The FictionMags Index
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Stableford, Brian (Michael) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Rose for Armageddon, (br) Foundation #28, July 1983 [Ref. Hilbert Schenck]
- * The Rose of Death and Other Mysterious Delusions, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Jessica Amanda Salmonson & Julian Hawthorne]
- * Sad Story, (vi) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #8, 1974
- * A Saint’s Progress, (ss) Beyond the Colors of Darkness and Other Exotica, Borgo Press, 2009
- * Salomé, (ss) The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales ed. Brian M. Stableford, Dedalus, 1992
- * The Sandman Book of Dreams, (br) Interzone #115, January 1997 [Ref. Neil Gaiman & Ed Kramer]
- * A Scanner Darkly, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Scenting Hallowed Blood, (br) Interzone #115, January 1997 [Ref. Storm Constantine]
- * Science Fiction: A Critical Guide, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Patrick Parrinder]
- * Science Fiction and the Image of the Future, (ar) Foundation #14, September 1978; guest of honour speech at Solarcon III in El Paso, Texas in April 1977.
- * Science Fiction: A Sociological Perspective, (ar) Fantastic Stories March 1974
- * Science-Fiction Funnies, (br) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #2, March/April 1991
- * Science Fiction in the Seventies, (ar) Vector July 1998
- * The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. Joseph F. Patrouch, Jr. & Isaac Asimov]
- * The Science Fiction of James Blish, (ar) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. James Blish]
- * The Science Fiction of Paul Gsell, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction March 2020 [Ref. Paul Gsell]
- * The Science Fiction of Théo Varlet, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #337, September 2016 [Ref. Théo Varlet]
- * Science Fiction Roots and Branches, (br) Interzone #43, January 1991 [Ref. Rhys Garnett & R. J. Ellis]
- * Science Fiction, Social Conflict and War, (br) Interzone #48, June 1991 [Ref. Philip John Davies]
- * The Science Fiction Writers of America Handbook: The Professional Writer’s Guide to Writing Professionally, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #36, August 1991 [Ref. Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Dean Wesley Smith]
- * The Science in Science Fiction (with David Langford & Peter Nicholls), (nf) Michael Joseph, November 1982
- * A Scientific Romance, (br) Interzone #125, November 1997 [Ref. Ronald Wright]
- * The Scream, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 1994
- * The Search for E.T. Bell, Also Known as John Taine, (br) Foundation #60, Spring 1994 [Ref. Constance Reid & Eric Temple Bell]
- * Seasons in Flight, (br) Foundation #37, Autumn 1986 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- * Second Chance, (ss) Pictures at an Exhibition ed. Ian Watson, Greystoke Mobray Ltd., 1981
- * A Second Chance at Eden, (br) Interzone #138, December 1998 [Ref. Peter F. Hamilton]
- * The Secret Exhibition, (ss) Weird Tales Fall 1999
- * Secret Harmonies, (br) Foundation #48, Spring 1990 [Ref. Paul J. McAuley]
- * Security, (vi) Western Mail November 24 1979
- * The Seductions of Undeath, (rc) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * The Seed of Evil, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. Barrington J. Bayley]
- * The Seeds from the Mountains of Madness, (ss) The Legacy of Erich Zann and Other Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Borgo Press, 2012
- * Seers, (ss) Gothic Ghosts ed. Wendy Webb & Charles Grant, Tor, 1997
- * Self-Sacrifice, (ss) Interzone #54, December 1991, as by Francis Amery
- * A Sequel by Any Other Hand, (rc) Interzone #95, May 1995
- * The Serpent, (ss) Interzone #99, September 1995
- * Seven for the Apocalypse, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #133, September 1999 [Ref. Kit Reed]
- * The Seventh Generation, (nv) Extreme Planets ed. David Conyers, David Kernot & Jeff Harris, Chaosium, 2014
- * Sexual Chemistry, (ss) Interzone #20, Summer 1987
- * SF or Not SF? A Letter from a Reader, (lt) Science Fantasy #78, November 1965
- * S. Fowler Wright’s Short Stories, (br) Interzone #115, January 1997 [Ref. S. Fowler Wright]
- * Shadows of the Past, (nv) The Return of the Djinn and Other Black Melodramas, Borgo Press, 2009
- * Sheena, (na) The Vampire Sextette ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 2000
- * Sheena and Other Gothic Tales, (co) Immanion Press, May 2006
- * The Shepherd’s Daughter, (ss) Fear #21, September 1990
- * Shipwreck, (br) Foundation #10, June 1976 [Ref. Charles Logan]
- * Shroud of Shadow, (br) Interzone #91, January 1995 [Ref. Gael Baudino]
- * Side Effects, (br) Interzone #128, February 1998 [Ref. Maria Augusta & António de Macedo]
- * Side Effects, (rc) Interzone #128, February 1998
