The FictionMags Index
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Gernsback, Hugo (chron.) (continued)
- * The Wonders of Sleep, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1930
- * The Wonders of Space, (ed) Science Wonder Stories August 1929
- * Wonders of Space-Distances, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1935
- * Wonders of Space Flight, (ed) Wonder Stories Aug 1933, Jan/Feb 1936
- * The Wonders of Space-Matter, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1930
- * The Wonders of Space Radiation, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1932
- * Wonders of Speed, (ed) Science Wonder Stories October 1929
- * The Wonders of Stellar Space, (ed) Science Wonder Stories April 1930
- * Wonders of Suspended Life, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1935
- * Wonders of Technocracy, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1933
- * Wonders of the Commonplace, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1932
- * Wonders of the Earth’s Interior, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1931
- * Wonders of the Future, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1931
- * Wonders of the Human Body, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1931
- * Wonders of the Machine Age, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1931
- * Wonders of the Planets, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1934
- * The Wonders of the Simple, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1931
- * Wonders of the Stars, (ed) Wonder Stories November 1931
- * Wonders of the Universe, (ed) Wonder Stories December 1932
- * Wonders of the Unknown, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1930
- * Wonders of the Vacuum, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1931
- * Wonders of the Void, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1931
- * Wonders of Thought, (ed) Wonder Stories May 1933
- * The Wonders of Time, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1934
- * Wonders of Touch, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1933
- * Wonders of Transplanted Organs, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1935
- * Wonders of Transportation, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1935
- * Wonders of Weight, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1935
- * Wonders of World Speeds, (ed) Wonder Stories October 1933
- * Wonders of Your Body, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1935
- * The World in 2046, (nv) Tame 1945
- * World War III—In Retrospect, (nv) Newspeek 1950
- * [letter], (lt) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies December 1962
_____, ed.
- * Editorial Chief:
* ___ Amazing Detective Tales, 30/06 - 30/10
* ___ Scientific Detective Monthly
- * Editor-in-Chief:
* ___ Air Wonder Stories
* ___ Science Wonder Stories
* ___ Wonder Stories
* ___ Wonder Stories Quarterly
- * Editor:
* ___ Amazing Stories, 26/04 - 29/04.
* ___ Amazing Stories Annual
* ___ Amazing Stories Quarterly, 28/Win - 29/Win.
* ___ Buccaneer Stories
* ___ Electrical Experimenter
* ___ Modern Electrics
* ___ Practical Electrics
* ___ PreScience Fiction
* ___ Radio News
* ___ Science and Invention
* ___ Science Wonder Quarterly
* ___ True Supernatural Stories
- * Editor: Science and Invention Sep, Nov, Dec 1920, Jan 1921
- * Editor: Amazing Stories Quarterly Winter 1929
- * Editor: Science Wonder Stories Jul, Sep 1929
- * Editor: Science Wonder Quarterly Fall 1929
- * Editor: Exploration Tales July 1934
- * Editor: Pirate Stories Nov 1934, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug 1935
- * Editor: Science-Fiction Plus Nov 1952, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1953
- * Patent Advice, (cl) Science and Invention Nov 1920, Jan 1921
_____, [ref.]
- * The Age of Wonder, I: Gernsback, Wonder Stories, and David Lasser, 1929-1933 by Eric Leif Davin, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1987
- * The Facts in the Matter of Hugo Gernsback and Stanley G. Weinbaum by Eric Leif Davin, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #355, 2021
- * The Father of Science Fiction by Sam Moskowitz, (ar) Satellite Science Fiction June 1959 (unpublished)
- * The Gernsback Bankruptcy: A Pivotal Point in the Evolution of SF by Jim Emerson, (ar) Futures Past v4, 2024
- * The Gernsback Conundrum by Nina Allan, (ar) Interzone #274, March/April 2018
- * The Gernsback Days by Mike Ashley & Robert A. W. Lowndes, (Wildside Press, July 2004, nf)
- * Gernsback’s Infamous Payment Practices by Jim Emerson, (ar) Futures Past v2, 2021
- * How Scientifiction Began: Hugo Gernsback’s Great Experiment by “Fantasia”, (ar) Scientifiction August 1937
- * How to Write “Scientific” Fiction, by Hugo Gernsback (1930) by Michael Swanwick, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 2006
- * Hugo Gernsback by Brian M. Stableford, (ar) Interzone #126, December 1997
- * Hugo Gernsback by Conrad H. Ruppert, (iv) Science Fiction Digest December 1932
- * Hugo Gernsback, (ob) The Arkham Collector #2, Winter 1968
- * A Hugo Gernsback Bibliography by Jim Emerson, (bi) Futures Past #1, 1992
- * Hugo Gernsback: Old Man in a New Whirl by Richard Elsberry, (ar) Science Fantasy Bulletin March 1953
- * Hugo Gernsback’s Ideas of Science and Fiction, 1915-26 by Deborah Elkin, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1989/1990
- * Hugo Gernsback—The Man Who Gave His Name to the “Hugo” and Birth to Amazing by T. W. Black, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1986
- * Hugo Gernsback: The Man Who Saw the Future by Jim Emerson, (ar) Futures Past #1, 1992
- * “An Idea of Significant Import”: Hugo Gernsback’s Theory of Science Fiction by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Foundation #48, Spring 1990
- * Keeper of the Flame: A Different View on Hugo Gernsback by Darrell Schweitzer, (ar) Algol Winter 1977/1978
- * A Memory of Past Glory by Claire P. Beck, (ar) The Science Fiction Fan October 1936
- * Mr. H. and Mr. H.G. by Mike Ashley, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1989/1990
- * Mr. Science Fiction: A Profile of Hugo Gernsback by Sam Moskowitz, (bg) 1959
- * The Pioneer Science Fiction Paperback Series of Hugo Gernsback by David & Susannah Bates, (ar) Echoes #25, June 1986
- * Plato, Aristotle and Gernsbach by Eph Konigsberg, (ar) Shangri-La #13, August 1949
- * Plus Ultra by Anthony R. Lewis, (ss) Alternate Skiffy ed. Mike Resnick & Patrick Nielsen Hayden, The Wildside Press, 1997
- * Ralph 124C 41+ by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1950
- * Ralph 124C 41+ by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction May 1951, Feb 1959
- * Ralph 124C 41+, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #22, June 15 1952
- * Ralph 124C41+ by Donald M. Hassler, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #151, March 2001
- * S-F Pioneer, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction #21, May 15 1952
- * Shapers of Things to Come, (ar) Amazing Stories Summer 1998
- * Sons of Super-Science by Mike Ashley, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1990
- * Tesla and Gernsback: An Untold Influence on the Birth of the Genre by Mir Seidel, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #355, 2021
- * Ultimate World by Lester del Rey, (br) Worlds of If May/June 1972
- * Ultimate World by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July/August 1972
- * The Unique Mystery Magazine: Hugo Gernsback’s Scientific Detective Monthly by Robert A. W. Lowndes, (ar) The Armchair Detective Wtr, Spr, Sum, v14 #4 1981, v15 #1 1982, Spr, Sum 1983, Wtr, Spr 1984, Wtr 1985
- * Wanted: A Symbol for Science Fiction by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1995
[]Gerould, Gordon Hall (1877-1953) (about) (chron.)
