The FictionMags Index
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[]Spignesi, Stephen J(ohn) (1953- ) (chron.)
- * A Castle Rock Autopsy (January 1985—November 1986), (ar) Lighthouse Magazine #6, 2006
- * A Concordance to Stephen King’s First Published Short Story: “I Was a Teenage Grave Robber”, (ar) Castle Rock December 1989
- * From Richard to Stephen to Richard, (ar) Castle Rock September 1988
- * Growing up with the Boogeyman, (iv) The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Spignesi, Contemporary Books, 1993 [Ref. Dave King]
- * Spignesi Updates SK Encyclopedia, (ar) Castle Rock April 1989
- * The Stephen King Influence, (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * The Unwritten King, (ar) Midnight Graffiti #3, Spring 1989
- * The Unwritten King: Stories Stephen King Has Thought Of, But Just Hasn’t Written Down (Yet), (ar) Lighthouse Magazine #5, 2005 [Ref. Stephen King]
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[]Spilecki, Susan (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Acultura 6000-X, (pm) White Knuckles Winter/Spring 1997
- * Back to School in the Solar System, (pm) The Leading Edge #36, September 1998
- * California Sighting, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2000
- * Confessions of Anubis, God of the Dead, (pm) White Knuckles Winter/Spring 1997
- * Cool-Down at the Bar Downstairs, (pm) Not One of Us #18, September 1997
- * Dagonet the Fool, (pm) Space & Time #86, Fall 1995
- * Embodying Memory, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1996
- * Emergency Medical Service, (pm) White Knuckles Winter/Spring 1997
- * Extra Sensory Perception, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1995
- * The Ghost of the Charlesgate Hotel, (pm) Haunts #32, Winter 1996/Spring 1997
- * Immegrant Half-Life, (pm) The Leading Edge #32, February 1996
- * Lone Wolf, (pm) White Knuckles Winter/Spring 1997
- * Long Distance Wake-Up Call, (pm) Event Horizon Fall 1997
- * Mother Nature’s Striptease, (pm) Star*Line March/June 1996
- * Napa Valley, 2043, (pm) Pirate Writings #7, Summer 1995
- * Night Epiphany, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1995
- * One Night Stand, (pm) Event Horizon Spring 1998
- * Performance Art, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #4, 2000
- * Playing with Dead Dreams, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #51, October 1998
- * A Response to “The Raven”, (pm) Haunts #31, Spring/Summer 1996
- * Scavenging Destiny, (pm) Space and Time #87, Summer 1997
- * Suburban monument, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #51, October 1998
- * Urban Renewal, (pm) Pirate Writings #11, 1996
- * Wake for My Dying Sun, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2000
- * When They Came, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2000
[]Spillane, Mickey; [i.e., Frank Morrison Spillane] (1918-2006) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Affair with the Dragon Lady, (ss) Cavalier #105, March 1962
- * The Big Run (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2018
- * The Big Switch [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) The Strand Magazine #26, October 2008/January 2009; developed by Max Allan Collins from a fragment found in Spillane’s files.
- * Black Alley [Mike Hammer], (nv) Playboy December 1996
- * Choosing a Spillane Cover, (ar) Penthouse (UK) April 1972
- * A Dangerous Cat [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) The Strand Magazine #48, February/May 2016
- * Dead Street (with Max Allan Collins), (ex) Thrilling Detective (online) Fall 2007; from the forthcoming novel.
- * The Enjoyment of Women, (ar) Man’s Magazine June 1955
- * Everybody’s Watching Me, (na) Manhunt Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1953
- Giant Manhunt #1 1953, #7 (var.1), #7 (var.2) 195?
- Manhunt (UK) Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1953
- Manhunt Detective Story Magazine (Australia) Oct, Nov, Dec 1953, Jan 1954
- Manhunt Jun 1955, Jan 1964, as "I Came to Kill You"
- Bloodhound Detective Story Magazine #1 May, #2 Jun, #3 Jul 1961
- Murder Is My Business ed. Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins, Dutton, 1994
- * Fallout [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) The Strand Magazine #44, November 2014/February 2015
- * The Girl Behind the Hedge [Inspector Early], (nv) Manhunt October 1953
- Manhunt (UK) June/July 1954
- Tough Stories Magazine January 1956
- Adventure August 1958, as "The Lady Says Die"
- Bloodhound Detective Story Magazine #6, October 1961
- Bizarre Mystery Magazine January 1966, as "The Lady Says Die"
- Pulp Frictions ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1996, as "The Lady Says Die"
- The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1996
- A Century of Great Suspense Stories ed. Jeffery Deaver, Berkley, 2001
- The Best American Noir of the Century ed. James Ellroy & Otto Penzler, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010, as "The Lady Says Die"
- The Best of Manhunt 1 ed. Jeff Vorzimmer, Stark House Press, 2019
- * The Gold Fever Tapes, (nv) Stag Annual #15, 1973
- * Grave Matter (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Crimes by Moonlight ed. Charlaine Harris, Berkley, 2010
- * Hot Cat, (na) Saga April 1964
- * I Came to Kill You, (na) Manhunt January 1953 (+3), as "Everybody’s Watching Me"
- * I’ll Die Tomorrow, (ss) Cavalier #81, March 1960
- * “Kick It or Kill!”, (na) Cavalier #97, July 1961
- * Killer’s Alley [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2021
- * The Killing Man [Mike Hammer], (nv) Playboy December 1989
- * Killing Time [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ex) Playboy March/April 2018; from forthcoming novel (Titan, April 2018).
