The FictionMags Index
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[]Smith-Briggs, Mark (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Celluloid Nightmares, (cl) Midnight Echo #9 May, #10 Nov 2013, #11 Apr 2015
- * The Cleansing, (ss) Futuredaze ed. Erin Underwood & Hannah Strom-Martin, Underwords Press, 2013
- * Famous, (ss) Eclecticism E-zine #15, January 2011
- * The First Time, (ss) Shadow Box ed. Shane Jiraiya Cummings & Angela Challis, Brimstone Press, 2005
- * Gary Dwyers Special Dance, (ss) Ripples #9, July 2007
- * The Gift, (ss) Hell’s Bells ed. AHWA Committee, Australian Horror Writers Association, 2016
- * Remorse, (ss) FlashSpec: Volume Two ed. Neil Cladingboel, Equilibrium Books (Australia), 2007
- * Where the Wild Children Play, (ss) Eclecticism E-zine #11, January 2010
[]Smithells, Roger (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * All A-Glitter, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 27 1958
- * All My Own Work…, (ar) John Bull Illustrated February 7 1959
- * Bargain Basements, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
- * Bargains in Whitewood, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 19 1959
- * Beat the Burglar, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 13 1958
- * Beds Which Move with the Times, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 27 1959
- * Bend Light Into Dark Rooms, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
- * Be Proud of Your Bathroom, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated October 25 1958
- * Be Proud of Your Home:
* ___ All A-Glitter, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 27 1958
* ___ Bend Light Into Dark Rooms, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
* ___ Bid for a Bargain, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
* ___ Is It Later Than You Think?, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
* ___ Lining Curtains, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
* ___ Mrs. Beazley’s Pretty Lamp Shades, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
* ___ Put a Good Face on It, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 10 1959
* ___ Va, (cl) John Bull Illustrated February 14 1959
- * Bid for a Bargain, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
- * Brush Up Your Carpets, (ar) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 9 1959
- * Building Your Own House, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
- * Can You Pick a Bargain?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 11/August 29 1959
- * Comfort and Commonsense, (ar) John Bull September 20 1958
- * A Crafty Crowd, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated October 18 1958
- * Curtain Up, (ar) John Bull Illustrated March 28 1959
- * Dining at a Pinch, (ms) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
- * Divided We Stand, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 9 1960
- * Does Your House Fit Your Family?, (ar) Today February 27 1960
- * Don’t Keep Yourself in the Dark, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 17 1959
- * Don’t Neglect That Damp, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 1 1958
- * Down to Earth, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 10 1959
- * Do You Collect Happy Memories?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 20 1959
- * 8-Hour Job, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
- * Eleven Foot Home, (ar) John Bull February 6 1960
- * Enjoy This Magic, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 13 1958
- * A Family Affair, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 12 1959
- * Finance for a Face-Lift, (ar) John Bull February 20 1960
- * 5 Presents to Make, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 5 1959
- * Fix It Yourself:
* ___ Fuel Saver, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * The Flat That Nobody Wanted, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 26 1959
- * For Speedy Warmth, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * Fuel Saver, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * Furnish Your Garden, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
- * Furniture Quiz, (qz) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
- * Give Them Time, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
- * Give Your Home the Spring-Time Look:
* ___ 3. New Rooms for Old, (ar) John Bull Illustrated March 21 1959
* ___ 4. Curtain Up, (ar) John Bull Illustrated March 28 1959
* ___ 5. Sitting Pretty, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 4 1959
* ___ 6. Keeping Up Appearances, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 11 1959
* ___ 7. Switching to Luxury, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 18 1959
- * Good as New, (ar) John Bull February 13 1960
- * Here’s a Short Cut to Success, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 12 1959
- * A Home of Their Own, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 24 1959
- * Hot on the Spot, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
- * How to Flatter Your Furniture, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 31 1959
- * I Ought to Hate This Flat, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
- * Is Central Heating a Luxury?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 10 1959
- * Is It Later Than You Think?, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
- * It’s a Gift, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
- * Keeping Records, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
- * Keeping Up Appearances, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 11 1959
- * Keep the Water Working, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 21 1959
- * Keep Winter at Bay, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 31 1959
- * The Kitchen in Your Life, (ar) John Bull October 4 1958
- * Let’s Face It, (ar) John Bull September 27 1958
- * Life at a Low Level, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 13 1959
- * Light Is Cheaper Than Sight, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated October 11 1958
- * Light to Fit the Family, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 3 1959
- * Lining Curtains, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
- * Look Lively, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 27 1958
- * Made to Measure, (ar) John Bull Illustrated February 14 1959
- * Make a Safer Home:
* ___ Beat the Burglar, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 13 1958
- * Make It Yorself:
* ___ The Portable Workshop, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
* ___ Wrap It Up, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
- * Make It Yourself:
* ___ 8-Hour Job, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
* ___ Plain or Fancy, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
* ___ Save Space with This Fitment, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 1 1958
* ___ Vanishing Trick, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
- * Make Yourself at Home, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 23 1959
* ___ All My Own Work…, (cl) John Bull Illustrated February 7 1959
* ___ Bargain Basements, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
* ___ Bargains in Whitewood, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 19 1959
* ___ Beds Which Move with the Times, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 27 1959
* ___ Be Proud of Your Bathroom, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated October 25 1958
* ___ Building Your Own House, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
* ___ Can You Pick a Bargain?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 11/August 29 1959
* ___ Comfort and Commonsense, (cl) John Bull September 20 1958