- * The Best-Seller, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine September 1915
- * Broken Meats, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine November 1925
- * Dead Men’s Shoes, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine July 1919
- * Experience, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine March 1914
- * Ghosts and Devils: New Style, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine April 1922
- * How It Was, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1928
- * Imagination, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1918
- * Justification [Peter Sanders], (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1911
- * Occupation [Peter Sanders], (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1914
- * Pseudonymous, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1914
[]Gerould, Katharine (Elizabeth) Fullerton (1879-1944); previously known as Katharine Fullerton (about) (chron.)
- * Agony Column, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1928
- * An Army with Banners, (nv) Harper’s Magazine August 1925
- * Belshazzar’s Letter, (nv) Metropolitan June 1922
- * The Bird in the Bush, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1913
- * Blue Bonnet, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1915
- * The Blue Star, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1919
- * Boston Revisited, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine January 1922
- * By-Ways in Hawaii, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine June 1916
- * The Case of Paramore, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1913
- * The Centipede, (ss) Harper’s Magazine August 1929
- * A Change of Air, (nv) Scribner’s Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1917
- * The Comedy of Americanization, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1921
- * Cradle-Snatcher, (ss) Pictorial Review March 1929
- * The Cup and the Lip, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1915
- * Divided Kingdom, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1912
- * The Dominant Strain, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine June 1914
- * East of Eden, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1917
- * The Eighty-Third, (ss) Harper’s Magazine February 1916
- * Emma Blair, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1916
- * The End and the Means, (ss) Harper’s Magazine May 1913
- * French Eva, (nv) Scribner’s Magazine November 1920
- * Gemma to Beatrice, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine June 1910, as by Katharine Fullerton
- * “Go-Look-See”, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1919
- * The Great Tradition, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1914
- * Habakkuk, (nv) Scribner’s Magazine November 1919
- * Had I the Pen of a G. P. R. James, (ar) Harper’s Magazine October 1921
- * The Hand of Jim Fane, (ss) Harper’s Magazine August 1917
- * His Sunsets, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 1929
- * An Honest Man, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1919
- * Honolulu: The Melting-Pot, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine May 1916
- * Idle Hands, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1928
- * Impasse, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1913
- * Jessica and Al Capone, (ar) Harper’s Magazine June 1931
- * Kalaupapa: The Leper Settlement on Molokai, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine July 1916
- * The Keeper of the Gate, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1921
- * The Knight’s Move, (nv) The Atlantic Monthly February 1917
- * Leda and the Swan, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine February 1915
- * Louquier’s Third Act, (nv) Harper’s Magazine October 1916
- * “Love’s Pilgrimage”, (ss) Harper’s Magazine October 1927
- * Mango-Seed, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1912
- * Marchpane, (ss) Harper’s Magazine May 1918
- * Martin’s Hollow, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine June 1915
- * Men, Women, and the Byron-Complex, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly September 1922 [Ref. Lord Byron]
- * The Miracle, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1914
- * Miss Marriott and the Faun, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine July 1915
- * A Moth of Peace, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly January 1915
- * The Nature of an Oath, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1922
- * The Nemesis of the Screen, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 8 1922
- * On the Staircase, (nv) Scribner’s Magazine December 1913
- Ghosts Grim and Gentle ed. Joseph Lewis French, Dodd, Mead, 1926
- The Ghost Story Omnibus ed. Joseph Lewis French, Dodd, Mead, 1933
- Travelers in Time ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Doubleday, 1947
- The Frankenstein Reader ed. Calvin Beck, Ballantine, 1962
- * Pearls, (ss) Harper’s Magazine July 1914
- * The Penalties of Artemis, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1915
- * Poppies in the Wheat, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1902, as by Katharine Fullerton
- * Sea-Green, (ss) Harper’s Magazine August 1915
- * The Straight Tip, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1914
- * The Toad and the Jewel, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1914
- * The Tortoise, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine January 1914
- * The Triple Mirror, (ss) The Century Magazine April 1914
- * Vain Oblations, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine March 1911
- * The Wax Doll, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1917
- * Weaker Vessel, (ss) The Century Magazine December 1913
- * Wesendonck, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1913
- * What They Seem, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1917
- * The Wine of Violence, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine July 1911
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