The FictionMags Index
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[]Pargh, Andy (chron.)
- * Backyard Blast, (ms) Penthouse July 2003
- * Chrome Horses, (ar) Penthouse September 2001
- * Cool Gadgets for a Hot Summer, (ms) Penthouse June 2002
- * A Cut Above the Rest, (ms) Penthouse November 2003
- * Extreme Tailgating, (ar) Penthouse November 2001
- * Friday Night Fever, (ms) Penthouse September 2002
- * Happy Trails, (ms) Penthouse May 2003
- * Last Minute Gifts, (ms) Penthouse January 2003
- * Making a Splash, (ms) Penthouse June 2003
- * No Sweat, (ms) Penthouse August 2003
- * Rough Riders, (ms) Penthouse September 2003
- * 10 Last-Minute Gifts, (ms) Penthouse January 2002
- * Tooling Up, (ms) Penthouse April 2003
- * You’ve Got Game, (ms) Penthouse January 2004
[]Parham, Robert (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Bad Service, (pm) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #30, Summer 2003
- * The Heat Wave in Sardis, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1997
- * I Am an Engine, (pm) Pulpsmith Spring 1981
- * A Jewish Uncle Dies in Miami, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1983
- * The Large Is the Small, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1996
- * Not Calling This Home Is Important, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1996
- * Paying Attention, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1999
- * Two Poems, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fll 1985, Spr 1988
- * The Wisdom of Children, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1999
[]Paris, Allan (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * Afraid of the Dark, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1946
- * A Bachelor’s Life, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 20 1948
- * First Frost, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1947
- * The Honeymoon, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1947
- * The Main Thing, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1947
- * Man-About-Town, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1946
- * My Unsuspecting Bride, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 22 1949
- * The Quick Brown Fox, (vi) Liberty December 29 1945
- * Reunion in New York, (ss) The American Magazine July 1947
- * The Room, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1947
- * A Taste of Freedom, (ss) Collier’s March 8 1947
[]Parish, Jeff (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * After, Life, (ss) Best New Zombie Tales, Volume One ed. James Roy Daley, Books of the Dead Press, 2010
- * Crank Case, (ss) A Thousand Faces #5, Summer 2008
- * Dreadneck, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #33, 2008
- * Final Edition, (ss) Grants Pass ed. Jennifer Brozek & Amanda Pillar, Morrigan Books, 2009
- * Hitman, (ss) In Bad Dreams 2: Where Death Stalks ed. Sharyn Lilley, Eneit Press, 2009
- * Just Enough, (ss) Bits of the Dead ed. Keith Gouveia, Coscom Entertainment, 2008
- * Of Bones and Blades, (ss) Speculative Realms ed. Sasha Beattie,, 2008
- * Old Nag, (ss) Abandoned Towers #1, November 2008
[]Parisien, Dominik J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Afternoon with Grandparents, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #19, November/December 2017
- * The Bone-Built World, (pm) Not One of Us #50, September 2013
- * Concussion, (pm) Augur Magazine v1 #1, 2018
- * The Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction Manifesto (with Elsa Sjunneson-Henry), (ed) Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- * Fiction Introduction, (si) Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- * Goodbye Is a Mouthfull of Water, (ss) Playground of Lost Toys ed. Colleen Anderson & Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions, 2015
- * Growing Up in Wonderland, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #12, September/October 2016
- * Introduction, (in) The Sum of Us ed. Susan Forest & Lucas K. Law, Laksa Media, 2017
- * Introduction (with Navah Wolfe), (in) The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2016
- * Introduction (with Navah Wolfe), (in) Robots vs. Fairies ed. Navah Wolfe & Dominik Parisien, Saga Press, 2018
- * Introduction (with Navah Wolfe), (in) The Mythic Dream ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2019
- * The Memory-Thief (with Adrienne J. Odasso), (pm) Ideomancer June 2014
- * My Child Has Winter in His Bones, (pm) Tesseracts Seventeen: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast ed. Colleen Anderson & Steve Vernon, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2013
- * Penny, (pm) inkscrawl August 2012
- * Perfect Knots, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2010
- * A Portrait of the Monster as an Artist, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2015
- * Predictive Text, (pm) Augur Magazine v6 #1, 2023
- * Ronnie Linton, High School Flame, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #52, 2011
- * Sand Bags, (pm) Strange Horizons November 18 2013
- * Since Breaking Through the Ice, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2012
- * A sinkhole invites a street to consider its future, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #44, January/February 2022
- * Smoking, The Old Sergeant, (pm) Shock Totem #7, August 2013
- * Spider Moves the World, (ss) Lackington’s #6, Spring 2015
- * The Theatre Golems, (ss) Mythic Delirium #28, Winter/Spring 2013
- * To a Dying Friend, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #6, September/October 2015
- * The Visions Take Their Toll: Disability and the Cost of Magic, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #30, September/October 2019
- * When He Fell, (pm) Ideomancer September 2013
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Fireside Quarterly Winter 2020
- * Editor (with Elsa Sjunneson-Henry): Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- * The Mythic Dream (with Navah Wolfe), (Saga Press, September 2019, oa)
- * Robots vs. Fairies (with Navah Wolfe), (Saga Press, January 2018, oa)
- * The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales (with Navah Wolfe), (Saga Press, October 2016, oa)
_____, [ref.]
[]Park, C(harles) S(tuart) (1913-2000) (chron.)
- * Accident at High Pass, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine July 1970
- * Apache Brand, (ss) Texas Rangers April 1953
- * Crusade to Santa Cruz, (ss) West July 1953
- * The Dying Moon, (ss) Texas Rangers September 1957
- * For the Love of Marie, (ss) Texas Rangers May 1956
- * The Half-Million Dollar Decoy, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1962
- * Keyhole Brand, (ss) Ranch Romances November 1959
- * The Last Bullet, (ss) Triple Western Summer 1954
- * Out of Court, (ss) Western Short Stories March 1955
- * Rough Road to Royal Gorge, (ss) They Opened the West ed. Tom Blackburn, Doubleday, 1967
- * Two-Gun Farewell, (ss) Western Magazine September 1955
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