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[]Weinberg, Miriam (fl. 2010s) (books)
_____, ed.
- * Some of the Best from 2016 Edition (with Ann Bordman, Ellen Datlow, Carl Engle-Laird, Liz Gorinsky, Justin Landon, Patrick Nielsen Hayden & Diana M. Pho), (an) Tor, January 2017 , as by Ellen Datlow, Carl Engle-Laird, Liz Gorinsky, Justin Landon, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Diana M. Pho, Ann VanderMeer & Miriam Weinberg
[]Weinberg, Phyllis (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * “Brain photos”, (ms) Weinberg Tales ed. Doug Ellis, Bob Garcia & Phyllis Weinberg, American Fantasy Press, 2017
- * “He preserved the past to inspire the future”, (ar) Weinberg Tales ed. Doug Ellis, Bob Garcia & Phyllis Weinberg, American Fantasy Press, 2017
- * Robert E. Howard Pilgrimmage 2004, (ar) Weinberg Tales ed. Doug Ellis, Bob Garcia & Phyllis Weinberg, American Fantasy Press, 2017
- * Time and Again: An Appreciation, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005 [Ref. Robert Weinberg]
- * Welcome to Chicago (with Nancy Ford & Tina L. Jens), (ar) The Many Faces of Fantasy ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention 1996, 1996
_____, ed.
[]Weinberg, Robert E(dward) (1946-2016) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Aces and Erles, (ar) Tangent Online 2010
- * The Adventure of the Parisian Gentleman [Sherlock Holmes] (with Lois H. Gresh), (ss) The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 1997
- * Advice for Writers, (ar) Nocturne #1, February 2005
- * Afterword to The Adventures of Jules de Grandin, (aw) Popular Library, August 1976
- * Afterword to The Hellfire Files of Jules de Grandin, (aw) Popular Library, December 1976
- * Afterword to The Horror Chambers of Jules de Grandin, (aw) Popular Library, February 1977
- * Afterword to The Skeleton Closet of Jules de Grandin, (aw) Popular Library, October 1976
- * The Apocalypse Quatrain [Sidney Taine], (nv) The Secret Prophecies of Nostradamus ed. Cynthia Sternau & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- * Art Mania!, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * An Art Potpourri, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * Beginnings and Ends, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * A Brief History, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * A Brief History of the Conan Saga, (ia) Windy City Pulp Stories #7, 2007
- * A Brief Resurrection, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * Catacombs [Batman], (nv) The Further Adventures of Batman Volume 3 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam, 1993
- * Chant, (ss) Dial Your Dreams & Other Nightmares by Robert Weinberg, DarkTales Publications, 2001
- * A Checklist of Edmond Hamilton’s Stories, (bi) Return to Wonder #9, 1970 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * The Children of May [Sidney Taine], (ss) The Occult Detective, Twilight Tales, 2005; originally appeared as “Les Enfants de Mai” in the French anthology Societes Secrets and revised for this collection.
