The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11721
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Between Ourselves, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 19 1885
- * Between Spring and Summer (A Birthday Poem, with Roses), (pm) (by James Freeman Clarke) The Atlantic Monthly July 1861
- * Between the By-lines, (bg) Animal Life May 1954
- * Between the Covers, (ms) Carnival September 1962
- * Between the Ears, (ms) Fight Stories Spring 1946
- * Between the Ebb and Flow, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine November 5 1870
- * Between the Green Corn and the Gold, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1887
- * Between the Lights, (pm) Heart Throbs Volume Two ed. Joe Michell Chapple, Grosset & Dunlap, 1911
- * Between the Lines, (cl) Soldier Stories April 1929
- * Between the Lines, (cl) Redbook May, Sep 1950, Jun, Sep 1951, Jan, Apr, Jul, Sep, Oct 1954, Nov, Dec 1955,
Nov 1956
Jan, Feb 1957, Aug, Oct, Dec 1963, Apr 1966, Jun 1968, Dec 1980
- * Between the Lines, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. Jeremy Robinson]
- * Between the Lines, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine September 1936
- * Between the Sheets, (hu) Bedtime Stories Mar, Sep, Dec 1933
- * Between the Sheets, (ms) Real Bedtime Tales September 1934
- * Between the Years, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 31 1887
- * Between Two Fires, (ms) Top-Notch April 15 1911
- * Between Two Fires, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st May 1930
- * Between Two Little Robbers, (il) St. Nicholas August 1888
- * Between Two Worlds, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1887
- * Between Us, (ms) See for Men November 1959
- * Between You and Me, (cl) TipTop Semi-Monthly Mar 25, Apr 10 1915
- * Between You and Me, (ed) The Triumph August 14 1937
- * Between You and Me, (hu) MacLean’s Magazine Jun, Sep, Nov 1912
- * Between You and Me—, (ms) Red Star Secret Confessions July 1940
- * Betwixt Lion and Gorilla, (ss) Chums June 7 1899
- * “Betwixt the Hay-Time and the Corn”, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1901
- * Be Up to Date or Fail, (ms) Success
- * Bev, (pi) Man’s World (Australia) #7, 1970
- * Beverley of the Bush Patrol, (ss) (by George E. Rochester) Wild West (UK) #37, November 19 1938
- * Beverly Hills, (pi) The Dude September 1961
- * Bev Vincent, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #4, #5 2005 [Ref. Bev Vincent]
- * A Bevy of Beauty, (pi) The Royal Magazine October 1914
- * “Beward!” Says Mmme. de Thebes, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1909
- * Beware!, (cl) G-Men Jan, Feb, Jun 1937, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1938, Mar, May,
Jul, Aug 1939
Jan, Jun 1943, Fll 1944, Spr, Sum 1945
- * Beware…Dangerous Smoke Signals, (pi) Blaze #2, 1961
- * Beware Elephant! [Daktari], (ss) Daktari Annual 1968, World Distributors, 1968
- * Beware of “By-and-By”, (pm) The Busy Man’s Magazine June 1906
- * Beware of Girls Wearing Pajamas, (pi) Harem v1 #2, 1959
- * Beware of Mad Dog, (hu) The Art of Kissing, 1945
- * Beware of Marie, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1921
- * Beware of Nudity, (ss) Man January 1945
- * Beware of the Mammoths, (sl) The Skipper #261 Aug 31, #269 Oct 26, #270 Nov 2 1935
- * Beware of the Midas Minx, (??) Touch v1 #2, 1958, as "Beware the Midas Touch"
- * Beware of the Scarlet Bottle [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #551, 1941
- * Beware of the Snaps!, (ms) The Happy Mag. August 1922
- * Beware of the Two-Gun Hounds, (sl) The Skipper #437 Jan 14, #438 Jan 21 1939
- * Beware of the Violet Mask [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #528, 1940
- * Beware of the Weather, (ms) The Happy Mag. November 1936
- * Beware of the Weeping Fog [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #456, 1937
- * Beware of the Widow!, (ms) Bentley’s Miscellany
- * Beware! Store Thieves at Work, (ar) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #42, January 1948