- * Lady, Go Die! [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ex) Penthouse (US) June 2012
- * The Lady Says Die [Inspector Early], (nv) Manhunt October 1953, as "The Girl Behind the Hedge"
- * Last Ride, (ss) Marvel Mystery Comics (comic) June 1942
- * A Long Time Dead [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) The Strand Magazine #31, June/September 2010
- * A Lovely Piece of Bait, (ss) Penthouse (UK) April 1972
- * The Pickpocket, (ss) Manhunt December 25 1954
- * The Punk (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Mystery Tribune #5, Spring 2018
- * The Screen Test of Mike Hammer, (pl) Male July 1955
- * The Seven Year Kill, (nv) The Flier by Mickey Spillane, Corgi, 1964
- * Sex Is My Vengeance, (ss) Vengeance Is Hers ed. Mickey Spillane, Max Allan Collins & Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1997
- * So Long, Chief [Mike Hammer] (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) The Strand Magazine #39, February/May 2013
- * There’s a Killer Loose! (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2008
- * Together We Kill, (ss) Cavalier January 1953
- * The Veiled Woman, (na) (ghost written by Howard Browne) Fantastic November/December 1952
_____, ed.
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- * The Amazing Success Story of Mickey Spillane by Henry Adams, (ar) Climax May 1959
- * The Battle of the Sexes by Robert L. Sandels, (ar) The Armchair Detective Fall 1987
- * Characternyms in Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer Novels by James L. Traylor, (ar) The Armchair Detective Summer 1983
- * Collecting Spillane in Paperback by Gary Lovisi, (ar) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * Completing Mickey Spillane by Max Allan Collins, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #67, 2018
- * The Consummata (with Max Allan Collins) by Paula Guran, (br) Weird Tales Winter 2012
- * A Conversation with Mickey Spillane by Gary Lovisi, (iv) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * Darkness Before Noon by Michael Avallone, (ar) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * DAT’S Mike HAM-MUH! by Max Allan Collins, (ar) The Armchair Detective Fall 1979
- * Death’s Fair-Haired Boy: Sex and Fury Sell 13 Million Gory Books for Mickey Spillane by Richard W. Johnson, (iv) Life June 23 1952
- * Interview: Mickey Spillane by Andrew F. Gulli, (iv) The Strand Magazine #20, October 2006/January 2007
- * Mickey Spillane by Donald E. Westlake, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #49, 1995
- * Mickey Spillane by Christine Campbell, (ar) Shots Winter 1999
- * Mickey Spillane by Max Allan Collins, (bg) Mystery & Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage, Volume 2 ed. Robin W. Winks & Maureen Corrigan, Scribners, 1998
- * Mickey Spillane, (bg) Suspense Magazine March 2011
- * “Mickey Spillane” by Gerald So, (pm) Thrilling Detective (online) Spring 2007
- * Mickey Spillane in Paperback by Gary Lovisi, (bi) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * Mickey Spillane Memories by John Parish, (ar) Paperback Parade #66, September 2006
- * Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer by James L. Traylor, (ar) The Strand Magazine #26, October 2008/January 2009
- * Mickey Spillane’s Sex and Sadism Pay Off by Shelly Lowenkopf, (ar) Chase January 1964
- * Mike and Mickey by Pete Hamill, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- * Mike Hammer by Robert Sanderson, (ar) Sherlock #54, 2003
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt February 1953, uncredited.
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt March 1953, uncredited.
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt December 25 1954, uncredited.
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt April 1953, uncredited.
- * Mugged and Printed, (bg) Manhunt October 1953, uncredited.
- * My Pen Is Deadly: Mickey Spillane by Michael Carlson, (iv) Crime Time v2 #6, 1999
- * Night of the Guns by Lynn F. Meyers, Jr., (ar) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * The Other Side of Spillane by Nick Karas, (ar) Argosy February 1974
- * Paperback Hero: Mickey Spillaine’s Mike Hammer, 1947-1952: The Right Place at the Right Time by David Honeybone & Stephen Knight, (ar) Crime Factory #9, March 2003
- * A Real Killer-Diller of a Thriller by Thomas L. Bonn, (ar) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * Remembering Mickey Spillane by Lynn F. Myers, Jr., (ar) Paperback Parade #66, September 2006
- * A Short Talk with Mickey Spillane by John Garbarino, (iv) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * The Sons of Spillane by Lynn F. Myers, Jr., (ar) Paperback Parade #47, February 1997
- * Spillane and the Critics by R. Jeff Banks, (ar) The Armchair Detective Fall 1979
- * Spillane at the NFT by Michael Carlson, (ar) Crime Time v2 #6, 1999
- * Spillane: Last Call for the Mick by Michael Carlson, (ar) Crime Time #50, 2006
- * Spillane’s Dolls by Max Allan Collins, (ar) Tease! Magazine #2, 1994
- * The Spillane Touch: An Appreciation by Gary Lovisi, (ar) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996
- * Vengeance Is His by Christopher Mills, (iv) Noir: The Illustrated Crime Fiction Quarterly Spring 1995
- * What Made Mike Hammer Run? by Sill Roberts, (ar) Harlequin November 1963
- * You the Jury: Mickey Spillane by Stephen Holland, (ar) Crime Time v2 #6, 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Crime Time v2 #6, 1999, uncredited.
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