- * The Children of Moriah, (ss) Lighthouse Magazine #3, October 2004
- * The Clark Ashton Smith Boom?, (ar) Paragon May 1980
- * Competition, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * The Conquest of Yondo, (ss) Nyctalops #7, August 1972
- * Cover Art, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * Cover Art in Weird Tales, (ar) WT50 ed. Robert Weinberg, Robert Weinberg, 1974
- * Crushing Death, (cs) Horror June 1989
- * The Dark Stairway [Morgan Smith] (with Edward P. Berglund), (ss) Morgan Smith #5, 1971
- * Darrell and Sam—Two Famous Collectors, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * Dead God’s Crown [Stone], (ss) Space and Time #27, November 1974
- * Dealing with the Devil, (ss) David Copperfield’s Tales of the Impossible ed. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1995
- * Dear Meg:, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005
- * Death Rides the Elevator (with Lois H. Gresh), (ss) The Mammoth Book of Locked-Room Mysteries and Impossible Crimes ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2000
- * Destroyer, (ss) If May 1969
- * A Dream of Mars, (ar) Weinberg Tales ed. Doug Ellis, Bob Garcia & Phyllis Weinberg, American Fantasy Press, 2017
- * Early SF in the Pulp Magazines, (ar) Nebula Awards Showcase 2010 ed. Bill Fawcett, Roc, 2010
- * Edd Cartier, (ar) A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists by Robert Weinberg, Greenwood Press, 1988
- * Edd Cartier Biography and Art Gallery, (pi) Windy City Pulp Stories #14, 2014 [Ref. Edd Cartier]
- * The Edge of Running Water, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf, 2005 [Ref. William Sloane]
- * Editorial, (ed) Pulp Fll 1970, Spr, Sum 1971, Spr 1972, Wtr, Jul 1973, Spr 1975, Spr 1976, Fll 1978,
Sum 1980, Fll 1981
- * Editorial, (ed) Lost Fantasies #4 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1976
- * Editorial, (ed) The Corpse Factory ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1977
- * Editorial, (ed) Lost Fantasies #5 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1977
- * Editorial, (ed) Satan’s Roadhouse ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1977
- * Editorial, (ed) The Weird Tales Collector #1, #2 1977, #3, #4 1978, #5 1979, #6 1980
- * Editorial, (ed) The Diversifier May 1977
- * Editorial, (ed) Devils in the Dark ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1979
- * Editorial, (ed) Slaves of the Blood Wolves ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1979
- * Edmond Hamilton, (ar) The Weird Tales Collector #1, 1977 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Elevator Girls, (ss) The Many Faces of Fantasy ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention 1996, 1996
- * Elvis Can’t Dance (with Tina L. Jens), (ss) Shock Rock II ed. Jeff Gelb, Pocket, 1994
- * Endure the Night, (ss) Phobias ed. Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Pocket, 1994
- * Enter the Eradicator! [Sidney Taine], (nv) Path of the Bold ed. James Lowder, Guardians of Order, 2004
- * The Eyrie: An Unusual Mailbag, (ar) Morgan Smith #9, 1975, as "The Very Odd “Eyrie”"
- * Famous Fantastic Classics #1, (an) FAX, 1974 , uncredited.
- * Famous Fantastic Classics #2, (an) FAX, 1975 , uncredited.
- * Famous Pulp Classics #1, (an) FAX, 1975 , uncredited.
- * The Flying Horned One, (ss) Return to Wonder #7, November/December 1969
- * Foreword, (fw) The People of the Pit ed. Gene Christie, Black Dog Books, 2010
- * Frank R. Paul—The Father of Science Fiction, (ex) from A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists, Greenwood Press, 1988 [Ref. Frank R. Paul]
- * From Beyond the Lake of Shades [Morgan Smith], (ss) Space and Time #11, April 1971
- * A Game of Minds, (ss) Return to Wonder #6, September/October 1969
- * Gates of Heaven, the Doors of Hell, (ss) Return to Wonder #9, 1970
- * Hannes Bok, (ar) A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists by Robert Weinberg, Greenwood Press, 1988
- * Hannes Bok Biography and Art Gallery, (pi) Windy City Pulp Stories #14, 2014 [Ref. Hannes Bok]
- * Heaven, Hell, (pm) Return to Wonder #8, January/February/March 1970
- * The Horror Pulps 1933-1940, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #10, Fall 2019
