The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7670
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Newton, (Wilfrid) Douglas (chron.) (continued)
- * One of the Best Houses, (ss) Yes or No October 1 1910
- * One Touch of Nature, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #28, November 13 1909
- * The Onlookers, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #109, June 3 1911
- * The Only Things That Count, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #4, October 1922
- * On the Island of Great Content, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1924
- * On the Roof of the Harem [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show December 12 1936
- * The Opportunity, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #55, May 21 1910
- * Orders and the Bath [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 16 1917
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #2, November 1926
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #3, December 1926
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #4, January 1927
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #5, February 1927
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #6, March 1927
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #7, April 1927
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #8, May 1927
- * Pandora, If You Please [Pandora Sway], (ss) All-Story Magazine (UK) #9, June 1927
- * “Paula Changes Her Mind”, (ss) Western Daily Press and Bristol Mirror February 10 1934
- * Pawn to Check a Queen [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show June 20 1936
- * Pearls [Pepin], (ss) The Sketch March 2 1921
- * The Pen, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1919
- * The Pen Decides, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1918
- * Penholders, (ss) Yes or No October 9 1909
- * The People of Darkness, (ss) Quakes, Philip Allan, 1933
- * Per Contract, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1922
- * The Perfect Alibi, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 16 1929
- * Perilous Sands, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1928
- * Peterr’s Problems:
* ___ I. Amber [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch October 12 1921
* ___ II. Heart Failure [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch October 19 1921
* ___ III. The Accident [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch October 26 1921
* ___ IV. Science [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch November 2 1921
* ___ V. Creme de Menthe [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch November 9 1921
* ___ VI. Wool [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch November 16 1921
- * Phillip-al-Raschid [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 24 1920
- * Phillip and the Flappers:
* ___ I. Sidonie, Some Surprises, and a Bonehead [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1917
* ___ II. The Really Prettiest [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1917
* ___ III. Hoppery [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1917
* ___ IV. Towel Tactics [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1917
* ___ V. Ball-Room Operations [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1917
* ___ VI. Love, Luck, and Strategy [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1917
- * Phillip and the Philanderer [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch February 25 1920
- * Phillip in Particular (second series):
* ___ I. The Tab-Exterminator [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 2 1917
* ___ II. Stars (Single) and Their Courses [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 9 1917
* ___ III. Orders and the Bath [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 16 1917
- * Phillip in Particular:
* ___ I. None but the Brainy Deserve— [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch February 16 1916
* ___ II. The Hook in the Bait [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch February 23 1916
* ___ III. A Brigadier and a Billet [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 1 1916
* ___ IV. The Taking of Chances [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 8 1916
* ___ V. The Red-Tape Strafer [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 15 1916
* ___ VI. Her Name Is Ines [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 22 1916
* ___ VII. The Hat [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #151, March 23 1912
* ___ VIII. The Bright Eyes of the Little Lady [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch April 26 1916
* ___ IX. Harold [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 24 1916
* ___ The Muffler [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch Christmas 1916
- * Phillip Particularises:
* ___ Aunts on the Offensive [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch December 19 1917
* ___ Baroning and How To [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 9 1918
* ___ Dealings with Charity [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 2 1918