- * The Siren Song of Sexuality, (ar) The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales ed. Brian M. Stableford, Dedalus, 1992
- * Skin Deep, (ss) Amazing Stories October 1991
- * The Skin Trade, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction November 1995
- * Slapstick, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- * Slaves of the Death Spiders: Colin Wilson and Existentialist Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #38, Winter 1986/1987 [Ref. Colin Wilson]
- * Sleepwalker, (vi) Interzone #105, March 1996
- * Slow Funeral, (br) Interzone #91, January 1995 [Ref. Rebecca Ore]
- * Slumming in Voodooland, (nv) Pulphouse, 1991
- * Small World with Far Horizons, (ar) Interzone #26, November/December 1988
- * Snowball in Hell, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2000
- * Social Design in Science Fiction, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories February 1979
- * Social Problems Through Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. John W. Milstead, Martin Harry Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia Warrick]
- * The Social Role of S.F., (ar) Algol Summer 1975
- * Sociology Through Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978 [Ref. John W. Milstead, Martin Harry Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia Warrick]
- * Sojan, (br) Vector September 1977 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Some Like It Hot, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2009
- * The “Sons” of the Zanglodon, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #321, May 2015 [Ref. Odette Dulac], as by Olympe Chambrionne
- * Sopor Aeternus, (rv) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * Soul of the Robot, (br) Foundation #9, November 1975 [Ref. Barrington J. Bayley]
- * Soul-Singer of Tyrnos, (br) Foundation #25, June 1982 [Ref. Ardath Mayhar]
- * The Space Machine, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * The Space Opera Renaissance, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #215, July 2006 [Ref. David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer]
- * The Sparrow, (br) Interzone #116, February 1997 [Ref. Mary Doria Russell]
- * Specter or Delusion?, (br) Foundation #42, Spring 1988 [Ref. Margaret L. Carter]
- * Speculative Fiction in Europe and America: The Past and the Future, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #115, March 1998
- * Speculative Japan, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #224, April 2007 [Ref. Gene Van Troyer & Grania Davis]
- * Speculative Sex 2: Apes and Supermen, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #317, January 2015
- * Speculative Sex 3: Purity and Joy, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #323, July 2015
- * Speculative Sex: The First Gropings, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #314, October 2014
- * Speculative Technological Manipulations of Human Being in Early French Romans Scientifique, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #326, October 2015
- * Standing Wave, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #131, July 1999 [Ref. Howard V. Hendrix]
- * Stanley G. Weinbaum, (ar) Interzone #90, December 1994 [Ref. Stanley G. Weinbaum]
- * The Stapledon Centenary Symposium, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #94, Winter 1986 [Ref. Olaf Stapledon]
- * Stardust, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #127, March 1999 [Ref. Neil Gaiman]
- * Starfarers, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #139, March 2000 [Ref. Poul Anderson]
- * Star Rider, (br) Foundation #7/8, March 1975 [Ref. Doris Piserchia]
- * Star Trek: Federation, (br) Interzone #95, May 1995 [Ref. Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens]
- * Star Wars: Children of the Jedi, (br) Interzone #95, May 1995 [Ref. Barbara Hambly]
- * The Steel, the Mist and the Blazing Sun, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Christopher Anvil]
- * Stephen R. Donaldson, (ar) Interzone #32, November/December 1989 [Ref. Stephen R. Donaldson]
- * The Steps of the Sun, (br) Foundation #30, March 1984 [Ref. Walter Tevis]
- * Stinger, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #129, May 1999 [Ref. Nancy Kress]
- * Stories for an Enchanted Afternoon, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #154, June 2001 [Ref. Kristine Kathryn Rusch]
- * Storm Warriors [Warhammer: Orfeo], (n.) GW Books, March 1991 , as by Brian Craig
- * The Storyteller’s Tale, (ss) The Anthology of Fantasy & the Supernatural ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Tiger Books, 1994
- * A Story with a Happy Ending, (vi) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #6, 1974
- * Strands of Starlight, (br) Interzone #91, January 1995 [Ref. Gael Baudino]
- * Stranger Things Happen, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #155, July 2001 [Ref. Kelly Link]
- * Studies of Death, (br) Interzone #118, April 1997 [Ref. Count Stanislaus Von Stenbock]