- * H.P. Lovecraft and Pseudomathematics, (ar) Nyctalops #5, October 1971 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Hubert Rogers: A Brief Appreciation, (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #9, 2009 [Ref. Hubert Rogers]
- * The Hunter Out of Chaos, (ss) Spoor Anthology #1, 1974
- * H. W. McCauley, (ia) Windy City Pulp Stories #5, 2005
- * The Index, (ix) The Weird Tales Collector #1, #2 1977, #3, #4 1978, #5 1979
- * Interior Art, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * An Interview with Abe Goodman, (iv) Pulp Winter 1978 [Ref. Abe Goodman]
- * An Interview with A.E. van Vogt, (iv) Windy City Pulp Stories #16, 2016 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * Introduction, (in) Far Below and Other Horrors ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX, 1974
- * Introduction, (in) The Gargoyle by Greye La Spina, Robert Weinberg, 1975
- * Introduction, (in) Loot of the Vampire by Thorp McClusky, Robert Weinberg, 1975
- * Introduction, (in) Lost Fantasies #8 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1978
- * Introduction, (in) Lost Fantasies #9 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1979
- * Introduction, (in) Incredible Adventures #3, 1981
- * Introduction, (in) World Fantasy Convention 1983 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weird Tales Ltd., 1983
- * Introduction, (in) The Eighth Green Man & Other Strange Folk ed. Robert E. Weinberg, Starmont, 1989
- * Introduction, (in) World Fantasy Convention 1990, Weird Tales Ltd., 1990
- * Introduction, (in) The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume One: The Metal Giants and Others by Edmond Hamilton, Haffner Press, 2009
- * Introduction, (in) Swords from the West by Harold Lamb, University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books, 2009
- * Introduction, (in) Eldritch Evolutions by Lois H. Gresh, Chaosium, 2011
- * Introduction (with John Gregory Betancourt), (in) Weird Tales: Seven Decades of Terror ed. John Betancourt & Robert Weinberg, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- * Introduction (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Denise Little), (in) Mistresses of the Dark ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Denise Little & Robert Weinberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- * Introduction (with George A. Vanderburgh), (in) The Horror on the Links by Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, 2017
- * Introduction (with George A. Vanderburgh), (in) The Devil’s Rosary by Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, 2017
- * Introduction (with George A. Vanderburgh), (in) The Dark Angel by Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, 2018
- * Introduction (with George A. Vanderburgh), (in) A Rival from the Grave by Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, 2018
- * Introduction (with George A. Vanderburgh), (in) Black Moon by Seabury Quinn, Night Shade Books, 2019
- * Introduction: Paul Pry, (in) The Adventures of Paul Pry by Erle Stanley Gardner, The Mysterious Press, 1990
- * It Sleeps Beneath the Sand, (ss) Omnifan Fall 1970
- * J. Allen St. John: A Short Biography, (bg) A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists by Robert Weinberg, Greenwood Press, 1988 [Ref. J. Allen St. John]
- * John Wayne Meets the Pink Panther (AKA Brian Lumley), (ar) The Many Faces of Fantasy ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention 1996, 1996 [Ref. Brian Lumley]
- * Jules de Grandin Returns, (ar) Xenophile #18, October 1975
- * Just Desserts, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- * Keep Watching the Skies!, (ar) The Art of Horror: An Illustrated History ed. Stephen Jones, Hal Leonard/Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2015
- * Kiss Me Deadly! [Sidney Taine], (ss) The Occult Detective, Twilight Tales, 2005
- * The Kwik-Mart Vampire, (ss) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- * Lail, It Rhymes with Gail, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * Lee Brown Coye: An Appreciation, (ar) WT50 ed. Robert Weinberg, Robert Weinberg, 1974 [Ref. Lee Brown Coye]
- * The Little Ones of the Hills [Morgan Smith], (ss) Midnight Sun #2, Summer/Fall 1975
- * Lovecraft and Pseudo-Mathematics, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #15, 2015 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Lovecraft in Astounding Stories, (ar) Nyctalops #10, January/February 1975 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The Man from the East, (ar) Pulp Spring 1972