* ___ The Interferer [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch February 6 1918
* ___ Tabs and Tableaux [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 30 1918
* ___ Telepathy and Its Terrors [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 23 1918
* ___ Things Within Season [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch December 26 1917
* ___ Weddings—Their Mysteries and Uses [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 16 1918
- * The Philtre, (ss) The Sketch August 31 1921
- * “The Place of the Heart’s Desire”, (ss) The Red Magazine December 19 1924
- * The Plain Woman, (ss) The Sketch April 14 1915
- * Plot and Counterplot, (ss) Yes or No July 23 1910
- * Pluck and Petrol, (ar) The Sketch September 27 1939
- * Point Blank, (ss) The Bystander September 7 1921
- * The Point Forgotten, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #44, March 5 1910
- * The Poisoned Pomegranates, (ss) This Week November 17 1940
- * The Pooka, (ss) The Sketch October 25 1922
- * Poor Little Kid, (ss) The Blue Magazine #41, November 1922
- * The Power at the Shoulder, (ss) The Corner Magazine April 1926
- * Power of the Eyes [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show September 19 1936
- * Presumption, (ss) The Story-teller February 1925
- * The Primitives, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine February 1922
- * The Prince of the Paraffin Nose, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine October 1927
- * Princeza, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1920
- * The Problem of the Scented Ticket, (ss) 1932
- * Problems for Experts, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1929
- * The Profit, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #24, October 16 1909
- * The Profiteer Plunderers:
* ___ Blue, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1920
* ___ Burglar-Proof Flats, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1920
* ___ The False Trail, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1920
* ___ The Macklin Pearls, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1920
* ___ Miser Money, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1920
* ___ The Sporting Finish, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1920
* ___ The Sportsman in Pajamas, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1920
* ___ Under Suspicion, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1920
* ___ When Greek Meets Greek, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1920
- * Promotion, (ss) The Premier Magazine #10, February 1915
- * Proud Beauty [Savaran], (nv) The Passing Show April 4 1936
- * Psychic, (ss) The Sketch June 7 1922
- * The Psychology of Warfare, (ss) The Sketch January 20 1915
- * Punch, (ss) The Green Magazine #1, November 7 1922
- * The Quake Ship, (ss) The Passing Show October 22 1932
- * The Queen of the Cannibal Isle, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day June 1923
- * The Quipos, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1934
- * The Rabbit, (ss) The Story-teller March 1925
- * The Railway Carriage Crime [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (nv) Pearson’s Magazine March 1932
- * Range Directions, (ss) The Sketch September 1 1915
- * The Really Prettiest [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1917
- * The Real Thing, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #236, November 8 1913
- * The Red-Tape Strafer [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 15 1916
- * Reduced to Ashes [Raphael Phare; Dr. Dyn], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1926, as "The Death of the White Ash"
- * Reg and Rescue, (ss) The Sketch April 19 1922
- * “A Regular Feller”, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1920
- * “Rendezvoused”, (ss) The Detective Magazine #24, October 12 1923
- * The Renegade, (ss) Yes or No May 23 1908
- * The Residue, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) April 1927
- * Revolution!, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #85, December 17 1910
- * Reward of Virtue, (ss) The Passing Show October 28 1933
- * The Rewards of Innocence, (ss) Lloyd’s Story Magazine January 1922
- * The Riddle, (ss) The Story-teller July 1925
- * Riddle of the Devoted Sphinx [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show July 25 1936
- * The Riddle of the Red-Haired Jew [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1932
- * “Robert the Don”, (ss) The Blue Magazine #86, August 1926
- * Rogue Help Rogue, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1923
- * Romance and Reality [Marcus Ord], (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #100, October 1930
- * The Rope, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #173, August 24 1912
- * Rosie, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #266, June 6 1914
- * Rough Stuff, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #130, January 1923
- * Rough Surgery, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine April 1924
- * The Ruby [Pepin], (ss) The Sketch January 12 1921
