The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 2437

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    Candid Detective   (about)
    A short-lived “spicy” detective pulp that only lasted for three issues.

    • Publishers:
      • Trojan Publishing Corp.; 125 East 46th Street, New York 17, NY: Candid Detective.

    Candid Western   (about)
    This title is rumoured to exist, but no positive evidence has been found to substantiate it.

    Candlelight [v1 #1, 1963] ed. John Sebastian (American Art Agency, $1.00, 80pp) []
    Listing fiction, articles, and selected pictorials.
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome from Table of Contents.
    • 4 · The Girl with the Golden Glow · [uncredited] · pi; featuring June Palmer.
    • 12 · One Night with Venus · Harry Neal · ss
    • 16 · Valentine to a Floating Pleasure Dome · Martin Goren · ar
    • 24 · Where Did You Go? To a Motel. What Did You Do? Sleep! · Hammel Schmidt · hu
    • 32 · The Wanton That Got Away · Kenneth Fletcher · ss
    • 40 · Candlelight’s Flame Girl · [uncredited] · pt; centerfold.
    • 42 · Red Lights and the Blue Cross · Michael Strong · ar
    • 64 · The High Price of Passion · Paul Perry · ss

    Candlelight [Vol. 1 No. 4, 1965] (American Art Agency, $1.50, quarto) []
    Listing fiction and articles.
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome from Table of Contents.
    • 10 · The Flickering Shadow of Doom · Bill Starr · ss
    • 16 · Desire by Candlelight · Sam Gladwin · ar
    • 24 · Why Love Is Not Perfect Yet · Bryan Fulton · hu
    • 32 · Penny and the Devil Horse · Bruce Shaw · ss
    • 42 · Tips for Accident-Prone Bachelors · Burt Foster · hu
    • 58 · Should I, or Shouldn’t I · Stan Gordon · ar

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