- * Margaret Brundage (with R. Alain Everts), (ar) A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists by Robert Weinberg, Greenwood Press, 1988 [Ref. Margaret Brundage]
- * Master of Shadows [Morgan Smith], (ss) Starwind Autumn 1976
- * Maze, (ss) When the Night Comes Down ed. Bill Breedlove & John Everson, Dark Arts Books, 2010
- * Meet Marty G., (ar) Tangent Online 2010
- * Memories of Margaret Brundage, (bg) The Weird Tales Collector #2, 1977 [Ref. Margaret Brundage]
- * The Midnight El [Sidney Taine], (ss) Return to the Twilight Zone ed. Carol Serling & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- * Morgan Smith Checklist, (bi) Space and Time #13, September 1971
- * Murder in Monkeyland (with Lois H. Gresh), (ss) The Mammoth Book of Perfect Crimes & Impossible Mysteries ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2006
- * My Life in Fantasy, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005, as "Dear Meg:"
- * My Life with Jules de Grandin, (in) The Compleat Adventures of Jules de Grandin, Volume 1 by Seabury Quinn, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2001
- * My (Very Late) Tribute to Astounding, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #16, 2016
- * Night Shapes, (vi) 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- * The Occult Detective, (co) Twilight Tales, October 2005 ; edited by Tina L. Jens
- * The One Answer That Really Matters, (ss) When the Night Comes Down ed. Bill Breedlove & John Everson, Dark Arts Books, 2010
- * On the River with Philip José Farmer, (ar) Farmerphile #15, January 2009
- * Out of the Eyrie, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * A Party and Some Sales, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * Passing Through [Cthulhu], (ss) The Disciples of Cthulhu II ed. Edward P. Berglund, Chaosium, 2003
- * Preface, (pr) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * Preface to Lochinvar Lodge, (is) Windy City Pulp Stories #7, 2007
- * The Problems with Pulp Research, (ar) Pulp Vault #5, June 1989
- * Randy Broecker—Pickman’s Pen-Pal, (ar) World Horror Convention 2002 Program Book, 2002
- * Red Twilight/World’s End, (an) Starmont House, August 1991 , uncredited.
- * Release (with Kevin T. Stein), (ss) White House Horrors ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * The Ring of the Demon God, (ss) Nightscapes #1, June 1997
- * Riverworld Roulette [Riverworld], (nv) Quest to Riverworld ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar, 1993
- * Robert E. Howard and the Cthulhu Mythos, (ar) Nyctalops #2, October 1970
- * Robert Weinberg speaks on Brian Lumley, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #1, April 2003 [Ref. Brian Lumley]
- * A Robin Hood in Glass, (ar) The Night Nemesis: The Complete Adventures of the Moon Man—Vol. One by Frederick C. Davis, Purple Prose Press, 1985
- * Ro Erg, (ss) Dark Love ed. Nancy A. Collins, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1995
- * Rowena Morrill, (bg) World Fantasy Convention 1983 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weird Tales Ltd., 1983 [Ref. Rowena Morrill]
- * Sam and the Scientologists, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * Searching for the Fantastic, (cl) Space and Time; #14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
- * Searching for the Fantastic, (cl) Space and Time #18, May 1973
- * Secrets of New Jersey: Part 1: Two Visits, (ar) Tangent Online 2012
- * Secrets of New Jersey: Part 2: Three Unusual Trips, (ar) Tangent Online 2012
- * Seven Drops of Blood [Sidney Taine], (ss) Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Unnameable Press, 1992
- * Sherlock Holmes at the World’s Fair [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) SH @ 35, Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2006
- * The Silent Majority [Sidney Taine], (ss) The Ultimate Zombie ed. Byron Preiss & John Betancourt, Dell, 1993
- * Skull-Face and Others, (br) Deeper Than You Think… January 1968 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Some Lost Stories of Edmond Hamilton, (bi) Return to Wonder #9, 1970 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Some Notes on Robert E. Howard, (bg) Return to Wonder #7, November/December 1969 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Starting at Zero, (ar) Tangent Online 2010