- * Beware the “Aged and Infirm!”, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 20 1920
- * Beware the Buzzard: He Steals Your Eyes!, (sl) The Skipper #388, February 5 1938
- * Beware the Fatal Green Eye [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #486, 1938
- * Beware the Midas Touch, (??) Touch v1 #2, 1958
- * Beware the New Bear Trap, (ed) Collier’s November 26 1954
- * Beware These Bogus Doctors, (ar) Parade #1634, April 17 1971
- * Beware: The Stock-Swapping Racket, (ms) G-Men December 1938
- * Beware the Three Grim Men [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #492, 1938
- * Beware! This Is Hoodoo Creek, (ms) True Western Stories August 1926
- * Beware This Trick!, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * Beware Vampires, (ms) The Times May 17 1969
- * Beware What you Drink; or, a Tale of a Consul, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper May 22 1897
- * Beware!:
* ___ The Allotment Check Racket, (cl) G-Men Detective Spring 1944
* ___ Crooked Auto Accessory Dealers, (cl) G-Men Detective July 1940
* ___ Crooked Nurserymen, (cl) G-Men Detective May 1940
* ___ Prison Camp Racket, (cl) G-Men Detective January 1941
* ___ Victimizing the Selectees, (cl) G-Men Detective July 1941
* ___ War Bond Brokerage Racket, (cl) G-Men Detective Summer 1944
- * Bewildering, (ss) The Wave November 9 1895
- * Be Wise, Accessorise, (ar) Nova April 1966
- * Be Wise in Time, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 23 1886
- * Bewitched, (ss) The Argosy (UK) September 1894
- * The Bewitched Wineglass, (ia) Chums May 15 1915
- * Bewitching Blonde, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical August 1965
- * Beyond, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 24 1883
- * Beyond, (pm) (by J. T. Trowbridge) The Atlantic Monthly December 1865
- * Beyond All Doubt, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction December 31 1927
- * Beyond BFS Edition, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #10, August 14 1943
- * Beyond Borders, (cl) Magic Realism Winter 1995
- * Beyond Chaingang, (iv) Deathrealm #19, Fall 1993 [Ref. Rex Miller]
- * Beyond Drake’s Equation—New Views on the Search for ET Intelligence, (ar) The Daily Galaxy October 17 2011
- * Beyond Earth, (ar)
- * Beyond Human Ken, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #37, September 15 1953 [Ref. Judith Merril]
- * Beyond Oral Sex, (ar) Penthouse (US) May 1976
- * Beyond Recall, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1879
- * Beyond Spectacular, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2010 [Ref. Joshua Graham]
- * Beyond That 70’s Show and Into the Pandemonium, (iv) The Strange Edge Magazine #0, Summer 2015 [Ref. Chris Kelso]
- * Beyond That Limit—?, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1938
- * Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) January 1956 [Ref. Judith Merril]
- * Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #65, January 15 1956
- * Beyond the Berlin Wall, (ar) Hi-Life July 1963
- * Beyond the Breakers, (ts) Smart Set January 1926
- * Beyond the Haze, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine November 1884
- * Beyond the Haze. A Winter Ramble Reverie, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1885
- * Beyond the Law [Will Spearing], (nv) Pluck July 18 1914
- * Beyond the Mist, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 7 1888
- * Beyond the Red, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1903
- * Beyond These Chilling Winds, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 29 1884
- * Beyond the Sierras, (ts) True Western Stories September 1925
- * Beyond the Solace of Tales, (ms) The Common Tongue Magazine #3 Jun, #4 Aug 2021
- * Beyond the Tempest Gate by by Jeff Suwak, (br) Abyss & Apex #50, 2nd Quarter 2014
- * Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, (sl) Parade #1628 Mar 6, #1629 Mar 13, #1630 Mar 20, #1631 Mar 27 1971
- * Beyond Victory, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #600, June 13 1931; adapted from the movie (Bill Boyd and Lissi Arna).