* ___ A Crafty Crowd, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated October 18 1958
* ___ Divided We Stand, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 9 1960
* ___ Does Your House Fit Your Family?, (ar) Today February 27 1960
* ___ Don’t Keep Yourself in the Dark, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 17 1959
* ___ Don’t Neglect That Damp, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 1 1958
* ___ Down to Earth, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 10 1959
* ___ Do You Collect Happy Memories?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 20 1959
* ___ Eleven Foot Home, (cl) John Bull February 6 1960
* ___ A Family Affair, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 12 1959
* ___ Finance for a Face-Lift, (cl) John Bull February 20 1960
* ___ 5 Presents to Make, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 5 1959
* ___ The Flat That Nobody Wanted, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 26 1959
* ___ Furnish Your Garden, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
* ___ Good as New, (cl) John Bull February 13 1960
* ___ A Home of Their Own, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 24 1959
* ___ How to Flatter Your Furniture, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 31 1959
* ___ Is Central Heating a Luxury?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 10 1959
* ___ It’s a Gift, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
* ___ Keep the Water Working, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 21 1959
* ___ Keep Winter at Bay, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 31 1959
* ___ The Kitchen in Your Life, (cl) John Bull October 4 1958
* ___ Let’s Face It, (cl) John Bull September 27 1958
* ___ Life at a Low Level, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 13 1959
* ___ Light Is Cheaper Than Sight, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated October 11 1958
* ___ Light to Fit the Family, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 3 1959
* ___ Made to Measure, (cl) John Bull Illustrated February 14 1959
* ___ Mile and Bitter, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
* ___ Mixed Up—but Not Crazy, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
* ___ New Look for Old Floors, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 16 1960
* ___ Now for the Indoor Garden, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 19 1959
* ___ Now—The Build-It-Yourself Caravan, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 2 1959
* ___ A Place for Everything, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 28 1959
* ___ Private Enterprise, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 5 1959
* ___ Room for Experiment, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 23 1960
* ___ Room Under Your Roof, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 14 1959
* ___ Screw It and Glue It, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
* ___ A Sign of Quality, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 4 1959
* ___ So You’re Going to Buy a House, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
* ___ Take a Chair, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 2 1960
* ___ There Are Bargains in Junk, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 7 1959
* ___ These Are Your Problems, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 26 1959
* ___ We’re Starting All Over Again, (cl) John Bull September 13 1958
* ___ Where There’s a Wall There’s a Way, (cl) John Bull January 30 1960
* ___ You Must Have Hot Water, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
- * Make Youself at Home:
* ___ Brush Up Your Carpets, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 9 1959
* ___ Spring Turnabout, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 16 1959
- * Making Yourself at Home, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
* ___ Enjoy This Magic, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 13 1958
* ___ I Ought to Hate This Flat, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
* ___ Look Lively, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 27 1958
* ___ Men at Work, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
- * Men at Work, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
- * Mile and Bitter, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * Mixed Up—but Not Crazy, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
- * Mrs. Beazley’s Pretty Lamp Shades, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
- * New Look for Old Floors, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 16 1960
- * New Rooms for Old, (ar) John Bull Illustrated March 21 1959
- * Now for the Indoor Garden, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 19 1959
- * Now—The Build-It-Yourself Caravan, (ar) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 2 1959
- * Picture Guide:
* ___ Dining at a Pinch, (ms) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
* ___ For Speedy Warmth, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
* ___ Give Them Time, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
* ___ Hot on the Spot, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
* ___ Keeping Records, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
- * A Place for Everything, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 28 1959
- * Plain or Fancy, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
- * The Portable Workshop, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
- * Private Enterprise, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 5 1959
- * Put a Good Face on It, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 10 1959
- * Room for Experiment, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 23 1960
- * Room Under Your Roof, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 14 1959
- * Save Space with This Fitment, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 1 1958
- * Screw It and Glue It, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
- * A Sign of Quality, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 4 1959
- * Sitting Pretty, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 4 1959
- * So You’re Going to Buy a House, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
- * Spring Turnabout, (ar) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 16 1959
- * Switching to Luxury, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 18 1959
- * Take a Chair, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 2 1960
- * There Are Bargains in Junk, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 7 1959
- * These Are Your Problems, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 26 1959
- * Va, (ar) John Bull Illustrated February 14 1959
- * Vanishing Trick, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
- * We’re Starting All Over Again, (ar) John Bull September 13 1958
- * Where There’s a Wall There’s a Way, (ar) John Bull January 30 1960
- * Worth Noting, (cl) John Bull Oct 4, Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15, Nov 22, Nov 29, Dec 6, Dec 13,
Dec 20, Dec 27 1958
Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24, Feb 7, Feb 14, Mar 21, Mar 28, Apr 4, Apr 11, Apr 18,
May 2, May 9, May 16, May 30, Jun 6, Jun 13, Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 4, Jul 11/Aug 29,
Sep 5, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14,
Nov 21, Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19, Dec 26 1959
Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20 1960
- * Wrap It Up, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
- * You Must Have Hot Water, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
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