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    Windigo: An Anthology of Fact and Fantastic Fiction ed. John Robert Colombo (Prairie Books, 1982, 0-88833-097-9, $18.95, 208pp, hc, an)
    • 1 · Introduction · John Robert Colombo · in
    • 7 · A Sort of Werewolf · Paul Le Jeune · ex 1636
      from a letter archived in The Jesuit Relations Vol. 9, Cleveland, 1896-1901.
    • 7 · Veritable Werewolves · Paul Le Jeune · ex 1661
      from a letter archived in The Jesuit Relations Vol.46, Cleveland, 1896-1901.
    • 8 · Onaouientagos · Bacqueville de la Potherie · ex (r)
      translated from the French (Histoire de l’Amérique Septentrionale, Paris, 1722).
    • 8 · The Devil · James Isham · ex 1743
      from Isham’s papers, Observations of Hudson’s Bay.
    • 9 · Another Being · Henry Ellis · ex A Voyage to Hudson’s Bay by Henry Ellis, London, 1748
    • 9 · Guilty of Murder · Samuel Hearne · ex 1775
      from Hearne’s Journal of a Journey Inland from York Fort towards Basquiau.
    • 10 · An Evil Being · Edward Umfreville · ex The Present State of Hudson’s Bay by Edward Umfreville, London, 1790
    • 11 · Man Eaters · David Thompson · ex (r)
      from Thompson’s notes.
    • 12 · Cannibals · Edwin James · ex A Narrative of the Capitivity and Adventures of John Tanner…Among the Indians…of North America by Edwin James, New York, 1830
    • 14 · The Weendigoes · Henry Rowe Schoolcraft · ss Algic Researches … Respecting the Mental Characteristic of the North American Indians by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, New York, 1839; a Saginaw story.
    • 21 · Superstitious Belief · Paul Kane · ex Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America by Paul Kane, London, 1859
    • 22 · A Tale of the Windego · J. B. Nevins · ss Narrative of Two Voyages to Hudson’s Bay by John Birkbeck Nevins, London, 1847
    • 26 · Legendary Lore · Francis Parkman · ex The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada by Francis Parkman, Boston, 1851
    • 27 · The Walker of the Snow · C. D. Shanly · pm The Atlantic Monthly May 1859, uncredited.
    • 29 · Some Sort of Madness · Earl of Southesk · ex Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains by Earl of Southesk, London, 1875
    • 29 · Cannibal Lake · Henry Youle Hind · ex Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857… by Henry Youle Hind, London, 1860
    • 30 · Giant Cannibals · Henry Youle Hind · ex Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula by Henry Youle Hind, London, 1863
    • 31 · He’s a Windigo · Sir William Francis Butler · ex The Great Lone Land by William Francis Butler, London, 1872
    • 32 · Windagoos! Cannibals! · Egerton Ryerson Young · ex Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Camp-Fires by Egerton Ryerson Young, London, 1893
    • 36 · Red-Headed Windego · E. W. Thomson · ss Old Man Savarin and Other Stories by Edward William Thomson, 1895
    • 44 · A Cannibal Spirit · Charles Mair · ex Through the Mackenzie Basin by Charles Mair, Toronto, 1908
    • 44 · The Windigo · William Henry Drummond · pm Johnny Courteau and Other Poems by William Henry Drummond, New York, 1901
    • 51 · The Snow-Wetigo · Arthur Heming · ss Metropolitan Magazine November 1905
    • 59 · A Weetigo in the Woods · Philip H. Godsell · ex Arctic Trader … Twenty Years with the Hudson’s Bay Company by Philip H. Godsell, New York, 1934
    • 65 · The Wendigo · Algernon Blackwood · na The Lost Valley and Other Stories by Algernon Blackwood, Eveleigh Nash, 1910
    • 113 · A Tale of the Grand Jardin · W. H. Blake · ss Brown Waters and Other Sketches by William H. Blake, Toronto, 1915
    • 119 · Wintigoes (Giants) · Peter York & G. E. Laidlaw · vi Annual Archaeological Report 1915, Ontario Provincial Museum, 1915
    • 120 · Me Sah Ba and the Wintigo · Jonas George & G. E. Laidlaw · vi Annual Archaeological Report 1918, Ontario Provincial Museum, 1918
    • 120 · The Windigo · Lottie Marsden & G. E. Laidlaw · vi Annual Archaeological Report 1918, Ontario Provincial Museum, 1918; two narratives with the same title.
    • 122 · Windigo Story · Joe Cosh & G. E. Laidlaw · vi Annual Archaeological Report 1924-25, Ontario Provincial Museum, 1925
    • 122 · Windigo Story · Kenneth G. Snake & G. E. Laidlaw · vi Annual Archaeological Report 1924-25, Ontario Provincial Museum, 1925
    • 123 · To Kill Windigo · D. S. Davidson · ex The Journal of American Folklore January 1928 - March 1928
    • 124 · The Immortal Cannibal · Frank G. Speck · ex Naskapi: The Savage Hunters of the Labrador Peninsula by Frank G. Speck, , 1935
    • 125 · A Human Being Transformed · Diamond Jenness · ex The Ojibwa Indians of Parry Sound by Diamond Jenness, Ottawa, 1935
    • 127 · The Wendigo · Ogden Nash · pm The Private Dining Room and Other New Verses by Ogden Nash, Little, Brown, 1953
    • 128 · The Windigo Personality · Ruth Landes · ex The Ojibwa Woman by Ruth Landes, 1938
    • 139 · The Thing That Walked on the Wind [Cthulhu] · August Derleth · ss Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1933
    • 150 · Ithaqua [Cthulhu] · August Derleth · ss Strange Stories February 1941
    • 162 · Restless Souls · Richard Morenus · ex Crazy-White-Man by Richard Morenus, New York, 1952
    • 162 · Supernatural Creatures · Pierre Berton · ex The Mysterious North by Pierre Berton, Toronto, 1956
    • 162 · The Existence of the Witigo · Roger Vandersteene · ex Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology #1, 1969
    • 164 · Windigo Psychosis · Morton I. Teicher · ar International Journal of Parapsychology Winter 1962
    • 187 · Windigo · George Bowering · pm Tamarack Review Fall 1965
    • 191 · Windigo · Herbert T. Schwarz · ss Windigo and Other Tales of the Ojibways by Herbert T. Schwarz, Toronto, 1969
    • 193 · Stories of the Windigo · James R. Stevens · ss Sacred Legends of the Sandy Lake Cree by James R. Stevens, Toronto, 1971
    • 200 · A Near Encounter · Chief Dan Kennedy · ex Recollections of an Assinoboine Chief by Dan Kennedy, Toronto, 1972
    • 201 · A Man Named Weendigo · Basil Johnston · ex Ojibway Heritage by Basil Johnston, 1976
    • 204 · The Death of Windigo · Norval Morrisseau · ex Legends of My People by Norval Morrisseau, Toronto, 1965

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