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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
Famous Fantastic Mysteries
» Famous Fantastic Mysteries
Sep/Oct-1939 - Jun/Jul-1953
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Issue Checklist
Famous Fantastic Mysteries (Canada) Feb-1948 - Aug-1952 SFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Famous Feature Stories #1, 1938 FicMags  
Famous Kidnapings ?    
Famous Lives Feb-1929 - Jun-1929    
Famous Novel Magazine Nov-1927 - ? FicMags sample issues only
Famous Police Cases 1949 - ?    
Famous Science Fiction Winter 1966/1967 - Spring 1969 SFI Issue Checklist
Famous Spy Stories Jan/Feb-1940 - May/Jun-1940 AFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Famous Stories Jun-1937 - Sep-1937? FicMags Missing: Jul-1937, Sep-1937
The Famous Story Magazine
» merges with The Golden Book Magazine
Oct-1925 - Feb-1927
Issue Checklist
The Famous Story Magazine (UK) Feb-1926 - May-1927? GFI  
Famous Western Dec-1937 - May-1960 WFI incomplete
Issue Checklist
Famous Western (UK) [1945] c. 1945 WFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Famous Western Magazine (UK) [1950s] in 1950s WFI Missing: #1; any after #6
Issue Checklist
Fan [1990s] in 1990s FicMags sample issue only
Fanatic Winter 1950 - ?    
Fanciful Tales Fall 1936 SFI Issue Checklist
Fandom Unlimited in 1970s    
Fanfare [1940s] 1940 - Dec-1943 FicMags sample issues only
Fan-Fare [1950s] in 1950s FicMags sample issues only
Fang #0, 1991 - v1 #4, 199? SFI Missing: #2
Issue Checklist
Fanhistorica May-1976 - Nov-1996 FicMags sample issue only
Fannie Eden's Penny Stories
» Fannie Eden's Penny Stories
29-Jul-1905 - 20-Jun-1908
27-Jun-1908 - 19-Apr-1913
Fanny Oct/Nov/Dec 1971 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Fanny Hill 1977 - 1979?    
Fanomena Sep-1947 - Mar-1948 FicMags Missing: Sep-1947
Fan [1940s] in 1940s    
The Fanscient Sep-1947 - Spring 1951 SFI Issue Checklist
Fan Slan-t Dec-1965    
Fan Slants Sep-1943 - Jun-1944 FicMags sample issue only
Fan's Star Library Aug-1958 - ?    
Fantascience Digest 1938 - Nov/Dec-1941 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasia [1941] Jan-1941 - Jul-1941    
Fantasia [1945]
» Fantasma
Sep-1945 - 1946
Mar/May-1947 - ?
Fantasia [1951] Feb-1951? - Sep-1951?    
Fantasia Divinity Magazine Aug-2016 - Aug-2018   Issue Checklist
The Fantasist 15-Dec-2016 - Dec-2019 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasite Nov-1940 - 1943? FicMags sample issues only
Fantasmagoria Mar-1937 - Winter 1939/1940 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasque Jan-1999 - 2004 SFI Issue Checklist
The Fantast Apr-1939 - Jul-1942 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic [1952] Summer 1952 - Oct-1980 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic (UK) Dec-1953 - Feb-1955 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Fantastic Adventures May-1939 - Mar-1953 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Adventures Quarterly Winter 1941 - Spring 1951 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Adventure Stories Jun-2007 - Aug-2007 AFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Adventures (UK) [1946] Jul-1946 - Sep-1946 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Fantastic Adventures (UK) [1950] Jun-1950 - Feb-1954 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Fantastic Adventures Yearbook 1970 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic and Weird Classics Apr-2023 - present SFI Missing: any except #1-#6, #107, #108, #111 & #114
Issue Checklist
Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #105, 1992 - #147, 2005 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Collector - see under Pulpdom
Fantastic Metropolis Oct-2001 - Jan-2006 SFI  
Fantastic Novels Magazine
» Fantastic Novels Magazine
Jul-1940 - Apr-1941
Mar-1948 - Jun-1951
Issue Checklist
Fantastic Novels Magazine (Canada) Sep-1948 - Jun-1951 SFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Fantastic Novels Magazine (UK) c. 1950 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Fantastic Science Fiction Aug-1952 - Dec-1952 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Science Thriller #1, 1954 - #5, 1954 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Stories of the Imagination [2000] - see under Pirate Writings
Fantastic Stories of the Imagination [2014] Aug-2014 - Apr-2017 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Story Mag Sep-1953 - Jan-1956 FicMags sample issue only
Fantastic Story Quarterly
» Fantastic Story Magazine
Spring 1950 - Spring 1951
Summer 1951 - Spring 1955
Issue Checklist
Fantastic Story Quarterly (Canada) Spring 1950 - Winter 1951 SFI Missing: all except v1 #2 & v1 #3
Issue Checklist
Fantastic Tales Fall 2003 - Winter 2003 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Universe Jun/Jul-1953 - Mar-1960 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Western c. 1946 WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Fantastic World - In the fall of 1955 Gannet Publishing of Birkenhead, England issued {Weird World}, which lasted two issues. {Fantastic World} was announced as coming soon on the exterior back cover of the first issue, and was never mentioned again. It never appeared.
Fantastic Worlds [1952] Summer 1952 - Fall 1955 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastic Worlds [1995] #0, 1995 - #1, 1996 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantastique Unfettered Dec-2010 - Dec-2011 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantast Sidetrack c. 1954 FicMags sample issue only
Fantasy: A Poetry Quarterly
» Fantasy
1931 - 1935
1936 - 1943
sample issues only
sample issues only
Fantasy [1938] #1, 1938 - #3, 1939 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction [1946] Dec-1946 - Aug-1947 SFI; IdxBSF Issue Checklist
Fantasy Adventures 2001 - Jan-2008 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy: A Literary Quarterly Summer 1931? - ?    