- * Beyond Words, (hu) Dude September 1963
- * Be Your Age!, (pi) Collier’s March 12 1927
- * Be Your Own Casting Director, (ar) Snap v1 #1, 1958
- * Be Your Own Met Man, (ar) Parade #1629, March 13 1971
- * Be Your Own Weather Expert, (ar) Modern World May 25 1940
- * Bezdek’s Penn State Shift: A Football Offensive That Works, (ar) The Open Road December 1921
- * Bezique, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #70, May 1950
- * BFS Beyond No. 2, (ar) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #20, January 13 1945
- * BFS Beyond No. 3, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #24, December 21 1945
- * BFS News, (ms) BFS Journal Sum, Aut, Win 2011, #12 2014
- * BFS Q&A, (cl) Dark Horizons #53, 2008
- * Bhagoo, (ts) (by William Ellerker Hart) The Cornhill Magazine March 1881
- * Bhartrihari Makes a Hymn to Time, (ms) The Smart Set December 1915
- * The Bhils and Their Country, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1889
- * Bhowani Junction, (mr) Cosmopolitan June 1956
- * Bhowani Junction, (ms) McCall’s June 1956
- * Bianca Capello, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1889
- * Bianca Capello, (ar) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine November 1870
- * The Bible, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine May 1908
- * The Bible, (ms) A Word from the Outer Dark by Robert E. Howard, Project Pride, 2009
- * The Bible, (pm) The Chartist Circular #108, October 16 1841
- * Bible Class for Young People, (cl) The Sunday Strand March 1900
- * Bible Class—Result, (ms) The Sunday Strand Jul, Aug, Sep 1906
- * Bible Coins, (ar) Sunday May 1914
- * Bible Incidents Competition, (qz) The Sunday Strand July 1906
- * Bible Incidents Competition—Result, (ms) The Sunday Strand Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906
- * The Bible in Ireland, (ar) The Quiver May 1909
- * The Bible in the Light of To-day, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly March 24 1923
- * Bible Names, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1882
- * The Bible on the Battlefield, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1917
- * Bible Pictures Needing Words, (ms) The Sunday Strand Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906
- * The Bible Proves Mystic Phenomena, (ar) True Mystic Science April 1939
- * Bible Puzzles, (pz) The Family Friend #400, April 1903
- * Bible Puzzles, First Quarter, 1903, (pz) The Family Friend #397 Jan, #398 Feb, #399 Mar 1903
- * Bible Puzzles: November, (pz) The Family Friend #407, November 1903
- * Bible Puzzles: October, (pz) The Family Friend #406, October 1903
- * Bible Puzzles: Second Quarter, 1903, (pz) The Family Friend #401 May, #402 Jun 1903
- * A Bible Recipe for Cake, (ms)
- * Bible Stories for the Young, I: The Story of Andrew, (ar) The Family Friend #397, January 1903
- * Bible Stories for the Young: The Story of John, (ar) The Family Friend #406 Oct, #407 Nov 1903
- * Bible Stories for the Young: The Story of Peter, (ar) The Family Friend #398 Feb, #399 Mar, #400 Apr, #401 May, #402 Jun, #403 Jul, #404 Aug, #405 Sep 1903
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 12:1-9, (ms) Boys’ Life July 1975
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 14, (ms) Boys’ Life August 1975
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 22: 1-14, (ms) Boys’ Life November 1975
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 24: 1-27, (ms) Boys’ Life December 1975
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 29: 1-29, (ms) Boys’ Life May 1976
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 32:31—33:17, (ms) Boys’ Life June 1976
- * Bible Stories: Genesis 37: 1-9, (ms) Boys’ Life July 1976
- * Bible Verse as Code, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 18 1928
- * The Biblical Cowboy, (pm) Ace-High Magazine 1st December 1932
- * Biblical Drama in South Staffordshire, (ar) (by Charles Edwardes) The Cornhill Magazine March 1891
- * A Biblical Heroine, (ar) Cosmopolitan May 1913 [Ref. Pauline Frederick]
- * Biblio-File, (cl) Xenophile #7 Aug/Sep, #9 Dec 1974, #10 Jan, #11 Mar, #14 Jun 1975
- * Bibliográfia, (bi) Átjáró August 2002
- * Bibliographical, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #4 Wtr 1969, #10 Sum 1971
- * Bibliographical Appendix, (bi) Short Stories 1895-1926 by Walter de la Mare, Giles de la Mare Publishers Ltd, 1996
- * Bibliographical Appendix, (bi) Short Stories 1927-1956 by Walter de la Mare, Giles de la Mare Publishers Ltd, 2001
- * Bibliographical Index: The Works of H.G. Wells, (bi) All Rare #2, Winter 1981 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * Bibliographical Information, (bi) Strangers and Pilgrims by Walter de la Mare, Tartarus Press, 2007
- * Bibliographical Information, (bi) Dreads and Drolls (var. 1) by Arthur Machen, The Tartarus Press, 2007
- * Bibliographical Note, (bi) The Doomed Astronaut ed. Joseph Frank, Winthrop Publishers, 1972
- * Bibliographical Note, (bi) The Collected Jorkens, Volume Two by Lord Dunsany, Night Shade Books, 2004
- * Bibliographical Note, (bi) Collected Jorkens, Volume Three by Lord Dunsany, Night Shade Books, 2005
- * Bibliographical Notes, (bg) The Collected Jorkens, Volume One by Lord Dunsany, Night Shade Books, 2004
- * Bibliographical Notes, (bi) When Evil Wakes ed. August Derleth, Souvenir Press, 1963
