The FictionMags Index
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[]Wheeler, Garver (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * The Ads Win, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1938
- * Aunty’s Boy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 1939
- * Bad Ivory, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st October 1937
- * Cassy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1937
- * Conference Held-Outs, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1939
- * Diamond Flame, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd November 1938
- * Diamond Work, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1939
- * The Fourth Horseman, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1939
- * Four-Wall Flower, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1938
- * Honest Baskets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd April 1938
- * Rabbit Ears, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1938
- * Tennis Boss, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd September 1937
- * To Shoot or Not to Shoot, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 1st May 1937
- * Warm-Up Guy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd July 1938
[]Wheeler, Geoffrey (1929-1995) (chron.)
- * Added Attraction, (il) Mayfair v11 #2, 1976
- * Colourful Locomotion, (il) Mayfair v15 #12, 1980
- * Drawing Power, (il) Mayfair v11 #12, 1976
- * Green Gauge Summer, (il) Mayfair v19 #12, 1984
- * Loco Art, (il) Mayfair v14 #12, 1979
- * Mechanical Immortals, (il) Mayfair v21 #12, 1986
- * Three Wheelers, (il) Mayfair v17 #12, 1982
- * Two Wheelers, (il) Mayfair v16 #12, 1981
- * Wheeler’s Warships, (il) Mayfair v18 #12, 1983
- * Working Wheelers, (il) Mayfair v20 #12, 1985
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ World April 6 1963
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ World: Ticket to Adventure ed. Steve Holland, Bear Alley Books, 2013
[]Wheeler, Gerald R. (chron.)
- * Flight Deck Crewman, (pm) Penny Dreadful #15, 2004
- * Morphine Pool, (pm) Penny Dreadful #15, 2004
- * Paper Route, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #3, Spring 2002
- * Poetryfest, (pm) Penny Dreadful #15, 2004
- * Quicksand, (pm) Songs of Innocence #3, Spring 2000
[]Wheeler, Howard (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Everybody’s Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1916,
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1917
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1918
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1919
[]Wheeler, Hugh Callingham (1912-1987); used pseudonyms Dick Callingham, Q. Patrick, Patrick Quentin & Jonathan Stagge (about) (chron.)
- * All the Way to the Moon, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #94, September 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- The Queen’s Awards: 6th Series ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #53, November 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- The Evening Standard November 2 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- Magpie January 1952, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) March 1954, as by Q. Patrick
- John Creasey Mystery Magazine October 1957, as by Q. Patrick
- John Creasey Mystery Magazine (US) February 1958, as by Q. Patrick
- The Mystery Bedside Book ed. John Creasey, Hodder & Stoughton, 1960, as by Q. Patrick
- The Penguin Classic Crime Omnibus ed. Julian Symons, Penguin US, 1984, as by Q. Patrick
- * Another Man’s Poison [Rona Heath; Oliver Lord] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine January 1940, as by Q. Patrick
- * Black Widow [Peter & Iris Duluth; Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Cosmopolitan July 1952, as by Patrick Quentin
- * A Boy’s Will, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #79, June 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- The Queen’s Awards: 5th Series ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- Best Detective Stories of the Year—1951 ed. David C. Cooke, Dutton, 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- The Evening Standard April 23 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #47, May 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- Crooks’ Tour ed. Bruno Fischer, Dodd, Mead, 1953, as by Q. Patrick
- Best of the Best Detective Stories ed. David C. Cooke, Dutton, 1960, as by Q. Patrick
- * Call the Heart Home (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) The Sketch December 18 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- * The Case of the Jack of Diamonds (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine November 1936, as "The Jack of Diamonds", by Q. Patrick
- * The Case of the Plaster Cat [Lt. Timothy Trant], (na) Mystery Book Magazine July 1946, as "The Plaster Cat", by Patrick Quentin
- * Combination for Murder, (na) Cosmopolitan April 1953, as by Patrick Quentin
- * The Corpse in the Closet [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week February 16 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- * Danger Next Door (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- * Darker Grows the Valley (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery May 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death and Canasta [Lt. Timothy Trant], (vi) This Week October 15 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death and the Maiden [Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1939, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death and the Rising Star [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Better Living June 1955, as by Patrick Quentin
- * Death at the Fair, (ss) The Evening Standard November 9 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death Before Breakfast [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week March 11 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- The Evening Standard April 5 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- MacKill’s Mystery Magazine July 1953, as by Q. Patrick
- MacKill’s Mystery Magazine (US) September 1953, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1954, as by Q. Patrick
- Crime for Two ed. Frances & Richard Lockridge, Lippincott, 1955, as by Q. Patrick
- Cream of the Crime ed. Hugh Pentecost, HRW, 1962, as by Q. Patrick
- The Saint Mystery Magazine June 1963, as by Q. Patrick
- The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) June 1963, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death for Dear Clara [Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death Freight, (na) The American Magazine January 1951, as by Patrick Quentin
- * Death, My Darling Daughters [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery Book Magazine January 1946, as by Jonathan Stagge
- * Death on a First Night, (ss) The Evening Standard June 20 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death on Saturday Night [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week November 26 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death on the Riviera [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week July 30 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death Rides the Ski-Tow [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine April 1941, as by Q. Patrick
- * Death’s Old Sweet Song [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) The San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle 1946, as by Jonathan Stagge
