The FictionMags Index
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[]Salter, James; [born James Arnold Horowitz] (1925-2015) (about) (chron.)
- * American Express, (nv) Esquire February 1988
- * Am Strande Von Tanger, (ss) The Paris Review #44, Fall 1968
- * Burning the Days, (ex) The Paris Review #143, Summer 1997
- * Comet, (ss) Esquire July 1993
- * The Destruction of the Goetheanum, (ss) The Paris Review #51, Winter 1971
- * Eyes of the Stars, (ss) Zoetrope: All-Story Winter 2004
- * The Fields at Dusk, (ss) Esquire August 1984
- * Foreign Shores, (ss) Esquire September 1983
- * The Hunters, (sl) Collier’s Mar 16, Mar 30 1956
- * Last Night, (ss) The New Yorker November 18 2002
- * Line of Ascent, (ss) Esquire June 5 1979
- * Lost Sons, (ss) Grand Street Winter 1982
- * My Lord You, (nv) Esquire September 1994
- * Such Fun, (ss) Tin House Winter 2004
- * Via Negativa, (ss) The Paris Review #55, Fall 1972
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[]Salter, Richard (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Callahuanca [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: The History of Christmas ed. Simon Guerrier, Big Finish, 2005
- * Deep Stretch [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Steel Skies ed. John Binns, Big Finish, 2003
- * The Funeral of Gotrek Gurnisson [Warhammer: Gotrek & Felix], (nv) Gotrek and Felix: The Anthology ed. Christian Dunn, Black Library, 2012
- * L Is for Lygophobia, (ss) Phobophobia ed. Dean M. Drinkel, Dark Continents Publishing, 2011
- * Log 384 [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Centenarian ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2006
- * The Patchwork House, (ex) Nightscape Press, 2015
- * A Star Is Reborn [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Life Science ed. John Binns, Big Finish, 2004
- * To and Fro, (ss) Horror for Good ed. R. J. Cavender, Mark C. Scioneaux & Robert S. Wilson, Cutting Block, 2012
- * Waiting for Jeremy [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Day in the Life ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2005
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[]Salter, Samuel Allen (1954- ); used pseudonym Sam Reaves (chron.)
- * Eric Ambler, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #10, January/February 2006 [Ref. Eric Ambler]
- * Footprints:
* ___ Eric Ambler, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #10, January/February 2006 [Ref. Eric Ambler]
- * Sweet Home Chicago, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #29, March/April 2009, as by Sam Reaves
- * Terror Terror on the Wall (with Jay R. Bonansinga), (ss) Spooks! ed. John Everson & Tina L. Jens, Twilight Tales, 2004
- * Test, (ss) Chicago Blues ed. Libby Fischer Hellmann, Bleak House Books, 2007, as by Sam Reaves
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[]Saltus, Edgar (Evertson) (1855-1921); used pseudonym Myndart Verelst (chron.)
- * Abandoned Thrones, (ar) The Cosmopolitan August 1901
- * After the Ball, (pl) The Smart Set March 1922
- * Alma Adorata, (ss) The Smart Set January 1903
- * Aloes and Ambrosia, (ss) The Smart Set January 1905
- * The American Heiress, (ar) The Anti-Philistine #1, June 15 1897
- * The Anonymous Letter, (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1915
- * The Bankruptcy of Beauty, (es) The Smart Set August 1912
- * Benjamin Disraeli, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine May 1905
- * Betrothal, (pm) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine July 1892
- * Bluebeard, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1901
- * The Bomb, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1913
- * A Bouquet of Illusions, (ss) The Smart Set October 1901
- * A Boy and His Girl, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine April 1914
- * A Business Man, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1914
- * Caviar and Champagne, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1903
- * The Champion Poisoners, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1902
- * The Champion Prisoners, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1900
- * Claret and Cream, (ar) The Smart Set December 1902
- * The Colossal City, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Courts of Love, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1900
- * Courts of Love and Parliaments of Joy, (ms) Ainslee’s March 1926
- * The Czars of Russia: III. The Great Catherine, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine October 1905
- * The Czars of Russia: II. Peter the Great, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Czars of Russia: I. Ivan the Terrible, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine August 1905
- * The Czars of Russia: IV. The Crimean War, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine November 1905
- * The Czars of Russia: V. King Terror, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine December 1905
- * The Dear Departed, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1902
- * De L’Amour, (ar) The Smart Set August 1901
- * The Delights of Trying to Be Somebody Else, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1900
- * A Drama in a Dining-Room, (ss) The Smart Set February 1902
- * The Elixir of Eros, (ar) Ainslee’s October 1913
- * Emotional Roulette, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1903
- * The Enchanted Rug, (ar) The Smart Set January 1902
