The FictionMags Index
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Oates, Joyce Carol (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Girl with the Blackened Eye, (ss) Witness v14 #2, 2000
- * A Girl Worth Two Million, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1969
- * Give Me Your Heart, (ss) Dangerous Women ed. Otto Penzler, Mysterious Press, 2005
- * The Goddess, (ss) Antæus #13/14, Spring/Summer 1974
- * The Going-Away Party, (ss) Antæus #36, Winter 1980
- * Golden Gloves, (ss)
- * The Golden Madonna, (ss) Playboy March 1974
- * The Good Samaritan, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 2011
- * Goose-Girl, (ss) Fiction v10 #3, 1992
- * Great Blue Heron, (nv) Black Feathers ed. Ellen Datlow, Pegasus Books, 2017
- * Gun Accident: An Investigation, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2015
- * The Hair, (nv) Winter’s Tales, New Series: 6 ed. Robin Baird-Smith, Constable, 1990
- * The Hand-Puppet, (ss) David Copperfield’s Tales of the Impossible ed. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1995
- * The Hands, (ss) Epoch 1995
- * Happiness, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2000
- * Haunted, (nv) The Architecture of Fear ed. Kathryn Cramer & Peter D. Pautz, Arbor House, 1987
- The Year’s Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1988
- Demons and Dreams ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Legend, 1989
- Wild Women ed. Melissa Mia Hall, Carroll & Graf, 1997
- The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2007
- Hauntings ed. Ellen Datlow, Tachyon Publications, 2013
- * The Haunting, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 2003
- * Heat, (ss) The Paris Review #110, Spring 1989
- * The Heiress. The Hireling., (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2024
- * Hey Dad, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2012
- * High Lonesome, (ss) Zoetrope: All-Story Winter 2005
- * The High School Sweetheart, (ss) Playboy January 2001
- * Home, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1989
- * The Home at Craigmillnar, (nv) The Kenyon Review Winter 2014
- * Honor Code, (na) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2005
- * House Hunting, (nv) The Kenyon Review Fall 1987
- * How Blackly Lovely: Noir in New Jersey, (in) New Jersey Noir ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Akashic Books, 2011
- * How I Contemplated the World from the Detroit House of Correction and Began My Life Over Again, (ss) TriQuarterly #15, Spring 1969
- Prize Stories 1970: The O. Henry Awards ed. William Abrahams, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1970
- The Best American Short Stories 1970 ed. Martha Foley & David Burnett, Houghton Mifflin, 1970
- Anti-Story ed. Philip Stevick, The Free Press, 1971
- The New Mystery ed. Jerome Charyn, Dutton, 1993
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999
- Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Sixth Edition ed. R. V. Cassill & Richard Bausch, W.W. Norton & Company, 2000
- * Hunger, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2001
- * The Hunter, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2003
- * Hunters’ Harvest, (hu) Playboy December 1996
- * I Am Sorry to Inform You, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly Fiction 2010
- * Ich Bin Ein Berliner, (ss) Esquire December 1982
- * I.D., (ss) The New Yorker March 29 2010
- * In Copland, (ss) Boulevard Fall 1999
- * In Shock, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 2000
- * Intensive, (ss) The Gettysburg Review 1996
- * An Interior Monologue, (ss) Esquire February 1969
- * In the Autumn of the Year, (nv) Bennington Review April 1978
- * In the Insomniac Night, (nv) Black Swan, White Raven ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon, 1997
- * In the Region of Ice, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1966
- * In the Warehouse, (ss) Transatlantic Review #25, Summer 1967
- * Introduction, (in) American Gothic Tales ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Penguin/Plume, 1996
- * Introduction, (in) Tales of H.P. Lovecraft by H. P. Lovecraft, Ecco Press, 1997
- * Introduction, (in) American Fiction, No. 9 ed. Alan Davis & Michael White, New Rivers Press, 1997
- * Introduction, (in) The Best American Mystery Stories 2005 ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Houghton Mifflin, 2005
- * Introduction, (in) A Darker Shade of Noir ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Akashic Books, 2023
- * Introduction to “In the Penal Colony”, (is) You’ve Got to Read This ed. Ron Hansen & Jim Shepard, HarperPerennial, 1994
- * Introduction to “The Ceiling”, (is) Prize Stories 2002: The O. Henry Awards ed. Larry Dark, Anchor Books, 2002
