Checklist 22-Apr-2006 - 2007?    
Wyrd #1, 1973 - #8, 1980 SFI Issue Checklist
Xavier Review 1980 - present    
Xconnect: Writers of the Information Age May-1995 - Feb-2007    
Xeron Oct-1965 - Dec-1967 FicMags sample issues only
Xizquil #1, 1990 - #16, 1997 SFI Issue Checklist
Xnoybis Summer 2015 - Spring 2017 SFI Issue Checklist
XOddity Jan-1998 - Jul-1998 SFI Issue Checklist
Xrymph 1971    
Yale Literary Magazine Feb-1836 - present    
The Christian Spectator
» The New Englander
» The New Englander and Yale Review
» The Yale Review
1819 - 1842
Jan-1843 - Sep-1885
Nov-1885 - Mar-1892
May-1892 - present
ShStIdx; FicMags
ShStIdx 1974 - present only; FicMags sample issues only
The Yalobusha Review 1995 - present    
Yandro 1953 - 1985 FicMags sample issues only
Yankee Air Action - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Gang Shorts - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Love Shorts - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Magazine Fiction - see under Dime Detective Magazine (UK)
Yankee Mystery Shorts - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Romance Album 1942 FicMags  
Yankee Romance Shorts - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Science Fiction - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Shorts
» Yankee Shorts
#1, 1940 - #21, 1942
Issue Checklist
Yankee Weird Shorts - see under Yankee Shorts
Yankee Western Shorts - see under Yankee Shorts
Yarns Jun-1941 - Nov-1941? FicMags Missing: Sep-1941, any after Nov-1941
Yawning Vortex Summer 1994 - Jul/Aug-1997    
Yearnings v1 #1, 1982 - ? SFI Missing: #4
Issue Checklist
The Year's Best Fantastic Fiction v1 #1, 1995 - v2 #1, 1998 SFI Issue Checklist
The Year's Sexiest Best Spring 1965   possibly non-fiction
Issue Checklist
Yellow Bat Review Fall 2001 - Feb-2004 SFI Missing: #2, Winter 2002
Issue Checklist
The Yellow Book [1894] Apr-1894 - Apr-1897 FicMags  
Yellow Book [1910] 1910? - 1947 FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Yellow Book [1897] - see also under Ainslee's Magazine
The Yellow Dog Apr-1901    
The Yellow Magazine 23-Sep-1921 - 17-Sep-1926 FicMags Missing: 11-Dec-1925; 5-Feb-1926
Issue Checklist
Yellow Medicine Review Spring 2007 - present FicMags sample issue only
The Yellow Sign Mar-2006 - Nov-2017 SFI Issue Checklist
Yellow Silk: Journal of Erotic Arts 1981 - 1996    
Yemassee Spring 1993 - present    
Yes 1961 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Yes or No
» Yes or No
21-Mar-1904 - 27-Apr-1918
28-Feb-1921 - 24-Apr-1922
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
YM Magazine - See under Calling All Girls
Yog's Notebook Spring 2007 - Summer 2007 SFI Issue Checklist
Yo-Ho Bedtime Stories c. 1952    
The Young Gentleman's Journal 1867 - ?    
Young Love Dec-1936 - May-1937 FicMags Missing: Feb-1937, Mar-1937
Issue Checklist
Young Miss - See under Calling All Girls
Young's Action Western Stories late 1940s WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
American Clubman
» Young's Magazine
» Young's Realistic Stories Magazine
» Young's Magazine - Snappy Stories
» merges with Breezy Stories
» Young's Magazine and Advance
» Young's Snappy Realistic Stories
Jan-1897 - Oct-1897
Nov-1897 - Dec-1922
Jan-1923 - Aug-1929
Sep-1929 - Sep-1933
Sep-1934 - Nov-1934
Mar-1941 - Feb-1943
sample issue only
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Young's Magazine (UK) in 1940s    
Young's Realistic Stories Magazine - see under Young's Magazine
Young's Snappy Realistic Stories - see under Young's Magazine
Young's Snappy Realistic Stories (UK) - see under Young's Magazine (UK)
Youth, A Magazine of the Arts [1921] Oct-1921 - Jan-1922 FicMags Missing: Jan-1922
Youthopia 13-Apr-1940 - 18-May-1940    
The Youth's Companion [1855] 1855 - ?    
Ye Yowlings of Yog-Sothoth in 1940s    
» Zahir (online)
Summer 2003 - Winter 2009
Jan-2010 - Oct-2011
Issue Checklist
Zane Grey's Western Magazine Nov-1946 - Jan-1954 WFI Issue Checklist
Zane Grey's Western Magazine (Australia) Jan-1949? - May-1961? WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Zane Grey's Western Magazine (UK) in 1950s WFI Missing: #25; #27; #29; #32; #34; #35; #36
Issue Checklist
Zane Grey Western Magazine Oct-1969 - Sep-1974 WFI Issue Checklist
Zed Montana's Western Magazine in 1950s WFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Zembla Magazine Sep-2003 - Oct-2005 FicMags sample issues only
Zenith [1941]
» Zenith [1941]
Aug-1941 - Apr-1942
Issue Checklist
Zenith [1963]
» Zenith Speculation
» Speculation
Oct-1963 - Sep-1964
Dec-1964 - Jul-1966
Oct-1966 - 1973
sample issues only
sample issues only
sample issues only
Zeppelin Stories Apr-1929 - Jul-1929 AFI; PMI2 Issue Checklist
Zero Gravity Freefall Oct-1994 - Sep-1995 SFI Issue Checklist
0 to 9 Apr-1967 - Jul-1969    
Zest [1926] Oct-1926 - Jan-1927? GFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Zest [1950] c. 1953    
Zest! [1950] c. 1950    
Zest [1997] Winter 1997 - Winter 1999 SFI Issue Checklist
Zeus 1940 - Spring 1942 FicMags incomplete
Ziffs Magazine
» America's Humor
1923? - Mar-1926?
Apr-1926 - ?
sample issue only
sample issue only
Zimri Jul-1971 - Apr-1976 FicMags Missing: #1, Jul-1971; #8, Apr-1976
Zine in 1980s    
Zing [1920] (US) 1920 - ?   Issue Checklist
Zing [1953] (UK) c. 1953    
Zipp Bedtime Stories c. 1950 FicMags  
Zippy [1933]
» Zippy Stories
May-1933 - Feb-1934
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Zippy (Canada) Nov-1938? - Jan-1941? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Zippy Stories Oct-1948 FicMags  
Zip (UK) c. 1953    
Zip (US) - see under Stellar
The Zobee - see under Betelgeuse
Zoetrope Short Stories
» Zoetrope: All-Story
Spring 2007
Summer 1997 - present
Missing: Summer 1997; most issues after Spring 2007

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