Fantasy & Fear Aug-2010 - Jan-2011 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy and Science Fiction - see under The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Fantasy and Terror #1, 1984 - #15, 1996 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Annual [1948] 1948    
Fantasy Annual [1997] 1997 - 2003 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Book [1947] #1, 1947 - #8, 1951 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Book [1981] Oct-1981 - Mar-1987 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Booklet #1, 1991 - #2, 1991 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Classics #1, 1973 - #5, 1974 SFI; KeysDoors Issue Checklist
Fantasy Collector - see under Pulpdom
Fantasy Collector's Annual in 1970s FicMags sample issue only
Fantasy Commentator
» Fantasy Commentator
» Fantasy Commentator
Dec-1943 - Fall 1953
Winter 1978/79 - Spring 2004
Spring 2011
Issue Checklist
Fantasy Crossroads Nov-1974 - Jan-1979 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Crossroads Special Edition #1, 1976 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Crosswinds #1, 1977 - #3, 1977 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Digest 1939 - 1940    
The Fantasy Fan Sep-1933 - Feb-1935 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Fiction [1949] #1, 1949 - #6, 1951 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Fiction [1950] May-1950 - Nov-1950 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Fiction Digest 21-Jan-1937 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Fantasy Fictioneer in 1940s    
Fantasy Fiction Field in 1940s    
Fantasy Fiction Telegram in 1930s FicMags sample issue only
Fantasy Jackpot in 1940s    
Fantasy Macabre #1, 1980 - #17, 1996 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Magazine [1953]
» Fantasy Fiction
Jun-1953 - Nov-1953
Issue Checklist
Fantasy Magazine [2005]
» Fantasy Magazine (online)
» merges with Lightspeed
» Fantasy Magazine
» Fantasy Magazine
Nov-2005 - Spring 2007
#7, 2007 - #57, 2011
#58, 2014 - #60, 2016
Nov-2020 - Oct-2023
Issue Checklist
Fantasy Magazine [1934] - see also under Science Fiction Digest
Fantasy Mongers
» Fantasy Mongers Quarterly
#1, 1979 - Spring 1986
Summer 1986 - Winter 1988/1989
Issue Checklist
Fantasy Newsletter
» Fantasy Review
Jun-1978 - 1984
1984 - Jul/Aug-1987
sample issue only
Fantasy Post Oct-1941 FicMags  
Fantasy Quarterly 2001 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Reader #1, 1974 - #7, 1975 SFI; KeysDoors Issue Checklist
Fantasy Readers Guide #1, Aug-1979 - #2, Mar-1980 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Review (UK) [1940s] Feb/Mar-1947 - Spring 1950    
Fantasy Review (US) [1980s] - see under Fantasy Newsletter
Fantasy-Scope in 1990s    
Fantasy Scroll Magazine Jan-2014 - Jun-2016 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Short Stories Jun-2012 - Jun-2014 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Stories - see under Fantasy Fiction
Fantasy Tales Summer 1977 - Fall 1991 SFI Issue Checklist
Fantasy Times
» Science-Fiction Times
Sep-1941 - Apr-1957
May-1957 - Apr-1969
sample issue only
Fantasy World Geographic Magazine Mar-2005 - Jun-2005 SFI Issue Checklist
» Phantasy
» Gateway Monthly
Oct-1998 - Feb-1999
Mar-1999 - May-2000
Jun-2000 - Mar-2008
Fantôme Oct-1978    
Fanvariety c. 1951    
The Farallon Review 2008 - 2014 FicMags  
Far and Near Series 1888 - 1892 DimeNvl sample issues only
Far and Wide Sep-1946 - Winter 1965/1966    
The Far East 1870 - 1878?    
Far East Adventure Stories Oct-1930 - Feb-1932 AFI; PMI2 Issue Checklist
Far East Adventure Stories (Canada) in 1930s AFI Missing: all except Nov-1931, Dec-1931, Feb-1932
Issue Checklist
The Far Flung Coasts of Crime - see under The Master Thriller Series
Far Frontiers Jan-1985 - Winter 1986 SFI Issue Checklist
Farm & Fireside 1877 - 1930? FicMags sample issues only
Farm and Fireside Library Apr-1881 - Jun-1901 DimeNvl incomplete
Farm and Home in 1910s FicMags sample issue only
Farmerphile Jul-2005 - Jan-2009 SFI Issue Checklist
Farmer's Market ? - 2000?    
Farmer's Wife 1897? - Apr-1939 FicMags sample issues only
Farm Journal
» The National Farm Journal
» Farm Journal
» Farm Journal and Farmer's Wife
» Farm Journal
Mar-1877 - 1927
1928 - 1935
1936 - 1938
1939 - 1945
1945 - present
sample issues only
sample issues only
partial issues only
sample issues only
Farm Life in 1920s FicMags sample issues only
Farm Pulp 1989 - Jul/Aug-2002 FicMags sample issue only
Far Out #1, 1985 - #3, 1985 SFI Issue Checklist
Far Point #1, 1991 - #4, 1992 SFI Issue Checklist
Farrago in 1970s    
Farrago's Wainscot
» Farrago's Wainscot
Jan-2007 - Oct-2009
Jan-2015 - Oct-2015
Issue Checklist
Farscape Jun/Jul-2001 - Apr/May-2003 FicMags sample issues only
Far Sector - see under Outside
Farstrider Magazine #1, Jan-2016 - #2, Jun-2016 SFI Issue Checklist
Farthing Jul-2005 - Jan-2007 SFI Issue Checklist
The Farthing Journal 1840 - 1841    
Far West Mar-1978 - Winter 1981 WFI Issue Checklist

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