- * Sugar and Spice, (br) Arena SF #11, November 1980 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- * Summers at Castle Auburn, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #160, December 2001 [Ref. Sharon Shinn]
- * SunDown SunRise, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994 [Ref. Jackie Askew]
- * The Sun’s Tears, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories October 1974
- * Superluminal, (br) Foundation #31, July 1984 [Ref. Vonda N. McIntyre]
- * Superluminal Travel in French Speculative Fiction, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction December 2020
- * The Supermarket Principle, (rc) Interzone #134, August 1998
- * The Supreme Progress: The Speculative Fiction of Louis Mullem, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #261, May 2010 [Ref. Louis Mullem]
- * Swatting at the Cosmos, (br) Foundation #50, Autumn 1990 [Ref. James Morrow]
- * Symptomatic Evolution, (ar) Dark Asylum #3, May 1995
- * Taken for a Ride, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 1994
- * Taking the Piss, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2002
- * Tales of the Fays: The Comtesse De Murat and the Origins of Fantasy, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #347, June 2018 [Ref. Henriette Julie de Murat]
- * A Taste of Blood and Wine, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #55, March 1993 [Ref. Freda Warrington]
- * Tea from an Empty Cup, (br) Interzone #138, December 1998 [Ref. Pat Cadigan]
- * Technology and Liberty in French Utopian Fiction, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #334, June 2016
- * Tellers of Tales by Roger Lancelyn Green, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #8, March/April 1992 [Ref. Roger Lancelyn Green]
- * The Temptation of Saint Anthony, (nv) The Secret History of Vampires ed. Darrell Schweitzer, DAW, 2007
- * Tenebrio, (nv) Vanishing Acts ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2000
- * Tenured Criticism, (rc) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * Their Immortal Hearts: Three Visions of Time, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Bruce McAllister]
- * Theodore Sturgeon, (ar) Interzone #93, March 1995 [Ref. Theodore Sturgeon]
- * Thicker Than Water, (nv) Dark Future: Route 666 ed. David Pringle, GW Books, 1990, as by Brian Craig
- * The Third Generation of Genre Science Fiction, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1996
- * The Third Millennium (with David Langford), (nf) Sidgwick & Jackson, July 1985
- * Three Versions of a Fable, (vi) Bats and Red Velvet #14, 1995
- * Time Famine, (br) Interzone #123, September 1997 [Ref. Lance Olsen]
- * Time Machines, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #116, April 1998 [Ref. Bill Adler, Jr.]
- * A Time of Changes, (br) Foundation #5, January 1974 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * The Time Ships, (br) Interzone #95, May 1995 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * Time Untied, (rc) Interzone #123, September 1997
- * The Titan Unwrecked; or, Futility Revisited, (ss) Tales of the Shadowmen 1: The Modern Babylon ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2005
- * The Tithonian Factor and Other Stories, (br) Foundation #33, Spring 1985 [Ref. Richard Cowper]
- * To Bring in Fine Things: The Significance of Science Fiction Plots, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #9, May 1989
- * Tonguing the Zeitgeist, (br) Interzone #87, September 1994 [Ref. Lance Olsen]
- * Totentanz [Warhammer], (ss) Inferno! #27, November/December 2001, as by Brian Craig
- * To the Bad, (ss) The Weerde: Book 1 ed. Mary Gentle & Roz Kaveney, Roc UK, 1992
- * The Tour, (ss) Science Fiction Age January 1998
- * Traces, (br) Interzone #133, July 1998 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * Traces of a Lost Genre, (rc) Interzone #133, July 1998
- * The Travails of Jane Saint, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Josephine Saxton]
- * Travellers in Magic, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #82, June 1995 [Ref. Lisa Goldstein]
- * Tread Softly, (ss) Interzone #177, March 2002
- * The Tree of Life, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1994
- * The Tree of Life and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution, (co) Borgo Press, September 2007
- * The Trial, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2007
- * Tributes and Triumphs, (rc) Interzone #121, July 1997
- * The True Story of Cinderella: Mademoiselle L’Heritier and the Origins of Fantasy Fiction, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #345, January 2018 [Ref. Marie-Jeanne L’Héritier de Villandon]
- * The Truth About Pickman [Cthulhu], (ss) Black Wings ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2010
- * 25 IZ, (ms) Interzone #210, June 2007
- * Two Weird Tales by Remy du Gourmont, (is) Weirdly Supernatural #1, Winter 2001/2002