- * The Rum Runners, (ss) The Blue Magazine #38, August 1922
- * The Rush, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #60, June 25 1910
- * Sacha, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine October 1925
- * The St. George Impulse, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1931
- * The Sap, (ss) The Sketch January 27 1915
- * The Sapphire Flame [Raphael Phare; Dr. Dyn], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1926
- * Savaran Is Slapped [Savaran], (nv) Illustrated February 17 1940
- * Savaran Meets a Lady of Disdain [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show April 23 1938
- * Savaran Plays the Queen [Savaran], (nv) Illustrated April 27 1940
- * The Scent, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #9, July 3 1909
- * The Scented Ticket [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1932
- * The Scent Ship, (ss) The Premier Magazine #13, May 1915
- * Science [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch November 2 1921
- * A Scientist, A Salvage, and Some Conventions, (ss) Yes or No May 2 1908
- * Scoop, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1938
- * Second Fiddle, (ss) The Red Magazine September 25 1925
- * The Secret of the Robe, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1928
- * Secrets for Sale, (na) The Thriller Library #575, February 10 1940
- * Seldom What They Seem, (ss) Yes or No March 21 1914
- * Self-Help [Pepin], (ss) The Sketch January 26 1921
- * Seven Doomed Men, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 21 1929
- * £70, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1912
- * The Seven Who Feared, (na) The Thriller #41, November 16 1929
- * The Shadow Gang, (na) The Thriller #129, July 25 1931
- * The Shaving Stick, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine June 1927
- * The Sheep, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1925
- * The Sheik Sa’ad, (ss) The Danger Trail August 1926
- * The Shining Vision, (ss) The Story-teller April 1927
- * The Ship of the Seven Virgins, (ss) The Story-teller June 1925
- * Ship Shape, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 15 1937
- * Shipwrecked on a Wonder Isle, (nv) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #3, August 1924
- * A Shot in the Dark [Julius Sugars], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1938
- * A Shred of Song, (ss) The Red Magazine December 3 1926
- * Shudder Island, (na) The Thriller #96, December 6 1930
- * Sidonie, Some Surprises, and a Bonehead [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1917
- * Sinister Street, (na) The Thriller #112, March 28 1931
- * The Sixth Director, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Mar 31, Apr 7, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28 1923
- * The Skin of the Mummy, (ss) The Sketch September 8 1920
- * A Slip-up on Oil, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #1, July 1922
- * The Smirch, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #79, November 5 1910
- * Sniff, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #32, February 1925
- * Snowbound, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1932
- * Somthing Calling, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1927
- * Song of the Siren [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show August 22 1936
- * The Specie Ship, (ss) The Red Magazine June 6 1924
- * The Sporting Finish, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1920
- * The Sporting Touch, (ss) The Sketch February 2 1916
- * The Sportsman in Pajamas, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1920
- * Square F. 22, (ss) The Sketch September 16 1914
- * Squash, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #2, August 1922
- * Staring Eyes of Death, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine February 1928
- * Stars (Single) and Their Courses [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 9 1917
- * Steel, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1924
- * Stolen Cargo, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1922
- * Stolen Plans, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #213, May 31 1913
- * Straight Dealing, (ss) The London Magazine July 1921
- * The Strange Case of Duncan Brecon, (ss) Yes or No September 21 1907
- * The Strange Case of the Locked Chest [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1932
- * Stymie, (ss) The Sketch July 6 1921
- * The Suede Shoe, (ss) The Sketch February 21 1917
- * Sunken Cities, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine October 1923
- * The Swindler, (ss) The Premier Magazine #156, December 26 1922
- * Sylvia Is Freed!, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1925
- * System and the Jungle, (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1921
- * The Tab-Exterminator [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch May 2 1917
- * Tabs and Tableaux [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 30 1918
- * Take Your Choice, (ss) The Passing Show December 25 1937
- * The Taking of Chances [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch March 8 1916
