The FictionMags Index
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[]Lewis, Robert (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Ghosts and Hauntings: Part One, (ar) Insidious Reflections #4, Fall 2005
- * Ghosts and Hauntings: Part Two, (ar) Insidious Reflections #5, Winter 2006
- * Halloween’s Pumpkin Smashers, (ar) Insidious Reflections #4, Fall 2005
- * Interview with Brian Keene, (iv) Insidious Reflections #1, January/February 2005 [Ref. Brian Keene]
- * Interview with Bryan Smith, (iv) Insidious Reflections #2, April 2005 [Ref. Bryan Smith]
- * Interview with Gary A. Braunbeck, (iv) Insidious Reflections #2, April 2005
- * Interview with Serenity J. Banks, (iv) Insidious Reflections #3, July 2005 [Ref. Serenity J. Banks]
[]Lewis, Samuel J. (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * All Kinds of Shoe-Laces!, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 14 1915
- * “And from Him That Hath Not—”, (ss) Short Stories October 1916
- * Art, Love and Breakfast Food, (ss) The Green Book Magazine September 1916
- * The Bridge of Size, (ss) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans April 1915
- * The Fish in Efficiency, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 7 1916
- * The Greater Man, (ss) Short Stories January 1916
- * A Jump for a Gym, (ss) TipTop Semi-Monthly March 25 1915
- * The Killer, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 22 1916
- * Kleptomania and Speedomania, (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine December 25 1915
- * The Last Mile, (ss) TipTop Semi-Monthly May 10 1915
- * Lightning—Once, Twice, Thrice, (ss) Short Stories August 1916
- * The Moll Buzzer, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 5 1915
- * Mother Love, (ss) All-Story Weekly November 20 1915
- * On the Varsity Wing, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine Jan 15, Feb 1 1915
- * Peter Bird’s Pupil, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly March 6 1915
- * A Pot-Shot for Potter, (ss) All-Story Weekly February 26 1916
- * The Returning Bread, (ss) Short Stories November 1915
- * Speed Quinlan, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly January 30 1915
- * The Spring of Fortune, (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine February 10 1916
- * Through the Great White Silence, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1915
- * The Treachery of Guns Gus, (ss) All-Story Weekly April 21 1917
- * When the Dead Live, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 17 1916
- * Women and Children Last, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1915
[]Lewis, Sarah M. (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Cunjerred, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v9 #3, 2013
- * Dead Anglo-Saxon Woman, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss December 2011
- * Mermaid on the Beach, (pm) Outposts of Beyond #1, July 2013
- * Sherwood Forest, (pm) Shelter of Daylight #9, Autumn 2012
- * Strings, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2012
- * Who Listens to Hummingbirds?, (ss) Bubble Off-Plumb ed. K. G. Finfrock, Dan M. Kalin & Sarah Kalin, Feral Cat Publishers, 2018
- * Why the Louisiana Swamp Cat He Go to Texas, (ss) Bubble Off-Plumb ed. K. G. Finfrock, Dan M. Kalin & Sarah Kalin, Feral Cat Publishers, 2018
[]Lewis, Selby (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Air France, (ar) Modern Wonder March 11 1939
- * Attacking the Bomber, (ar) Modern Wonder June 3 1939
- * Aviation’s Modern Wonders, (ar) Modern Wonder February 18 1939
- * Balloons to Trap Air Raiders, (ar) Modern Wonder March 19 1938
- * Blind Flying in a Room, (ar) Modern Wonder January 1 1938
- * The Blue Diamond Killing, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly May 1936
- * Britain’s Greatest Air Race, (ar) Modern Wonder September 11 1937
- * Can You Fly?, (ar) Modern Wonder December 4 1937
- * The Ears of the Air Force, (ar) Modern Wonder August 14 1937
- * Flying Clubs Are Trumps, (ar) Modern Wonder September 25 1937
- * The Flying Dutchman, (ar) Modern Wonder March 4 1939
- * Flying for All, (ar) Modern Wonder January 8 1938
- * Flying Fortresses, (ar) Modern Wonder November 20 1937
- * Flying Records Are Not Finished, (ar) Modern Wonder January 29 1938
- * Flying Solo, (ar) Modern Wonder March 5 1938
- * The Flying Trilby, (ar) Modern Wonder April 9 1938
