The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12088
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Professor Reads the Bones, (ms) Private Detective Stories December 1944
- * Professor Rudolf Virchow, (bg) Black & White #38, October 24 1891
- * The Professor’s Adventure, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- * A Professor’s Advice to Boys, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper October 18 1879
- * The Professor’s Blunder, (vi) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1877
- * The Professor’s Caller, (hu) The Popular Magazine June 1906
- * The Professor’s Den, (cl) The Scout February 9 1924
- * A Professor’s Gift, (ms) The Strand Magazine January 1950
- * Professors, How Could You!, (ms) Mystery Book Magazine August 1945
- * Professor Sloane’s Napoleon, (ed) The Century Magazine October 1895
- * The Professor’s Pearls [John Daunt], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1359, July 2 1927
- * The Professor’s Pupil, (ss) London Society #11, December 1862
- * The Professor’s Story, (n.) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1860
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1861
- * The Professor’s Terrible Fright, (vi) My Magazine May 1915
- * The Professor’s Victim, (ss) (by Mrs. Frank M’Carthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1877
- * The Professor Who Forgets to Eat, (ar) The Passing Show September 7 1935 [Ref. William Whitehead Watts]
- * Pro-File, (cl) Galileo; #2-11/12.
- * Profile, (bg) Dime Detective Magazine Jan 1932, Nov 1935, Jun 1 1933, Sep 1935, Mar 1932 [Ref. Madeleine Sharps Buchanan]
- * Profile, (ts) Mystery September 1934
- * Profile: Albert Roberts, artist extraordinary, (bg) Weird Stories #4, January 1997
- * Profile: Leanne Frahm, (bg) Science Fiction (Australia) v4 #2, 1982 [Ref. Leanne Frahm]
- * Profile of the Inmates of the Asylum, (bg) The Megaflow Manifesto October 1988
- * Profile: Robert Rankin, (bg) Broadsword #2, Winter 1995/1996 [Ref. Robert Rankin]
- * Profiles of World Noir Cities and Their Dogged Protagonists, (ms) Europa World Noir Reader, Europa Editions, 2012
- * Profile:
* ___ Lucy Jarvis, (cl) Cosmopolitan April 1965 [Ref. Lucy Jarvis]
- * A Profitable Advertising Fraud, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 30 1925
- * A Profitable Digging, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 1 1931
- * Profitable Disposal of Sewage-Sludge, (ms) Chambers’s Journal November 28 1908
- * A Profitable Dream, (ms) The Argosy December 15 1888
- * Profitable Employment for Gentlewomen, (cl) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1882
- * A Profitable Habit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 8 1930
- * A Profitable Hoax, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1905
- * Profitable Indian Fisheries, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 11 1925
- * Profitable Maine Trapping, (ar) Wild West Weekly #539, February 14 1913
- * A Profitable Occupation, (ms) Wide-Awake Magazine March 25 1916
- * Profitable Plans for Church Work, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1914
- * Profitable Prodigies and Others, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1910
- * A Profitable Summer, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 28 1928
- * A Profitable Trail Trip, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 10 1936
- * Profit from Trees on Waste Land, (ar) The Outing Magazine June 1912
- * Profits at Sing Sing Increase, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 25 1920
- * Profits from Early Ranching, (ms) Short Stories February 10 1924
- * Profits from Prison Commissaries, (ms) Clues June 1927
- * The Profit Sharing Scheme, (ms) Hazell’s Magazine July 1889
- * Profits in Oil for Prophets, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1919
- * The Profits of Hand-Bag Stealing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1922
- * Pro Football Quiz, (qz) Argosy November 1978
- * Pro Football’s “Homecoming” Queens, (pi) Ace January 1964
- * Pro Football Stars, (pi) Five-Novels Magazine November/December 1946
- * De Profundis, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1880
- * Profusion of Food at Christmas, (ar) The Gentlewoman Christmas 1913
- * Progamme Review, (ar) Journal of the World Science Fiction Society, Inc. v15 #3, 1957
- * The Pro-German Weather Man, (ms) War Birds #31, July 1930
- * The Program, (ms) The Phantagraph February 1945
- * Programma, (ms) Rigel Magazine #60, December 1977
- * Program of Events, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #76, Spring 1981
- * Progress, (ms) Women’s Stories December 15 1913
- * Progress, (ms) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1927
- * Progress and Politics, (cl) Cosmopolitan Magazine Mar 1912, May 1914
- * Progress and Promise in Queensland, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1909