- * Enough Is Enough, (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1914
- * The Falsehood Shop, (ss) The Smart Set July 1913
- * Faustine, (ar) The Anti-Philistine #2, July 15 1897
- * The Feast, (pm) The Wave February 1922
- * The Flight of the Empress, (ts) Gunter’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Gaieties of Paris, (ar) The Smart Set March 1902
- * Ghosts, (ar) The Smart Set June 1914
- * The Ghost Story, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1920
- * The Gilded Gang, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1902
- * The Girl Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, (ss) Poker Chips #5, October 1896
- * The Goblin Girl, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1919
- * The Gold Book, (ss) The Smart Set June 1904
- * The Golden Calf, (ss) The Smart Set May 1900
- * The Golden Chimera, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1917
- * The Gospel of Gold, (ar) The Smart Set July 1901
- * The Grand Duke’s Rubies, (ss) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine January 1888
- * The Heart of Manhattan, (es) The Smart Set January 1913
- * Here, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1914
- * The House of Bismarck, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1905
- * Imeros, (pm) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine December 1888
- * The Importance of Being an Epicure, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1903
- * The Importance of Being Somebody, (ar) The Smart Set July 1905
- * The Impostor, (nv) Ainslee’s May 1917
- * In and Out of Court Circles, (es) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1904
- * Kings of the Highways and High Seas, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1900
- * Knights of the Golden Fleece, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1901
- * The Late Mrs. Grundy, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1914
- * The Lovers of the World, (ar) The Smart Set April 1901
- * Manhattan’s Golden Fold, (ar) The Smart Set May 1902
- * Manners, Money and Morals, (es) The Smart Set February 1908
- * My Hands in Yours, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine #6, March 1912
- * The Mystery of Beauty, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1899
- * The Mystery of Charm, (ar) Ainslee’s February 1913
- * The Nameless Shame, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1903
- * New York from the Flatiron, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine July 1905
- * The Noose Matrimonial, (ss) The Smart Set June 1900
- * An Old-Fashioned Man, (ss) Harper’s Bazar June 1915
- * Once Is Enough, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1913
- * Oscar Wilde: An Idler’s Impression, (ar) 1917
- * Our Foreign Princesses, (es) The Smart Set July 1909
- * Peace, (pm) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine February 1915
- * The Personal Power of Kings, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine December 1904
- * The Phantom Duke, (ss) The Smart Set March 1900
- * Phantom Millions, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1902
- * Phantoms, (pm) The Smart Set May 1912
- * Pleasing the Ladies, (ar) Ainslee’s July 1913
- * The Plot, (ss) Ainslee’s May 1913
- * The Pomps of Satan, (ar) The Smart Set September 1901
- * The Princess of the Golden Isles, (ss) The Cosmopolitan July 1902
- * The Proper Thing, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine October 1913
- * The Quest of Paradise, (ar) The Smart Set May 1901
- * The Rogues’ Gallery, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1919
- * The Romance of a Poisoning, (ar) The London Magazine July 1902
- * Ropes of Sand, (na) Ainslee’s February 1911
- * The Scarlet Spider, (ss) Two Tales September 24 1892
- * Secret Chapters:
* ___ The Flight of the Empress, (ts) Gunter’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Seventh Devil of Our Lady, (ar) The Smart Set December 1901
- * “The Shudder”, (ss) The Smart Set November 1912
- * The Silverstairs, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1905
- * Some Famous Old Prisons, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine April 1905
- * The Song of the Sea, (pm)
- * The Splendid Lie, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1912
- * The Suspect, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1912
- * Tell Me, (pm) The Smart Set April 1913
- * That Woman, (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine September 1915
- * Their Only Way, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1914
- * The Toilet of Venus, (ss) The Smart Set April 1900
- * To Love or Not to Love, (es) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1904
- * The Top of the Heap, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1903
- * A Transaction in Hearts, (n.) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine February 1889
- * Truffles and Tokay, (ar) The Smart Set April 1902
- * Vanity Square, (ar) The Smart Set June 1901
- * Vanity Square, (na) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1906
- * The Verdict, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1917
- * What Pessimism Is not, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine April 1889
- * What the Athenian Schoolgirl Learned, (ms) Ainslee’s May 1926
- * White Gloves, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1913
- * The Wiles of Venus, (ss) The Smart Set March 1904
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