The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11538
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[Misc.] (chron.) (continued)
- * Cross-word Puzzle, (pz) Boston Sunday Globe Magazine Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Oct 8, Oct 22, Nov 26, Dec 10 1939
- * A Cruise of the Upper Lakes: The Northern Navigation Company’s Trip to Lake Superior Points, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Curious but True, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #9, August 5 1899
- * Curious Marriage Customs in Many Lands—Russian Wooings and Weddings, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1901
- * Curious Quiz Answers, (ms) Pulpsmith Summer 1985
- * Current Events, (ar) The American Boy February 1910
- * Current Events, (cl) The American Boy May, Jul 1911
- * Cuthbert’s Corner, (ms) The Triumph Mar 26, Apr 2, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 29 1938, May 13 1939
- * Cutherbert’s Corner, (ms) The Triumph October 1 1938
- * Cut Paper Patterns—A Review, (ms) Harper’s Bazar June 2 1900
- * Cutting Without Curves, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * A Dainty English Singer, (ar) National Magazine January 1914
- * The Dangerous Road (A Masked Story), (ss) The American Boy December 1923
- * A Day at Sugar Island, (ia) White Star Magazine 1918
- * A Day in a Premier’s Life, (pi) Pearson’s Magazine (US) January 1906
- * Dear Diary, (pz) The Mystery Review Summer 1995
- * Dear Editor, (lc) Woman’s Home Companion Jul 1925, Dec 1927, Jul, Sep 1933, Dec 1938
- * Dear Editor, (lt) The Scout May 13, May 27, Sep 16, Sep 30, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 11 1961
- * “Dear Editor”, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Aug 1921
- * Definitions, (ms) Reading and Collecting August 1937
- * Delineator Styles, (ms) The Delineator December 1917
- * Demolishers…, (il) The Modern Boy December 6 1930
- * Description of Paintings, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion November 1901
- * Deserters from the Opera and the Drama to the Films, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * The Destroyer, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1959
- * Detroit, Michigan: The City on the Straits, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Detroit, Mich.: The City of the Straits, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * Detroit: The Beehive Port, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Detroit-Toledo and Back Again, (ia) White Star Magazine, 1918
- * Diabetes Update, (qa) The Saturday Evening Post Jan/Feb, Sep/Oct 2007
- * Diagrams of Steamers Cabin, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1907
- * Did You Know That?, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1932
- * Digging Out, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post January 16 1960
- * Directory, (ms) Short Stories Magazine Dec 1980, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1981
- * Discoveries, (cl) Good Housekeeping January 1917
- * Discussion Guide, (ms) Ars Medica Spring 2010
- * Distinctive Features of the Liner CITY OF DETROIT III, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Diving Dress…, (il) The Modern Boy August 15 1931
- * Dr. Wiley’s Question Box, (ms) Good Housekeeping January 1922
- * Doll Furniture You Can Make, (ar) Woman’s Day October 1945
- * The “Donna” in 1886, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1887
- * The “Donna” in 1889, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1890
- * The “Donna” in 1890, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1891
- * The “Donna” in 1891, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1892
- * The “Donna” in 1892, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1893
- * The “Donna” in 1893, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1894
- * The “Donna” in 1894, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1895
- * The “Donna” in 1895, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1896
- * The “Donna” in 1896, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1897
- * Do Not Notify the Police, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 10 1940
- * Dory and Dora, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People May, Jun 1867
- * Down on the Farm, (il) The Ranger #75, July 16 1932
- * Down the Hatch, (ms) The Rake #33, November 2004
- * Do You Have a Question… About the West?, (ms) Persimmon Hill v5 #2, 1975
- * Do You Know?, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy July 1940
- * Do You Know That-?, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #10, August 12 1899
- * Do You Know Your Grocer?, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1907
- * DP’s Find a Home in Brazil, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1949
- * The Draught Dog of the North, (ar) The American Boy January 1912
- * Draw Pluto a Cartoon-a Contest, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy October 1931
- * A Dream Come True, (il) The Modern Boy June 30 1928
- * Dream World, (pi) Man Junior December 1969
- * Dressed for a High Flight!, (il) The Modern Boy September 20 1930
- * The Dressmaking Lesson, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * Drive Safely in Winter!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy January 1936
- * Drop a Bomb on Berlin, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1918
- * Duncan Learns to Swim, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1946
- * The Duty of Women, (ed) National Magazine December 1912
- * The Duty of Women and a Talk on Weapons, (ar) National Magazine October 1913