- * Flying Wings, (ar) Modern Wonder May 21 1938
- * Four Years Hence, (ar) Modern Wonder May 14 1938
- * Ghosts of the Clouds, (ar) Modern Wonder December 25 1937
- * Giants of the Air Road, (ar) Modern Wonder May 7 1938
- * How Would You Like to Be an Airman?, (ar) Modern Wonder December 11 1937
- * I Fly at 400 Miles an Hour, (ar) Modern Wonder April 2 1938
- * In the Path of the Raider, (ar) Modern Wonder April 16 1938
- * Learning How to Land, (ar) Modern Wonder January 22 1938
- * Lost - Over the African Jungle, (ar) Modern Wonder May 7 1938
- * The Man who Started Monoplanes, (ar) Modern Wonder July 24 1937
- * Navigators of the Sky Trails, (ar) Modern Wonder July 15 1939
- * New Marvel Cuts Lane Through Fog, (ar) Modern Wonder January 15 1938
- * 150-Ton Flying Boats, (ar) Modern Wonder October 30 1937
- * Planes with 100 Passengers Aboard, (ar) Modern Wonder November 19 1938
- * The Plane You Can’t Crash, (ar) Modern Wonder November 13 1937
- * Posted as Missing, (ar) Modern Wonder April 23 1938
- * They Called Him a Coward, (ar) Modern Wonder March 26 1938
- * 25 Million Miles Flown in a Year, (ar) Modern Wonder February 12 1938
- * We’re Learning to Fly, (ar) Modern Wonder November 6 1937
- * The World’s Wonder Baby Planes, (ar) Modern Wonder February 5 1938
[]Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair (1885-1951); used pseudonym Tom Graham (about) (chron.)
- * Adventures in Automobumming: Gasoline Gypsies, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 20 1919
- * Adventures in Automobumming: The Great American Frying Pan, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1920
- * Adventures in Automobumming: Want a Lift?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 27 1919
- * Afterglow, (ss) Collier’s January 19 1918
- * All Wives Are Angels, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1943
- * An American Views the Huns, (??) The Nation July 1 1925
- * Ann Vickers, (sl) Redbook Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1932, Jan 1933
- * Art and the Woman, (ss) The Gray Goose June 1907
- * Babbitt, (ex) Hearst’s International October 1922
- * Be Brisk with Babbitt, (sl) The Nation Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29 1924
- * Black Snow and Orange Sky [Lancelot Todd], (ss) Metropolitan October 1917
- * Bongo, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1930
- * The Boxers of M. Voltaire, (ar) Esquire October 1945
- * Breaking Into Print, (ex) Breaking Into Print ed. Elmer Adler, Simon & Schuster, 1937
- * Bronze Bars, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 13 1919
- * Can an Artist Live in America, (??) The Nation December 9 1925
- * A Canticle of Great Lovers, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1912
- * Carry Your Own Suitcase [Matt & Millie Carnival], (ss) This Week February 25 1940
- * Cass Timberlane, (sl) Cosmopolitan May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1945
- * The Cat of the Stars, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1919
- * A Citizen of the Mirage, (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1921
- * City of Mercy, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1931
- * Commutation: $9.17, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 30 1915
- * Danger—Run Slow, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 18, Oct 25 1919
- * Dear Editor, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1929
- * Detour—Roads Rough, (ss) Every Week March 30 1918
- * Dim Hours of Dusk, (pm) The Smart Set August 1907
- * Dinner with the Babbitts, (ex) from Babbitt,
- * Disillusion, (pm) The Smart Set December 1907
- * Dollar Chasers, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 17, Oct 24 1931
- * Elizabeth, Kitty and Jane, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1929
- * The Enchanted Hour, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 9 1919
- * Fellow Trouper [Matt & Millie Carnival], (ss) This Week February 2 1941
- * For the Zelda Bunch, (ar) McClure’s Magazine October 1917
- * Free Air, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post May 31, Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21 1919
- * From the Queen, (ss)
- * Gentlemen, This Is Revolution, (ar) Esquire June 1945
- * Getting His Bit [Lancelot Todd], (ss) Metropolitan September 1918