- * Bibliographical Notes, (bi) The Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1914 ed. I. F. Clarke, Liverpool University Press, 1995
- * Bibliographical Notes, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #2 Wtr 1968, #5 Sum 1969, #9 Spr 1971
- * Bibliographic Notes, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1 Sum 1967, #3 Sum 1968, #6 Wtr 1970
- * A Bibliographic Record, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #44, July 4 1976 [Ref. John Collier]
- * Bibliographies, (bi) Parietal Games ed. Mark Bould & Michelle Reid, The Science Fiction Foundation, 2005
- * Bibliographies of Additional Reading, (bi) Machines That Think ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1984
- * Bibliography, (bg) O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1944 ed. Herschel Brickell, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1944
- * Bibliography, (bg) Confiction Souvenir Book ed. Johan-Martijn Flaton, Confiction, 1990
- * Bibliography, (bi) The New Decameron, Volume the First, Blackwell, 1919
- Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time ed. Judith Merril, Random House, 1954
- Seven Masterpieces of Gothic Horror ed. Robert Donald Spector, Bantam, 1963
- The Best of John W. Campbell by John W. Campbell, Jr., Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Fred Obrecht, Barron's Educational Series, 1977
- The Dragon Path: The Collected Tales of Kenneth Morris by Kenneth Morris, Tor, 1995
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery by Sheridan Le Fanu, Signet Classic, 1996
- Fiddler Fair by Mercedes Lackey, Baen, 1998
- The Danger Zone and Other Stories by Erle Stanley Gardner, Crippen & Landru, 2004
- A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard: Volume Two: 1933-1936 by Robert E. Howard, Hippocampus Press, 2009
- * Bibliography, (bi) Sleuths ed. Kenneth Macgowan, Harcourt, Brace, 1931
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Pantomime Man by Richard Middleton, Rich & Cowan, 1933
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1944
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Sleeping and the Dead ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1947
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Selected Writings of Lafcadio Hearn by Lafcadio Hearn, Citadel Press, 1949
- * Bibliography, (bi) Perturbed Spirits ed. R. C. Bull, Arthur Barker, 1954
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 18th Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1963
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Weigher of Souls and the Earth Dwellers by André Maurois, Macmillan, 1963
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 19th Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1964
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 20th Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1965
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 21st Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1966
- * Bibliography, (bi) Science Fiction Through the Ages 1 ed. I. O. Evans, Panther, 1966
- * Bibliography, (bi) Masters’ Choice ed. Laurence M. Janifer, Simon & Schuster, 1966
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 22nd Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1967
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Curse of the Undead ed. M. L. Carter, Fawcett Gold Medal, 1970
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 24th Annual Collection ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1970
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1971 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1971
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1972 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1972
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1973 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1973
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Best of Robert Heinlein by Robert A. Heinlein, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- * Bibliography, (bi) By and About Women ed. Beth Kline Schneiderman, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973
- * Bibliography, (bi) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Bibliography, (bi) Another Tomorrow ed. Bernard C. Hollister, Pflaum Publishing, 1974
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1974 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1974
- * Bibliography, (bi) As Tomorrow Becomes Today ed. Charles W. Sullivan, Prentice-Hall, 1974
- * Bibliography, (bi) Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction ed. Harvey A. Katz, Patricia S. Warrick & Martin H. Greenberg, Rand McNally, 1974
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1975 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1975
- * Bibliography, (bi) Jack the Knife ed. Michel Parry, Mayflower, 1975
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Penny Dreadful ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1975
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Best of Clifford D. Simak by Clifford D. Simak, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1975
- * Bibliography, (bi) Women and Fiction: Short Stories by and About Women ed. Susan Neunzig Cahill, New American Library, 1975
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Pulps ed. Tony Goodstone, Chelsea House, 1976
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1976 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1976