- * The Ugly Cygnet by Hans Realist Andersen, (vi) The Seventh Seal April 2001
- * The Unabolished Fays: Some Successors of the Comtesse De Murat, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #350, December 2018
- * The Undead, (n.) Les Fleurs du Mal/The Undead, Borgo Press, 2010
- * Under Heaven’s Bridge, (br) Foundation #22, June 1981 [Ref. Ian Watson & Michael Bishop]
- * Universe 9, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Terry Carr]
- * The Unkindness of Ravens, (ss) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * The Unluckiest Thief, (vi) Interzone #60, June 1992
- * Upon the Gallows-Tree, (ss) Narrow Houses: Volume I ed. Peter Crowther, Little, Brown UK, 1992
- * The Utopian Dream Revisited: Socioeconomic Speculation in the SF of Mack Reynolds, (ar) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Mack Reynolds]
- * Valdemar’s Daughter: A Romance of Mesmerism [C. Auguste Dupin], (n.) 2010
- * Valdemar’s Daughter/The Mad Trist, (co) Borgo Press, October 2010
- * The Valley of the Shadow, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998, as by Francis Amery
- * The Vampire in Paris [The Empire of the Necromancers], (na) Tales of the Shadowmen, Volume 5: The Vampires of Paris ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2009
- * Vampire: The Complete Guide to the World of the Undead, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994 [Ref. Manuela Dunn Mascetti]
- * The Vampyre: Being the True Pilgrimage of George Gordon, Sixth Lord Byron, (br) Interzone #93, March 1995 [Ref. Tom Holland]
- * Vector Analysis, (br) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Jack C. Haldeman, II]
- * Verstehen, (ss) Kongressbok, ConFuse, 1991
- * Vertigo, (br) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- * Victims, (ss) Science Fiction Age January 2000
- * View from Another Shore, (br) Foundation #5, January 1974 [Ref. Franz Rottensteiner]
- * The Vines (with Craig MacKintosh), (ss) Xeron #5, January 1967, as by Brian Craig
- * Virtuous Reality, (ss) Interzone #55, January 1992
- * The Vonnegut Chronicles: Interviews and Essays, (br) Interzone #121, July 1997 [Ref. Peter J. Reed, Marc Leeds & Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.]
- * Voyage, (br) Foundation #68, Autumn 1996 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * The War of the Worlds, (rv) Interzone #123, September 1997
- * Watchtower, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Elizabeth A. Lynn]
- * Way of the Witchfinder [Warhammer], (nv) Wolf Riders ed. David Pringle, GW Books, 1989, as by Brian Craig
- * The Way to Write Science Fiction, (ar) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Weltanschauung!, (br) Arena SF #12, Summer 1981 [Ref. Gregory Benford]
- * What Can Chloë Want?, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1994
- * When Molly Met Elvis [Molly], (ss) Interzone #118, April 1997, as by Francis Amery
- * Where Zombie Armies Clash by Night [The Empire of the Necromancers], (na) Tales of the Shadowmen, Volume 6: Grand Guignol ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2009
- * W.H. Hudson’s Green Mansions, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #14, March/June 1993 [Ref. W. H. Hudson]
- * A Whisper of Blood, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #44, April 1992 [Ref. Ellen Datlow]
- * Who Mourns a Necromancer? [Warhammer], (nv) Inferno! #17, March 2000, as by Brian Craig
- * Who’s Who in Science Fiction, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1977 [Ref. Brian Ash]
- * Why There Is (Almost) No Such Thing as Science Fiction: Some Observations on Rhetoric and Plausibility in Science and Science Fiction, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #219, November 2006
- * Wide and Thorough, (rc) Interzone #48, June 1991
- * Wildland, (nv) Arrows of Eros ed. Alex Stewart, NEL, 1989
- * The Will, (ss) Dark Fantasies ed. Chris Morgan, Legend, 1989
- * William Wilson’s Prospectus for Science Fiction: 1851, (ar) Foundation #10, June 1976 [Ref. William Wilson]
- * The Wine of Dreams [Warhammer], (n.) Black Library, November 2000 , as by Brian Craig
- * The Winter Wind, (ss) Inferno! #26, September/October 2001, as by Brian Craig
- * The Woman in the Mirror, (ss) The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales ed. Brian M. Stableford, Dedalus, 1992, as by Brian Craig
- * The Womb of Time, (na) The Womb of Time, Perilous Press, 2011
- * The Womb of Time, (oc) Perilous Press, January 2011
- * The Wood Wife, (br) Interzone #116, February 1997 [Ref. Terri Windling]
- * The World and Thorinn, (br) Foundation #22, June 1981 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- * The World SF Conference in Chengdu, (ar) Foundation #53, Autumn 1991
- * World SF Conference in China, (ar) Interzone #52, October 1991
- * Worse Than the Disease, (vi) Interzone #113, November 1996