- * The Stories, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977
- * The Strange Stories That Never Was, (ar) Pulp Vault #14, April 2011
- * Susan and Betsy, (ar) Tangent Online 2011
- * Sydney Taine vs. The Slime God, (ss) Windy City Pulp Stories #15, 2015
- * Terror by Night [Sidney Taine], (ss) Chilled to the Bone (Sneak Preview) ed. Robert T. Garcia, Mayfair Games, 1991
- * They Drink Blood [Morgan Smith], (ss) Space and Time #13, September 1971
- * The Thing from the Sea [Morgan Smith], (ss) Space and Time #12, June 1971
- * Three Lost Novels, (ar) WT50 ed. Robert Weinberg, Robert Weinberg, 1974
- * Three Meetings and a Funeral (with Lois H. Gresh), (ss) Shakespearean Detectives ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 1998
- * Through the Gates of Hell [Morgan Smith] (with Earl Johnson, Jr. & Gordon Linzner), (cs) Space and Time #22, January 1974
- * The Top Ten Spider Novels—And One Stinker, (sy) Megavore #13, March 1981
- * The Truth About the Shunned House Hardcover, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #15, 2015 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The Twelve Coins of Confucius [Morgan Smith], (ss) Starwind Spring 1976
- * Two Great Artists, (ar) Tangent Online 2012
- * Unfinished Business [Riverworld], (nv) Tales of Riverworld ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar, 1992
- * The Very Odd “Eyrie”, (ar) Morgan Smith #9, 1975
- * We Are What We Are What We Are, (pm) Return to Wonder #8, January/February/March 1970
- * Weird Tales, a Legacy of Horror, (ar) Weird Tales Illustrated #1, 1992
- * Weird Tales Cover Artists, (ar) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977, as "Cover Art"
- * Weird Whisperings, (cl) The Weird Tales Collector #4, 1978
- * What Makes a Good Mystery Story? (with J. M. Morgan), (in) Great Writers & Kids Write Mystery Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House, 1996
- * What Makes a Story Spooky? (with J. M. Morgan), (pr) Great Writers & Kids Write Spooky Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House, 1995
- * Who Wrote Operator #5 (with Joel Frieman), (ia) Pulp Fall 1981
- * Who Wrote the Spider (with Joel Frieman & Robert Sampson), (ia) Pulp Fall 1981
- * Why I Collect Science Fiction, (ms) Xenophile #20, January 1976
- * Why WT50?, (ed) WT50 ed. Robert Weinberg, Robert Weinberg, 1974
- * Wings of Darkness [Morgan Smith], (ss) Tomorrow Magazine December 1970
- * Wolf Watch, (ss) The Ultimate Werewolf ed. Byron Preiss, David Keller, Megan Miller & John Gregory Betancourt, Dell, 1991
- * World Fantasy Convention 1990, (oa) Weird Tales Ltd., October 1990 , uncredited.
- * [letter], (lt) Echoes #25, June 1986
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Pulp Fll 1970, Spr, Sum 1971, Spr 1972, Wtr, Jul 1973, Sum 1974, Spr 1975, Spr, Sum 1976,
Wtr, Fll 1978
Sum 1980, Fll 1981
- * Editor: Incredible Adventures #3, 1981
- * Editor (with Joel Frieman): Deeper Than You Think… Jan, Jul 1968, Oct 1969
- * 100 Astounding Little Alien Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, September 1996
- * 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (oa) Barnes & Noble, August 1994
- * 100 Crooked Little Crime Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, December 1994
- * 100 Dastardly Little Detective Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, 1993
- * 100 Fiendish Little Frightmares (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, October 1997
- * 100 Ghastly Little Ghost Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, July 1993
- * 100 Hilarious Little Howlers (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, October 1999
- * 100 Menacing Little Murder Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, 1998
- * 100 Sneaky Little Sleuth Stories (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, 1997
- * 100 Tiny Tales of Terror (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (oa) Barnes & Noble, September 1996
- * 100 Twisted Little Tales of Torment (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg), (an) Barnes & Noble, October 1998
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