- * Introduction to “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe, (is) My Favorite Horror Story ed. Mike Baker & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2000
- * Introduction: Why We Write, Why We Read, (in)
- * Is Laughter Contagious?, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1991
- * The Journey, (vi) Soho Journal Autumn 1994
- * The Joyful Wedding, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1980
- * June Birthing, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1994
- * Kindness, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1989
- * Kite Poem, (pm) The Humanist July/August 2008
- * Labor Day, (ss) Western Humanities Review 1995
- * Ladies, and Gentlemen, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 1990
- * The Lady with the Pet Dog, (ss)
- * Landfill, (ss) The New Yorker October 9 2006
- * The Last Man of Letters, (ss) Playboy December 1998
- * Late Love, (ss) The New Yorker April 22/April 29 2024
- * Leave Me Alone God Damn You, (ss) Lethal Kisses ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium, 1996
- * Lethal, (vi) Where Is Here? by Joyce Carol Oates, Ecco Press, 1992
- * Letter, Lover, (ss) Where Is Here? by Joyce Carol Oates, Ecco Press, 1992
- * Life After High School, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly November 1991
- * The Lifelong Obsessions of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (ar) Prospect January/February 2022 [Ref. Fyodor Dostoyevsky]
- * Little Moses/The Society for the Reclamation and Restoration of “E. Auguste Napoleon Bonaparte”, (nv) The New Black Mask No.7 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1986
- * The Little Sacrifice, (ss) 666: The Number of the Beast, Point, 2007
- * Lives of the Twins, (ex) Cosmopolitan December 1987, as by Rosamond Smith
- * Lorelei, (ss) Unloaded ed. Eric Beetner, Down & Out Books, 2016
- * The Lost Brother, (ss) Zoetrope: All-Story Spring 2005
- * Love Being Me!, (pm) The Spook #11, July 2002
- * Lovely, Dark, Deep, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 2013
- * Lover, (ss) Night-Side by Joyce Carol Oates, Vanguard, 1977
- * The Loves of Franklin Ambrose, (ss) Playboy January 1972
- * A Love Story, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1967
- * Magda Maria, (ss) McSweeney’s #25, 2007
- * A Manhattan Romance, (ss) The Time Out Book of New York Short Stories ed. Nicholas Royle, Penguin, 1997
- * Manslaughter, (ss)
- * The Man Whom Women Adored, (nv) North American Review March 1981
- * Mark of Satan, (ss) Antæus #75/76, Autumn 1994
- * Martyrdom, (nv) MetaHorror ed. Dennis Etchison, Dell Abyss, 1992
- * Master Race, (ss) Partisan Review Fall 1984
- * Mastiff, (ss) The New Yorker July 1 2013
- * Meadowlands, (nv) Murder at the Racetrack ed. Otto Penzler, Mysterious Press, 2006
- * The Mercy, (pm) The Paris Review #230, Fall 2019
- * The Mime, (ss) Penthouse (US) January 1978
- * The Mirror, (ss) The South Carolina Review Spring 1982
- * Miss Golden Dreams, (ss) Collectibles ed. Lawrence Block, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * The Missing Person, (ss) Glimmer Train #7, Summer 1993
- * Mr. Stickum, (ss) Playboy Summer 2019
- * The Model, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1992
- * Monstersister, (ss) Conjunctions #74, Spring 2020
- * The Murder, (ss) Night-Side by Joyce Carol Oates, Vanguard, 1977
- * Murder-Two, (nv) Murder for Revenge ed. Otto Penzler, Delacorte, 1998
- * The Museum of Dr. Moses, (nv) The Museum of Horrors ed. Dennis Etchison, Leisure, 2001
- * Mutilated Woman, (ss) Michigan Quarterly Review Spring 1980
- * My Warsawa, (nv) The Kenyon Review Autumn 1981
- * Nairobi, (ss) The Paris Review 1983
- * Night-Side, (nv) Night-Side by Joyce Carol Oates, Vanguard, 1977
- Specter! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor House, 1982
- The Dark Descent ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1987
- New England Ghosts ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Rutledge Hill Press, 1990
- A Fabulous, Formless Darkness ed. David G. Hartwell, HarperCollins UK, 1991
- Great American Ghost Stories ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Rutledge Hill, 1991
- Great American Ghost Stories, Volume Two ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1993
- The Mists from Beyond ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Penguin/Roc, 1993
- A Century of Horror 1970-1979 ed. David Drake & Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1996
- Boston Noir 2: The Classics ed. Dennis Lehane, Mary Cotton & Jaime Clarke, Akashic Books, 2012
- * Nobody Knows My Name, (ss) Twists of the Tale ed. Ellen Datlow, Dell, 1996
- * Norman and the Killer, (nv) Southwest Review Spring 1965
- * The Obsession, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal October 1971
