Title changed from Universe Science Fiction. Issues contained dual numbering both continuing the numbering of Universe Science Fiction and the numbering of the first series of Other Worlds (Science Stories). |
This issue, alone, was called just Other Worlds in the Table of Contents. |
Given as #21 (42) in the Table of Contents. |
Title changed from Other Worlds Science Stories. Although announced as being a “new magazine” it (intermittently) continued the (main) numbering sequence from the previous title. After the first four issues, listed here, the magazine continued as a non-fiction title. |
First “Flying Saucer” issue, only fiction indexed. In this issue, “Flying Saucers” is printed in capitals in the title in the Table of Contents and in a much larger font on the cover. |
In this issue, “Other Worlds” is printed in capitals in the title in the Table of Contents and in a much larger font on the cover. |
Second “Flying Saucer” issue, all non-fiction. In this issue, “Flying Saucers” is printed in capitals in the title in the Table of Contents and in a much larger font on the cover. |
Given as October 1957 on the cover. In this issue, “Other Worlds” is printed in capitals in the title in the Table of Contents and in a much larger font on the cover. |
Details supplied by Darren Heil from Table of Contents. |