- * Early Discoveries: Upper Lakes and Mississippi River, (ms) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Easter Poetry for Our Boys and Girls, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion April 1907
- * Edgar Awards, (ms) The Mystery Review Summer 1995
- * Editorial, (ed) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Aug 1921
- * Editorial, (pi) White Pelican - Quarterly Review of the Arts Autumn 1974
- * Editorial Announcement: Miss Tarbell’s New Series, (ed) McClure’s Magazine June 1905
- * Editorial Announcements, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion December 1911
- * Editorial Announcements, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * Editorial Expressing Embodiment, (ed) Ars Medica Spring 2010
- * Editorials, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 14 1927
- * The Editor’s Post-Bag, (lc) The Wide World Magazine Feb, Mar, May 1938
- * Education: School Debates Dirty Words, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * Edward Everett Hale, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion August 1909
- * 18th Annual L. Ron Hubbard Achievement Awards, (nf) ASI Magazine v5 #1, 2003
- * The Electric Mustang, (ms) The Modern Boy May 12 1928
- * Elizabeth Troy, (bg) The American Short Story January 1930 [Ref. Elizabeth Troy]
- * Embroidery, (ar) New Idea Woman’s Magazine Christmas 1904
- * Embroidery, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Aug 1921
- * Emperor of Ethiopia, (il) The Modern Boy November 1 1930
- * Encore, (ms) TWA Ambassador October 1976
- * Endpiece: A Dream Vision, (ms) Avallaunius Winter 1996
- * England Expects…, (il) The Modern Boy October 26 1929
- * England to India in Two Days, (il) The Modern Boy June 15 1929
- * Enough to Make a Lens Laugh!, (pi) The Modern Boy February 17 1934
- * Entertainment: A Thanksgiving Bazar, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * Entertainment—Five Novel Autumn Dinners, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * Entertainment for April Programs, (cl) Normal Instructor and Primary Plans April 1922
- * Entertainment Page, (ms) Good Housekeeping January 1922
- * The Entertainment Page, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Mar, Sep 1909
- * Enter the Outboard Motor Contest!, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1939
- * Epitaphs, (ms) Laughitoff Annual 1945, 1945
- * Errata, (ms) Pacific May 1946
- * Escapists, (pi) Motion Picture November 1940
- * The Ethics of Lying: When Is It OK?, (ms) BIGnews April 2003
- * Evangeline, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #525, October 14 1939
- * Everybody’s Column of Old Songs and Poems, (cl) Boston Sunday Globe Magazine Jul 9, Jul 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20, Aug 27, Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Oct 8,
Oct 22, Nov 26, Dec 10 1939
- * Everyland Nature Club Answers, (cl) Everyland February 1917
- * Everyland Prizes, (ms) Everyland March 1910
- * Everyland Story Club, (cl) Everyland Feb, Mar, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1917
- * Examination Paper, (ms) Avallaunius Spring/Summer 1992
- * Exchange Corner, (ms) The Australian Chucklers Weekly November 27 1959
- * The Exchange Letter-Box, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion March 1909
- * Expedition Reaches Singapore, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #462, May 14 1938
- * Exploring under the Sea, (il) The Modern Boy April 20 1929
- * Eye of the Beholder: Chris Moore, (pi) Rosebud #23, 2002 [Ref. Chris Moore]
- * The Fabulous Jock Whitney, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1957
- * The Face of America, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post April 14 1956
- * The Face of America: The Gathering Waters, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1957
- * The Face of America: The Languid Sands, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1957
- * The Facts about Belgium, (ar) National Magazine February 1915
- * Facts About Detroit, (ar) White Star Magazine 1918
- * Fair as It Is Fine, (ms) Woman’s Journal May 1949
- * Fall Clothes for Misses, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * Fall Hosiery and the New Shoes, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The Fall Tailor-Made Girl, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * Family Photo, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post August 29 1959
- * Famous Parisian Artists in Their Studios, (il) The Booklovers Magazine March 1904
- * Fantastic Far-out Color Photos Gathered from SPACE WARS fabulous sci-fi stills, (pi) Space Wars June 1978
- * The Far East Beckons!, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy January 1932
- * Farm and Garden—Household—Young Folks—Wit and Humor—Bond of Fraternity—New Books—Music—Publishers’ Department, (ms) American Homes March 1874
- * Fashionable Felts, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * Fashion as It Happens, (ms) The Rake #33, November 2004
- * Fashion Forecast, (cl) True Experiences April 1946
- * Fashion Forecast, (ms) True Experiences February 1947
- * Favorite Summer Sports, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * Feminine Contrast, (pi) Man Junior September 1969
- * Feminine Fads and Fancies, (ms) True Experience December 1947
- * Feminine Fancies, (ms) The Weekly Telegraph #3811, May 4 1935
- * A Few Odes to the Games of Ten Toes, (hu) Rex #26, 1971
- * A Few of Your Letters, (lt) Look and Learn #5, February 17 1962
- * Fiction Requirements of all Reliable Magazines, (ar) The Writers Year Book & Market Guide v5 #5, 1934
- * A Fierce Speed-Slide, (il) The Modern Boy September 5 1931
- * Fighting Art of Pulp Skies, (pi) Purple Prose #15, February 2002
