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Fantastic (UK)Country: UKTotal Issues: 8
British reprint edition of Fantastic.
Pagecounts: 128pp |
Fantastic AdventuresCountry: USTotal Issues: 129
Fantastic Adventures was founded by editor Raymond A. Palmer in 1939
as a companion to Amazing Stories and was initially published in a large
size format to emulate the early Amazing Stories magazines. The
magazine was published by the Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, then
headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersZiff-Davis Publishing Co., Chicago (moved to NY in 1950)EditorsFormatsbedsheet to May-1940; then pulpFrequencymostly bimonthlyRelated SitesWikipediaScience Fiction Encyclopedia Mentioned in: The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps Online SourcesOnline Books |
Fantastic Adventures QuarterlyCountry: USTotal Issues: 21
Each issue rebound three unsold issues of Fantastic Adventures with a new cover.
Fantastic Adventure StoriesCountry: USTotal Issues: 2
Publishers: Pulp Tales Press Formats: digest Prices: $10.95 Pagecounts: 80pp |
Fantastic Adventures (UK) [1946]Country: UKTotal Issues: 2
#1 carried the front cover and the lead story from the US July 1946 issue, as well as the Frank Paul back cover from the same date. #2 had the cover and lead story from US June 1942 and it, too carried a Frank Paul back cover, but this one from the original US issue from December 1945. These two issues were only 32 pages in length and the remaining stories they contained were drawn from various earlier numbers from the 1942-45 period. SFI gives 1947 as the date for these, but IdxBSF dates them as July and September 1946, which are the dates used here.
Fantastic Adventures (UK) [1950]Country: UKTotal Issues: 24
British reprint edition of Fantastic Adventures.
Formats: standard pulp |
Fantastic Adventures YearbookCountry: USTotal Issues: 1
Reprints seven stories from Fantastic Adventures.
Fantastic and Weird ClassicsCountry: USTotal Issues: 10 (as at Jan-2025)
Publishers: Fiction House Press Formats: quarto |
Fantastic Collectibles MagazineCountry: USTotal Issues: 42
An SF/fantasy catalog that regularly published fiction from 1992 to 2005.
Fantastic MetropolisCountry: US
Online SF magazine. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersEditors |
Fantastic Novels MagazineCountry: USTotal Issues: 5+20=25
Issues & Index Sources
Publishers1st series, Frank A. Munsey Co.; 2nd series, New Publications imprint of Popular Publications, NYEditorsMary GnaedingerFormatsstandard pulpPrices20c at outsetPagecounts144ppFrequencybimonthlyRelated SitesScience Fiction EncyclopediaMentioned in: The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps |
Fantastic Novels Magazine (Canada)Country: CanadaTotal Issues: 17
Canadian reprint edition of Fantastic Novels Magazine.
Formats: standard pulp Prices: 25c Pagecounts: 130pp Mentioned in: The Pulpster #11, 2001 |
Fantastic Novels Magazine (UK)Country: UKTotal Issues: 2
British reprint edition of Fantastic Novels Magazine.
Prices: 1/- & 9d Pagecounts: 129pp & 64pp |
Fantastic Science FictionCountry: USTotal Issues: 2
Dreadful juvenile sf. According to Walter Gibson all of the stories in this magazine were written either by himself or Ed Burkholder. Gibson could only identify one of his pseudonyms. One of the bylines is a known Burkholder pseudonym. J. Randolph Cox, who prepared a massive bibliography of Gibson's work, examined the remainder of the stories and is of the opinion that the two Bruce Crandall stories are probably by Gibson, and that the others are probably not. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersEditorsWalter GibsonFormatsbedsheetFrequencyquarterlyRelated SitesScience Fiction EncyclopediaMentioned in: The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps |
Fantastic Science ThrillerCountry: UKTotal Issues: 5
Booklet series.