- * Progress at Sing Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1921
- * Progress Chart, (ms)
- * Progress in Pictures, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 13 1909
- * A Progressive Measure, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1921
- * The Progressives - What They Stand for and Want, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1923
- * The Progress of Aviation!, (ed) The Lone Eagle March 1935
- * The Progress of Exaggeration, (ss) The New-England Magazine July 1831
- * The Progress of Fashion, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal June 1 1867
- * The Progress of Fashion: Boots and Shoes, from Elizabeth’s to George IV’s time, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal August 31 1867
- * Progress of Frank L. Packard, (ar) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 3 1923 [Ref. Frank L. Packard]
- * Progress of Science, (ms) Maclean’s Feb 15, Mar 1, Apr 1, Oct 1 1940
- * The Progress of Science, (cl) The Cosmopolitan May 1899
- * The Progress of Science in Indiana, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1878
- * Progress of Science:
* ___ Glycerine for Plant Roots, (ms) Maclean’s June 1 1940
- * Progress of Society, (ar) American Ladies’ Magazine March 1835
- * The Progress of Sport, (ed) C.B. Fry’s Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1904
- * Progress of the B.S.F.W.R.S., (??) Futurian War Digest October 1941
- * The Progress of the New Dominion, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #809, March 1883
- * Progress Report, (ms) Rex October 1957
- * Progress to the Throne, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1953
- * A Prohibition Drunkard’s Wife, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1921
- * Prohibition in Ancient Times, (ms)
- * Prohibition in Canada, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 30 1930
- * Prohibition on the I. C, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- * Project Apollo: Countdown and Blast-Off, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #361, December 14 1968
- * Project Apollo: Gateway to the Moon, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #360, December 7 1968
- * Project Apollo: Round the Moon, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #362, December 21 1968
- * Project Atlantaropa, (ar) Lilliput December 1955
- * The Projected Arkham House Program, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967
- * Project for a New Novel, (ss) (by J. G. Ballard) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978
- * Projection Project, (pi) Eve October 1962
- * “Projections” A Scienticelluloidepartment, (ar) Straight Up February 1952
- * Project Jupiter, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #50, October 15 1954 [Ref. Fredric Brown]
- * Projects, (ar)
- * Project Tesla, (ar) Omni August 1981
- * Prolific Australia: The Continent of the British Race, (ar) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly May 1907
- * The Prolific Cod, (ms) Sea Stories Magazine February 1922
- * Prologue, (lk) Horror at Halloween ed. Jo Fletcher, Pumpkin Books, 1999
- * Prologue, (lk) Hell on Heels, Berkley Sensation, 2007
- * Prologue, (lk) Black Room Manuscripts: Volume Three ed. Daniel Marc Chant & J. R. Park, Sinister Horror Company, 2018
- * Prologue, (lk) Black Room Manuscripts: Volume Four ed. Tracy Fahey & J. R. Park, Sinister Horror Company, 2018
- * Prologue, (pr) Cold Steel ed. Bill Fawcett, Baen, 2002
- * Prologue, (pr) Lucifer’s Shadow ed. Philippe Boulle, White Wolf, 2002
- * Prologue, (pr) Hell with the Ladies, Berkley Sensation, 2006
- * The Prologue, (nv) The New Decameron, Volume the First, Blackwell, 1919
- * Prologue: Only a Little Planet, (pr)
- * Prologue: On the Golden Stairs, (lk) (by Robert E. Briney) Shanadu ed. Robert E. Briney, SSR Publications, 1953
- * Prologue: The Distant Past, (si) Invaders of Earth ed. Groff Conklin, Vanguard, 1952
- * Prolonging Life, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1884
- * Promethean Fire, (iv) Soviet Literature v239 #5, 1968 [Ref. Stanislaw Lem]; translated by Yuri Sdobnikov
- * Prominent American Lawyers:
* ___ Paper No. 2: William M. Evarts, (bg) The Argosy December 8 1888
* ___ Paper No. 20: Walter Clark, (bg) The Argosy June 8 1889
* ___ Paper No. 22: Orville H. Platt, (bg) The Argosy June 22 1889
* ___ Paper No. 23: Joseph C.S. Blackburn, (bg) The Argosy June 29 1889
* ___ Paper No. 27: John H. Reagan, (bg) The Argosy July 27 1889
* ___ Paper No. 29: Alvin P. Hovey, (bg) The Argosy August 10 1889
* ___ Paper No. 32: Charles Henry Grosvenor, (bg) The Argosy August 31 1889
* ___ Paper No. 33: John W. Daniel, (bg) The Argosy September 7 1889
* ___ Paper No. 34: Major William Warner, (bg) The Argosy September 14 1889
* ___ Paper No. 35: Zebulon B. Vance, (bg) The Argosy September 21 1889
- * Prominent Men in the Shoe and Leather Trade, (bg) The Bostonian Oct, Nov 1894
- * Prominent People in Picture and Paragraph, (pi) The New Broadway Magazine January 1908