- * Fighting the Submarine, (il) The Modern Boy September 7 1929
- * The Fight on the Doorstep, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #675, March 18 1944
- * Film: Boston Bans Documentary, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * Film: Customs Seizes Swedish Film, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * Filmek, (mr) Átjáró #15, June 2004
- * Film Flashes, (cl) The Pocket Magazine August 22 1922
- * The Finding Out Club, (cl) Everyland Mar, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1917
- * Findings-Havings, (pz) The Riverside Magazine for Young People October 1867
- * A Fine Antique, (ar) National Magazine February 1901
- * The Fine Art of Adventure, (pi) Purple Prose #10, November 1998
- * Finnie the Office Goldfish, (??) Jack and Jill December 1956
- * A Fire Call at Headquarters, (il) The Modern Boy April 14 1928
- * The First Christmas, (ia) Woman’s Home Companion December 1927
- * First Lady of the Auxiliary - Mrs. W.G. Craven, (ar) The American Legion Magazine July 1946
- * The First Merry Christmas, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Winter 1971
- * First Prize, (ms) Rattler’s Tale #14, March 1992
- * Five Famous Buildings, (pi) Winter Pie Winter 1947
- * Five Ready-Made Blouses, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * The Flowers’ Bed-Time, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion November 1909
- * The Flying Scotsman, (il) The Modern Boy August 4 1928
- * The Flying Scotsman’s Son, (il) The Modern Boy June 22 1929
- * A Flying Wing, (il) The Modern Boy January 17 1931
- * “Follow Me, Boys!”, (il) The Boys’ Friend #263, February 10 1900
- * Food Finds, (ms) North Carolina Literary Review #10, 2001
- * Food for Thought, (cl) Short Stories Magazine Sep, Nov 1981, Jan 1982
- * Food for Thought, (ms) Short Stories Magazine February 1982
- * Food in the News, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2007
- * Football Is Under Way!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy September 1939
- * Football-the Great Winter Game-Tips by Famous Players, (ms) The Scout October 27 1923
- * A Ford Car in a Shovel, (il) The Modern Boy January 11 1930
- * Forgotten Stage Lines, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 13 1907
- * For the Birds, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post May/June 2007
- * For the Everyday, (ms) Woman’s Journal March 1954
- * Forty Years in Service (Edward A. Dustin), (bg) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Founders of the D&C Line, (il) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Four Notable Pictures, (il) The Booklovers Magazine March 1904
- * The Fourth for the S.D.B., (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1910
- * Fourth of July Party, (ms) Good Housekeeping June 1917
- * A Freak of the Air, (il) The Modern Boy November 24 1928
- * Fred Funston and His Capture of Aguinaldo, (ar) National Magazine May 1901
- * Free Aids, (cl) Popular Boating March 1957
- * Free Trips to Paris!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1931
- * Friendly Talks with the Editor, (ed) The American Boy May 1923, Aug 1932, Mar 1933, Feb 1934, Mar 1935, Jan, Mar, Apr 1936
- * From 19 to 70 in Ten Minutes, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy December 1937
- * From Adorables of 1910 to Lovelies of 1935, (ar) London Life April 27 1935
- * From Arthur Young’s “On the Revolution in France” (1792), (ms) Whistling Shade: Literary Journal Summer 2005
- * From Foreign Lands, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) January 1924
- * From Lagoons to Highways, (ia) White Star Magazine 1922
- * From Our Readers, (cl) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1916
- * From the Crow’s Nest, (cl) National Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1900
- * From the Feminine Point of View, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion March 1902
- * From the Shops to You, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Nov 1917
- * From You to Us!, (cl) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #4, Spring 1947
- * The Frost Annual, (ms) The South Carolina Review Fall 1990
- * The Frost Society Newsletter, (ms) The South Carolina Review Fall 1990
- * Full Color Glamor, (pi) Man Junior December 1969
- * Full page ad for Captain Kettle in the March “Pearson’s”, (ms) Short Stories March 1 1902
- * Fumigate the Demon, (ms) Fate September 1991
- * Funnybone Picklers, (hu) The American Boy July 1923
- * Funnybone Tiekiers, (hu) The American Boy June 1923
- * The Funny Side for the Seaside, (ms) Short Stories Illustrated August 1 1914
- * Fun Well Done, (cl) The American Boy July 1911
- * Furnishing the Veranda, (ar) Truth July 1899
- * Furniture for a Boy’s Room, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * Galaktikus Konyha: Sí-ró-ember Koktél, (ms) Galaktika #177, December 2004
- * Games for Winter Days, (ar) The American Boy February 1919
- * Gardening, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Aug 1921
- * The Garden in March, (ar) People’s Home Journal March 1929
- * Garden Time Is Near, (cl) The American Boy March 1919
- * Gardner Prize Announcements, (ms) Rosebud #40, Winter 2007
- * Gene Tierney, (pi) Motion Picture November 1940
- * George Raft, (pi) Motion Picture November 1940
- * George Varian, Boys’ Artist, Is Gone, (bg) The American Boy July 1923
- * A German Battle-Cruiser’s Last Trip, (il) The Modern Boy July 7 1928
- * Germania-Italia Studios Put Over a Wow!, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #478, October 8 1938
- * Getting On in the World, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post October 24 1925
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