- * Bibliography, (bi) Science Fiction of the Thirties ed. Damon Knight, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1976
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1977 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1977
- * Bibliography, (bi) Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction: Second Edition ed. Harvey A. Katz, Martin H. Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Rand, McNally, 1977
- * Bibliography, (bi) Tales of Espionage and Intrigue ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1977
- * Bibliography, (bi) Inside Information ed. Abbe Mowshowitz, Addison-Wesley, 1977
- * Bibliography, (bi) Midnight Specials ed. Bill Pronzini, Bobbs-Merrill, 1977
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Vampyre: Lord Ruthven to Count Dracula ed. Christopher Frayling, Gollancz, 1978
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1978 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1978
- * Bibliography, (bi) Robots Robots Robots ed. Harry M. Geduld & Ronald Gottesman, New York Graphic Society, 1978
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1979 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) Science Fiction: Creators and Pioneers ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) Werewolf! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) Romantic Gothic Tales, 1790-1840 ed. G. R. Thompson, Harper & Row, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) Wolf’s Complete Book of Terror ed. Leonard Wolf, Clarkson Potter, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) Shared Tomorrows ed. Bill Pronzini & Barry N. Malzberg, St. Martin's, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1980 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1980
- * Bibliography, (bi) Science Fiction: The Best of Yesterday ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1980
- * Bibliography, (bi) Mummy! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor House, 1980
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Science Fiction of Mark Clifton by Mark Clifton, Southern Illinois University Press, 1980
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1981 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1981
- * Bibliography, (bi) Science Fiction: Masters of Today ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1981
- * Bibliography, (bi) Creature! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor, 1981
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Arbor House Necropolis ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor House, 1981
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1982 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1982
- * Bibliography, (bi) Specter! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor House, 1982
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1983 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1983
- * Bibliography, (bi) A Christmas Carol and Other Victorian Fairy Tales ed. U. C. Knoepflmacher, Bantam, 1983
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1984 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1984
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1985 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1985
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1986 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1986
- * Bibliography, (bi) Don’t Bet on the Prince ed. Jack Zipes, Gower Publishing Ltd., 1986
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1987 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1987
- * Bibliography, (bi) Best Stories of Sarah Orne Jewett by Sarah Orne Jewett, Lance Tapley, 1988
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Collected Arthur Machen by Arthur Machen, Duckworth, 1988
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1988 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1988
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1989 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1989
- * Bibliography, (bi) Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days ed. Jack Zipes, U.P. of New England, 1989
- * Bibliography, (bi) Richard Matheson: Collected Stories by Richard Matheson, Scream/Press, 1989
- * Bibliography, (bi) From Sea to Shining Star by A. Bertram Chandler, Dreamstone, 1990
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Fred Chappell Reader by Fred Chappell, St. Martin's, 1990
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1990 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1990
- * Bibliography, (bi) Where No Man Has Gone Before ed. Lucie Armitt, Routledge US, 1990
- * Bibliography, (bi) It’s Raining Corpses in Chinatown ed. Don Hutchison, Starmont, 1991
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1991 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1991
- * Bibliography, (bi) Louisa May Alcott’s Fairy Tales and Fantasy Stories by Louisa May Alcott, University of Tennessee Press, 1992
- * Bibliography, (bi) Worlds in Small ed. John Robert Colombo, Cacanadadada Press, 1992
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1992 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1992
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1993 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1993