- * Writers on David Pringle (with Jay Caselberg, David Langford & Liz Williams), (ms) Interzone #194, September/October 2004 [Ref. David Pringle]
- * Writer’s Workshops, (ar) Focus #29, December 1995/January 1996
- * Writing Books for Writers, and What I Learned in the Process, (ar) Focus #32, November/December 1997
- * Writing Fantasy and Horror, (ar) Focus #25 Dec/Jan 1993, #26 Jun/Jul 1994
- * Writing Science Fiction, (ar) Focus #24, June/July 1993
- * The Wrong Tree, (rc) Interzone #88, October 1994
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection, (br) Interzone #99, September 1995 [Ref. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling]
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eleventh Annual Collection, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #122, October 1998 [Ref. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling]
- * Yesterday’s Bestsellers:
* ___ 1: Marie Corelli, (cl) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #1, January/February 1991 [Ref. Marie Corelli]
* ___ 2: P.C. Wren, (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #2, March/April 1991 [Ref. P. C. Wren]
* ___ 3: H. Rider Haggard and She, (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #3, May/June 1991 [Ref. H. Rider Haggard]
* ___ 4: James Hadley Chase and No Orchids for Miss Blandish, (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #4, July/August 1991 [Ref. James Hadley Chase]
* ___ 5: Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan of the Apes, (ar) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, September/October 1991 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
* ___ 6: The Descendants of Robinson Crusoe, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #6, November/December 1991 [Ref. Daniel Defoe]
* ___ 7: Hank Janson, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #7, January/February 1992 [Ref. Hank Janson]
* ___ 8: Raymond Chandler’s Mean Streets, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #8, March/April 1992 [Ref. Raymond Chandler]
* ___ 9: Robert Hichens and The Garden of Allah, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #9, May/June 1992
* ___ 10: Bulwer-Lytton and The Last Days of Pompeii, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #10, July/August 1992
* ___ 11: Eugène Sue and The Mysteries of Paris, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #11, September/October 1992 [Ref. Eugène Sue]
* ___ 12: Robert Graves’s I, Claudius, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #12, November/December 1992 [Ref. Robert Graves]
* ___ 13: James Hilton’s Lost Horizon, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #13, January/February 1993 [Ref. James Hilton]
* ___ 14: W.H. Hudson’s Green Mansions, (ar) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #14, March/June 1993 [Ref. W. H. Hudson]
* ___ 15: F. Anstey and Vice Versa, (ar) Interzone #74, August 1993 [Ref. F. Anstey]
* ___ 16: Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books, (ar) Interzone #76, October 1993 [Ref. Lewis Carroll]
* ___ 17: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, (ar) Interzone #78, December 1993 [Ref. Mary Shelley]
* ___ 18: Bram Stoker’s Dracula, (ar) Interzone #81, March 1994 [Ref. Bram Stoker]
* ___ 19: The Battle of Dorking and Its Aftermath, (ar) Interzone #83, May 1994 [Ref. G. T. Chesney]
* ___ 20: My First Two Thousand Years by George Viereck & Paul Eldridge, (ar) Interzone #86, August 1994 [Ref. George Sylvester Viereck & Paul Eldridge]
- * Zaragoz [Warhammer: Orfeo], (n.) GW Books, November 1989 , as by Brian Craig
- * [letter], (lt) Xeron #3, May 1966
- * [letter], (lt) Algol Sum 1976, #43 Nov 1982
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #11/12 Mar 1977, #42 Spr 1988
- * [letter], (lt) SF Commentary #53, April 1978
- * [letter], (lt) Arena SF #8, October 1978
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #3 Nov 1988, #26 Oct 1990, #36 Aug, #40 Dec 1991, #44 Apr 1992, #55 Mar, #64 Dec 1993, #66 Feb 1994,
#81 May 1995, #194 Oct 2004, #205 Sep 2005
- * [letter], (lt) sf Impulse November 1966
- * [response to Brian Aldiss], (ms) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- * [response to K.V. Bailey], (ms) Foundation #30, March 1984 [Ref. K. V. Bailey]
- * [unknown story], (ss) Redsine (online) #2, October 2000
_____, ed.
- * The Aerial Valley, (oa) Black Coat Press, October 2015
- * The Alabaster Book of Occult Fiction, (oa) Snuggly Books, August 2023
- * Automata, (an) Black Coat Press, February 2020
- * The Conqueror of Death, (oa) Black Coat Press, November 2013
- * Decadence and Symbolism, (oa) Snuggly Books, May 2018
- * The Dedalus Book of British Fantasy: The 19th Century, (an) Dedalus, September 1991
- * The Dedalus Book of Decadence (Moral Ruins), (oa) Dedalus, December 1990
- * The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales, (an) Dedalus, March 1992
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