- * Tales of the Sea:
* ___ A Scientist, A Salvage, and Some Conventions, (ss) Yes or No May 2 1908
- * Tales Told in the “Dry Dock”:
* ___ 1: Law and Discipline, (ss) The Premier Magazine #12, April 1915
* ___ 2: The Scent Ship, (ss) The Premier Magazine #13, May 1915
* ___ 3: The Old Adam, (ss) The Premier Magazine #14, June 1915
* ___ 4: “Barratry”, (ss) The Premier Magazine #15, July 1915
- * Talk of Murder, (ss)
- * The Tattered Man [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1932
- * The Tattooed Bangle, (sl) Clues 2nd Mar, 1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun 1928
- * The Telegraphist, (ss) The Sketch September 23 1914
- * Telepathy and Its Terrors [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 23 1918
- * Ten of Hearts, (ss) The Detective Magazine #53, November 21 1924
- * Testing Time, (ss) The Green Magazine #6, January 16 1923
- * That Is the Law, (ss) The Red Magazine January 5 1923
- * That’s How It’s Done [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch June 23 1920
- * That Sort of Woman, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1928
- * “There Goes Fame”, (ss) The Story-teller March 1933
- * The Thing Lacking, (ss) The Red Magazine July 26 1929
- * Things That Matter, (ss) The Premier Magazine #17, September 1915
- * Things Within Season [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch December 26 1917
- * This Is—What?, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #102, December 1930
- * “This Prodigal Son Business”, (ss) The London Magazine May 1922
- * Thorough, (ss) The Red Magazine May 17 1929
- * The Three Women, (ss) The London Magazine Christmas 1927
- * The Throwback, (nv) Pearson’s Magazine June 1923
- * Thumbs Down, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * Told in the “Dry Dock”:
* ___ 1: Law and Discipline, (ss) The Premier Magazine #12, April 1915
* ___ No. 1: Law and Discipline, (ss) The Premier Magazine #12, April 1915
* ___ 2: The Scent Ship, (ss) The Premier Magazine #13, May 1915
* ___ No. 2: The Scent Ship, (ss) The Premier Magazine #13, May 1915
* ___ 3: The Old Adam, (ss) The Premier Magazine #14, June 1915
* ___ No. 3: An Island “Queen”, (ss) The Premier Magazine #19, November 1915
* ___ 4: “Barratry”, (ss) The Premier Magazine #15, July 1915
* ___ No. 4: Down and Out, (ss) Pictorial Weekly #1514, June 9 1928
* ___ 5: The Leopard Woman, (ss) The Premier Magazine #16, August 1915
* ___ No. 5: The Leopard Woman, (ss) The Premier Magazine #16, August 1915
* ___ 6: Things That Matter, (ss) The Premier Magazine #17, September 1915
* ___ No. 6: Things That Matter, (ss) The Premier Magazine #17, September 1915
* ___ 7: Doing His Bit—Somehow, (ss) The Premier Magazine #18, October 1915
* ___ No. 7: A Man’s Job, (ss) Pictorial Weekly #1520, July 21 1928
- * Too Brave, (ss) This Week January 12 1941
- * Too Simple for Suspicion, (ss)
- * Toothache, (ss) The Sketch November 25 1914
- * To the Rescue, (ss) The Sketch September 14 1921
- * Towel Tactics [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1917
- * The Trail of Mist [Raphael Phare; Dr. Dyn], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine October 1926
- * A Trap for Lovers, (ss) The London Magazine August 1926
- * The Trees, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #181, October 19 1912
- * A Trial of Fate, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine March 1928
- * The Trimmer, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine August 29 1915
- * The Triumph of Tom Creed, (ss) Three Star Magazine 1st January 1929
- * Tropical Isle, (ss) This Week March 29 1936
- * “Trust Her Not” [Buenaventure Lafitau], (ss) Yes or No June 13 1908
- * The Tryst, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1920
- * 25, (ss) The Sketch April 28 1915
- * The Twitten, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1930
- * Two Hours, (ss) The Red Magazine November 6 1925
- * Two in a Tram, (ss) Yes or No May 25 1907
- * The Ultimate Aeroplane, (ss) Lloyd’s Magazine January 1918
- * The Umbrella, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #103, April 22 1911
- * Uncle Is Indicated, (ss) Pan October 1920
- * Unconsidered Trifles, (ss) The Red Magazine September 21 1928
- * Under Cover of the Fog, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 24 1937
- * Underhand, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #6, December 1922
- * Under Strain, (ss) The Story-teller October 1930
- * Under Suspicion, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1920
- * Undoubtedly It Was Savaran [Savaran], (nv) Illustrated August 10 1940
- * Undue Influence, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine December 1929
- * The Unexpected Heir, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #59, December 14 1923
- * The Unliterary Burglar [Buenaventure Lafitau], (ss) Yes or No April 18 1908
- * The Valley Farm, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #92, February 4 1911
- * The Valley of Homes, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #3, September 1922
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