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1994 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1994
- * Bibliography, (bi) Our Lady of Chernobyl by Greg Egan, MirrorDanse Books, 1995
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1995 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1995
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Chronicles of the Holy Grail ed. Mike Ashley, Carroll & Graf, 1996
- * Bibliography, (bi) Epiphanies of Blood by Bill Congreve, MirrorDanse Books, 1998
- * Bibliography, (bi) American Gothic: An Anthology, 1787-1916 ed. Charles Crow, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Mark of the Beast and Other Horror Tales by Rudyard Kipling, Dover, 2000
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Horror on the Stair and Other Weird Tales by Arthur Quiller-Couch, Ash-Tree Press, 2000
- * Bibliography, (bi) In the Dark (var. 1) by E. Nesbit, Ash-Tree Press, 2000
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Spiral Garden by Louise Cooper, British Fantasy Society, 2000
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Vintage Book of Amnesia ed. Jonathan Lethem, Random House, 2000
- * Bibliography, (bi) Murderers’ Row ed. Otto Penzler, New Millennium Press, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) British Future Fiction: Volume 1: The Beginnings ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) Night Moves and Other Stories by Tim Powers, Subterranean Press, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Far Side of the Lake by Steve Rasnic Tem, Ash-Tree Press, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Shadow on the Blind and Other Ghost Stories (var. 1) by Mrs. Alfred Baldwin, Ash-Tree Press, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) Wild Things Live There: The Best of Northern Frights ed. Don Hutchison, Mosaic Press, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: From Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle, Rowman & Littlefield/Cooper Square Press, 2002
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Domesticated Wizard by John Morressy, Meisha Merlin, 2002
- * Bibliography, (bi) Schalken the Painter and Others by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Ash-Tree Press, 2002
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Mr. Justice Harbottle and Others by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Ash-Tree Press, 2003
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Haunted Baronet and Others by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Ash-Tree Press, 2003
- * Bibliography, (bi) Complete Curious Mr. Tarrant by C. Daly King, Crippen & Landru, 2003
- * Bibliography, (bi) Murder—All Kinds by William L. DeAndrea, Crippen & Landru, 2003
- * Bibliography, (bi) Learning to Kill by Ed McBain, Harcourt, 2006
- * Bibliography, (bi) These Guns for Hire ed. J. A. Konrath, Bleak House Books, 2006
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Winds of Marble Arch and Other Stories by Connie Willis, Subterranean Press, 2007
- * Bibliography, (bi) Finding Magic by Tanya Huff, ISFiC Press, 2007
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Ocean: 100th Anniversary Collection ed. John Locke, Off-Trail Publications, 2008
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Bleeding Horse and Other Ghost Stories by Brian J. Showers, Mercier Press, 2008
- * Bibliography, (bi) Gang Pulp ed. John Locke, Off-Trail Publications, 2008
- * Bibliography, (bi) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Mammoth Book of True Hauntings ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2008
- * Bibliography, (bi) Cheek by Jowl by Ursula K. Le Guin, Aqueduct Press, 2009
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Green Gods by Nathalie Henneberg, Black Coat Press, 2010
- * Bibliography, (bi) Modem Times 2.0 by Michael Moorcock, PM Press, 2011
- * Bibliography, (bi) London Peculiar and Other Nonfiction by Michael Moorcock, PM UK, 2012
- * Bibliography, (bi) Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds by David Brittain, Savoy Books, 2013
- * Bibliography, (bi) Clingerman Files: Collected Works by Mildred Clingerman, Size 5½ B Publishing, 2017
- * Bibliography, (bi) In the Shadow of Agatha Christie ed. Leslie S. Klinger, Pegasus Books, 2018
- * Bibliography, (bi) Ready When You Are and Other Stories by Barry N. Malzberg, Stark House, 2023
- * Bibliography, (bi) Collaborative Capers by Barry N. Malzberg, Stark House Press, 2023
- * Bibliography, (bi) Selected Nonfiction 1962-2007 by J. G. Ballard, The MIT Press, 2023
- * Bibliography, (bi) Collecting Myself by Barry N. Malzberg, Stark House Press, 2024
- * Bibliography, (bi) Yorcon Programme Book, Yorcon, 1979
- * Bibliography, (bi) The Man Who Lost Red by Terry Dowling, MirrorDanse Books, 1994
- * Bibliography, (bi) Where Human Pathways End by Shamus Frazer, Ash-Tree Press, 2001
- * Bibliography, (bi) Karmesin by Gerald Kersh, Crippen & Landru, 2003
- * Bibliography, (bi) Spiral Words #1, 1999
- * Bibliography, (bi) Miracles Ain’t What They Used to Be Plus… by Joe R. Lansdale, PM Press, 2016
- * Bibliography, (bi) Ape into Pleiades by Lilith Lorraine, Hilltop Press, 1998
- * Bibliography, (bi) Outbound by Jack McDevitt, ISFiC Press, 2006
- * Bibliography, (bi) Skycon ’78 Programme Book, Skycon '78, 1978
- * Bibliography, (bi) BFS Booklet #6, 1984
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