- * Promise, (ms) Adam Jan 1967, Aug 1968
- * Promise, (pm) Affinity Love Stories #1, May 1946
- * The Promise, (ss) Manhunt September 1954, as by Richard Welles
- * The Promised Land, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 24 1919
- * The Promise I Didn’t Keep, (ts) True Love Affairs January/February 1940
- * Promise in Her Eyes, (pi) Caper November 1956
- * A Promise Is a Promise, (ss) (by Mary N. Prescott) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1870
- * A Promise Kept, (ms) Flynn’s October 10 1925
- * The Promise of Australia, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine August 1911
- * The Promise of May, (pm) Love Story Magazine May 1921
- * The Promise of Science, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1904
- * Promises of Things to Come, (ms) Adam Dec 1967, Apr, Jun 1968
- * A Promise to a Thief, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1931
- * Promise to Pay Holds After Death, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * Promise to Thieves Kept, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 6 1936
- * Promise Unfulfilled—A Tale of the Coast-Guard [Lt. Warneford], (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal October 11 1851
- * Promising Young Footballers, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1961
- * The Promissory Note, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly January 1872
- * Promo for the Wolfe Pack/AHMM $1000 Black Orchid Novella Contest, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2017
- * Promoted by Self-Restraint, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1919
- * Promoting a Corporation Farm, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 23 1912
- * Promotion for Mountie, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd February 1927
- * Promotion of Reindeer Industry, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd February 1927
- * Prompt Decisions, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * Promptness, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1884
- * Prom Pudding, (pi) Real Men May 1957
- * Prong-Horn Antelope Need Protection, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 20 1922
- * Pronghorns Eat Cattle’s Food Supply, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 1 1936
- * The Pronoun IT, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 9 1886
- * Pronunciation Guide, (ms) Collier’s March 18 1944
- * Pronunciation Key, (ms) Fantasy: Shapes of Things Unknown ed. Edmund J. Farrell, Thomas E. Gage, John Pfordresher & Raymond J. Rodrigues, Scott, Foresman, 1974
- * Pronunciation of Some English Names, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * Pronunciation Test, (cl) Collier’s Mar 4, Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 8, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, Jun 3, Jun 10,
Jun 17, Jun 24 1944
- * Pronzini Bibliography, (bi) The Hanging Man & Other Western Stories by Bill Pronzini, Stark House Press, 2024
- * Proof for Lady Trentham, (ss) Monster Book for Girls 1948
- * The Proof of the Pudding, (ss) Temple Bar May 1895
- * Proof of Things to Come, (ar) Man November 1946
- * Proof Positive, (ms) The Idler May 1910
- * Proof Positive, (pm) The Violet Magazine #16, April 6 1923
- * Proofreaders’ Marks, (ms) The SFWA Handbook ed. Mildred Downey Broxon, SFWA, 1976
- * Propaganda Bomb, (ar) Modern World July 13 1940
- * The Propaganda War, (ar)
- * Pro Patria L. M. S., Jyn., (pm) (by Epes Sargent) The Atlantic Monthly February 1865
- * Propeller Development, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Trails March 1936
- * Propeller-Driven Trolley-Car, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- * Propeller Parade, (ar) Air Trails February 1938
- * The Proper Age for Marriage, (ms) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * The Proper Name of Our Country, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1891
- * The Proper Use of College Degrees, (ed) The Century Magazine October 1895
- * A Proper Victorian, (pi) Jaguar April 1965
- * Prophecies: Cryptic Revelations and Omens of Doom, (ar) Dark Realms #10, Spring 2003
- * The Prophecies of Bonaparte, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * Prophecy, (ms) Detective Tales June 1951
- * The Prophecy, (ss) (by Henry Cauntner)
- * Prophecy?, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1940
- * Prophecy of Spectres, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal August 24 1867
- * A Prophecy That Came True, (ms) Wild West Weekly March 23 1929
- * A Prophesy, (cl) The Young Crusader January 1957
- * The Prophetess; or, The Old Government House, (ar) Missouri Republican 1858
- * Prophet Hobson, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1911
- * The Prophetic Pictures, (ss) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The Token and Atlantic Souvenir 1837, 1836, uncredited.
- Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, American Stationers Co., 1837, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- World’s One Hundred Best Short Stories, Volume Five: Drama ed. Grant Overton, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1927, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- A Romantic Story Book ed. Morris Bishop, Cornell University Press, 1971, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The Complete Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hanover House, 1979, as by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- * The Prophetic Powers of Mr. Wells, (ar) The Academy July 10 1897 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * The Prophet on the Gallows, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 9 1931
- * The Prophet Robida, (pi) Lilliput July/August 1953
- * Prophylactic Therapy Applied to Digs, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * The Proposal, (ss) The Lady’s Realm September 1907
- * The Proposal, (vi)
- * A Proposal for a Heater, (ss) (by Mrs. Frank M’Carthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1878
- * A Proposal on “the Elevated”, (ss) The Idler February 1901
- * Proposals 1 and 2, (ss) Home Notes v3, 1894
- * Proposed Abandonments, (cl) Railroad Magazine Dec 1973, Jun 1974
- * Proposed Anglo-Gallic Submarine Railway, (ar) The Illustrated London News
- * Proposed Changes to Rules for Grand Master Selection, (ms) Star*Line July/August 2004
- * The Proposed Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, (ms) Black & White #8, March 28 1891
- * Proposed Increase of Power for English Policewomen, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 24 1920
- * Proposed Medical Legislation, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #821, March 1884
- * The Proposed Rebuilding of Kew Bridge, (ar) Black & White #42, November 21 1891
- * The Proposed Scotch Water-Way (Forth and Clyde Ship-Canal), (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1891
- * Proposed SFWA Model Royalty Statement, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #76, Spring 1981
- * Proposed Tunnel Between England and France, (ar) The Illustrated London News January 23 1858
- * Proposed Vandalism at Windsor, (ms) Black & White #34, September 26 1891
- * Propositioned, (hu) Parisienne Nights v1 #25, 193?
- * Proposition for Establishing a Metropolitan Coal Board, (hu) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #17, 1876
- * Prop Poll, (pi) Nightcap v1 #3, 1961
- * Proprietary Medicine Frauds: A Suggested Half-Way House, (ar) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #8, December 1907
- * The Prororoca, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1876
- * Pros and Cons of New York’s Sullivan Law, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * The Prose Beauties of Clement Scott, (ar) The Anti-Philistine #1, June 15 1897
- * Prosecution Rests, (ms) Manhunt September 1956
- * Proserpina on Earh to Pluto in Hades, (pm) (by Sarah Helen Whitman) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1866
- * The Prospect, and Other Poems, (br) The European Magazine March 1826 [Ref. Edward Moxon]
- * A Prospecting Jackass, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 29 1929
- * Prospecting on Patented Ground, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 1 1936
- * The Prospector, (pm) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #2, July 1924
- * Prospector Accidentally Strikes Copper, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 25 1930
- * The Prospector and His Work, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 30 1911
- * Prospector Digging for Bandit’s Loot, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 29 1937
- * Prospector Pete the Schoolboys Pal, (sl) The Skipper #454 May 13, #455 May 20, #457 Jun 3, #458 Jun 10, #459 Jun 17, #460 Jun 24, #461 Jul 1 1939
- * Prospector’s Battle with Rattlers, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 10 1925
- * Prospectors Find Hundreds of Rattlers in Cave, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 31 1925
- * Prospectors vs. Geophysicists, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine June 1935
- * Prospectors Watch Ghost Town, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 21 1935
- * Prospect Pete, the Gold Miner, (n.) Aldine Wild West Yarns #14, June 1932
- * Prospects in the Professions:
* ___ I. The Royal Navy, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1902
* ___ II. The Bar, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1902
* ___ III. The Solicitor, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1902
* ___ IV. The Army, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1902
* ___ V. Engineering, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1903
* ___ VI. The Stage, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1903
* ___ VII. The Land Agent and Farmer, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1903
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