- * The Dogs Do Bark [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- * Exit Before Midnight [Carole Thorne; Miles Shenton] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine October 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- * Family Skeletons [Lt. Timothy Trant], (n.) Cosmopolitan December 1964, as by Patrick Quentin
- * Farewell Performance [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 11 1947, as "Footlights and Murder", by Q. Patrick
- * The Fat Cat, (ss) 1945, as by Q. Patrick
- Argosy (UK) August 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Suspense (Australia) March 1959, as by Q. Patrick
- Suspense (UK) March 1959, as by Q. Patrick
- The Evening Standard August 9 1961, as by Q. Patrick
- Midnight Prowlers ed. Phyllis R. Fenner, Morrow, 1981, as by Q. Patrick
- Roger Caras’ Treasury of Great Cat Stories ed. Roger Caras, Truman Talley, 1987, as by Q. Patrick
- Great Cat Tales ed. Lesley O'Mara, Carroll & Graf, 2000, as by Q. Patrick
- * Footlights and Murder [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 11 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- * Frightened Killer (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1937, as by Dick Callingham
- * The Frightened Landlady (with Richard Wilson Webb), (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- * Girl Overboard [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) Four-&-Twenty Bloodhounds ed. Anthony Boucher, Simon & Schuster, 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- * The Glamorous Opening [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week June 3 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- * Going…Going…Gone! [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 10 1953, as by Q. Patrick
- * Great Animal Stories:
* ___ 15: The Fat Cat, (ss) 1945, as by Q. Patrick
- * Green-Eyed Monster, (na) Cosmopolitan February 1960, as by Patrick Quentin
- * The Hated Woman (with Richard Wilson Webb), (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1936, as by Q. Patrick
- * Honor the Valiant (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) This Week October 20 1940, as by Patrick Quentin
- * Humphrey (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) This Week May 24 1942, as by Q. Patrick
- * The Jack of Diamonds (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine November 1936, as by Q. Patrick
- * Killed by Time (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- * Kisses of Judas (with Richard Wilson Webb), (nv) Harper’s Magazine April 1942, as "Portrait of a Murderer", by Q. Patrick
- * The Lady Had Nine Lives [Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine August 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- * The Last of Mrs. Maybrick, (ar) The Pocket Book of True Crime Stories ed. Anthony Boucher, Pocket, 1943, as by Q. Patrick
- * The Laughing Man [Inspector Martin Field], (na) The American Magazine March 1953, as by Patrick Quentin
- * The “Laughing Man” Murders [Inspector Martin Field], (na) The American Magazine March 1953, as "The Laughing Man", by Patrick Quentin
- * Lest We Forget (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Woman June 27 1942, as by Q. Patrick
- * Lioness vs. Panther [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week April 3 1955, as "The Two Deadly Females", by Q. Patrick
- * Little Boy Lost, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #47, October 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- * Love Comes to Miss Lucy, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #41, April 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- The Queen’s Awards, 1947 ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- Best Detective Stories of the Year—1948 ed. David C. Cooke, Dutton, 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #30, December 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- The Evening Standard March 3 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- 20 Great Tales of Murder ed. Helen McCloy & Brett Halliday, Random House, 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- Magpie March 1953, as by Q. Patrick
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Simon & Schuster, 1957, as by Q. Patrick
- The Creasey Mystery Magazine April 1957, as by Q. Patrick
- The Second Book of Crime-Craft ed. Helen McCloy & Brett Halliday, Corgi, 1958, as by Q. Patrick
- Mystery Digest January 1958, as by Q. Patrick
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: 12 Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1959, as by Q. Patrick
- You Killed Elizabeth ed. Brett Halliday, Hillman, 1960, as by Q. Patrick
- The Second Mystery Bedside Book ed. John Creasey, Hodder & Stoughton, 1961, as by Q. Patrick
- The Quintessence of Queen ed. Anthony Boucher, Random House, 1962, as by Q. Patrick
- The Quintessence of Queen (var. 1) ed. Anthony Boucher, Avon, 1963, as by Q. Patrick
- Masterpieces of Mystery: The Forties ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1978, as by Q. Patrick
- Murder Takes a Holiday ed. Barry Pike, Michael O'Mara, 1989, as by Q. Patrick
- Great American Mystery Stories of the Twentieth Century, The Franklin Library, 1989, as by Q. Patrick
- * The Man in the Net, (n.) Cosmopolitan June 1956, as by Patrick Quentin
- * The Man with Two Wives [Lt. Timothy Trant], (na) Cosmopolitan September 1955, as by Patrick Quentin
- * The Marriner Murder [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) Four-&-Twenty Bloodhounds ed. Anthony Boucher, Simon & Schuster, 1950, as "Girl Overboard", by Q. Patrick
- * Mother, May I Go Out to Swim?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #56, July 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- The Queen’s Awards, 1948 ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #20, February 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Wicked Women ed. Lee Wright, Pocket, 1959, as by Q. Patrick
- Twentieth Century Detective Stories (var. 1) ed. Ellery Queen, Popular Library, 1964, as by Patrick Quentin
- Murder and Mystery in Maine ed. Charles G. Waugh, Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Martin H. Greenberg, Dembner, 1989, as by Q. Patrick
- * Mrs. B.’s Black Sheep, (na) The American Magazine March 1950, as "Passport for Murder", by Patrick Quentin
- * Murder in One Scene [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 2 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- Best Detective Stories of the Year—1949 ed. David C. Cooke, Dutton, 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #69, August 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Magpie December 1952, as by Q. Patrick
- Nero Wolfe Mystery Magazine June 1954, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #21, October 1954, as by Q. Patrick
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #90, December 1954, as by Q. Patrick
- Best of the Best Detective Stories 25th Anniversary Collection ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1971, as by Q. Patrick
- The Big Apple Mysteries ed. Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh, Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1982, as by Q. Patrick
- Manhattan Mysteries ed. Bill Pronzini, Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Avenel, 1987, as by Q. Patrick
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