- * The Ghost Patrol, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1917
- * “Gladvertising”, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 7 1918
- * Go East, Young Man, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1930
- * The Good Sport, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 11 1920
- * Green Eyes—A Handbook of Jealousy, (sl) Cosmopolitan Sep, Oct 1943
- * Habeas Corpus, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 24 1920
- * The Hack Driver, (ss) The Nation August 29 1923
- * Harri, (sl) Good Housekeeping September 1943
- * He Had a Brother, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1929
- * He Loved His Country, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine October 1916
- * The Hidden People, (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1917
- * The Hippocratic Oath, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1935
- * Hobohemia, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 7 1917
- * Honestly If Possible, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1916
- * If I Were Boss, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 1, Jan 8 1916
- * I’m a Stranger Here Myself, (ss) The Smart Set August 1916
- * The Innocents, (n.) Woman’s Home Companion Feb, Mar 1917
- * An Invitation to Tea, (ss) Every Week June 1 1918
- * I Return to America, (??) The Nation June 4 1924
- * Is This a Dagger—So What? [Matt & Millie Carnival], (ss) This Week August 18 1940
- * Jazz [Lancelot Todd], (ss) Metropolitan October 1918
- * Joy-Joy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1917
- * Keep Out of the Kitchen, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1929
- * Kidnapped Memorial, (ss) Pictorial Review June 1919
- * Land, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 12 1931
- * Let’s Play King, (na) Cosmopolitan Jan, Feb, Mar 1931
- * A Letter from the Queen, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1929
- * Loki the Red, (ss) Short Stories August 1912
- * Main Street’s Been Paved, (??) The Nation September 10 1924
- * Manhattan Madness, (ss) The American Magazine September 1941
- * Mantrap, (sl) Collier’s Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20, Mar 27, Apr 3, Apr 10, Apr 17,
Apr 24, May 1, May 8 1926
- * The Man Who Cheated Time, (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1941
- * Matsu-No-Kata, (ss) The Pacific Monthly December 1905
- * A Matter of Business, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 1921
- * Midnight Alley, (sl) Cosmopolitan Jul, Aug 1944
- * Might and Millions, (ss) Metropolitan June 1919
- * A Minnesota Diary, (ar) Esquire October 1958
- * More Room, (pm) Adventure April 1913, as by Tom Graham
- * Mother-Love, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1918
- * Moths in the Arc Light, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1919
- * Nature, Inc., (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 2 1915
- * Noble Experiment, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1930
- * Nobody to Write About, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1943
- * Number Seven to Sagapoose, (ss) The American Magazine May 1921
- * Onward, Sons of Ingersoll!, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1935
- * The Other Side of the House, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 27 1915
- * Pajamas, (ss) Redbook Magazine April 1931
- * The Poinsettia Widow, (ss) Metropolitan March 1917
- * The Post-Mortem Murder, (nv) The Century Magazine May 1921
- * Proper Gander, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 13 1935
- * Pyjamas, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1931
- * Ring Around a Rosy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 6 1931
- * A Rose for Little Eva, (ss) McClure’s Magazine February 1918
- * Roses for Little Eva, (ss) McClure’s Magazine February 1918, as "A Rose for Little Eva"
- * The Scarlet Sign, (ss) Metropolitan June 1917
- * Scented Spring and the G.P., (ss) Short Stories March 1913
- * Self-Conscious America, (??) The American Mercury October 1925
- * Seven Million Dollars, (sl) This Week Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17 1935
- * The Shadowy Glass, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 22 1918
- * The Shrimp-Colored Blouse, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1919
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