- * The Omen, (ss) Pequod 1993
- * On the Gulf, (ss) The South Carolina Review Fall 1974
- * The Others, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine August 1987
- * Others’ Dreams, (ss) New American Review #13, 1971
- * Our Common Past, (pm) Red Clay Reader #7, 1970
- * The Outing, (ss) Mademoiselle March 1980
- * Panic, (ss) Detroit Noir ed. E. J. Olsen & John C. Hocking, Akashic Books, 2007
- * Parole Hearing, California Institution for Women, Chino, CA, (ss) Boulevard #104/105, Spring 2020
- * Passion, (ss) GQ March 1990
- * Phantomwise: 1972, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2017
- * Phase Change, (nv) Omni Visions One ed. Ellen Datlow, Omni, 1993
- * The Phlebotomist, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2023
- * The Photographer, (ss)
- * Physical, (ss) Playboy August 1996
- * Politics, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1993
- * Poor Bibi, (ss) Tikkun May/June 1992, as "Poor Thing"
- * Poor Thing, (ss) Tikkun May/June 1992
- * Posthumous, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1994
- * Pregnant, (vi) Skin of the Soul ed. Lisa Tuttle, The Women's Press, 1990
- * The Premonition, (ss) Playboy December 1992
- * Presque Isle, (ss) The Agni Review 1980
- * The Psychoanalytical Love Affair, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1964
- * Pumpkin Head, (ss) The New Yorker January 12 2009
- * Puzzle, (ss) Redbook November 1970
- * Queen of the Night, (nv) Bananas #26, April 1981
- * Questions, (ss) Playboy January 1987
- * The Quiet Car, (ss) Harper’s Magazine October 2016
- * Raven’s Way, (ss) Esquire August 1984
- * Raven’s Wing, (ss) Esquire 1984
- * █████, (ss) Fear Itself ed. Jeff Gelb, Warner, 1995
- * The Redwoods, (ss) American Short Fiction Winter 2020
- * Reflections on the Grotesque, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #66, February 1994
- * Remember?, (pm) The Spook #11, July 2002
- * The Rooster, (mm) The New York Times Magazine May 21 2017
- * The Rose Wall, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1981
- * The Ruins of Contracoeur, (na) 999 ed. Al Sarrantonio, Avon, 1999
- * The Ruins of Contracoeur and Other Presences, (co) Swan River Press, 2021
- * Run Kiss Daddy, (ss) New Jersey Noir ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Akashic Books, 2011
- * San Quentin, (ss) Playboy October 2011
- * Saul Bird Says: Relate! Communicate! Liberate!, (ss) Playboy October 1970
- * The Scarf, (ss) Ploughshares Spring 1998
- * Scars, (ss) Artes 1997
- * Scenes of Passion and Despair, (ss)
- * Schroeder’s Stepfather, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1992
- * The Seasons, (ss) Ploughshares Winter 1983
- * (Secret) Marilyn, (ar) Playboy December 2010
- * Secret Observations on the Goat-Girl, (ss) The Assignation by Joyce Carol Oates, The Ecco Press, 1988
- * Secrets, (ss) Mademoiselle November 1986
- * Secret, Silent, (ss) Boulevard Fall 1998
- * Seeds for Next Year, (in) Prison Noir ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Akashic Books, 2014
- * Sentimental Journey, (nv) The South Carolina Review Spring 1977
- * The Sepulchre, (ss) DoubleTake 1994
- * Sex with Camel, (ss) The American Reader May/June 2013
- * Shadows of the Evening, (nv) The Collector of Hearts, Dutton, 1998
- * Shopping, (ss) Ms. March 1987
- * Shot, (ss) Seventeen June 1990
- * Silkie, (ss) Malahat Review July 1972
- * Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, (ss) The New Yorker October 14 2019
- * The Siren: 1999, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2023
- * Sisters, (ss) The South Carolina Review Spring 1980
- * The Situations, (ss) Vice May 2016
- * 6:27 P.M., (ss) Redbook December 1971
- * The Skull, (ss) Harper’s Magazine May 2002
- * The Sky-Blue Ball, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1997
- * Sleeping Together, (pm) Transatlantic Review #37/38, Autumn 1970/Winter 1971
- * Small Avalanches, (nv)
- * So Help Me God, (nv) The Virginia Quarterly Review Winter 2005
- * So Near, Any Time Always, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2012
- * The Sons of Angus MacElster, (ss) Conjunctions #30, Spring 1998
- * Spider Boy, (ss) The New Yorker September 20 2004
- * The Spider, Love, (ex) from Bellefleur, Dutton, 1980
- * Split/Brain, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2008
- * The Stadium, (vi) Omni October 1988
- * The Stalker, (ss) Unusual Suspects ed. James Grady, Vintage, 1996
- * Starr Bright Will Be with You Soon!, (nv) Crimes of Passion ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1997
- * Stigmata, (ss) The Colorado Quarterly Spring 1963
- * Still Life, (ex) from Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars., Ecco Press, June 2020
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